
  1. The need for equipment
  2. Causes of signal degradation
  3. How to choose
  4. Features of choice
  5. The Best Antenna Amplifiers at a Significant Price
  6. Best Budget Antenna Amplifiers
  7. Conclusion

Rating of the best antenna amplifiers for 2022

Rating of the best antenna amplifiers for 2022

What is an antenna amplifier? One of the elements of the broadcasting system, the main purpose of which is to improve the quality of the signal if the broadcasting repeater is at a considerable distance or the connection with the satellite is unstable. It has a directed effect on changing the frequency of the wave with subsequent transmission to special equipment. The design can also perform the splitter option: to separate signals into streams in order to display pictures on different screens.

The need for equipment

The main task: to minimize the losses on the cable. If the antenna itself does not have enough strength to catch the moving stream, then the microcircuit will not help either. The need for a receiver arises if there is a sufficiently large distance between the device and the TV. Abilities will be fully revealed in the presence of a distance of 30 meters or more. Whatever the cable is, the signal weakens during the passage. You can also buy a device when reception is carried out from a weak repeater.

Options when there is no need to purchase a product:

  1. The incoming signal will have a power several times higher than the required indicator.
  2. In addition to television channels, the receiver picks up extraneous noise.
  3. Critical reception level mark.

Before proceeding with the installation, you must consider the following nuances:

  1. Availability of power supply. The product is sold simultaneously with the power supply. But there are exceptions. The need is eliminated if a voltage of 5 V is required. Then you can borrow electricity directly from the tuner. The current flow will be of high quality, there are no ripples. However, many models assume the presence of 12 V.
  2. There is a possibility of burnout when struck by lightning. To reduce the possibility of a negative outcome, make lightning protection or grounding.
  3. Time passes and the power supply starts to deteriorate. As a result, the quality of the received signal decreases.
  4. It becomes possible to enhance the reception of a third-party signal, thereby lowering the quality of the TV channel.

Causes of signal degradation

To improve the quality of reception, it is worth taking care that the metal structures are located as far as possible. The imaginary line to the repeater must not cross obstacles.If the house is covered with an iron roof, then this will be a source of trouble. In the process of laying the cable, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not shorten the cable to the minimum value;
  • do not use a cable that has "been seen" (older than 5 years);
  • the quality of the products must be at the highest level (low-quality with practically no braid);
  • complete absence of creases;
  • laying extra wire in the bay is strictly prohibited.

How to choose

According to buyers, before visiting a specialized outlet in order to purchase the desired amplifier, it is worth deciding which models are produced and the scope of their use. Regardless of which popular company released the product, it can be of two types:

MastMounting point - mast. The power supply is carried out via a coaxial cable. They perform their task excellently. But they have a short lifespan. Thunderstorms, strong winds and rain contribute to accelerated failure. If drops fall on the contacts, they quickly oxidize and become unusable. As a rule, this equipment is enough for a couple of years.
InteriorThe increase factor is acceptable. They are easy to use, as they are located in close proximity to the receiver. However, they cannot boast of signal strength, as it loses its power when passing through the cable.

In addition to the above gradation, amplifiers are divided into:

  1. Broadband.
  2. Multiband. Able to provide near and far reception. The best-selling are TERRA and ALCAD. They are able to concentrate in themselves several signals from various receiving devices and combine them into one.
  3. Range. The list includes SWA and LSA.Often found in lattice antennas.

All devices are available with separate adjustment of different ranges or with an unregulated power supply, which can be either internal or external. Each of them has both pluses and minuses.

Features of choice

Everyone has different selection criteria. But the purpose of the acquisition is the same - to make the received signal of high quality. If this is ignored, then interference cannot be avoided. Tips for choosing from experts boil down to the following: if you decide to purchase an inexpensive house amplifier, then you should not expect more from it than passive participation. This is facilitated by the presence of metal structural elements.

But there are options that this is quite enough if the TV tower is in close proximity. For residents of rural areas or for owners of country cottages, as well as for owners of apartments on the ground floors in a high-rise building, a device with a high gain will be needed.

