
  1. How to choose
  2. Rating of the best vitamins for athletes for 2022
  3. Conclusion

Rating of the best vitamins for athletes for 2022

Rating of the best vitamins for athletes for 2022

Regardless of what supplements there are, they are all produced and taken in order to make the body more resilient to physical exertion and, if necessary, restore health in a short time. Choosing the best vitamins for athletes should be after consulting a doctor.

How to choose

Despite the fact that these products are classified as safe, before deciding to purchase them, you should get the advice of a personal trainer and enlist the recommendations of a nutritionist. Only they, having special knowledge, experience and knowing the possible consequences of their use, will be able to correctly select a specific drug, based on their state of your body and the physical activity undertaken. First you need to take tests, the results of which will show which vitamins you lack. A modern complex is created taking into account the needs of the athlete's body.

Types of Beneficial Supplements

Before deciding which product is better to buy, it is worth bearing in mind that the preparations differ in composition. Vitamins are:

  1. Water soluble (B and C). Their main feature is that they are easily excreted from the body with urine, without remaining in the tissues. If side effects occur, they will be minimal and will pass immediately, without medical intervention.
  2. Fat soluble (D, A, E, K). The human body “stores” them in fatty tissues and the liver in order to stock up for a long time. It should be taken carefully, avoiding an overdose.

Component B is very important for people, including those who regularly play sports. It makes the body more resilient, which allows you to increase the degree of power loads. Its deficiency is felt immediately: a person does not have enough strength, chronic fatigue, dizziness, malaise occur, metabolism slows down, muscles grow slowly.

Component C - "main" in immunity.It does not allow infections to develop in the body, prevents their spread, deterioration of general health.

Thanks to the E component, the cells are practically not damaged.

It is worth noting that in addition to all kinds of vitamins, sports nutrition also includes minerals such as chromium, iron, calcium, selenium, zinc, and amino acids.


Another essential selection criterion that needs special attention. It is worth considering, first of all, the expected sports loads and the individual need of the body for nutrients. Beginners do not have to study the rating of quality goods, to identify the best manufacturers. For them, it is enough to purchase an ordinary complex, like Multi-tabs or Alphabet.

As for professionals, for them the functionality of the drug comes first. Bioadditives should support the work of the heart, joints, add strength. It is they who follow the news, they probably know which company's product is better to buy, do not pay attention to inexpensive products, as they may have certain contraindications.

Rules for taking sports nutrition

In addition to a review of the best supplements, their characteristics, useful properties, precautions, the correct use of dietary supplements is of no small importance. It is worth familiarizing yourself with such recommendations from experts.

Questions you are interested inExpert advice
Acceptance time The time of beriberi occurs not only in spring or winter, but also in the summer months. Food not always consumed by a person contains the necessary and sufficient amount of useful additives, so you should not start from the time of year. It is best to visit a medical institution and take tests that will reveal a lack of certain nutrients in the body.After consulting with your doctor, you can start the selection of supplements in order to avoid mistakes when choosing.
Reception frequencyThere is no need to constantly take supplements. You can not stuff the body with components, even if they are effective and not addictive. Doctors recommend taking supplements as a prophylaxis: one to two months, with a break of six months. As for the dosage, each complex has an insert, where the doses and frequency of administration are clearly prescribed, which must be strictly observed.
Combination with foodBasically, there are no nuances regarding the order in which supplements are taken. As a rule, this happens simultaneously with the use of dishes, since a large amount of gastric acid is needed for the complete digestion of the product, and it is released during meals.
As for zinc, magnesium, iron or calcium, they should be absorbed only with food. In the absence of free time for a meal, you can replace good nutrition with nuts or dried fruits. They provide enough fat for the full absorption of multivitamins.
It is advisable to take magnesium and potassium immediately before going to bed, as their action is aimed at complete relaxation of the muscles.

Remember that multivitamins and dietary supplements can be both beneficial and harmful if you neglect the instructions, even if you buy them at a pharmacy. No matter how much they cost or how popular they are, the wrong dosage and excessive time taken can lead to negative consequences.

