
  1. Types of B Vitamins
  2. B Vitamin Supplement Rating for Adults and Children
  3. Conclusion

Rating of the best B vitamins for 2022

Rating of the best B vitamins for 2022

Spring is the period when the reserves of vitamins in the human body become minimal. This can lead to various health problems - poor health, fatigue, depression, metabolic disorders, bone fragility, etc.

In order to make up for the lack of elements, it is not always enough to pay attention to nutrition, because in the period until seasonal fruits and vegetables appeared, in those sold in stores, there were practically no useful microelements left.

To meet the body's daily need for such substances, many biologically active food supplements (BAA) are sold in pharmacies and online stores, a large proportion of which is occupied by B vitamins. They are responsible for the proper functioning of the central nervous system, reduce anxiety and depressive states , help strengthen the immune system and the body's resistance to colds, improve the appearance of the skin and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In this article, we will find out what B vitamins are, make a rating of quality drugs with their content, and also find out what to look for when buying in order not to make mistakes when choosing.

Types of B Vitamins

The group consists of eight main components.

The first of them - B1 (the second name is thiamine) - was discovered before anyone else. He is responsible for the proper functioning of the central nervous system, thanks to him thought processes are accelerated, the heart and digestive tract work without failures. Also, the component affects the quality of the transfer of genetic material when recreating new cells, improves cellular metabolism. Most often, the element is found in products such as cereals, vegetables (white cabbage, potatoes, carrots), fruits (fresh and dried apricots), legumes (beans). It is also present in dairy products, but in smaller quantities.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), like the first representative, is involved in the processes occurring in the central nervous system, is a necessary basis for the formation of red blood cells, facilitates the process of transporting hemoglobin, and improves vision. The substance can come with food (meat, dairy and fish products, eggs, vegetables - tomatoes, cabbage, greens, cereals - oats, buckwheat), as well as be synthesized by the body on its own. It should be borne in mind that the element does not tolerate exposure to ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures, and is almost completely destroyed.

B3 (may also be called niacin, PP, nicotinic acid) is one of the most stable elements (tolerates extreme high and low temperatures, exposure to chemicals and ultraviolet rays). The presence of a microelement in the body is of great importance - it is involved in the absorption of various hormones, including sex hormones, and is auxiliary in the absorption of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Like previous representatives, he takes part in the work of the central nervous system, normalizes the condition of the skin. Most often, the component is found in meat and fish products (especially in the kidneys and liver), eggs. A small amount of it is found in plant products, mainly in cabbage, bell peppers, legumes, and mushrooms.

B5 - almost every student is familiar with its second name (panthenol). The element is actively involved in the healing of skin lesions, promotes cellular regeneration. It plays an important role in cellular metabolism, participates in the work of the central nervous system. Often drugs containing this component are prescribed for depression, anxiety disorder, panic attacks.Partially, the trace element is synthesized in the body, however, in order to obtain the required amount, it is required to additionally obtain it from food or vitamin-mineral complexes. Most of all it is found in meat, eggs, beets and cabbage, legumes and grains. Since the vitamin is destroyed at high temperatures, it is recommended to consume the above foods unprocessed.

B6 (pyridoxine) is another important element for the functioning of the metabolic system, as well as the central nervous system. Directly involved in the work of the brain and cardiovascular system. Women use dietary supplements containing this component to strengthen the nail plates. In order to make up for the lack of this trace element, you need to eat fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots, tomatoes), berries (cherries, strawberries), fruits (orange, lemon, lime), cereals, nuts (walnuts and hazelnuts). It is also found in all types of meat (pork, beef, chicken).

B7 (biotin) is the most important micronutrient for cell metabolism. It should definitely be consumed in large quantities by diabetics, as it regulates blood sugar levels. It is found in a large number of foods: fish (sea), beef offal, legumes, cereals (rice), fruits (apples, oranges).