What are the devices? Specialty stores now offer a variety of products to choose from, including outdoor and indoor antennas with a built-in compact amplifier. Which one is better to buy depends on many factors. The best one will cost a lot of money, and there may be no need for it. The best manufacturers annually produce a lot of popular models. What to look for in order to avoid mistakes when choosing? Check out the following expert advice:

  1. It should be borne in mind that no amplifier will work without being connected to electricity. To get it, you need to have a 12, 9 or 5 V AC adapter. Today, new items are being released that can use an antenna cable as a power supply.Then you should make sure that your own TV can transmit. Popular models also differ in body. Some models are designed exclusively for mounting to an outdoor antenna. Their body is waterproof. Otherwise, their life span is until the first rain. If you need to purchase a room model, you do not need to pay attention to this characteristic. Experts recommend installing the amplifier close to the TV. If you ignore this advice, the device will not only amplify the signal, but also attract noise.
  2. The main indicator of the models included in the rating of quality goods is the gain factor. You need to understand that a high value is not always optimal. First you need to decide on the nearest television center. A digital coverage map will help with the question. When the tower is located thousands of kilometers from the user's location, it is worth thinking about the maximum increase rate. In other cases, there is no need for such acquisitions. This will only amplify the noise. Modern devices already have a built-in regulator. This suggests that the owner is able to adjust the indicator based on the location of the tower. Even if you purchase a product with the option turned off, you won’t be able to get rid of it completely. Therefore, even with the acquisition of a "fancy" design, it is impossible to get rid of noise if the tower is close enough.
  3. Devices have a wide range of amplified frequencies. If we review the purchased models, then preference is given to broadband options. They are also called universal, as they are able to amplify all possible frequencies. In connection with the transition to digital TV, it is almost impossible to purchase this kind of product.
  4. When buying the most expensive amplifier for a TV, you can get additional functionality in the form of a signal divider. The case is equipped with several output connectors. This makes it possible to connect several TVs to the device at the same time. You can, of course, purchase separate dividers, which are full in any specialized store. But it should be borne in mind that these dividers contribute to the deterioration of the signal. As for the amplifier, it is deprived of such a drawback, no matter how many TVs are connected to it.

The Best Antenna Amplifiers at a Significant Price

Terra HS 004

An expensive model, as it is able to amplify a wide variety of frequencies. The case is cast, quite reliable. Differs in wear resistance and durability. Equipped with surge protection. It is very popular among walkie-talkie users. Works with UHF and VHF bands. Frequency availability range - 47 - 862 MHz. Adjustment of the indicator - from 34 to 44 dB.

It is powered by the mains through an ordinary plug inserted into a socket. The miniature size of the power supply allows you to place it inside the case. The noise level is minimal, up to 6 dB. Able to function at any temperature, even at -20 degrees. Moisture protection is not provided. The case has a large number of holes to avoid overheating. Therefore, it is not possible to put the device on the street.

The manufacturer equipped the product with ears. The result was a product with the possibility of mounting on the wall. This happens through bolts or screws. An indispensable thing for special services and other similar organizations. It can also be used for digital TV, as the ranges are the same.

The average price is 4320 rubles.

Terra HS 004
  • the ability to attach to a wall or other vertical surface;
  • presence of division into ranges;
  • protection;
  • power supply via RF input is provided;
  • a version is released that has an LTE signal suppression filter;
  • the quality of the cast body;
  • there is a test connector at the output;
  • DC overload indicator services;
  • high gain;
  • a significant number of connection points.
  • overcharge.

Alcad AL-400

The product belongs to the category of expensive. The case is equipped with holes for ventilation. For the street is not suitable, especially with high humidity. The presence of rain and snow will lead to the formation of corrosion, after which subsequent operation will become unpromising. The manufacturer has provided four outputs in the model, which makes it possible to simultaneously connect four TVs. In this case, the signal divider is not used. There are no ears for wall mounting, which is a clear disadvantage.

The weight of the structure is 580 grams. Differs in wear resistance and working capacity. We practically do not kill. An exception is a direct hit by an electric charge of lightning. Operates with two bands at a frequency of 40 - 318 MHz and 470 - 862 MHz. Splitting for the quality of the increase does not occur. This device is not designed to work with radio stations. The main purpose is to transform the TV signal. More than enough functionality for these purposes.

Gain - 20 - 28 dB. The gain can be adjusted. The accessory is used regardless of how far the tower is installed. Noise is at the level of 4.2 dB. The return loss index is 10 dB.The product does not have cable frequencies, which makes it impossible to distribute the operator's signal to different TVs. The performance, as well as the duration of use, is excellent.

You can buy the device at a price of 2550 rubles per unit.

Alcad AL-400
  • long service life;
  • gain is adjustable;
  • many exits;
  • the gain is significant;
  • designed for digital TV antenna;
  • supports a variety of frequencies;
  • reduced noise figure;
  • ease of use;
  • reliability;
  • practicality.
  • there is no overload indicator;
  • not attached to a vertical surface;
  • the cost is not affordable for everyone.

