Rating of the best car heaters for 2022

Rating of the best car heaters for 2022

The main purpose of the engine insulation is to keep heat in it, the battery and the cooling system. This will allow you to quickly warm up the car and go on business without being nervous or late. However, the use of "auto-blanket" has both its advantages and disadvantages. It is worth paying attention to the process of warming. If you make mistakes when choosing an accessory, there will be a chance of the engine overheating, a drop in its power, and ignition of low-quality raw materials.

What are heaters

Problems with motors occur mainly among residents of cold regions. Severe frosts are a test not only for people, but also for equipment, in which components and mechanisms fail. Destruction does not occur instantly, but gradually. Only a heater will help solve the problems. The best devices for these purposes are:

Autonomous start and warm-up systemAllows you to remotely warm up the engine. If the system is incorrectly installed from the remote control, the car may start and move on its own.
damper for radiatorA long-standing, but effective way to quickly start a car in severe frost. The principle of operation is to block the main element of the cooling system. In this case, the motor cools down slowly. If the damper is not removed in time, the engine may boil. The method is used when the temperature drops below 10 degrees below zero.
Do-it-yourself heater for the motorIt is made from improvised components: felt, isolon, foil synthetic film. Fits under the hood.
Auto blanketIt is considered the most effective and practical device. It resembles mineral wool in characteristics, however, it is made of a metal-containing alloy.

What is the best accessory to buy?

What to look for when choosing a product? Of course, for the safety of both the driver and the car! A poor-quality product can lead to tragedy. Therefore, saving on this issue is not worth it. You can lose not only the car, but also the health of the driver and passengers. According to buyers, the most correct decision is to purchase an auto blanket. It is made of specially processed metal alloy. Fits under the hood, and does not allow the cold to get to the engine. The shape corresponds to the engine compartment. Fully covers the engine, retaining heat.

To double the effect, consider purchasing a second auto blanket and placing it between the crankcase and guard. This will help insulate the car from both sides at the same time.

It should be noted that the minimum operating temperature of the accessory in diesel and gasoline cars is 5 degrees below zero.

The main advantages of popular models are as follows:

  1. The engine compartment stays dry and clean.
  2. The sound insulation index of the power unit is increased by 25%.
  3. Harmful substances do not get into the car interior.
  4. The engine wears out less.
  5. Fuel consumption is reduced by 1/5 part.
  6. Easy to install (7-10 minutes is enough for a complete installation).
  7. The level of security is top notch. The probability of poisoning passengers and the driver with harmful substances is reduced to zero. In the manufacture of auto blankets, components are used that do not smolder and cannot melt.
  8. Increasing the efficiency of the heating system.
  9. Heat resistance (maximum operating temperature - 1200 degrees).
  10. Versatility. Suitable for cars and trucks.
  11. Current non-conductivity. If a short circuit occurs under the hood, the device will act as a dielectric.
  12. Resistance to chemical agents.

There are few disadvantages of using thermal blankets, but they are worth mentioning:

  1. If you use the battery insulation at a positive temperature, then overheating cannot be avoided.
  2. The service life is short - only 2 or 3 winters.
  3. When purchasing a budget low-quality fake, spontaneous combustion may occur.

How to choose the right products

Everyone has different selection criteria. But experts recommend paying attention to the following nuances:

  1. The presence in the set of a certificate of quality for the product.
  2. Manufacturing material. It must be fireproof and heat resistant.
  3. The main component must be resistant to aggressive environments, not produced from environmentally hazardous substances.
  4. The thermal conductivity should be as low as possible.
  5. Do not miscalculate with the size of the product. Accessories released for a passenger vehicle will be practically useless for crossovers and trucks.
  6. In the manufacture of goods, raw materials that do not conduct electricity must be used.

