
  1. How to choose a bike
  2. Rating of the best bikes up to 30,000 rubles

Rating of the best bikes in 2022 at a price of up to 30,000 rubles

Rating of the best bikes in 2022 at a price of up to 30,000 rubles

Recently, active recreation has become popular. Many choose cycling because it allows you to combine physical activity with aesthetic pleasure.

The best manufacturers offer a huge number of bicycle models. Improved novelties appear every year, and sellers vied with each other to praise the product at a higher price. Even an experienced athlete can get confused, let alone a beginner amateur who buys his first bike in his life. We present a rating of quality bicycles in the category up to 30 thousand rubles, based on customer reviews, which will help you figure out what to look for when buying a bike and which model is better to buy.

How to choose a bike

Cycling can be different: walks in the park or outings on nature on weekends, trips to work or extreme off-road riding. Someone is fond of performing tricks on special sites or long-distance travel along the highway.

It is important to buy the right bike by following the basic selection criteria:

  • age and gender;
  • purpose of use;
  • structural features;
  • frame size;
  • bike weight.

Age and gender

Regarding age, manufacturers distinguish three types of bicycles:

  1. children's;
  2. teenage;
  3. adults;

Baby - small size, designed for preschoolers and younger students. Models for boys and girls are no different, except for the color and design.

At what age to teach a child to ride a bike, parents decide, but the sooner this happens, the more confidently he will stay in the saddle of a bike. Models from one to three years old are three-wheeled, with pedals on the front wheel. They are designed for a height of 75-95 cm. Models with a stroller function are presented. It has an awning, a handle for an adult, and a special footrest under the pedals.

Two-wheel models with removable side wheels for children 3-4 years old allow you to teach your child how to ride as an adult. There are rubber tabs on the steering wheel from impacts, protection of the chain from getting into the child's trousers. Low frame, soft saddle, single speed, rear brake - everything is designed for the age of the kid with a height of 95-100 cm.

Bicycles for 4-6 year olds are copies of the previous ones, but enlarged. The estimated height of the child is 101-115 cm.

For children 6-9 years old, models are produced without additional wheels, with a hand brake and a suspension fork. The height of the child is 115-128 cm.

Teenage bikes are designed for 9-13-year-old schoolchildren up to 155 cm tall. These are small copies of adult bikes with basic functions (suspension, brakes, speeds). In order to increase safety, they are equipped with rubber pads and a brake carriage in the rear fork.

Adults are equipped depending on the required parameters. They are designed for people over 155 cm.

It is customary to consider bicycles as unisex models, without dividing them into male and female, since there are no fundamental differences. However, low-frame bikes are traditionally bought by women, seeing the convenience of riding it in a skirt. Manufacturers take into account the anatomical features of the female body. Therefore, in addition to delicate shades and decorative elements, ladies' models have a narrower steering wheel, a wide saddle, and a high seating position. They have a shortened wheelbase, and the brake lever is fitted to the female palm.

Purpose of use

When choosing a bike and deciding which one is better to buy, it is appropriate to clearly understand the purpose of use. Depending on this, the following types are distinguished:

  • urban;
  • highway;
  • mountain;
  • touring;
  • tandem;
  • for BMX;
  • hybrid.

City (road) is designed for movement on flat paved streets, equipped with a soft saddle, rigid frame, wings, a simple brake system. Often has a trunk or basket.

Urban cannot be called high-speed: this is hindered by heavy weight and lack of gear shifting. An improved touring model with a cassette gearshift mechanism has from 7 to 12 speeds. Suitable for leisurely riding on asphalt. In this line there are folding models that are convenient for carrying and storing, as they are characterized by low weight, compact size when folded.

Road is designed to drive at high speed on a flawlessly smooth roadway. To do this, it has large diameter, thin wheels, a lightweight, durable frame, a specially curved handlebar and a narrow, rigid saddle.

The average weight is only 7 kg. There are no shock absorbers for greater lightening of weight and stable position. To reduce air resistance during fast driving, the design is characterized by a more extended fit.

Varieties of a road bike are a track bike, which is distinguished by the absence of traditional brakes and the presence of only one gear, and cyclocross, which allows you to combine racing on asphalt and country roads.

If you can’t ride a road bike off-road, then a mountain bike is made for rough terrain. To this end, it is equipped with a reinforced handlebar and frame, a large range of speeds, wide tires with thick tires and high tread.