Where could I buy

This question everyone decides for himself. It is best to purchase pharmacy options.What is it for? In order not to become a victim of unscrupulous sellers and not to get a low-quality fake with dangerous properties. You can order products online in the online store, after reading the description and reviews. The iHerb platform is popular.

Rating of the best vitamins for athletes for 2022

For men

votes 3

OCEANICA OMEGA-3 vitamins - 90% combine Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help to normalize heart function, lipid metabolism, and reduce the likelihood of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. Also, this tool helps to normalize cholesterol levels and improve the quality of the cardiovascular system.

Vitamins are used as an auxiliary resource of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. The drug contains ocean fish oil and a complex of tocopherols (antioxidant). The capsule shell is made of food-grade gelatin (used as a carrier), glycerin (acts as a thickener) and citric acid, which regulates the level of acidity. Method of application - children from 11 years old, as well as adults, including women who are planning a pregnancy, women in position and breastfeeding: take 1 cap. 2 times a day during or after meals.

Individual idiosyncrasy of the ingredients contained in the dietary supplement may act as contraindications. Before you start taking it, you should consult with your doctor. Pregnant and lactating women should start taking the drug only after agreeing with the attending physician and under his supervision.Before starting a dietary supplement with children, a pediatrician should be consulted. Children under the age of 14 should only take a dietary supplement with the approval and supervision of a pediatrician.

OCEANICA OMEGA-3 - 90% is sold in packs of 30, 60 and 90 capsules.

The product can be purchased at a price of 1500 rubles per pack (60 pieces).

vitamins OCEANICA OMEGA-3 - 90
  • Normalizes the work of the heart.
  • Reduces the likelihood of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.
  • Source of good cholesterol.
  • Great option for athletes.
  • Without taste and smell.
  • Large capsules.

VPlab Nutrition "Ultra Men's Sport Multivitamin Formula"
votes 24

The complex includes the following components:

  • minerals;
  • components (E, C, B, D);
  • mixtures of plants;
  • antioxidants;
  • fruit.

The tool is used by the representatives of the stronger sex for muscle tone, improving the production of male sex hormones, strengthening memory, increasing endurance. This product should be taken with increasing physical activity in order to build muscle.

The product can be purchased at a price of 769 - 850 rubles per package (90 capsules).

VPlab Nutrition "Ultra Men's Sport Multivitamin Formula"
  • products for sports are produced by leading manufacturers in jars of various sizes (minimum 90 capsules, maximum 180 capsules);
  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • the action of the drug is lightning fast;
  • the result is felt after the first use;
  • effective remedy.
  • products are famous for their specific smell;
  • The capsules have a significant volume, and not everyone can swallow them quickly.

Myprotein Alpha Men
votes 4

Why is such a drug needed? It helps to increase energy tone, endurance and performance. Each element in it performs its own functions:

  • phosphorus and calcium help strengthen bones;
  • vitamin B5 lowers the level of fatigue, gives strength, opens a second wind;
  • selenium strengthens the immune system.

The average price for products is 1750 rubles (120 capsules) or 2750 rubles (240 capsules).

Myprotein Alpha Men
  • promotes quick and easy awakening;
  • small capsules;
  • there is no unpleasant odor;
  • during intensive training, there is no pain in the muscles;
  • fatigue is almost gone.
  • To achieve the desired result, supplements should be taken with enviable regularity.

Controlled Labs "Orange Triad"
votes 0

The complex is able to support the work of the heart, increase immunity, accelerate the increase in muscle mass. With regular use of the drug, energy consumption is maintained during exercise, at the end of training, fatigue is not felt so much, there are no pain sensations in the legs, arms and spine, as well as in the knee joints. The "Orange Triad" includes minerals and vitamins C, D, E, A, herbal mixtures from grapes, blueberries, ginger and raspberries, which help improve the functioning of the digestive system.

It is difficult to call the cost of goods budgetary. You can buy it for 1980 rubles per jar (270 pcs.).

Controlled Labs Orange Triad
  • contributes to the maintenance of immunity;
  • with regular use, the risk of acute respiratory diseases is reduced;
  • complete absence of smell and taste;
  • fairly effective drug.
  • tablets of substantial size;
  • according to the instructions, they must be taken twice a day, 3 tablets, which is very inconvenient.