The main types of car blankets

Heaters for the car differ in the material of manufacture. Products are produced from:

  1. Felt. It retains heat well, but has significant disadvantages. Easily absorbs fuel and engine fluid, which can lead to ignition. The durability index is not up to the mark.
  2. Fiberglass. With thermal insulation function. Made from mineral fibres. Service life is significant. Not afraid of high temperatures and not subject to fire. Able to keep warm for 4 hours.
  3. Synthetics. Belongs to the category of universal. Plain foil lined. Does not ignite. The wear resistance is impressive. However, it is not able to keep warm for a long time.

All products are made removable. They are attached to a metal frame under the hood. Goods of foreign and domestic production may differ in the ways of fastening.

Where can you buy an accessory? There are no problems with this. It is best to visit a specialized outlet, where a professional sales manager will familiarize you with the available assortment, show new items, and help with advice in choosing. You can order goods online in an online store, after reviewing user reviews and making sure that the supplier is honest. If this is not done, then you can end up with a low-quality Chinese fake for a lot of money.

Additional use of heaters

Drivers insulate not only the engine, but also other components and mechanisms. We are talking most often about radiators, batteries, interior. Let's dwell on each point in more detail.

Cooling radiator insulation

The use of various raw materials is envisaged:

  • cardboard;
  • felt;
  • leatherette.

The main thing is that the protection can be conveniently and quickly removed. This is of great importance when working with gasoline engines. If you do not release the device from protection in time, you can bring it to overheating. An essential role is played by the hygroscopicity of the components used. They should absorb moisture well. Otherwise, it will not be possible to maintain its original characteristics.

Modern vehicles are designed in such a way that it is quite difficult, and sometimes impossible, to attach a hand-made insulation to the radiator grille.Therefore, it is better to purchase a factory version.

Battery insulation

Manufacturing materials are similar to those used for the production of car blankets. They are not afraid of electrolyte, oil and other aggressive liquids. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to warm the battery only in extreme cases, when there are severe frosts outside. Mostly large structures are insulated. If we are talking about small batteries, then it is easier to remove them and take them home for recharging.

If it is relatively warm outside, then excess insulation can lead to an explosion of the battery. There is no need to bring the situation to an emergency. This is fraught with problems both for the vehicle and for the health of people. You can make battery heaters yourself, or you can purchase them at retail outlets. The main thing is that the outer layer is non-flammable, without foil, to avoid the occurrence of a short circuit.

Interior insulation

In addition to warming the engine compartment, many drivers try to keep warm in the cabin. And it doesn’t matter if the car is domestic or foreign. The main thing is to make the stay of people in the car more comfortable. For the interior, it is necessary to choose a high-quality insulation. It should be with additional sound insulation so that the passengers present enjoy the trip. The most common components are polyurethane foam, polyethylene foam and penofol.

Polyurethane foam perfectly copes with cold and excess noise. If you completely close the body with it, the effect will be amazing. It closes all the cracks and does not allow frosty air to penetrate inside. The thermal conductivity is low. Prevents metal damage by corrosion. It is completely safe for health. You cannot do the work yourself.To apply polyurethane, you must have special equipment available, which is very expensive (more than 10,000 rubles). It is better to entrust this business to professionals.

Penofol is the same polyethylene, only aluminum foil is used instead of the top layer. A distinctive feature of raw materials is a cold-reflecting effect and powerful sound insulation. The thickness is several millimeters. It is enough to use one layer. The advantages of the material include ease of installation, durability, low weight, flexibility. After gluing, the heat is retained much longer.

Rating of inexpensive heaters for cars


Products belong to the budget category. It is a car blanket. It is produced in various lengths and widths, so it is purchased by owners of both passenger vehicles and SUVs and crossovers. The manufacturer provides a three-year warranty on its product. Weight - 1 kg.

You can buy a product at a price of 600 to 1000 rubles.

insulation for cars Torso
  • practicality;
  • wear resistance;
  • acceptable cost;
  • universality;
  • sold in a case;
  • convenience of storage.
  • missing.

