
  1. The best models of water softeners
  2. Results
Ranking the best water softeners in 2022

Ranking the best water softeners in 2022

Daily use of water ensures the normal functioning of human life. Water is used in the process of cooking, for washing fruits, in the process of showering and washing. However, depending on the region, the chemical composition of the water may vary. It often contains excessive amounts of iron or lime. The presence of these elements can reduce the life of household appliances, as well as harm health. Safer use is provided by artificial softening with special devices. Regeneration with water softeners purifies it and makes it more useful.

The best models of water softeners

Before choosing which company is the best softener, it is recommended to study the list of popular models.Despite the fact that most softeners are made by the best manufacturers, almost every device has both advantages and disadvantages. In addition to the difference in cost, they have many technical differences. One such parameter is the installed technology of the cleaning system.

For example, it can be both ultrafiltration and coal. When choosing which filter is better to buy, you should be guided both by your own selection criteria and by the reviews and advice of those who have already purchased the same one. Today, in specialized stores selling plumbing items, a huge number of devices, both domestic and foreign, are presented.

Aquaphor Styron

Aquaphor Styron is a pre-filter model that prevents the formation of scale in the power system for heating household appliances for various purposes. With high efficiency eliminates the formed scum. Thanks to the installation of such a filter, the household appliance will last much longer. After loading the absorbent, the magnetic softener will perform about three hundred working cycles. Thanks to the transparent housing, it is easy to track the need to change the filter. Each of the fasteners has standard dimensions, so you do not need to contact a specialist to install or remove the device. The filter is small in size, which makes it possible to install it in a limited space. The cost of Aquaphor Styron in 2022 is about 350 rubles.

Aquaphor Styron

Aquaphor Styron

  • chemical filter prevents scale formation;
  • removes scale from the surface of internal elements;
  • prolongs the service life of household appliances;
  • enough for three hundred working cycles;
  • has a transparent body;
  • standard size fasteners;
  • the possibility of self-installation and removal;
  • small dimensions;
  • can be installed in a limited space;
  • low price.
  • not suitable for soft drinking water;
  • there is no storage capacity.

Atoll Excellence L-24

Atoll Excellence L-24 is a model of a multifunctional, automated filter for household appliances. This softener includes an EcoWater control valve and a reverse flow cleaning circuit. The electronic unit in real time captures the flow rate data per second, which is measured by the pulse water meter leaving the system. The addition of consumption indicators, as well as the determination of average daily values, is carried out automatically.

These data serve as the basis for making a decision to start the regeneration process with an electronic system. The SuperCap II redundant source provides data safety when disconnected from the network for six hours. The glass-reinforced glass container contains a filter resin. It is able to withstand water hammer, having power characteristics of 53 atm. The minimum cost of such a softener will be 65,000 rubles.

Atoll Excellence L-24

Atoll Excellence L-24
  • wide functionality;
  • full automation;
  • the presence of the EcoWater valve;
  • cleaning according to the "reverse flow" scheme;
  • detailed collection of real-time consumption data;
  • automatic calculation of average daily indicators;
  • backup data storage for six hours;
  • the balloon is made of durable material;
  • withstands powerful water hammer.
  • high price.


BWT AQA Perla is a two-column running water softener model cabinet. The innovative BWT technology protects the appliance from lime deposits. Salt consumption is controlled automatically. Thanks to this, the device is easier to maintain without the need for additional financial costs. The pendulum mode of operation ensures a continuous supply of purified soft water. It should be noted that operation in this mode implies alternate regeneration in different columns. Display of operating modes is carried out on the LCD touch screen. The device is equipped with a highly effective hygienic protection that disinfects the ion exchange resin. This has a positive effect on the reliability and safety of using a household appliance. The cost of this softener in 2022 is about 80,000 rubles.


  • two-column type of purification;
  • equipping with innovative BWT technology;
  • provides protection of the household appliance from lime deposits;
  • automatic control of salt consumption;
  • the pre-softener is dishwasher safe;
  • facilitates maintenance of the household appliance;
  • helps to reduce the financial costs of servicing devices;
  • continuous supply of water of improved quality in pendulum mode;
  • equipped with a touch LCD display;
  • highly effective hygienic protection;
  • improves the reliability and safety performance of the device.
  • high price.

BWT Aquadial Softlife SL10

BWT Aquadial Softlife SL10 is an economical model for hard water, able to minimize the consumption of salt required for regeneration.The mixing valve, which is present in the design of the device, effectively regulates the level of hardness. The control unit with pre-cleaning program setting is suitable for almost all operating conditions. Correction of water consumption is carried out in an automated mode. Due to the stability of operation in systems with low pressures of less than 1 bar, the scope of the filter is significantly expanded. An autonomous backup source allows you to save the set parameters for three days. The minimum cost of the softener will be 40,000 rubles.

BWT Aquadial Softlife SL10

BWT Aquadial Softlife SL10
  • reduces the level of water hardness;
  • minimizes salt consumption;
  • the presence of an admixture control valve in the design;
  • can be used in almost any conditions;
  • automatic water flow correction mode;
  • unusual design;
  • functions stably in a system with a pressure of less than 1 bar;
  • has a wide scope;
  • preservation of parameters for three days.
  • not found.

Atoll S-28 EcoLife

Atoll S-28 EcoLife is an automated softener that reduces the hardness of cold running water entering appliances that continuously supply liquid. For cleaning, innovative technologies are used in combination with modern fillers that exclude the presence of aggressive chemical compounds. Thanks to the installation of such a filter, the operation of the household appliance becomes safer.

