Pike perch belongs to the family of predatory perch fish and lives in rivers, although it is also found in lakes. The predator itself can reach a weight of more than 15 kilograms, and its diet consists of small inhabitants of the reservoir. The fish is capable of descending to a depth of up to 2.5 meters, but prefers water with an increased oxygen content. That is why catching pike perch on a wobbler is very effective.
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First of all, a wobbler for such fishing should be selected taking into account the structure of the skeleton of the fish, because it has a narrowed throat, respectively, may not pay attention to the big bait. It is necessary to throw and immerse a naughty wobbler according to the following rules:
Among the popular modern models are the following:
IMPORTANT! For pike perch as a predator, it is preferable to use deep-sea models, because such a wobbler will better attract his attention with his "game"!
Perch artificial baits can differ not only in the shape of the structure. There are differences in the type of immersion. So, different wobblers can be used with different currents and in different time periods. Among these, it is possible to highlight:
The key to the success of such fishing is the right choice of location. If fishing is supposed to be on the shallows, then it would be necessary to stock up on a wading suit. When feeding, pike perch moves from coast to coast, which is usually observed in small rivers. It will be easier to spot fish if you can use a boat. Do not forget that there are reservoirs where the use of water transport for fishing is strictly prohibited! Usually, such rules do NOT apply to those waters where fishing from the shore is simply impossible. If a boat is used, then you need to catch from shallow water a little higher than the roll. This way it is possible to carry out an effective cast to the coastal side. Fishing at night can also be successful. Then the predator will peck better closer to the beginning of twilight, and by midnight the biting may stop altogether. Restoration of biting will occur at dawn. Features of the fishing technique are as follows:
It has been established that zander prefers water bodies with frequent changes in depth and clear water. From this it is clear that a good fisherman must carefully study the place of fishing, as well as the characteristics of the behavior of the fish. Traditionally, pike perch can be found in the following places:
IMPORTANT! In principle, in any of the listed reservoirs it is possible to detect a “goal fight” - the process of pack hunting of pike perches, when they drive their prey (usually bleak) to the mirror (surface) of the water. In this case, with a successful casting of the wobbler, the bite is almost 100% guaranteed.
Sudden bite and its frequency directly depend on the season. The activity of the fish also depends on its internal cycle. Both of these parameters are closely interconnected, so the best periods for productive fishing can be called:
It is always necessary to remember that wobbler animation plays an important role. It is from the movements of the bait that the catchability will depend. The most popular wiring methods include the following:
Here, the best baits are considered to be models of the minnow group with a size of 5 to 7 centimeters. At night, predatory fish perfectly distinguish between light and bright colors, so the “minnow” should be deepened to a depth of one and a half meters and lead a frequent and stable “game”. Fishing itself, preferably, is carried out from a boat (just above the roll) or in shallow water. It is necessary to carry out the wobbler as slowly as possible. At the same time, the bite itself will feel like a hook, and you won’t have to wait for a hard blow.
Similar models of wobblers began to be produced not so long ago. Structurally, they are very similar to balancers, but they also have significant differences, which lie in the vibration of the lure during the “game”. It is worth noting that winter wobblers are light in weight, which means that fishing at great depths and with strong currents is impossible. The dimensions of winter models are from 5 to 9 centimeters.
In such fishing, sinkers attached to the bait in front are used. For these purposes, models without blades are selected or the blades are simply dismantled from the product. Through a small winding ring, a sinker is inserted into the front eyelet, which makes it possible to use the bait at great depths.The “game” is carried out according to the following scheme: broaches must be carried out with a high frequency of 10 centimeters to the top, after which the bait must be sharply lowered by the same 10 centimeters to the bottom, and then pause. Then a repeat follows.
For this type of fishing, a wobbler is used at a depth of one and a half meters. The used wobbler should be narrow and thin, imitate bleak or minnow. Roach or perch imitation primacies can also be used. When “playing”, oscillations with medium or low amplitudes should be observed. The main thing is to detect the depth of movement of the object of hunting, while choosing a dive with a slightly greater depth.
Due to the presence of a reflective layer behind the retina, pike perch has excellent vision, so it is important to use a believable bait. The predator responds best to an active bait that is both familiar in shape and size. When buying a wobbler, you need to pay attention to the following points:
This minnow-type lure has a long and sloping body, capable of showing an attractive and stable “game” for zander. It can descend to a depth of one and a half meters and demonstrates excellent performance in twitching wiring. Perfectly confirms its high qualities both in calm waters and in waters with a strong current. The design is equipped with balance balls that create a wide range of sounds that attract predators. The case is made of strong plastic and is able to survive more than one attack by fish. The length is 7 centimeters with a weight of 6.3 grams.The recommended price for retail chains is 556 rubles.