STP Heat Shield

The manufacturer has launched the production of blankets for cars and SUVs. The product is available in a variety of options. Provides not only thermal insulation, but also sound insulation. If you place it between the passenger compartment and the engine, then the ride will become more pleasant. In the manufacture, an oil and petrol resistant fabric, a heat-absorbing layer, a self-adhesive coating that is not afraid of significant temperature changes are used. Clips in the amount of 8 pieces are used as fasteners (included).

How much does the product cost? Sellers offer it at a price of 1450 to 1750 rubles.

car insulation STP HeatShield
  • functionality;
  • the strength of the raw materials used;
  • safety;
  • value for money;
  • wear resistance;
  • reliability.
  • not installed.

sky way

Under the brand, a large number of models with various sizes are produced. It is very popular among domestic car owners due to the ideal price-quality ratio. The product will serve faithfully up to 3 years, while maintaining the original properties. Sold at any specialized outlet. You can order in the online store. It will be a little cheaper.

The purchase price is from 600 to 900 rubles.

car insulation Skyway
  • variety of sizes;
  • practicality;
  • universality;
  • advanced functionality;
  • retains operational properties for a long time;
  • positive reviews;
  • the quality of the materials used.
  • requires careful installation and care.

Auto - Mat

Ideal insulation for A-1 and A-2 engines. Non-combustible material is used in the manufacture, which does not conduct current, is not afraid of acids, oils and combustible mixtures. Able to withstand a maximum temperature of 1200 degrees. Product reviews are only positive. In severe frosts, it will become an indispensable assistant when warming up the car.

The average price is 1000 rubles.

insulation for cars Auto - Mat
  • the strength of the material used;
  • good quality of tailoring;
  • functionality;
  • reliability;
  • wear resistance;
  • acceptable cost.
  • missing.

Small car (120*80 cm)

In the manufacture of the product, non-flammable fabrics resistant to acids and alkalis are used. The thickness is perfect. Holds heat well. It will give you the opportunity to quickly warm up the car without wasting free time and gasoline.It will last more than one year without losing its original characteristics. A distinctive feature is ecological cleanliness. When the temperature rises, it does not emit toxic components. Payback period is one year. Easy to install, quick to remove. The size is universal. Suitable for most cars.

The purchase price is 1321 rubles.

heater for a car Small car (120*80 cm)
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire resistance;
  • incombustibility;
  • heat resistance;
  • resistant to aggressive liquids;
  • long service life;
  • functionality.
  • not identified.

Zimano (premium) 5

Product parameters - 132 * 90 cm. It is produced from silica fiberglass with low thermal conductivity and excellent electrical insulating qualities. Will withstand a minimum temperature of 50 degrees below zero and a maximum of 1000 degrees Celsius. Can be laid directly on the collector. According to buyers, the safest products for human health. Accelerates warm-up, reduces fuel consumption. Fire does not occur.

The average cost is 1500 rubles.

car insulation Zimano (premium) 5
  • ease of use;
  • functionality;
  • ease of installation;
  • practicality;
  • value for money;
  • the quality of the material used.
  • not identified.

Cartage (140*60)

A dense auto blanket measuring 140 * 60 cm is made by a domestic manufacturer. Designed for the Cartage motor. Weighs 950 grams. Supplied in a transparent package. Differs in reliability, functionality and reasonable price. Sold in all specialized outlets. Does not lose its original characteristics for two to three years. Can be used at very low temperatures overboard.

The average price is 1030 rubles.

insulation for cars Cartage (140*60)
  • reliability;
  • safety;
  • practicality;
  • universality;
  • good quality of tailoring;
  • the quality of the materials used;
  • long service life.
  • not installed.

Rating of quality products in the middle price segment

Chrysler 300 C (AT#2)

An original thermal blanket that can reduce fuel consumption by 20% and warm up the engine to the required temperature. Produced by a Russian company from environmentally friendly raw materials. Each set contains a technical passport for the goods. The basis is a fiberglass thread. Helps the accessory to retain its original qualities for a long time. Improves thermal insulation of the engine. Will withstand temperatures of 1200 degrees.