Optimum Nutrition "Opti Men"
votes 4

Included in the TOP drugs for men. Consists of the following components:

  • plant extracts - 8 pieces;
  • enzymes - 4 pieces;
  • amino acids;
  • useful additives - 25 pieces;
  • minerals.

A unique phyto-mixture helps to improve performance, speeds up metabolism, stabilizes the immune system.

It is not a pity to pay 1800 rubles (50 servings) for such a pleasure.

Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men
  • instant effect;
  • fatigue decreases;
  • increased testosterone levels;
  • made from natural material, without the addition of chemical impurities;
  • easy and convenient to use: 1 tablet once a day.
  • in the presence of increased nervous excitability, you should refrain from using this drug or consult your doctor first.

Ironman, Vita Formula
votes 2

This type of supplement includes a full range of useful elements:

  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • thiamine (B1);
  • pantothenic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • folic acid;
  • other components.

The tool helps to increase the supply of internal energy, makes a person more resilient, helps to build muscle mass.

The price varies depending on the number of tablets in the box. For records (30 pieces) you can lay out from 331 to 380 rubles. 200 tablets will cost the buyer 878 - 950 rubles.

Ironman, Vita Formula
  • simple scheme of application: the maximum daily dose is 1 tablet;
  • good value for money;
  • Tablets are compact and easy to use.
  • you can often run into fakes.

Vita Jim
votes 0

It is very popular with beginners or those for whom even minor physical activity causes heart palpitations and shortness of breath. The drug is able to strengthen the immune system, build muscle, speed up metabolism. It's no secret that in the process of active training, an athlete consumes a huge amount of nutrients. Vita Jum is able to fully cover this loss. The complex consists of a large number of vitamins and minerals, including the B-complex.

The product can be purchased at a price of 1450 to 1800 rubles, depending on the seller's margin.

Vita Jim
  • it is very convenient to take: one tablet is the daily norm;
  • does not contain zinc, magnesium, calcium, which makes it possible to quickly and efficiently be absorbed by other components.
  • some people experience negative side effects such as headache and nausea.

Now "Sports Energy Extreme"
votes 0

A novelty among goods for sports. Manufacturers have made sure that this drug maintains the energy of professional athletes at the highest level, and also improves mental capacity. The composition includes malic acid magnesium, chromium, carnitine, iodine. To improve performance, you need to take two capsules per day: after eating or during a meal.

A package consisting of 90 capsules will cost the buyer 1,100 rubles.

Now «Sports Energy Extreme»
  • the use is indicated not only for athletes, but also for people with a lack of nutrients in the body;
  • prepares the body for training;
  • there is an increase in internal energy;
  • no contraindications, except for cases of individual intolerance.
  • there were cases when a person began to have insomnia, dizziness, and nausea.

Animal Pak
votes 2

The composition of the bioactive additive includes vitamins C, A, E, D and group B, minerals in the amount of 11 pieces, including selenium, phosphorus and zinc, as well as amino acids: glycine, arginine, lysine and others (19 pieces in total). The drug allows you to improve performance, make the most difficult workouts productive and highly effective, reducing stress on muscle mass and minimizing pain in the joints, replenishing the consumed nutrients.

The product can be purchased for 4000 rubles (42 bags).

Animal Pak
  • quite pleasant to the taste;
  • Gives you a boost of energy before your workout.
  • too much cost.

For women

Fit-Rx "Multi Women"
votes 1

The female version of an amazing drug, which, due to the presence in its composition of magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, D3, B7, as well as folic acid, is able to boost immunity, minimize stress, increase efficiency, make the weaker sex more resilient. The manufacturer offers goods for sale at a price of 550 rubles per 90 tab.

Fit-Rx "Multi Women"
  • fast action;
  • improves mood;
  • raises the tone;
  • eliminates the blues;
  • improves overall health.
  • a bit embarrassing unpleasant "aroma".