Wisi VM 8351

Among analogues, it stands out with an interesting rounded case. Internal structural elements are located inside, behind white plastic. Outside you can see a small number of connectors. In addition to the white plastic box, the kit includes a special metal product that is equipped with a gain control and several sockets. Based on numerous reviews, the white component is a power supply and separators, while a metal element acts as an amplifier.

The product has a tiny indicator that indicates that electricity is being supplied. If the product has become unusable, it will immediately become visible. The reliability of the design is on top, so you don’t have to worry. If the question arises which company is better to buy, then opt for this German model. The company guarantees the best value for money, conducts constant checks at all stages of production, so as not to let down its fans.

The device works with the UHF band at a frequency of 470 - 790 MHz.It is on it that domestic digital television is broadcast. The gain adjustment ranges from 15 to 35 dB. The noise figure does not reach 3.5 dB.

How much does a product from a famous brand cost? Specialized retail outlets ask for 2750 rubles for it.

Wisi VM 8351
  • the ability to adjust the gain;
  • low noise;
  • assembly reliability;
  • quality;
  • productivity;
  • wear resistance;
  • ease of use.
  • The kit includes several accessories;
  • too small gain control;
  • difficulty in operation by older people;
  • a small number of connectors;
  • significant price.

Lans LX-50

The model differs in small overall parameters. It cannot be used as a divider, since there is one inlet and outlet on the body. In the manufacture of the case, solid metal is used. But it is not recommended to place it outside the premises. Raindrops can penetrate inside and adversely affect the performance of the structure.

Equipped with gain control. It can be operated regardless of the remoteness of the television center. It is considered a universal accessory. The amplifier belongs to the broadband type. Can support multiple ranges at the same time. Frequency processing occurs within 47 - 862 MHz. Powered by cable about a conventional 220 V power supply. If you decide to order equipment online in an online store, then make sure that a power supply is present in the kit.

The purchase price is 1600 rubles.

Lans LX-50
  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • durability;
  • quality;
  • assembly reliability;
  • increased gain;
  • support for a large number of frequencies;
  • the ability to adjust the gain;
  • compactness.
  • there are not as many connectors as we would like;
  • only one F - exit;
  • unspecified noise level.

Best Budget Antenna Amplifiers

Remo BAS - 8102 - 01

In terms of compactness, it has no equal. The price tag looks nice. The main disadvantage is that it is almost impossible to purchase in specialized outlets. The order is carried out mainly through the Internet - a store selling antennas and all kinds of accessories. Only large domestic retail outlets, such as M.Video and DNS, please buyers.

It is very popular among specialists in this field. But there is no need to talk about his impeccability.

With its appearance and dimensions, it resembles a USB flash drive, inside of which there is a tiny board. Despite its size, it is able to amplify the signal at a level of 16 dB. This is a claimed indicator, although in reality it does not correspond to reality. It will be completely useless device if the tower is located a hundred kilometers from the house. There is no gain control at all.

For the operation of the product, you must have a power supply that has a USB connector. Such a device is provided in the kit and there is no need to purchase it additionally. If there is a USB socket on the TV, it makes it possible to power the structure from it.

The amplifier is broadband, operates at a frequency of 48.5 - 862 MHz. Supports digital TV channels. The noise figure is less than 3 dB, which is considered excellent performance. The output and input impedance corresponds to a value of 75 ohms. Connecting a second TV to the device will not work without additional purchase of a divider. Build quality is questionable.

According to users, the main disadvantage is that some models are produced with the center wire of the coaxial output not soldered to the board. In the event of such a situation, there are two ways out: either return the low-quality goods to the seller, or disassemble the products and solder a small wire on your own. But even after performing such manipulations, the product may stop working if it is constantly removed from the USB port.

The purchase price is 550 rubles.

Remo BAS - 8102 - 01
  • elementary in use;
  • the presence of a power supply in the set;
  • acceptable price;
  • powered directly from the TV;
  • low noise figure;
  • able to support a significant number of frequencies.
  • in most cases, the assembly is of poor quality;
  • the plastic used is of poor quality;
  • signal gain at an insufficient level;
  • inability to split the signal;
  • no signal gain control.

Anteks AX - C 20 U

Miniature amplifier with a different design. Wires with a certain resistance are not provided. It looks like a small box, in which there are input and output connectors on the sides. There are no difficulties in using it, even amateurs have no questions. The main drawback of the product is the lack of a cable for connecting the amplifier to the TV. It will have to be purchased independently.