This wobbler is designed for mobile predatory fish. Perfect for fishermen who prefer an aggressive type of wiring, because the product is able to attract even deep-seated zander to the game. The bait shows excellent results both on the lake and on the fast river. Inside the case there is an innovative balancing system "Mag Force Balance 2", which is responsible for the correct position during the wiring (even in the first seconds after casting). Almost all methods are suitable for working with the bait: stepped, uneven and uniform, twitching. The length is 7.8 centimeters with a weight of 10.8 grams. The recommended cost for retail chains is 582 rubles.
This versatile lure is designed for long distance casting. It is especially effective in deep-sea fishing, but it also shows good results on the surface with a “luck fight”. Inside the case there is a noise chamber that creates a characteristic crackle that attracts a predator from a long distance. The blade has a narrowed structure and therefore the wobbler freely bypasses obstacles, moving along the reservoir. The bait is designed to play with a wide amplitude, for which a specially increased deflection in the tail section is used.The kit includes two tees of the "Navy Black Nickel" type. Animation is advised to be carried out evenly. Weight is 9 grams with a length of 7 centimeters. The recommended cost for retail chains is 899 rubles.
This bait has gained wide popularity due to its "stuffing", made on the basis of advanced Japanese technology. It uses the "Magnetic weight shift" system, which increases the quality of balancing and provides an increased casting distance, and also helps to maintain the stability of the wobbler in adverse conditions. Inside the case there is a special noise chamber that emits a whole galaxy of sounds that attract fish even from great distances. The case with its forms classically imitates a small fish, has a holographic textured color. Due to the elongated blade, diving is possible to a depth of up to 3.5 meters, it will also soften the blow in case of a collision with any bottom obstacle. The product is perfect for trolling, and for uniform wiring. Weight is 6.5 grams with a length of 6 centimeters. The recommended cost for retail chains is 910 rubles.
This artificial bait has flat sides and a curved body.The shape of the body allows it to be used for traditional uniform hauling, twitching, hauling with short stops and broaching. When playing bait in the water, it produces such vibrations that attract fish from afar. The paddle on the thin edge allows the bait to dive to a depth of two meters, while simultaneously allowing you to fish over various bottom irregularities. Responsible for the creation of noise "Triangular balancing system" (patented technology). The wobbler gives a sensitive response to any changes in the hook - smooth extended or hard and short jerks. The length is 7.5 centimeters with a weight of 7 grams. The recommended cost for retail chains is 915 rubles.
This traditional shad model is capable of diving to depths of up to two meters. Perfectly will be suitable for catching on coastal edges. The product quite accurately repeats the appearance of a small fish, which is the subject of hunting for predatory zander. Allows for an active game even at low speeds, it can reach the surface in a few seconds. With this lure, you can even fish in remote areas of the reservoir, which is possible due to good aerodynamic properties for long-distance casts. The blade is made in an ultra-thin form and allows you to make a very fast penetration. Tees and fasteners are distinguished by special strength. The length is 6 centimeters with a mass of 6.8 grams. The recommended cost for retail chains is 920 rubles.
This product of the "minnow" type is distinguished by a universal size, respectively, it can be attacked by both large fish and a small predator. The design is equipped with a system of weights that have a low landing, therefore, even a slight twitch of the fishing line responds with sustained and long swaying. It shows particular effectiveness at the border of dense algae and open water at a depth of one to one and a half meters. The case is made of durable and reliable plastic, able to withstand many predator attacks. The coating used in painting the hull perfectly withstands a long stay in water and is resistant to mechanical damage. Comes with a size 6 tee. The length is 7.8 centimeters with a weight of 9.2 grams. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1490 rubles.
A similar deep-sea model was developed for bass fishing (largemouth perch), but in Russian conditions it is ideal for both pike and zander. The design is magnetically balanced to help with side winds on long casts. To improve uniform wiring, a suspender is used that performs oscillations with a small amplitude. When accelerating, blockages occur from side to side, hovering vertically.Ideally shows its effectiveness at higher speeds, while maintaining a quality oscillating game. Weight is 10.7 grams with a length of 9 centimeters. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1495 rubles.
According to the reviews of anglers-athletes, this model is the best for catching zander. The body has an attractive reflective color and is made using the “Multilateral Light” technology, due to which, fish are lured from three sides at once. Through the "Mag-Drive" system, casting occurs as far as possible. The wiring of the product can be almost any - uniform, twitching, stepped, etc. The wobbler perfectly imitates a feeding small fish, raising small muddy clouds around itself. An abundance of flowers and large sparkling eyes make this artificial bait more attractive to zander. The length is 5.6 centimeters with a weight of 3.4 grams. The recommended cost for retail chains is 1500 rubles.
A study of the market of the products in question has established that it is relatively well saturated with relevant products. Due to the ease of their manufacture, the risk of running into a fake is very low. However, it is worth noting that most of the high-quality samples are of foreign origin and have a rather high price.