Optimum Nutrition "Opti-Women"
votes 0

A great helper for those who are engaged in fitness. The use of bioadditives allows you to eliminate pain and aches throughout the body, remove the feeling of fatigue, spend more time on training, without compromising well-being.The composition of the drug includes the following components: biotin, folic acid, ascorbic acid, vitamins K, E, D.

The price of the goods is from 1200 to 1500 rubles (for 120 capsules).

Optimum Nutrition Opti-Women
  • excellent combination of price and quality;
  • noteworthy efficiency;
  • helps to improve the condition of nails and hair;
  • can increase endurance during active exercises;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • uplifting;
  • gives strength.
  • rarely there is a headache and nausea, which quickly pass;
  • cases of influence on the amount of sex hormones were revealed.

VPLab Nutrition "Ultra Women`s Multivitamin Formula"
votes 1

A great tool for those who prefer to lead an active lifestyle. It contains more than 50 components, including collagen powder, magnesium, calcium, natural antioxidants, vitamins K, B, C, D. The main purpose of the drug:

  • improve hair quality;
  • increase tissue elasticity;
  • enhance mental activity;
  • make nails strong and beautiful.

The product can be purchased at a price of 830 to 900 rubles for 90 capsules.

VPLab Nutrition Ultra Women`s Multivitamin Formula
  • help to increase immunity;
  • reception for 30 days improves the condition of hair and nails, makes the skin uniform, without flaws;
  • the taste is pleasant enough.
  • The capsules are too big and not very convenient to use.

Muscle Pharm Armor-V
votes 0

The drug is a balanced group of omega fatty acids, vitamins A, B and C, as well as probiotics, which allows you to increase muscle tone and protect against catabolism. An irreplaceable thing when losing weight and at too high physical loads.For this kind of product, you will have to pay 3,000 rubles (180 capsules).

Muscle Pharm Armor-V
  • with a pleasant smell;
  • small size;
  • instant action;
  • stabilizes immunity;
  • no side effects.
  • it is necessary to take 2 capsules 2 times a day;
  • too high a price.

votes 0

If too much physical activity is coming, then you should pay attention to this drug. Its action is aimed at increasing endurance, improving performance, reducing pain. It consists of macro- and microelements, vitamins C, B, A, E, dry extract of ginseng and two amino acids. The product is available in the form of tablets, 30 pieces in each package. Taken 1 piece during meals.

The average purchase price is 297 rubles.

  • side effects were not found;
  • interacts well with other medicines;
  • contributes to the improvement of general well-being;
  • contains a large number of useful components;
  • helps the body in metabolism.
  • individual intolerance is possible;
  • not recommended for essential hypertension and increased nervous excitability;
  • the minimum age is 18 years;
  • tablets are large.

Daily Formula
votes 0

The remedy is preferred by those who lead an active lifestyle or are professionally involved in sports. Release form - tablets, which include useful additives (13 pcs.), Minerals (10 pcs.), A group of digestive enzymes and para-aminobenzoic acid. For heavy flyers, the product provides the daily requirement of vitamins B12 and B6. Take 1 tablet daily. The packaging is designed for 100 days.

The average price of the goods is 892 rubles.

Daily Formula
  • acceptable cost;
  • completely safe;
  • ease of use;
  • the composition is well balanced;
  • there are practically no contraindications;
  • quite effective;
  • reduce the level of colds;
  • instant surge of strength and energy;
  • the effectiveness of training improves;
  • The packaging is enough for a long time of taking the drug.
  • Tablets of considerable size, can not be swallowed the first time.


Academy – T, Sustamin
votes 0

The manufacturer once again confirmed that dietary supplements are produced not only for adults, but also for adolescents. 100% natural composition was created with the aim of carrying out preventive measures in relation to diseases associated with the articular-ligamentous apparatus. Contains calcium, magnesium, copper, vitamins B6, E, C, H, D, biologically active proteins and collagen. The action of the product is aimed at accelerating tissue regeneration, protecting joints from destruction, and reducing pain.

For 180 capsules you need to pay 1450 rubles.

Academy – T, Sustamin
  • small size of tablets;
  • promotes the restoration of cartilage tissue;
  • complete absence of smell.
  • not very convenient to take (twice a day, 3 capsules for two months).

