
  1. What is the correct position of the spine
  2. Top exercise for the formation and maintenance of a beautiful posture
  3. Rating of the best exercises for flexibility

Rating of the best exercises for correcting posture

Rating of the best exercises for correcting posture

Posture, in addition to external beauty and flexibility, can maintain the health of the back. Spinal deformity is not only a cosmetic issue, but it is also the main cause of persistent back pain, which will only get worse over time. They can be uncomfortable and inconvenient. If you have scoliosis or if you notice that you often stoop, we suggest considering the rating of the best exercises to correct your posture.

What is the correct position of the spine

Our spine is like the letter S. It provides cushioning when we run, jump or do other sports. If there were no S-shaped bends, the blows would be hard and transmitted directly to the intervertebral discs, injuring them and causing rapid wear of the cartilage.

Those who follow the posture have the maximum lung capacity, in addition, they have the largest amplitude of respiratory movements. The pressure is evenly distributed between the vertebral discs, so the nerve fibers are not clamped, and the signals that the brain transmits come unhindered. In ancient Eastern medicine, it was believed that each section of the spine is responsible for certain areas of our body and the slightest curvature negatively affects the functioning of the whole organism. A healthy spine is the key to the normal functioning of all organs, despite age-related changes.

What are the types of posture disorders?

They are front and side. The former include scoliosis, in which there is asymmetry of the shoulder blades, pelvic bones, ribs and shoulders. The second is straightening or, conversely, excessive deflections of the natural shape of the spine. In addition, there are violations of posture when the back is round, that is, a combination of kyphosis with straightening in the lumbar region. A flat back is also considered a deviation from the norm. Any type of curvature of the spine adversely affects both the appearance and health of a person.

How to spot a posture disorder

People with poor posture most often acquire a similar pathology in childhood or adolescence. The only difference is that during the formation of the musculoskeletal system, the problem is much easier to eliminate.Children can be given to ballroom dancing, gymnastics, swimming, figure skating or other budget sections, and they themselves can start exercising in the gym or on their own. All this will help correct your posture.

But often this opportunity is not used, no advice works, and people think about the need to correct the curvature of the spine only when the back starts to hurt.

An overview of the main causes of curvature of the spine in adults. These include:

  • Excess weight resulting from malnutrition, this is especially true for guys.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Previously received injuries.
  • Diseases.

The above factors contribute to the deterioration of the spine. The main mistakes when choosing an exercise are not understanding how neglected your situation is. To find out if your posture needs correction, you can perform a set of simple tests:

  • Bend over, lower your arms down and round your back. During the exercise, the ribs should be symmetrical with respect to the spine.
  • Straighten up without straining your back and ask relatives or friends to measure the circumference of the shoulders with a centimeter 10 cm below the collarbone horizontally. The front must be less than 0.9 of the back.
  • Press your back against a flat surface and see if it is easy for you to touch the floor with your heels, and with your calves, shoulder blades and buttocks of the wall surface. The degree of curvature of the spine can be judged by how hard this exercise is given to you. Your palm should pass between the wall and the waist.

If at least one of the tests gave a negative result, then there is a curvature of the spine. But everything can be fixed, there are the best special exercises aimed at combating the problem for men and women.

Effective ways to maintain posture

There are several rules that help maintain the beauty and health of the spine. These include:

  • Control. Watch your own body position until it becomes a habit. Moving, sitting at the table and even lying on the couch. First of all, consider the main characteristics. Pay attention to the shoulders, they should not be raised high. An indicator of the correct posture is the stomach, which will not protrude.
  • A developed back and abs will keep the spine healthy. Therefore, regularly perform simple exercises to strengthen this muscle group.
  • Walk around with a book on your head. How much does such a technique cost? It is absolutely free and suitable for a child. This is an excellent prevention of curvature and diseases of the spine, because you can only hold the book in a straightened position.
  • Warm up. Even while working, take short breaks to stretch your muscles and your whole body. Complete several exercises based on your personal selection criteria. It will take no more than 10 minutes a day, but it will keep the spine healthy.
  • When performing turns with a stick, the back should remain straight. For girls, it is recommended that in order not to harm the knees, just bend them slightly.
  • When carrying heavy objects, distribute the total weight evenly between both hands.
  • Buy only comfortable shoes. There are popular models for men and women. The constant wearing of heels seriously burdens the spine, so it is worth changing shoes, giving your legs a rest.
  • Active lifestyle. Lack of movement causes many problems, including disruption of the normal functioning of the spine. Doctors recommend starting to play sports and move more.
  • Use a hard mattress.
  • Orthopedic corset.Today, the best manufacturers offer their products, which can be ordered online in an online store. It was created in order to learn how to maintain the spine in the correct position.
  • Boarding at mealtime. While at the table, many people forget to monitor their posture.
  • Today on sale there are inexpensive simulators that are suitable for people with various disorders in the back area. The popularity of models is due to high efficiency. According to buyers, they do an excellent job with posture correction. Today there are different models separately for children, male and female. Which one is better to buy is up to you, and we talked about the best posture trainers here.