The duration of the automated regeneration mode is less than fifteen minutes, which has a positive effect on performance indicators.Salt is dosed proportionally, reducing the need for financial costs in the maintenance process. The automatic regeneration mode can be reprogrammed. A list of parameters, and kinds of working modes are displayed on the display. The price of a softener starts from 40,000 rubles.

Atoll S-28 EcoLife

Atoll S-28 EcoLife
  • reduces the hardness of water in household appliances;
  • equipping with innovative technologies;
  • modern fillers without aggressive chemicals;
  • increases the safety indicators of the use of devices;
  • regeneration takes several minutes;
  • there is a connection to the water supply;
  • proportional dosage of salt;
  • improves the performance of household appliances;
  • helps to save on maintenance;
  • programming of regeneration modes;
  • equipped with an informative display.
  • lack of storage capacity.

Aquaphor Crystal Eco H

Aquaphor Crystal Eco H is a relatively inexpensive model of a high-performance purifier that is used for cold water. Does not require a lot of space, can be installed "under the sink". It has a high-quality four-stage cleaning system. Coal and ultrafiltration technology for removing harmful impurities, tastes and odors. The filter resource is eight thousand liters. Features water softening and chlorine removal. The package includes a filtration module and an additional tap. Another thing to pay attention to is that the installation does not take much time. Purified water is supplied under good pressure. Due to the good value for money, according to buyers, the product has good recommendations. The cost of such a filter in 2022 is about 4,000 rubles.

Aquaphor Crystal Eco H

Aquaphor Crystal Eco H
  • included in the rating of inexpensive;
  • high performance;
  • very efficient;
  • does not take up much space;
  • the possibility of placing "under the sink";
  • with mechanical filtration;
  • the number of purification steps is four;
  • with ultrafiltration;
  • significant improvement in water quality;
  • elimination of tastes and odors;
  • large filter resource;
  • the presence of a separate faucet;
  • with filtration module;
  • fast installation;
  • good water pressure.
  • expensive filter change
  • rapid wear of the system;
  • long regeneration;
  • low quality material components.

New Water Praktic Osmos Stream OUD600

New Water Praktic Osmos Stream OUD600 is a model of a six-stage cold water filter with wide functionality. The design has a high pressure pump and auto-cleaning. The device is able to withstand high loads for a long time. Assembly and components are of high quality. Possibility of installation "under the sink". Purification of impurities is provided by the principle of reverse osmosis, as well as with the help of coal. The filter resource is five thousand liters.

There are functions of water mineralization, iron removal, softening and purification from chlorine. The membrane is flushed automatically. The indicators are equipped with LED backlight. The package includes a filtration module and an additional tap. The main filter needs to be changed once a year. At the outlet, water supplied under high pressure is perfectly purified. There is no noise during operation. Equipped with a protective system against pressure drops. The filter is easy to maintain. The presence of a self-diagnostic function.This type of cleaning device is suitable for both a cottage and an apartment. Such a softener is sold at a price of about 20,000 rubles.

New Water Praktic Osmos Stream OUD600

New Water Praktic Osmos Stream OUD600
  • six stages of cleaning;
  • wide functionality;
  • the presence of a high pressure pump;
  • auto-cleaning is provided;
  • the ability to work with high loads;
  • high-quality assembly and components;
  • can be placed "under the sink";
  • sufficient filter resource;
  • water mineralization function;
  • with reverse osmosis;
  • iron removal;
  • pipeline view of the sump;
  • softening of the composition and purification from chlorine;
  • automatic flushing of the membrane;
  • LED illumination of indicators;
  • improves the color of the water;
  • the presence of a separate crane in the configuration;
  • with filter module;
  • there is no need for frequent filter changes;
  • high pressure of the supplied water;
  • perfect cleaning quality;
  • silent;
  • pressure surge protection system;
  • ease of use;
  • with self-diagnosis function.
  • the average price is above average.

Atoll A-575m STD

Atoll A-575m STD is a model of high-quality and relatively inexpensive plumbing cleaner. The package includes a container for the accumulation of water, the volume of which is more than ten liters. Installation "under a sink" is possible. Five-stage cleaning system. The removal of impurities is carried out according to the principle of reverse osmosis, as well as with the help of coal. The functions of mineralization, getting rid of metal and chlorine impurities, as well as water softening are available. The membrane is flushed automatically. The indicators are equipped with LED backlight. The presence of a high pressure pump. The complete set is equipped with the separate crane and the filtration module. Assembly and components are of high quality.This model costs about 10,000 rubles.

Atoll A-575m STD

Atoll A-575m STD
  • with volume storage capacity;
  • can be placed "under the sink";
  • five stages of cleaning;
  • mineralization of water;
  • removal of impurities of chlorine and metal;
  • softens the composition of water;
  • the membrane is flushed automatically;
  • LED illumination of indicators;
  • there is a high pressure pump;
  • the package includes a filtration module and a separate tap;
  • high quality build and components.
  • expensive filters and consumables.


Model namePrice segment
Aquaphor Styronbudget, 350 rubles
Atoll Excellence L-24elite, 65 000 rubles
BWT AQA Perlaelite, 80 000 rubles
BWT Aquadial Softlife SL10medium, 40 000 rub
Atoll S-28 EcoLifemedium, 40 000 rub
Aquaphor Crystal Eco Hbudget, 4,000 rubles
New Water Praktic Osmos Stream OUD600medium, 20 000 rub
Atoll A-575m STDbudget, 10,000 rubles

To date, a huge number of water softeners for the home of various manufacturing companies are presented. This review provided a description of what are the best softeners, according to Russian consumers, focusing on the popularity of models. Studying the advantages and disadvantages of trade names will help to avoid mistakes when choosing. The huge assortment available today in specialized stores includes both domestic and imported models.

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