
  1. The difference between plant and animal food
  2. Avitaminosis, as a consequence of vegetarianism
  3. Rating of the best vitamins and dietary supplements for vegetarians for 2022

Rating of the best vitamins and dietary supplements for vegetarians for 2022

Rating of the best vitamins and dietary supplements for vegetarians for 2022

A considerable number of modern people for various reasons prefer vegetarianism. Such reasons may be religious beliefs, attitudes towards animals, adherence to a healthy lifestyle, dissatisfaction with their own weight and health status. Do not count all the points. But not everyone, unfortunately, is aware that being on a vegetarian diet, the body does not receive the full amount of necessary vitamins and minerals for the smooth, full-fledged work of all systems. In order to provide a vegetarian with a balanced diet and productive work of the body as a whole, scientists have developed numerous complexes and separate categories of vitamins and dietary supplements to make up for their lack.

The difference between plant and animal food

As nutritionists note, the differences between plant and animal foods are quite significant. But, unfortunately, they are not completely interchangeable. If most of the vitamins and minerals found in animal products can be replenished with plant foods, then the lack of some of them cannot be filled in this way.

For example, vitamin B12, contained in optimal amounts in eggs and milk, cannot be obtained from plant foods, so it becomes necessary to resort to the help of complex vitamins and dietary supplements.

Avitaminosis, as a consequence of vegetarianism

It is not uncommon for people who are fully nourished to hear the opinion that one of the most common problems in vegetarians is beriberi. Convictions are divided on this issue. One part of the population believes that eating only plant products will inevitably lead to this disease sooner or later. But, disputing this statement, nutritionists argue that a properly composed diet, supplemented with the necessary complexes of vitamins, minerals and plant-based dietary supplements, completely eliminates the occurrence of such a problem.

Particularly acute is the question of including food supplements and vitamins in daily use during a protracted illness, pregnancy, breastfeeding, stressful situations, etc.It is during such periods that a large amount of energy of the human body is consumed, and everyday plant-based nutrition is not able to fully provide the necessary balance.

Even if there is no urgent need for the use of vitamin complexes and nutritional supplements, for preventive purposes, medical workers still strongly recommend using them during the off-season. They will not bring any harm, but they will provide additional support to the body.

Products replenished with vitamins and dietary supplements

Many people who are adherents of a vegetarian diet mistakenly consider conventional pharmacy vitamin complexes to be the best option for filling the lack of substances in their daily diet. These preparations in most cases are not suitable for such purposes, since components of animal origin are involved in their production. Even about the same complex from different manufacturers, it is impossible to speak with full confidence about the same ingredients used in production.

Therefore, if there is any doubt about the composition of the pharmacy vitamin complex, doctors recommend contacting trading platforms that specialize in herbal preparations only.

Based on the above, it is possible to determine which vitamin deficiency occurs with a vegetarian diet:

retinol (vitamin A)

  • beef liver,
  • butter,
  • sour cream,
  • egg yolk,
  • fish fat,
  • cottage cheese,
  • milk,
  • caviar,
  • cheese;

calciferol (vitamin D)

  • fatty fish,
  • caviar,
  • fish fat,
  • egg yolk,
  • butter,
  • cheese;

cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12)

  • liver of poultry and domestic animals,
  • mutton,
  • egg yolk,
  • cheese,
  • fish,
  • seafood,
  • sour cream,
  • yogurt.

The most difficult to replace of these vitamins is B12. It is very difficult to fill it with plant components.

Consequences of vitamin deficiency

At first glance, a lack of only three vitamins cannot cause significant harm to the human body with a vegetarian diet. But this is fundamentally not the case. The lack of these substances for a long time can lead to serious and irreversible health processes.

So, a lack of vitamin A leads to:

  • increased risk of rhinitis, bronchitis, dermatitis, pharyngitis and other inflammatory processes;
  • drying of the cornea of ​​​​the eye and its purulent softening;
  • slowing down the development of bone tissue;
  • intense peeling of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • visual impairment during twilight and orientation in the dark.

Lack of vitamin D is fraught with:

  • pain in the joints;
  • frequent depression;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • heart and vascular problems;
  • migraine;
  • muscle cramps;
  • slowing down the development of the child's body;
  • deformation of the bone skeleton, teeth, the occurrence of caries;
  • hypothyroidism of the scalp;
  • hypertension;
  • sleep disturbance.

B12 deficiency entails:

  • vision problems;
  • anemia
  • lack of appetite;
  • lethargic, weak, sleepy state;
  • violation of the timing of menopause in women;
  • decrease in the amount of iron;
  • low platelet count;
  • increased risk of malignant tumors;
  • mental disorders;
  • disruption of the nervous system.