B9 (folic acid) is one of the most important trace elements for a successful pregnancy, especially in the early stages. Expectant mothers are prescribed it at the stage of pregnancy planning, and it is recommended to use it until the very birth. Vitamin is involved in intercellular metabolism, as well as in the synthesis of white and red blood cells. In order to get folic acid, you need to eat green plants, tomatoes, potatoes, eggs, legumes.

B12 (cyanocobalamin) - takes part in hematopoietic processes, protects the sheaths of nerve fibers, normalizes the level of "bad" cholesterol. Thanks to this substance, the absorption of nucleic acids improves. A feature of the trace element is that it can only be obtained from animal products (meat, eggs, fish). Plant products contain an analogue of the substance, but it is not able to completely replace it. For this reason, those who have given up eating meat are advised to eat artificial dietary supplements, since the body cannot function normally without cyanocobalamin.

B Vitamin Supplement Rating for Adults and Children

Before choosing which drug from which company is better to buy, we recommend that you decide what the drug is bought for and what effect is expected from it. According to the recommendations of doctors, you should not prescribe vitamin complexes to yourself, since they have a number of contraindications, and an overdose of one or another substance is harmful to health.

Complexes available in regular pharmacies

B multivitamin

These are one of the most popular drugs sold in Russian pharmacies. A domestic product is sold without a prescription and is inexpensive, thanks to which it always finds its buyer. A convenient form of release (in tablets) and dosage (1 capsule per day) make it easier to take the drug, and exclude the possibility of accidental skipping of the next portion, as is the case with tablets that need to be taken several times a day.

According to the description on the package, the product contains 7 trace elements - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9.The vitamin complex is intended for adults, it is recommended to drink a tablet after a meal, drinking plenty of water. Doctors advise taking dietary supplements for various disorders in metabolic processes, with problems with immunity and a shattered nervous system. The remedy is often prescribed for increased anxiety, depression. There is only one contraindication - pregnancy and lactation.

According to customer reviews, the result from the use of dietary supplements does not appear immediately, but after a week the first signs of improvement become visible. In addition to the main effect, many note an improvement in the appearance of the skin and hair. The average price is 132 rubles.

B multivitamin
  • one package is enough for the entire course;
  • budget price;
  • non-prescription drug;
  • buyers do not have problems with where to buy dietary supplements - due to its popularity, it is found not only in state pharmacies, but, if desired, it can be ordered online in an online store.
  • according to some buyers, since not all B vitamins are present, the drug is not effective enough.

Blagomax vitamin B complex

Like the previous food supplement, the product is used for adults, the course of administration is 4-6 weeks. The goods are made in Russia, in St. Petersburg. Capsules are packed in a jar of 90 pieces, so it is enough for several courses. Based on the cost of one capsule, the product has no analogues in price among competitors.

The complex includes 7 main elements: B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, B12. Component B8 is not a vitamin, it is a so-called vitamin-like substance with similar properties.As it is believed in medicine, the lack of such substances does not harm the body, but their use can bring some benefits. The drug is prescribed for increased physical and mental stress, anxiety and stress.

The manufacturer does not recommend using the complex for prevention, as well as prescribing the drug to yourself. The package contains a table indicating the number and weight of microelements included in the complex, as well as the average daily rate for each item.

Capsules are small and easy to swallow. The box contains instructions for use with a detailed description of the useful properties of each component.

Blagomax vitamin B complex
  • according to one of the most important selection criteria - how much the dietary supplement costs, in terms of 1 capsule, the product has no analogues among competitors;
  • one can is enough for two full courses;
  • Sold in pharmacies and on Internet sites.
  • according to user reviews, the tool has practically no quick visible effect, improvements begin long after administration.

Doppel herz aktiv magnesium + B vitamins

The complex from one of the best German manufacturers is often found on sale and is well known to buyers. Doctors prescribe it for increased nervous excitability, stressful situations, as well as for unbalanced nutrition. In complex therapy, the food supplement showed itself well with increased physical exertion, increased fatigue.