Alphabet Teen
votes 1

The manufacturer insists that this product does not belong to the category of drugs, but belongs to dietary supplements. Supplements can be taken on their own or as directed by a doctor. Age category - from 12 to 18 years. Release form - multi-colored chewable tablets. Their composition is such that it provides an opportunity to smoothly move to a higher (adult) level.

The main purpose is the normalization of the endocrine system. The color of the tablets helps to navigate the time of admission.So, cherry color suggests a tonic effect, so it is advisable to take the pill in the early morning, immediately after waking up. White soothes, so it is swallowed in the evening, before going to bed. A bright orange hue indicates that the dragee should be drunk during the day.

The average price of the product is 479 rubles.

Alphabet Teen
  • help to strengthen the immune system;
  • acceptable price;
  • does not contain dyes and preservatives;
  • decent bioavailability;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • there are certain contraindications.

Nature's Plus, Source of Life
votes 0

A complex of children's multivitamins, consisting of vitamins in the amount of 10 pieces and the same amount of minerals, phytoextracts of black currant, broccoli, carrots, evening primrose. Taking the drug significantly increases energy, improves overall well-being. Method of application - 2 tablets once a day. Packing is enough for 180 days. The form of tablets is similar to ascorbic acid.

The average cost of goods is 1070 rubles.

Nature's Plus, Source of Life
  • the taste is pleasant;
  • quick effect;
  • excellent burst of energy;
  • completely safe;
  • quality;
  • fast digestibility;
  • the composition does not include dyes, preservatives and gluten;
  • contains a full range of micronutrients necessary for the proper development of a teenage body.
  • the price is too high;
  • The composition contains iron, so it is forbidden to take children under 6 years old.

AlfaVit Effect for fitness and sports
votes 0

A high-quality product in its composition has 22 components. Additives are multi-colored, combine different microelements.Increase the body's endurance to physical stress, help reduce pain.

The price of the product is 360 rubles.

AlfaVit Effect for fitness and sports
  • acceptable cost;
  • balance of useful trace elements;
  • helps to increase tone;
  • improves overall well-being;
  • effective;
  • safe.
  • the composition includes artificial dyes;
  • daily intake - 3 tablets.

Vitrum Performance
votes 0

Accept teenagers who are seriously involved in sports. They contribute to recovery after injury, improve metabolism, lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels. There is a complex of such useful additives: C, E, B, A, PP, K, D, as well as minerals. Manufacturers offer their products at a price of 600 rubles per package (30 tablets).

Vitrum Performance
  • contains ginseng;
  • helps to increase strength and energy;
  • small children will not be able to open the jar;
  • a quick effect is achieved;
  • safe.
  • should be taken only during or after meals;
  • the size of the tablets is significant, so it is difficult to swallow the first time;
  • may cause heart palpitations;
  • there are certain contraindications, such as a ban on admission to children under 12 years of age.


Despite the fact that manufacturers produce a huge variety of supplements, they should not be taken thoughtlessly. Each drug is aimed at achieving a certain effect, and it manifests itself depending on the gender, age and physical development of the recipient. Of great importance is also what loads a person will face in the near future.So, preparations containing vitamins B13, B1, A will help build muscle mass. To prevent injuries, it is better to take vitamins D, C and K.

It is worth noting that any person, no matter how active life he leads, receives all the necessary trace elements and vitamins from the “right” food, so dietary supplements should be treated with caution in order to prevent an overdose.

In this matter, you do not need to show independence, but it is best to consult a doctor. Every day physical effort is useful for any person. However, everything must be done wisely so as not to greatly strain your own body and not cause significant harm to it.

Key points to pay special attention to:

  • study contraindications;
  • determine the daily rate;
  • see what load the drug is designed for;
  • composition balance.

If you neglect valuable information, then taking the drug can lead to negative consequences, such as:

  • swelling of the skin;
  • dyspnea;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • severe headaches;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergy;
  • deterioration of vision and hearing;
  • hallucinations.

Go in for sports and use multivitamins wisely!


