
  1. How did the first shampoos appear?
  2. Functions of a good restorative shampoo
  3. Better Shampoos for Recovery
  4. How to choose
  5. Where to buy the right tool

Rating of the best restorative hair shampoos for 2022

Rating of the best restorative hair shampoos for 2022

Such "sun, air and water" necessary for human health destroy the structure, dry strands, make curls faded and brittle. The rating of the best restoring hair shampoos for 2022 will help women decide on the choice of product and restore their hairstyle, making it fabulously beautiful.


How did the first shampoos appear?

The laurels of the inventor of shampoos belong to the German chemist Hans Schwarzkopf. He created a multi-component product that perfectly cleans dirt, softens and allows combing without problems.

The first batch of a new, unusual product called Onalkali went on sale in 1919. Since then, including 2022, shampoo has become the top selling product.

Functions of a good restorative shampoo

A high-quality composition for washing the head must meet a number of requirements:

  • clean from dirt, dust, secretions of the sebaceous glands;
  • prevent falling out;
  • fill the follicles with trace elements;
  • align the structure;
  • relieve irritation from the skin;
  • make curls voluminous and shiny.

Do not use only one product all the time. Detergents must be changed periodically.

Better Shampoos for Recovery

The ranking of the best shampoos in 2022 includes products of different types and price categories. The main evaluation criteria were customer reviews and the number of sales.


The opinion of specialists in choosing shampoos - you need to take professional products that have a quality certificate, are suitable for all types of hair, do not contain harmful chemical elements. You can use them at home, following the instructions. The compositions are expensive, but they have a minimum alcohol content, economical consumption, soft texture. They take into account the age factor and have healing functions.

Lebel Cosmetics Viege revitalizing

2000 rub.
1st place, professional care.

Professional regenerating shampoo from the Japanese manufacturer Lebel Cosmetics gently and effectively cleanses the curls and along with them the scalp, accelerates the regeneration of severely damaged areas.

Additional functionality of the product - prevents peeling and irritation of the skin. Viege is used as a prophylactic: to protect against the harmful effects of natural factors and chemicals. Its feature is a hypoallergenic composition, thanks to the use of a new surfactant formula.

The active ingredient is collagen and salicylic acid. Additional: extracts of licorice, perilla, luffa. The product does not contain parabens. The dosage depends on the length of the strands and is 3-10 ml. At one time, all dirt, fat is washed off, dead cells, dandruff are removed.

shampoo Lebel Cosmetics Viege restoring
  • cleans well;
  • restores the structure;
  • takes care of the skin;
  • strengthens the roots;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • fast recovery;
  • the ability to use independently at home;
  • pleasant aroma.
  • price.

Valentine Kostina Repairing

305 rub.
2nd place, daily professional care.

Valentine Kostina produces a special series of Vakos Professional shampoos for restoring and protecting hair of various types. The restoring composition of this line contains argan oil. It prevents the negative effects of natural factors and eliminates the effects of stress. The product contains a complex of essential oils that nourish and moisturize the curls, strengthen the roots, and accelerate the regeneration of the follicle.

Carotene is the main active ingredient. Additives: wheat germ oils, coconut, macadamia, argan and sage extract.

With daily use, it is enough to pour 3-5 ml of a liquid product into the palm of your hand, apply to wet strands, knock off the foam and rinse with warm water.

Shampoo Valentine Kostina Revitalizing
  • Professional restoration;
  • comprehensive care;
  • natural ingredients;
  • protects from the negative effects of the sun and wind;
  • moisturizes;
  • strengthens the roots;
  • nice smell.
  • allergic effects are manifested, who have contraindications to the use of certain components.

Lakme Teknia Deep care regenerating

890 rub.
3rd place, strengthens internal ties.

Professional Deep care deeply nourishes and gently cleanses damaged strands, strengthens internal bonds. Curls become soft by restoring the level of natural moisture. If the curls are damaged by chemical means and their conditions are disturbed as a result of stress, their structure is restored.

Deep care product does not contain parabens and chemical dyes. The composition includes natural products: Abyssinian oil, a complex of plant amino acids, ceramides.

Shampoo Lakme Teknia Deep care restoring
  • strengthening the internal structure;
  • food;
  • moisturizing;
  • strands become lush;
  • does not require the use of balms;
  • concentrated;
  • pleasant aroma.
  • ends quickly.

Budget compositions

Inexpensive shampoos also fall into the rating of quality products. According to buyers, among them there are high-quality, effective products, especially new ones. According to buyers, budget formulations made from natural ingredients restore well and have a prolonged effect. Unlike expensive remedies, they act gradually and require more time and the use of balms for full recovery.

Masil 3 Salon Hair CMC repair with amino acids

110 rub.
1 place, with grape seed oil.

3 Salon Hair is produced by Masil for dry damaged curls. Despite the budget cost, the shampoo has a complex unique composition. Several active ingredients: glycerin, proteins, urea, keratin, B vitamins. Additional substances include macadamia and grape seed oil. All components provide nutrition, restoration, strengthening, compaction, smoothing, growth activation, softness and shine.