The box contains blisters with capsules, in the amount of 30 pcs. Since you need to drink one tablet per day, the package is enough for a full course.In addition to the B vitamins - B1, B6, B9, B12, there is another active ingredient here - magnesium, which sets the direction for the entire complex. It is involved in metabolic processes, relieves muscle tension, improves heart function. Together with other elements, it helps to improve overall well-being, relieve feelings of unreasonable anxiety, and improves mood.

Many buyers note a convenient form of release of the drug - not capsules, but tablets, which can, if necessary, be divided into several parts to reduce the dosage. The tablet should be taken with a meal, drinking plenty of water, because, as many people know, the use of category B trace elements before meals can cause stomach pain, as well as other digestive disorders.

Due to the fact that the microelements in the preparation are well combined with each other and are in the most digestible form, the effect of the use of the supplement becomes visible soon after the start of the course. So, buyers note an improvement in the quality of sleep, the removal of anxiety and depression, a decrease in migraines, the elimination of muscle spasms and convulsions.

Doppel herz aktiv magnesium + B vitamins
  • fast and visible effect;
  • balanced composition;
  • convenient release form;
  • easy to find for sale.
  • high packaging cost.

Thiamine (vitamin B1) solution i/m 5% 1ml №10

The preparation of Belarusian production is intended for intramuscular injection and is sold in ampoules. This type of medicine is often used for injections in children, since not all of them can drink tablets or, due to their small age, have restrictions on the use of powder medicines.The water-soluble trace element is poorly absorbed in the intestines, so injection administration gives a greater effect than oral administration.

Thiamine plays an important role in metabolic processes, and also participates in the work of the central nervous system. Most often, the drug is prescribed for diagnosed thiamine deficiency, as well as for neuralgia, eczema, various metabolic disorders, and diabetes mellitus. With caution, the drug is prescribed to persons with allergic reactions, as well as women in the period of menopause and premenopause.

The package contains 10 ampoules with a solution for injection. The course of treatment is from 10 to 30 days (one injection a day). The average price of a package is 35 rubles.

Thiamine (vitamin B1) solution i/m 5% 1ml №10
  • can be used for a child from birth, also suitable for adults;
  • budget price.
  • sold only in pharmacies;
  • not all patients can inject the solution intramuscularly, which is why it is necessary to visit a medical facility for each injection.

Verrum-Vit B vitamins

Another Russian complex, which consists of 7 trace elements - B1, B2, PP, B5, B6, B9, B12. The package contains two records of 15 pieces each, and is designed for one full course.

All vitamins included in the composition are involved in the work of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, energy synthesis, and are also necessary for proper hematopoiesis. The drug has practically no contraindications - only individual intolerance to the components is listed in the pepper.

You need to take the drug 1 tablet a day with meals for a month. After some time, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

Buyers note that almost immediately after the start of the course, anxiety and nervous excitability disappear, mood stabilizes and additional energy appears. Some women noted that after taking vitamins, critical days became painless. The average price of a package is 170 rubles.

Verrum-Vit B vitamins
  • inexpensive in price;
  • available in most Russian pharmacies;
  • visible effect;
  • a large number of components in the composition.
  • not detected.

Magne-V6 rr d / vn. receiving amp., sanofi aventis

This product is very popular with parents because it is a solution of magnesium and pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6) dissolved in sweet water. Despite the fact that the minimum age of young patients is indicated on the package - 6 years, doctors often prescribe it even at the age of two.

The main indications for use are increased nervous excitability, anxiety in children. It is also recommended for use with increased emotional stress. As contraindications for use, one can single out the use of certain medications, as well as phenylketonuria, renal failure.

The drug is prescribed not only for children, but also for adults. It should be noted that it is irrational for them to buy such a form of release, due to the fact that you need to drink 3-4 ampoules per dose, and the total cost of the course is much more expensive than that of the drug in the form of tablets.