Therefore, one of the most important factors in a healthy plant-based diet is to provide the body with the necessary daily amount of these substances.

Vegetable substitutes A, D, B12

To replace animal products, nutritionists advise eating an increased dose of foods containing these substances.

To raise the level of retinol in the body should be included in the diet:


  • peas,
  • soy.


  • kelp.


  • spinach,
  • broccoli,
  • parsley,
  • green onion,
  • Bell pepper,
  • carrot,
  • pumpkin.


  • watermelon,
  • peaches,
  • melon,
  • grape,
  • apricots,
  • apples.


  • sea ​​​​buckthorn,
  • rose hip,
  • sweet cherry.


  • lemongrass,
  • sage,
  • clover,
  • raspberry leaves,
  • bearberry,
  • sorrel,
  • violet leaves,
  • plantain,
  • Cayenne pepper,
  • fennel,
  • horsetail,
  • oats,
  • burdock root,
  • hop,
  • borage,
  • peppermint.

To consume the daily norm of cyanocobalamin, it is necessary to increase the amount of:

  • algae;
  • mushrooms grown in natural conditions;
  • yeast.

The most difficult replenishment of the lack of calciferol is possible with the use of all types of dairy products and eggs.

In order for the human body to receive the optimal amount of all the necessary elements, the daily menu should be carefully worked out to the smallest detail. After all, it is they who, accumulating over time, can play a cruel joke on health.

Rating of the best vitamins and dietary supplements for vegetarians for 2022

In consumer markets and in numerous pharmacies, a large number of vitamin complexes and nutritional supplements are presented for various categories of people. But still, when buying expensive drugs for vegetarians, it is better to give preference to well-known brands and companies that specialize directly in the manufacture of plant-based capsules or tablets. The following is a list of the most popular names of plant origin.

dietary supplements

California Gold Nutrition Gold C™

This dietary supplement comes in a sealed bottle with 60 Vegetarian Capsules containing only herbal ingredients. Ingredients: pure ascorbic acid. The drug from California manufacturers is of high quality, which is periodically confirmed by special checks for product compliance with strict standards.

The contents of the capsules are completely free of components of animal origin or products associated with the participation of animals. They do not contain eggs and dairy products, fish and seafood, nuts, gluten, soy, wheat.

Manufacturers warn that the taste, organoleptic and visual properties of the product may vary. These changes are considered normal and acceptable.

It is recommended to use the drug daily in the amount of 1 capsule, regardless of the meal. The dosage can be adjusted upwards, but only after prior consultation with the doctor.

It is necessary to store the additive in a place protected from direct sunlight at room temperature 20-25 ° C and moderate humidity. Under improper storage conditions, the effect of the components is reduced. Do not allow children to the drug.

California Gold Nutrition Gold C™
  • high quality;
  • the complete absence of ingredients of animal origin;
  • compliance with international standards;
  • 100% natural product.
  • not detected.

LactoBif California Gold Nutrition

This dietary supplement acts as a probiotic. There are 10 vegetarian capsules in an individual blister. Each container contains 8 active biological strains thoroughly studied clinically: 3 varieties of bifidobacteria and 5 types of lactobacilli.

Thanks to these constituent components, the drug exhibits high resistance to the effects of low acidity. It is firmly fixed at the cellular level of the intestine and activates its work.

Supplement storage does not require a low temperature, so it is not necessary to place it in the refrigerator. Reliable packaging made of double foil perfectly protects the capsules from the effects of negative environmental factors.

LactoBif California Gold Nutritio
  • completely natural product;
  • excellent probiotic effect;
  • high quality production;
  • compliance with quality standards.
  • not identified.

Biotin Natrol

This drug is indispensable for vegetarians to strengthen hair, nails, maintain good skin condition. Biotin (B7) actively converts the food consumed into energy, contributes to a complete and balanced energy metabolism. The product is a bottle containing 60 tablets. It is recommended to take the supplement daily in the amount of 1 tablet during meals. The composition does not contain any ingredients of animal origin or their vital activity, there are no preservatives, dyes and flavors.

In the presence of various kinds of diseases or suspicious symptoms, it is necessary to consult a medical professional before using dietary supplements.

Storage of products provides for room temperature, moderate humidity and a ventilated place.

Biotin Natrol
  • high efficiency of the product;
  • perfectly balanced composition;
  • lack of ingredients of animal life;
  • a large number of tablets in one bottle.
  • not found.

organic spirulina

100% Organic by California Gold Nutrition, using only the highest quality raw materials from Parry Nutraceuticals to make the supplement. Packaged in 240 tablets in each bottle, the drug contains substances that are urgently needed by the human body. These include natural antioxidants such as:

  • beta carotene,
  • carotenoids,
  • zeaxanthin.