Despite the minimum size, it is able to give a gain of 20 dB. Copes with the assigned tasks "with a bang." Noise figure at 3 dB, which is good news. An ideal acquisition for those people whose apartments are located at a significant distance from the tower.It works with one TV, if it becomes necessary to connect several more, it is worth purchasing dividers that will adversely affect the operation of the device and can nullify its functionality.

Power is supplied by using the antenna input. In order for the product to start functioning, you need to purchase an AX-TVI USB power injector at a specialized outlet. This question will arise if the family does not have the latest generation TV with the ability to supply five-volt electricity to its own antenna input. Most digital set-top boxes have this functionality and are able to receive a signal in DVB-T2 format.

The model has the ability to amplify the signal in the frequency range from 470 to 862 MHz. This suggests that you can watch digital TV in a stable mode. But for a larger device is not designed.

The product is sold at a price of 500 rubles.

Anteks AX - C 20 U
  • build quality;
  • compactness;
  • the presence of a high gain;
  • value for money;
  • designed to amplify the frequency of digital TV;
  • the manufacturer will equip the device with protection against voltage surges in the mains;
  • ease of use.
  • no gain adjustment;
  • connectors are clearly not enough;
  • power supply is provided exclusively through the antenna cable (in a strictly established volume of 5 volts).

Remo USSH - 5 V

It is considered the most budget option. In terms of its parameters, it resembles a conventional adapter. Consists of two structural elements:

  1. An amplifier equipped with a cable entry that extends from the antenna. The body is made of black plastic. There is a microchip inside.
  2. Elementary plastic F - white plug.It is inserted into a special slot on the TV.

The elements are interconnected by a wire of short length (up to 10 cm). Differs in simplicity in use. It is enough to connect the device to the TV, and then connect the antenna. The second step may cause some difficulties. Everything rests on different sizes of connectors. If you accidentally hook the wire, the plug will quickly pop out of the socket. This situation arises if a low-quality model is caught.

The parameters of the device are insignificant, while the signal amplification occurs at the proper level. Many users note an increase in the indicator by 10 - 15 percent. It is impossible to meet cases when the adaptation did not give any effect. There is an exception to the rule. It refers to the situation in which the available antenna is already equipped with an amplifier. In this scenario, the product will not function.

Broadband model. Supports frequencies in the range from 48.5 to 862 MHz. Designed for viewing digital television. The manufacturer does not provide a separate connector for the supply of electricity, which is a significant drawback. Therefore, the device will only function with a TV or set-top box that is able to provide power to its own antenna connector. But the product does not need a network adapter.

You can buy products at a price of 250 to 370 rubles, depending on the region of residence.

Remo USSH - 5 V
  • compact parameters;
  • a budget option;
  • stability of maintaining digital TV;
  • amplification quality;
  • practicality;
  • elementary in use;
  • marriage is almost non-existent.
  • antenna output in one copy;
  • gain adjustment is not provided by the manufacturer;
  • The antenna cable must supply strictly 5V power.


Today it is difficult to imagine life without TV. The buildings of most cinemas were empty. Many people prefer to watch their favorite movies in a cozy apartment with family and friends. Moreover, you can choose your own repertoire. From the same source, in most cases, we learn everything that happens both in our own city and in the world. Television is also a source of development and education for young people.

Despite the fact that Internet has been installed in every apartment or house today, the TV does not lose its position. It is only necessary to follow innovative technologies. Analog television is gradually fading into oblivion. The digital standard DVB T2 is being replaced. This means that teleservice users must either take care of purchasing the latest technology or buy antennas that will be compatible with the old ones.

Without the usual TV, even a summer resident cannot imagine himself. Being in nature, throughout the daylight hours giving strength and energy to the garden and vegetable garden, in the evening you want to relax in front of the TV screen. There will be no problems if the country estate is located in close proximity to the tower. And if the village or farm is on the outskirts? Amplifiers will help to get out of the situation. After all, providers do not always cover small towns. In addition, being at the dacha for only a few months, operators will have to pay for the whole year, and this is unprofitable. You have to take care of acquiring a special device that amplifies the incoming signal. Nuances to consider when buying:

  1. If the repeater is not far away, then you can opt for an inexpensive model with limited functionality.
  2. Much depends on whether the house is located in a lowland or built on a hill.
  3. Do tall trees grow close to housing.
  4. Is there a forest near the house?
  5. To what height can the owner raise the antenna.
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