Top exercise for the formation and maintenance of a beautiful posture

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This basic posture exercise is good because it allows you to work out several muscle groups at once. In addition, it improves flexibility, coordination and affects the cardiovascular system.


  • One leg is put forward and placed on a full foot. Behind standing - placed on the toe.
  • During the lunge, you need to straighten up and stretch up, feeling how the spine begins to stretch. You can stand in this position for up to one minute, and then repeat everything again, but with the other leg.
  • During the exercise, posture improves and the muscles of the lower extremities are worked out;
  • Using additional shells, you can work out the buttocks;
  • The exercise develops coordination, balance and stability well.
  • Not suitable for people with sore knees.

Bent over with hands behind back
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A fairly simple exercise that relieves tension in the back and stretches the spine, hips, develops flexibility and helps to put the shoulders in place and straighten the chest.

Execution technique - step by step instructions:

  • Stand up straight and then take your hands back.
  • Close your palms, fingers crossed, tilt your torso without bending your legs, raise your arms up, opening your shoulders and chest.
  • At the same time, the back should remain flat, so do not lower the body very low, it is enough to bend down to parallel with the floor. Do 2 sets of 30-60 seconds daily.
  • Improves flexibility of the spine and mobility of the hip joints;
  • Improves hamstring stretch;
  • Strengthens working muscle groups;
  • Improves blood circulation. Due to the same beneficial actions, the prevention of certain diseases is carried out;
  • Helps correct curvature of the spine.
  • Not detected.

Relief dog pose
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This yoga exercise is good for stretching the back muscles. When leaning on the wall, the load is removed from the legs.


  • Stand in front of the wall so that the distance between you and your back is no more than one meter.
  • Rest your palms on the wall. Bend over, ideally the angle of inclination should be 90 degrees.
  • Leaning against the wall, stretch your back well and feel the stretch in the muscles. Do 2 sets of 30-60 seconds daily
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Improves posture;
  • Stretches the muscles of the legs;
  • Relaxes the back.
  • It has a number of contraindications, in particular, it is not suitable for people with high blood pressure.

Hands in the castle sitting
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The exercise relieves tension from the shoulder girdle and increases the mobility of the chest. It also improves blood circulation in the neck area.


  • Sit on the floor, legs should be near the pelvis. The left arm, bent at the elbow, is brought behind the back. Then the same is repeated with the other hand. The elbows are not splayed, close to the body.
  • Place your palms together, fingers crossed, straighten your back and shoulder blades. If you are not flexible enough, then just pull your fingers towards each other. Do 2 sets daily for 30 seconds on each side.
  • Stretches the chest;
  • Helps improve posture;
  • Relieves tension from the back and shoulder girdle.
  • At first, it can be difficult to hold your hands together completely.

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This exercise is a great way to strengthen the abs, maintain a stately figure and the entire muscular corset. Regular exercise makes the muscles hardy and strong. Today it has many different execution techniques and is widely used in fitness, yoga, Pilates and other wellness practices.


  • Lie on your stomach and place your palms on the floor. Straighten your legs and rest your toes.
  • As you exhale, straighten your arms without lifting your pelvis too high.
  • Runtime 1 minute. For beginners, 20 seconds is enough. The number of repetitions is up to you.
  • No additional inventory required;
  • There is a development and strengthening of muscles, back, press, legs, chest shoulders;
  • The waist is formed and the stomach is tightened;
  • The position of the lower part of the spine is stabilized;
  • The skill is developed to keep the body straight;
  • There are simplified children's options.
  • Contraindicated in people with chronic back problems.