Mountain bikes are optimal for lovers of cycling. Their varieties:

  1. for beginners;
  2. for cross-country (standard);
  3. for freeride and trial;
  4. for downhill.

Models of the first category outwardly resemble a true mountain bike, differing only in the quality of attachments and a high seating position, like a pleasure bike.

According to buyers, the most popular is the second category of bikes. It is equipped with a hard seat, lightweight durable frame, disc brakes. These models have a low seating position for more comfortable off-road movement. A type of mountain bike is a fat bike, equipped with very wide tires for riding on loose surfaces (snow, sand).

Between the second and third categories, you can put such a model as all-mountain, adapted for driving on simple mountainous terrain.

Models of the third category are recommended for those who have already worked out the technique of riding in different styles, have developed good leg muscle strength. Freeride and trials involve freedom of action when performing complex tricks on descents, climbs, and inclined departures, so there are no wings and a saddle. The characteristic features of such models are a small size frame, powerful rim brakes.

The fourth category presents models for the passage of sharp descents from the mountains at high speed. Downhill is a very traumatic sport, accompanied by bruises and abrasions, but the adrenaline rush is always guaranteed. Downhill bikes are made with sophisticated damping systems, disc brakes, weight shifting to the rear wheel, and aggressive handlebar angles to tackle dangerous trails.

Touring bikes are great for long cycling trips with a voluminous backpack that can be securely fastened to the trunk. Outwardly similar to the highway, but they have wide wheels with thick tires, do not develop high speed.

Tandem is an interesting model for leisurely bike rides for two (sometimes three). At the same time, each cyclist has the opportunity to pedal thanks to a separate drive system. There are two (three) saddles, a long frame, no shock absorbers. Tandems can be walking, mountain or road.

The BMX bike is designed to perform virtuoso tricks on specially equipped sites. These include ski jumping - dirt, as well as the conquest of the urban terrain (stairs, railings, parapets and even walls) - street. These models are equipped with a reinforced frame and fork, small wheels, a gyro mechanism to rotate and twist the handlebar in one direction without harming the brake cable.The saddle is optional.

A hybrid bike combines the characteristics of a touring (high frame), mountain (suspension system) and road (large wheels), making it versatile. It is equipped with a strong frame, reliable braking system, gear shifters. Many models have a rack, protection of the chain from dirt, ensuring safety and comfort on any road. A new trend in the family of hybrid bikes can be considered gravel - cyclocross for gravel roads. Such a bike is suitable for those who like to drive on asphalt, but are not averse to riding on country and forest roads.

Design features

A bicycle is a single mechanism consisting of many parts, the most important of which are:

  • frame;
  • wheels;
  • brakes;
  • shock absorbers;
  • asterisks.

The popularity of models is ensured by the design features in the manufacture of each component.

Frame. The frame is the basis of a bicycle. All other details are attached to it. Therefore, its main characteristic is strength. Steel, aluminum, magnesium, carbon fiber are used for manufacturing, titanium is used in professional cycling.

Steel frames are used in the production of low-cost, low-cost bicycle models manufactured in China. For their manufacture using chromium-molybdenum alloy. The advantage of such frames is durability, strength and the ability to weld a problem area in case of damage. However, they are very heavy and rust over time.

Aluminum for the manufacture of inexpensive bicycle frames is used in the form of alloys (with magnesium, silicon, zinc). They are lightweight, durable, and allow you to pick up speed quickly. However, when used for more than ten years, the aluminum frame may suddenly break. When damaged, it is practically beyond repair.

Magnesium alloy frames, which are used in the manufacture of expensive bikes, have good strength, are considered the lightest, but require careful maintenance.

In the manufacture of bicycle frames of expensive models, carbon is used - carbon fiber, which is not inferior in strength and durability to metals. It has a very light weight, excellent rigidity, but is afraid of point strong impacts. From this, the entire structure can crumble. It is impossible to repair a carbon frame.

The frames of professional racing bikes are made of titanium. This material combines all the best qualities of the others: along with durability and strength, it does not rust, has a light weight, is not afraid of bumps and dampness.

It is advisable for beginners when choosing to give preference to a bicycle model with a cheaper steel or aluminum frame.

Wheels. Wheels are an important part of any bike. Usually this is a steering front and a leading rear, of the same diameter. The exception is bicycles for children, in which the diameter of the wheels may vary. Children's two-wheelers can be equipped with smaller diameter auxiliary side wheels for learning to ride a bike.