The purchase price is 1800 rubles.

insulation for cars Chrysler 300 C (AT#2)
  • reliability;
  • quality;
  • strength;
  • soundproofing properties;
  • safety;
  • not afraid of interaction with aggressive environments.
  • missing.

Phantom (125*75)

The goods are produced on the territory of the Celestial Empire, but there are no complaints about the quality. Differs in safety and a practicality, will reduce time of warming up of the engine twice. Installs quickly. If you have any difficulties, the kit has a clear instruction in Russian. It has excellent soundproofing characteristics. Reduces the number of autoruns.

The purchase price is 1793 rubles.

car insulation Phantom (125*75)
  • safety;
  • functionality;
  • reliability;
  • ease of installation and operation;
  • resistance to acids and alkalis;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • does not require careful maintenance;
  • withstands high temperatures (up to 700 degrees).
  • not identified.

Autogrelka (160*90)

Products are designed for owners of SUVs. A safe, reliable and efficient thermal blanket will shorten warm-up time, saving on gas mileage. Fire is unrealistic. Users note resistance to acidic and alkaline environments. In the manufacture of environmentally friendly materials are used. Installed quite simply. It is necessary to carefully lay the product in the engine compartment. Able to prevent the appearance of frost on the hood, thereby keeping the paintwork intact and safe. Weight - 1 kg. Country - producer - Russia. Sold in individual packaging.

The average cost is 1845 rubles.

car insulation Autogrelka (160*90)
  • the strength of the textiles used;
  • quality factor of seams;
  • chemical resistance;
  • safety;
  • practicality;
  • wear resistance;
  • fire safety.
  • missing.

Heatshield 2 in 1 xl stp 41368

Universal insulation with dimensions 1350*800 mm. Suitable for all car brands. Made from polyurethane foam. It is very popular among local drivers. It will help to significantly reduce the warm-up time of the engine, while saving fuel consumption. It tolerates significant temperature changes well. Doesn't smolder or burn. Completely safe for the health of others.

The average price is 1973 rubles.

car insulation Heatshield 2 in 1 xl stp 41368
  • ease of use;
  • universality;
  • functionality;
  • safety;
  • practicality;
  • positive reviews;
  • quality factor.
  • not identified.

Safe Blanket

A special thermal blanket that can protect the windshield of the car from ice crust and snow sticking while parking in an open space. This will make it possible not to spend a lot of free time scraping ice from the glass. It can be purchased at a branded outlet or ordered online in an online store. The products are EAC certified. It is advisable to use at temperatures up to 25 degrees Celsius and protect from direct sunlight. The manufacturer provides a 2-year warranty for its products.

The purchase price is 1690 rubles.

car insulation Safe Blanket
  • saves a lot of free time;
  • practicality;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of care;
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • value for money.
  • missing.

Torso Premium №1 (160*90 cm)

Engine insulation is produced by a Russian company. Made from durable textiles. Differs in soundproofing characteristics. Does not burn or melt. Tolerates significant temperature fluctuations. Differs in ecological safety and good quality of tailoring. Sold in a handy bag. The product can be found at any specialized outlet. The quality of workmanship is controlled at every stage, so marriage is not for sale.

The average price is 1544 rubles.

car insulation Torso Premium No. 1 (160*90 cm)
  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • safety;
  • reliability;
  • long service life;
  • endures contact with aggressive environments.
  • not identified.

Rating of expensive products up to 9000 rubles


Products from a domestic manufacturer.It is very popular among drivers. More suitable for heating the engine compartment than the hood. It will show its effectiveness even at frosts of 60 degrees. Starting mechanisms of the engine of icing can not be afraid. Fireproof, will not catch fire at a temperature of 1200 degrees. Oil, acid, alkali, fuel, moisture does not matter to him. Suitable for both trucks and cars.

The average cost ranges from 1900 to 2700 rubles.

insulation for cars Avtoteplo
  • universality;
  • ease of use;
  • wear resistance;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • the strength of the materials used;
  • value for money.
  • not installed.