Rating of the best exercises for flexibility

Bending back in a standing position
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This type of exercise strengthens the deep muscles of the back and makes the thoracic spine mobile.


  • Get upright. Place your hands on your hips and lean back as much as possible while arching your back. Keep your balance.
  • Lean your hips forward slightly to avoid falling.Beginners are advised to start the exercise while sitting on a chair. Do three sets of 30 seconds.
  • The front part stretches well;
  • The volume of the lungs increases;
  • There is a toning of the abdominal organs;
  • Stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, kidneys and adrenal glands.
  • Increased excitability, it is not recommended to do it before going to bed because the exercise can provoke insomnia;
  • It has a number of contraindications, including injuries of the spine, neck, sacrum, pelvis, hernia.

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Suitable for anyone who wants to have a flexible spine. The Sphinx is designed for posture, back and chest. During execution, it is necessary to monitor breathing, it should not go astray.


  • Roll over on your stomach, legs extended and feet connected, heels turned out.
  • Elbows under the shoulders, forearms extended forward parallel to each other. The palms should be pressed to the floor, and the fingers should be pointing forward. Forearms and elbows are as close to the body as possible.
  • Push your chest out by pulling your shoulders back and down while connecting your shoulder blades. The head is straight, stretched upwards, the gaze is focused on one point. In order to feel the effect, you need to hold this position for 2 minutes.
  • It has a positive effect on the flexibility of the lower vertebral section, provides excellent ventilation of the lungs;
  • The main functionality is aimed at combating muscle spasms.
  • Exercise should be performed carefully for people with diseases such as a hernia or protrusion;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can be complicated after performing this exercise;
  • The recommendations of doctors indicate that people who have high blood pressure or hyperfunction of the thyroid gland should refuse to perform the Sphinx exercise.

Back bend
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With regular performance, you will forget about fatigue, muscle spasms for a long time, you will feel great and also look great.


  • Lie on your stomach so that your forearms are pressed to the floor. Straighten your arms and put them behind your back. They should be parallel to the body, lift the torso.
  • If performed correctly, you will feel a stretch in the chest area and a slight tension in the muscles of the back. Control yourself so that your legs remain pressed to the floor, and your head is not thrown back.
  • Improves the mobility of the upper vertebral section;
  • Provides effective stretching of the back muscles;
  • Relieves spasms.
  • Exercises are not recommended for people who have back problems.

half bridge
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This exercise is considered universal for most people. It is allowed to be done, including by pregnant women. It helps with osteochondrosis, relieves tension from the lower back, removes stoop, stretches the chest, gently massages the back muscles, strengthens the muscles of the legs, abdomen and neck.


  • Roll over onto your back, pulling your legs, bent at the knees, to the pelvis. Then lift it up, but the neck, shoulders and head should be pressed to the floor, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Grasp the ankles with your hands or place them parallel to the body. Correct execution is indicated by the tension of the buttocks at the top point.
  • Reviews of people who have tried the exercise say that it stretches the spine well;
  • Strengthens the buttocks, hips and pelvis.
  • It has a number of contraindications: injuries of the knee, neck and hernia;
  • Not suitable for pregnant women.

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It resembles a hyperextension, which is performed lying on the floor, and is suitable for performing at home. The amplitude of movement of the body is much shorter, but it is possible to strengthen the lumbar and back muscles without the use of additional equipment.


  • Lie on your stomach, press your legs and pelvis to the floor, straighten up and lift your torso.
  • What you should pay attention to: during execution, do not push your head forward, concentrate on breathing, it should not go astray.
  • Quick tightening of the thighs and buttocks;
  • Correction of curvature of the spine;
  • Relieve tension and pain in the back.
  • You can not perform exercises with the function of posture correction in case of spinal injuries and during the rehabilitation period after the operation.

Home exercises cost much less than classes with a personal trainer. After all, the average price of going to the gym is not so small. Daily, performing exercises for flexibility and strengthening of the spine, adhering to certain rules, you can return a proud posture in a short time, eliminate pain in the back and make it more flexible. Don't know how to choose? Just look at our rating of high-quality and effective exercises.