The material of the wheel rim is usually the same as on the frame: steel, aluminum alloys, carbon. In addition to the spokes, some models are equipped with alloy wheels. It does not make a fundamental difference, but the price is much more expensive.

The most important characteristics are the diameter of the wheels and the width of the tire. The size is indicated in inches along the outer edge of the tire, usually from 20 to 29 inches. Large, wide wheels with a single rim are needed for comfortable city trips. For high-speed travel on highways - very narrow, large diameter and with dense tires without a tread.Mountain bikes come with a double rim to avoid damage and a pronounced tread for better grip.

Brakes. Brakes provide safety in driving. Their types:

  • drum;
  • rim;
  • disk.

Drum brakes, which are also called foot brakes, are no longer popular; they are installed on children's bicycles and inexpensive urban models. The braking process is provided by turning the pedal against the movement. The brake pads separate and press against the drum in the rear hub. There is friction, the bike slows down.

  • durable;
  • the wheel rim does not wear out;
  • effective;
  • inexpensive.
  • big weight;
  • the need for great physical effort;
  • dead zone with the vertical position of the connecting rods;
  • some time is lost from movement to braking.

Among rim brakes, V-brakes are common, when braking occurs as a result of the transfer of force through a cable to cartridge brake pads that press the wheel rim. The pads are easy to replace in case of failure. Rim V-brake brakes are available on all models.

  • simple design;
  • a little physical effort is enough;
  • light weight;
  • inexpensive.
  • poor braking in wet weather;
  • brake pads wear out when sand, dirt gets in;
  • You can't fit wide wheels.

Disc brakes are considered the most reliable today. There are mechanical and hydraulic depending on the type of drive. They are installed on expensive mountain bikes.

  • instant braking in any weather;
  • do not wear out the wheel rim;
  • the possibility of mounting a disc brake on wide wheels.
  • expensive;
  • big weight;
  • hard to find spare parts;
  • possible difficulties with securing the trunk.

For novice cyclists, it is advisable to stop at V-brakes, which are affordable in price and quality. Fans of extreme off-road driving definitely need disc brakes.

shock absorbers. Shock absorbers are used in mountain bikes and stunt bikes for comfort and control on rough terrain. Mountain bikes in terms of depreciation are divided into hard tail (hardtails), with front wheel depreciation (soft fork), and two-suspension, with depreciation of both wheels. Models of the first type are suitable for beginners, since full suspensions are not capable of developing high speed, and they are very expensive at a price.

There is another type of mountain bike - rigid (rigid), with a rigid fork and no shock absorbers. These models are good for moving over rough terrain at low speeds.

To choose a good bike, you should pay attention to the type of suspension system installed:

  • spring;
  • spring with damper;
  • air;
  • oil.

The simplest and cheapest are spring shock absorbers, but they are extremely short-lived, since the spring built into the fork legs loses its elasticity over time. However, for low-cost urban models, this depreciation system is quite acceptable.

A damper installed in the center of the fork tube solves this problem, but during the cold season it ceases to function normally.

Air shock absorbers are considered more effective, in which air acts as a damper that dampens vibrations. The damping properties deteriorate when air leaks from the fork cavity.

The most durable and effective are oil shock absorbers, which can be air-oil and spring-oil. They withstand temperature extremes, huge loads, however, their cost is quite high.

Downhill and jump bikes are equipped with a double-crown fork, all other models are equipped with a single-crown fork.

The soft fork level is manually adjusted. This allows the damping system to effectively dampen vibrations when driving over rough terrain and maintain firmness on a flat road surface. High and low pressure points are adjustable by changing the travel of the fork. Fork spring travel adjustment is a mechanical fork travel lock available even on budget models.

Asterisks. When manufacturers began to produce bikes with multiple speeds, a misconception arose that the more speeds a bike has, the better it is.

In fact, it all depends on the purpose of the bike. City or touring for a comfortable ride, just one speed is enough. And models for extreme riding are simply required to have a large number of them so that the cyclist can evenly distribute their own energy spent on pedaling when moving on uneven terrain, on descents and ascents.

Most models of modern bicycles with two or three gears (front sprockets) have 10-30 speeds. The number of speeds is proportional to the number of stars on the rear wheel, they also provide smooth gear shifting while pedaling.

frame size

Manufacturers know that even people of the same height may need bikes with different sizes.Therefore, there are special tables for matching the height of the cyclist and the size of the frame (in inches and centimeters). Conventionally designated size from XS to XL allows you to choose the right bike.