The liquid with the active ingredient is in glass ampoules, which do not require the use of a file to open - just cover the tip with a cloth and break it off with your hands. In order for the liquid to begin to flow out, it is imperative to break off the tip from the opposite side. The daily dose is recommended to be divided into 2-3 doses.The content of the ampoule is concentrated, so it should be diluted in a certain amount of water. The cost of a package of 10 ampoules is 406 rubles.

Magne-V6 rr d / vn. receiving amp.
  • pleasant taste, suitable not only for adults, but also for children from 6 years old;
  • convenient release form;
  • sold in any pharmacy.
  • a small amount that is not enough for a full course of admission;
  • high price.

Complexes available in online stores

Multi B-complex

This drug is rarely found in ordinary pharmacies, most often it is sold through online stores, the portal. One package contains 30 tablets of the classical form, this amount is enough for a full course. An interesting feature of the complex is that almost all microelements are contained in an amount exceeding the daily norm by more than one and a half times.

The dietary supplement contains a complete list of B vitamins, due to which it is difficult to find analogues of this dietary supplement in free sale.

The drug is prescribed to eliminate vitamin deficiency, improve skin condition and strengthen nails, stabilize the nervous system. The complex is for adults only. It is necessary to take the remedy once a day with meals, the duration of admission is 1 month. There are few contraindications for dietary supplements - individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation.

According to customer reviews, the effect of using the product does not appear immediately, but towards the end of the course. If necessary, the intake of dietary supplements can be repeated after a few months. The average price is 161 rubles.

Multi B-complex
  • budget price;
  • the best composition - there are all existing trace elements of group B;
  • large doses of trace elements are suitable for those who have an unbalanced diet (most Russians).
  • The effect appears after almost a month of admission.

Be healthy! Complex of 5-HTP and B vitamins

The review continues with another Russian manufacturer, VneshtorgPharma. According to the manufacturer, the product is able to improve the quality of sleep and mood, give additional energy, increase efficiency and stabilize the nervous system in stressful situations.

The dietary supplement contains trace elements - B1, B6, PP, pantothenic acid, and 5-hydroxytryptophan. Take the tablets should be two capsules at a time, once a day with meals for 1 month. After some time, if necessary, it can be extended. The packaging is designed for a full course of use. Almost all the trace elements that make up the biological supplement approximately make up the daily norm, that is, given that a person eats the right foods, the need for the use of such substances will be closed. The instructions do not contain information about what time of day you need to drink the drug, according to the advice of customers, it is better to do this before bedtime.

Of the contraindications to the appointment of treatment with the drug, individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation should be distinguished. The average price of a package is 800 rubles.

Be healthy! Complex of 5-HTP and B vitamins
  • good composition.
  • not a convenient form of application - you need to drink two capsules at the same time;
  • high price;
  • according to buyers, the remedy not only has a mild effect, but some of them have had side effects, manifested in headache and nausea.

Now Foods, Vitamin B-12 5,000 mcg tab. #60

This medicine contains only cyanocobalamin and folic acid. It is used most often to maintain the tone of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Buyers note the unusual shape of the tablets, pink triangles, and a pleasant taste (due to the use of fructose and natural strawberry flavor). The tablets are in the form of chewable lozenges.

Since cyanocobalamin is produced only in living organisms, vegetarians and vegans often buy the remedy, since they cannot get the necessary substance from food. After using the product, you can get the following effect: improving the nervous state, getting out of depression, maintaining a good general state of health and obtaining additional energy. No products of animal origin were used in the production of dietary supplements.

Use the remedy should be one lozenge per day, chewing it until completely dissolved. The drug is approved for use only in adults. The package contains 60 lozenges, which will last for 2 months. The cost of a jar is 1,050 rubles.