The detergent composition is applied to wet strands, foaming. The scalp is massaged for a few seconds, then everything is washed off. The best manufacturers recommend additionally using the MASIL 8 Second mask for more complete recovery and protection.

shampoo Masil 3 Salon Hair CMC restoring with amino acids
  • average price;
  • ecological composition;
  • recovery and nutrition;
  • nice smell;
  • simple use;
  • multifunctional.
  • you must additionally use the MASIL 8 Second mask.

Shampoo Garniar "Restoration" 250 ml

100 rub
2nd place, with life-giving elixirs.

The product for washing the head "Restoration" is produced jointly by Russian and Polish manufacturers. A joint product is manufactured on the territory of the Russian Federation. The composition has optimal proportions and has a positive effect on the strands, protects against external destructive influences. It deeply moisturizes them, makes them radiant. At the same time, the structure is strengthened, split ends disappear.

The "Restoration" remedy is a life-giving elixir for curls and scalp. From dull, weakened and depleted strands, he makes elastic, lush and radiant curls.Positive transformations are provided by active substances: keratin and panthenol.

Shampoo Garniar "Restoration" 250 ml
  • low cost;
  • fast recovery;
  • pleasant aroma.
  • recovery takes a long time;
  • balms must be used.

Profound Re Recovery Shampoo

161 rub.
3rd place, filling with vitality.

Italian Profound Re fills the curls with vitality, strengthens and nourishes them. As a result, each strand acquires the effect of volume, receives additional energy, becomes lush and obedient.

Profound Re does not contain parabens and sodium laureth sulfates. It gently and gently cleanses from dirt, fat from the sebaceous glands, chemical residues, and restores the damaged structure. Additionally, the composition includes fruit acids and argan oil, which serve as an additional material for the construction and reconstruction of damaged tissues. They nourish, protect and restore curls, give them tone and strength, give them vitality.

Profound Re is recommended to be used once a week. It prepares the strands for more intensive restoration with balms.

Shampoo Shampoo for restoration «Profound Re»
  • does not contain parabens and sulfates;
  • makes curls lush and obedient;
  • restores the structure;
  • nourishes.
  • balm must be used.

For painted

Coloring and lamination destroys the structure of the hair and dries them, even if the paint contains a balm and medicinal components in its composition. Essential oils, sulfates, and other substances that create a deep saturated color, disrupt the structure of the hair, make its surface loose. More than others, the brightening compositions dry out the strands.After them, the curls need constant additional care with every shampoo.

Elastine Intensive Damage Care

571 rub.
1st place, customer's choice.

Korean cosmetics manufactured under the Elastine brand is famous for its unique compositions, effective moisturizing and restoration. Shampoo for colored hair with the function of preserving and fixing color and protects against external factors. According to users, they are the best, most effective and at a price affordable for women.

The bottle has a dispenser that accurately measures the required amount of the product. A large volume of 400 ml will provide a woman with a good shampoo based on collagen, glycerin and natural herbal ingredients for a long time.

Shampoo is applied to wet strands, distributed evenly and whipped into foam. Then the skin is massaged with the fingertips for several minutes. Upon completion, everything is well washed with running warm water.

Elastine Intensive Damage Care shampoo
  • active hydration;
  • high efficiency;
  • follicle nutrition;
  • structure restoration;
  • natural ingredients;
  • light pleasant aroma;
  • fast recovery.
  • quickly dismantled, difficult to buy.

BioKap Ristrutturante regenerating

1133 rub.
2nd place, with argan oil.

Shampoo BioKap Ristrutturante for dyed and lightened curls with the additional functionality of recovery after a perm. The special formula includes vegetable, surfactants and delicately, gently cleanses the scalp and the hair itself.

In the process of using the detergent, the hydro-lipid balance and structure are restored.The strands become strong, bright, saturated with color and able to resist the aggressive influence of the external environment.

After a while, the curls are filled with energy and strength, become healthy, silky and soft.

Shampoo BioKap Ristrutturante regenerating
  • natural substances;
  • does not contain silicones, parabens, sulfates;
  • multifunctional;
  • restores after a perm;
  • retains color, makes it brighter;
  • acts gently.
  • no dispenser;
  • price.

Dikson S84 Riparatore Revitalizing

678 rub.

3rd place, with keratin.

The Italian company Dikson produces a washing gel for the restoration of colored curls with the main active ingredient - hydrolyzed keratin. It not only cleanses dyed and damaged strands, but also gives shine to hair, softness. Curls become lush, obedient, easy to comb, healthy.

Effective action and 1000 ml bottle volume at the level of a professional product. S84 Riparatore is a universal product, applicable for all hair types, has a positive effect on the skin, restores Ph balance.