Chrysler Concorde (AT #15)

A special blanket helps keep the engine warm and significantly reduces the time it takes to warm up. It is produced by a domestic manufacturer, which pays great attention to the reliability and safety of its products. The set includes a technical data sheet. Manufactured using high quality fiberglass. Distinctive features of the accessory are improved sound insulation and long-term preservation of original qualities. The maximum allowable temperature during operation is 1200 degrees.

The purchase price is 2000 rubles.

insulation for cars Chrysler Concorde (AT №15)
  • functionality;
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • acceptable price;
  • fire safety;
  • quality factor.
  • missing.

AutoTeplo №4 (142*80)

The thermal blanket is made of glass fiber yarns, mullite-silica wool and silica material. Differs in chemical stability and environmental cleanliness. It has excellent soundproofing characteristics. Increases engine resource.The maximum allowable use temperature is 1200 degrees. Installed quickly, without the involvement of professionals. Does not lose its original qualities for a long time. Weight - 3.2 kg. Package height - 9 cm, width - 45 cm.

The purchase price is 3744 rubles.

insulation for cars Avtoteplo №4 (142*80)
  • the strength of the materials used;
  • tailoring quality;
  • practicality;
  • advanced functionality;
  • reduces time and fuel consumption;
  • one year manufacturer's warranty;
  • universality;
  • saves money;
  • long service life;
  • safety.
  • missing.

AutoTeplo №15

The product is produced by a Russian company. Belongs to the category of universal. Differs in special fire resistance. Suitable for both trucks and cars. Acquired for the purpose of warming the engine compartment. The maximum allowable operating temperature is 1200 degrees. The material of manufacture has a unique heat and sound insulation. Environmentally friendly, completely safe. Significantly saves personal time and fuel, is not afraid of alkalis and acids. Thermal conductivity is low.

The average cost is 2290 rubles.

insulation for cars AvtoTeplo No. 15
  • heat resistance;
  • fire resistance;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • non-toxic;
  • easy and quick to install and remove;
  • long service life;
  • can be used as bedding when repairing a car;
  • availability of a quality certificate;
  • one year manufacturer's warranty.
  • not installed.

Graphite Saturn (140*90)

The product is produced by a Russian company. In the manufacture of high-quality and environmentally friendly textiles. The own weight of the product is 1460 grams.It is delivered to the store shelves in a convenient bag. Purchased for motor insulation. The base is foil. Suitable for any passenger car. Can be purchased at the company store. Practical and efficient device. It saves not only time and nerves, but also money.

Sellers offer products at a price of 2358 rubles.

car insulation Graphite Saturn (140*90)
  • convenient individual packing;
  • ease of use;
  • does not require careful maintenance;
  • safety;
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • not afraid of alkalis and acids.
  • missing.

St.P Heat. Shield XL (15*1350*800)

The accessory is designed to warm the engine and soundproof the hood. Produced by a domestic manufacturer. For the manufacture of non-woven material is used. Weight - 1 kg. It arrives on the shelves of stores in individual packaging with a color valve. The product belongs to the category of heat and sound insulation. Tolerates significant temperature fluctuations. Can be used for trucks and cars.

The product can be purchased at a price of 2699 rubles.

insulation for cars StP Heat. Shield XL (15*1350*800)
  • the strength of the materials used;
  • good quality of tailoring;
  • reliability;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • universality;
  • safety;
  • heat resistance.
  • not identified.


Heaters are necessary only in those cases when it is necessary to operate vehicles in significant frosts. If the temperature outside is not very low (above 5 degrees below zero), then accessories can, on the contrary, complicate the situation. It is advisable to purchase this kind of product in specialized outlets.There you can see everything, feel it, ask the price, if necessary, get qualified advice from a sales manager. Pay attention, first of all, to the safety of the materials used. If you feel sorry for the money for such an acquisition, you can make a heater for the motor with your own hands at home. It does not take a lot of time. You just need to choose the right material.

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