Now Foods, Vitamin B-12 5,000 mcg tab. #60
  • suitable for vegetarians and vegans;
  • pleasant taste and aroma;
  • a large number of pastilles in a jar.
  • high price.

Solgar B-Complex 100 caps. #100

The next representative of herbal preparations containing a complex of B vitamins is intended, first of all, to normalize the state of the nervous system. He showed himself well with depression, increased stress, insomnia. The main active ingredients are thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin, biotin, pantothenic acid.

There are 100 capsules in a jar, which is enough for 3.5 months of taking. One capsule should be taken daily with meals. Small yellow capsules, tasteless and odorless. According to buyers, the products of this brand (Solgar) are distinguished by a properly selected combination of trace elements, the absence of artificial components, as well as visible results a short time after the start of administration.

Solgar Vitamin B-Complex 100 caps. #100
  • large volume, which is enough for 3.5 months of admission;
  • balanced composition;
  • suitable for vegans and vegetarians;
  • fast and visible results.
  • high price.

Vitamin B Myvitamin

This product is aimed at athletes, and the dosage of the constituent elements is formed in such a way as to cover the deficiency of B vitamins during increased physical exertion. The composition of the product includes: riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, folic and pantothenic acid, biotin, B6, B12.

The main advantages of the complex are to increase the body's immune defenses, relieve fatigue, and improve overall well-being. In addition, buyers note the normalization of the central nervous system, which is expressed in an improvement in mood, a positive perception of the surrounding reality, and the normalization of hormonal levels.

Tablets should be taken once a day, with meals. The package contains 120 capsules, that is, the jar is enough for 4 months of continuous use. The average price is 440 rubles.

Vitamin B Myvitamin
  • one of the best and balanced compositions that are available for athletes;
  • low cost, based on one capsule;
  • convenient reception mode;
  • large dosages designed specifically for athletes.
  • the novelty is difficult to find on sale, most often found only in specialized sports nutrition stores;
  • not sold in pharmacies.

Country Life Coenzyme B-Complex Caps

The preparation of an American manufacturer is well known to athletes due to its balanced composition, and the correctly selected form of the elements (the coenzyme form contributes to the best assimilation). Also, the tool is distinguished by the absence of gluten in the composition (which is confirmed by the corresponding certificate), as well as the fact that it is a kosher product.

The manufacturer claims that the complex is selected in such a way as to achieve maximum functionality - it stimulates the production of additional energy, which is especially important for athletes.

Use the product should be one or two capsules a day in between meals (no later than one hour before, and no earlier than 2 hours after). Jars in 120 pcs. enough for 2 or 4 months depending on the dosage. Main active ingredients: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, folate, methylcobalamin, biotin, pantothenic acid, inositol, phosphatidylcholine, etc.

According to buyers, the visible effect after the use of vitamins can be seen after a week or two, it is expressed in an improvement in overall well-being, increased physical activity, a positive effect on the condition and appearance of the hair. The price of the product is 2,730 rubles.

Country Life Coenzyme B-Complex Caps
  • balanced composition (percentage of trace elements);
  • fast and visible effect;
  • large volume.
  • inconvenient appointment schedule;
  • contains GMOs;
  • high price.


When choosing a vitamin complex, you need to understand why it is needed and under what conditions it is prescribed. If you do not have a medical education, we recommend that you do not buy such drugs without consulting a doctor, since an excess of trace elements, as well as their deficiency, can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Many buyers, choosing this or that complex in a pharmacy, ask the opinion of a pharmacist. We believe that when prescribing any biologically active food supplements, one should initially assess the general state of a person’s health, find out his/her medical history, and should not buy anything “for prevention”.

Also, we do not recommend buying homeopathic complexes, since their effectiveness has not been proven and is not recognized by the world's leading health organizations, including the WHO. As a rule, the characteristics of such products, declared by the manufacturer, have nothing to do with reality, and in most cases the placebo effect works.

We hope that our review will help you make the right choice!

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