A few tips on how to choose a frame size:

  • it is advisable for a thin person to choose a size larger, full - a size smaller;
  • for quiet walks, it is better to take the size right up, for extreme driving - a size larger;
  • if necessary, adjust the position, you can separately purchase the takeaway;
  • when trying on, the frame should be below the crotch at a distance of 10 cm.

Bike weight

The weight of the bike can be from 5 to 85 kg, depending on the purpose of the model and the features of the frame.
Conventionally, the following groups can be distinguished:

  • ultralight;
  • lungs;
  • medium;
  • heavy.

Ultralight - road, the average weight of which is 5-7 kg, which contributes to rapid acceleration and driving at maximum speed.

Light (8-12 kg) are BMX bikes, which require maneuverability in the air.

Among medium models, weighing 10-17 kg, urban hybrids can be noted. Not as fast, but very durable.

Heavy - touring and mountain, have a weight of 17 kg, which depends on additional attachments.

Rating of the best bikes up to 30,000 rubles

We offer an overview of the best bicycles with a description of the design features for buyers who have 30,000 rubles at their disposal.

City bike Merida Crossway 20-V (2019)
votes 12

Average cost: 29570 rubles.

The model is one of the most popular of this brand. It is equipped with a lightweight frame, reliable fork, V-brake rim brakes.A high-quality transmission with 24 speeds allows you to move freely on asphalt, dirt, country roads. Rear derailleur installed. Cassette level 11-32 teeth.

City bike Merida Crossway 20-V (2019)

  • durability;
  • comfort;
  • high-quality attachments;
  • handlebar and seat adjustment
  • chain protection;
  • a light weight.
  • no wings;
  • no footrest.

Mountain bike Ghost SE 2000 (2013)
votes 1

Average cost: 29,000 rubles.

The model with an attractive design, ergonomic design and high-quality components will last a long time. The bike is equipped with a comfortable anatomical saddle, an aluminum alloy frame, hydraulic disc brakes, wear-resistant tires. Braking is instant on any type of soil in any weather. Precise loading on the bottom bracket is ensured by reducing the cranks.

Mountain bike Ghost SE 2000 (2013)
  • Beautiful design;
  • maneuverability;
  • structural strength;
  • quality equipment;
  • a light weight;
  • double rims;
  • efficient braking system.
  • spring fork;
  • unpleasant sound when braking.

City bike Author Meteor (2018)
votes 2

Average cost: 27500 rubles.

Well-equipped model with quality materials: aluminum frame, hydraulic disc brakes, soft fork with 100 mm travel for uneven terrain. In addition to the rear derailleur, there is a front derailleur. Provides comfort even on long rides.

City bike Author Meteor (2018)
  • double rims;
  • protection of mechanisms from dirt;
  • comfort;
  • good cross;
  • a light weight.
  • no.

Mountain Bike Stark Hunter 29.2 HD (2019)
votes 4

Average cost: 29100 rubles.

An excellent cross-country option for those who appreciate quality and reliability, with 21 speeds. Equipped with an aluminum frame, disc hydraulic brakes. Provides good driving performance when driving off-road. Designed for full people weighing up to 110 kg.

Mountain Bike Stark Hunter 29.2 HD (2019)
  • transmission protection;
  • worthy design;
  • lightweight design;
  • durability and reliability;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • excellent running characteristics on any surface.
  • no wings;
  • entry-level attachments.

Cube Acid 200 Allroad Teen Mountain Bike (2019)
votes 2

Average cost: 28900 rubles.

A sporty, dynamic model designed for teenagers 6-9 years old, up to 135 cm tall. The bike is equipped with an aluminum alloy frame, comfortable 20-inch wheels, V-brake rim brakes, a non-integrated square bottom bracket design. There is a rigid fork, an entry-level cassette, one chainring, the number of teeth is 32. This model has 7 speeds and a rotary knob derailleur.

Cube Acid 200 Allroad Teen Mountain Bike (2019)
  • double rims;
  • structural strength;
  • reliability of materials;
  • short wings;
  • the presence of a footboard;
  • reflectors;
  • a light weight;
  • smooth pedaling;
  • fenders and electrical equipment included.
  • no.

When choosing a bike, you should pay special attention to its design features, clearly understand the purpose of the purchase and the purpose of the bike, and choose the right size.

There are a lot of good models on the bike market. The main thing is to choose the best bike for yourself, which will give you a lot of positive emotions and pleasant impressions.