Shampoo Dikson S84 Riparatore Revitalizing
  • the main active substance is keratin;
  • nutrition and recovery;
  • facilitates combing;
  • gives shine;
  • effectiveness of a professional product;
  • universal;
  • multifunctional.
  • no dispenser.

For fine hair

Thin strands and sensitive skin dry out more than other types, burn out in the sun, break and fall out. If it is difficult to determine your type, it is better to take a product for fine hair. Its toxicity is minimal, the composition is optimal, the action is mild.

Aussie SOS deep recovery

258 rub.
1st place, with Australian dried fruits.

Aussie SOS was developed by an Australian company to repair thin, brittle and damaged strands. The main active ingredient glycerin softens the skin and evens out the structure. The composition of the detergent includes extracts from dried fruits. The fruits were preliminarily dried, then they underwent complex processing, preserving the beneficial properties of plants. They nourish curls, give them shine, make them soft and elastic.

Shampoo is applied to the head moistened with warm water. Then the skin is massaged with light movements for 1-2 minutes. After that, everything is washed off. Dry with a towel to dry. Then comb with light movements without damaging the strands. When using a hair dryer, the temperature should be less than 80 degrees.

shampoo Aussie SOS deep recovery
  • comprehensive restoration;
  • does not require long massage and other procedures;
  • foams well;
  • natural ingredients;
  • does not dry the skin;
  • perfectly cleanses;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • budget cost.
  • I need a balm.

Pantene Intensive Recovery

158 rub.
2 place, for daily use.

Pantene Pro-V can be used daily. It gently cleanses the strands, saturates them with the nutrients of the active Pro-V complex. The tool gives damaged curls smoothness and shine, eliminates brittleness, makes them obedient during styling, beautiful and strong.

The composition for thin damaged and brittle strands includes active ingredients: vitamin B, panthenol, keratins. Additionally, a lot of minerals and vitamins, extracts of fruit extracts from flowers and leaves were introduced into the composition.

Pantene Pro-V is applied to wet hair, foaming with massage movements. After a minute, everything is thoroughly washed off with running warm water.

shampoo Pantene Intensive recovery
  • pleasant aroma;
  • roots are strengthened;
  • fast recovery effect;
  • Convenient dispenser bottle.
  • small vial.

ESTEL Babayaga Regenerating, berry

470 rub.
3rd place, berry set.

By the name of Babayaga, the shampoo manufacturer is easily identified. The name contains a meaning, as Baba Yaga turns into a beauty if desired, so thin brittle curls will become fabulously beautiful. They will be restored by a set of forest plants led by immortelle and horsetail, as well as swamp cranberries and junipers. Extracts and extracts relieve strands of dryness and brittleness, strengthen them.

Hair loss stops, active growth begins, after the scalp and follicles receive nourishment from berries.

Babayaga by ESTEL presents a line of products for the restoration of thin, damaged and split strands. Manufacturers' recommendations - to quickly achieve an effective result, use an additional balm, mask and thermal protection spray from this series.

Shampoo ESTEL Babayaga Revitalizing, berry
  • universal action;
  • restores well;
  • natural natural ingredients;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • soft action.
  • maximum regenerating and soothing effect while using the entire line.

How to choose

You can choose the means for washing your hair by the smell, the shape of the bottle, the picture on it. But such selection criteria will not lead to the desired result.Shampoo should be judged on other characteristics.

hair type

The selection of detergents should begin with determining the type of hair, the degree of damage and what caused the destruction of the structure. This determines the type of shampoo, the degree of its action.

Supportive means are normal enough. Fatty, need substances that prevent the formation of dandruff and wash off the secretions of the sebaceous glands. Dry strands require nutrition and hydration. They require formulations with lots of vitamins, fruit and herb extracts. The combined type requires degreasing the roots, removing dandruff from the skin and moisturizing the hair, especially the tips.

Shampoo composition

Manufacturers place a detailed description of the composition and its action on the back of the bottle. Avoid products with more than 5% surfactants containing sulfides, alcohol, and other aggressive substances.

Preference is given to compositions based on collagens, glycerin. Additional substances are natural, in the form of extracts and extracts of their fruits and leaves.


Evaluate an unfamiliar product will help user reviews, its rating on the Internet, a detailed review. A good shampoo cannot instantly restore the structure, restore shine and volume to curls. All that are good means, act gradually, gently. A variety of instant formulations should be excluded from the list of their products.


How much the product costs is not the deciding factor. A budget-priced shampoo formulation may work better than the most expensive formulation.

When choosing a shampoo, which one is better to buy, it is advisable to see what their types are, their purpose, and listen to the advice of professionals.

Where to buy the right tool

The questions “Where to buy” and “which company is better” always arise when it is necessary to purchase a new product.
Revitalizing shampoo should be taken in a specialized and company store. As practice has shown, on the market and in dubious outlets, any product is cheaper, but does not have certification or is a fake.

The online store has a larger selection. In it you can find any product and order online.

Revitalizing shampoo is selected individually. Each woman determines for which composition suits her better than others.

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