Spirulina is rich in phytonutrients:

  • chlorophyll,
  • phycocyanin.

This type of algae is considered the most nutritious and highly concentrated source of beneficial ingredients for people, whether they are vegetarians or not. In terms of quality, this nutritional supplement is many times higher than the applicable standards.

Before use, a specialist consultation is required, especially if any other medicines are taken concomitantly.

It is recommended to take 1 tablet three times a day. The timing of the meal doesn't matter.

Storage conditions are similar to previous additives.

California Gold Nutrition Organic Spirulina
  • environmentally friendly and completely natural product;
  • does not contain components of animal origin;
  • excellent effect on the body;
  • high quality raw materials.
  • not detected.


Solgar B 12

One of the most necessary substances for the full functioning of all internal organs of a person. It is produced by a company founded in 1947. Sublingual capsules in the amount of 60 pieces are packaged in individual vials. This product is of particular value for vegetarians who do not receive the full daily allowance of B12.This drug has gained great popularity among Muslims who adhere to strict rules of fasting. Therefore, this product is also called halal. Thanks to the unique composition of Solgar provides:

  • the work of the nervous system without failures and disorders;
  • tone energy metabolism in the body;
  • health of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

The product contains only herbal ingredients. Components of animal origin are completely excluded.

It is recommended to take 1 capsule daily with meals. The dosage can be increased only after consulting a doctor. The container with the powder must be placed under the tongue or between the cheek and gum for gradual dissolution. It can also be chewed.

Solgar B 12
  • completely herbal composition;
  • powerful supportive effect;
  • high quality product.
  • not found.


This multivitamin complex is certified by the Vegan Society, which means that the product is ecologically clean. The product is presented in the form of small tablets, packaged in 90 pieces in individual vials. The dragees are so small that they are easily swallowed and do not require additional drinking. The Vegan® label completely excludes the content of any ingredients of animal origin or with the participation of their vital activity.

Deva makes up for most of the essential nutrients in a vegetarian diet.

Adults need to use tablets 1 time per day, 1 piece during a meal. Dosage adjustment is possible only after consultation with a healthcare professional.

Due to the presence of iron in the composition of the product, an overdose of the drug is fraught with poisoning.Therefore, the complex should be stored out of the reach of children. If, nevertheless, there was a bust with the dosage, then you must immediately contact the toxicological department or call a doctor.

Deva Vegan
  • vitamin complex saturated with useful ingredients;
  • powerful supportive action;
  • exclusively herbal ingredients;
  • ease of use.
  • overdose is fraught with negative consequences.

Michael's Naturopathic

The synergistic complex, manufactured in the family business of Michael Schwartz, contains the necessary daily amount of vitamins D3 and K2. The product is packaged in 90 vegetarian chewable tablets in individual vials.

The composition includes components that exclude animal origin:

  • vegetable magnesium stearate,
  • dicalcium phosphate,
  • sorbitol,
  • microcrystalline cellulose,
  • silica,
  • flavors natural "apricot", "peach".

The daily dosage for adults is 1 tablet. To change the number of doses, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.

It is necessary to store the drug in a dry, cool place out of the reach of children. If the protective shell is broken, the product cannot be used.

Michael's Naturopathic D3 and K2
  • high quality;
  • exclusively herbal ingredients;
  • compliance with standard requirements.
  • not identified.

country life

Certified Gluten Free multivitamin and mineral complex is kosher. It contains the necessary daily allowance of B12 in the absence of it in the diet of a vegetarian diet. In addition, it includes:

  • iron,
  • amino acids,
  • coenzyme species of group B.

This complex perfectly supports energy metabolism in the body.

An individual bottle contains 120 capsules, which are used 1 time per day. The ingredients that make up Country Life are exclusively of plant origin. It does not contain synthetic flavors, dyes, sweeteners. The product belongs to the category of kosher products.

Storage conditions are similar to previous products.

Country Life Certified Gluten Free
  • balanced composition;
  • wonderful supportive effect;
  • high quality components;
  • ingredients of exclusively vegetable origin.
  • not detected.

Vegetarianism is not a forced influence on a person, but his own, voluntary choice. Doing it, he must be aware that the entire responsibility for the state of health lies only with him. And you should never play with him. Therefore, only a properly composed diet from plant products in combination with vitamin and nutritional supplements proposed in this article, as well as following the recommendations of experts, can make a vegetarian's life full and active.

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