Owning your own apiary is a good help to gardeners and villagers. You can breed bees not only for yourself, but also put up products for sale. Of course, beekeeping requires good hives. The features of their choice will be discussed in this article.
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In the modern world, almost everything can be chosen to your taste, for yourself. The hives are no exception: there are a lot of hives for sale with different characteristics to suit any requirement. "Houses" for bees differ:
Bees need a good structure to function properly.By architecture, the hives are prefabricated and solid. Now mainly prefabricated are used. Previously, honeycombs in them were ruled, but gradually changed to frame ones. Several honeycomb frames are placed in one prefabricated hive, they can be removed and new ones added.
An important note: solid hives are almost never used in modern beekeeping, because. have a very inconvenient design.
The hives also differ in direction in space. They are:
Hives can be used for several purposes, not only for bees to live in them:
Important note: when working with hives of these types, there is no need to work with heavy elements. The large volume of the bee dwelling makes it possible to qualitatively protect it from the cold during the winter.
When choosing a home for your striped workers, you need to pay attention to the following:
Region. If the area is not distinguished by high honey productivity, it is worth putting a single-hull hive. If, on the contrary, the indicator of honey production is high, you need to take recumbent or double-hulled bee dwellings. Important Features:
These characteristics must be taken into account for beginners in beekeeping. In addition to them, ease of care and accessibility to all nodes of the bee house are also important.
In the absence of experience in beekeeping, you can start with a simple vertical, single-hull hive. The usual set includes two ready-made 12-frame magazine extensions, from which it will be possible to collect honey for personal consumption, or sell it. The honey remaining in the nesting frames is food for the bees for the winter.
Hives with more than 4 buildings are considered the most convenient and productive for stationary bee farms. Multi-hull hives mimic the natural habitat of bees. They can be built on at the height of the summer season to increase honey collection. Also, these hives allow you to make high-quality care for bee colonies, regulate their numbers, and prevent swarming.
When choosing the type of hive, you should focus on the conditions of the apiary: stationary or nomadic. And also for the personal needs of the beekeeper - honey is needed in a small amount for personal consumption, or the apiary will be a commercial enterprise and it is required to obtain the maximum possible volume of the product.
The Dadan-Blatt hive is one of the most popular with beginners.It is single or double hull and extremely versatile in use. One of its main disadvantages is the non-removable bottom and the relatively small size of the nest.
Dadan Double Hull
Hives of the Cebro and Alpine designs are multi-hull and are also widely used by beekeepers in various natural areas. Cebro performs very well in a continental climate with frosty winters and persistent summer heat.
The peculiarity of the hive of the French frameless type Varre is that the beekeeper requires minimal intervention in the life of bee colonies, the design itself is designed so that the hive itself is light in weight and allows a person with any physical characteristics to take care of it.
The American type Farrara hive can be easily upgraded for higher productivity. This is a multi-frame hive with a reduced frame size. Two bee families can live in such a hive at the same time.
When choosing hives, it is important to understand the size of the honey collection area in the area, and how weather and climate will affect the activity and productivity of the bees. You should not start with professional hives, which are difficult and costly to maintain. Beginning beekeepers should not buy a lot of bee colonies at once in the hope of a large honey collection. It is better to limit the first year to no more than 10 hives. When experience is accumulated, then the apiary can be expanded.
This popular type of horizontal hive for stationary beekeeping should be considered separately, as it has a lot of advantages and few disadvantages.
Many beekeepers are sure that the sunbed is the most productive hive. Usually it includes from 20 to 24 frames. A hive with 16 frames is called a "recliner".Sun loungers are massive hives with a non-removable bottom, they can only be expanded in a horizontal direction, if necessary, attaching honeycombs from the sides. The size of the nest can be easily expanded or reduced using a special plug-in board. Starting from spring, it is convenient to keep two bee colonies in such a hive, completely isolated from each other by a blank partition. Usually on the facade of the hive there are two notches - the upper one is the lower one. There is no special need to make a landing board, because the bottom of the hive performs its functions.
The main parts of the lounger:
This is a design consisting of three main parts:
For the manufacture of a multi-hull hive, boards of soft wood species are used. The hive is made single-walled, with a standard frame size of 435 * 230mm. The design of each body consists of two main entrances and one additional, upper one. In the spring, when the bees come out of hibernation, the queen lives on the upper tier and lays her eggs there.Bees live in the middle, and the third tier serves as a prefix for laying honey. In the winter season, the uterus goes to the second level, and the upper one is filled with honey and used as a feeder for the whole season.
This is one of the most popular options for beginner beekeepers. Small costs for the purchase of material for construction, or a ready-made hive, can save a lot. It is ideal for a small apiary to learn the basics of beekeeping. And later, you can easily move on to more complex hives.
Important information! Styrofoam hives should not be placed in the sun. Since this material is deformed with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Keeping bees in such a hive will not work, and they will look for a new comfortable home.
This is the simplest hive, which is as close as possible to the natural home of bees due to the lack of frames. It consists of square cases, 30 cm wide, the cases are stacked on top of each other. In the summer, 2 cases are added to the bees, and they are removed for the winter. Rectangular planks, which will be the bases for the honeycombs, are attached to 2 walls looking at each other.
Due to the simple handling of this hive, it is often recommended for beginners. However, more experienced beekeepers warn that varre is highly susceptible to dampness. Dampness is the main enemy of bees in the winter.And the location of the notch at the very bottom makes it a convenient niche for the settlement of varroa mites.
Interesting fact! In folk medicine, not only honey and beeswax are valued, but also zabrus - these are peculiar caps of bee honeycombs. It has a positive effect on human health. Increases the body's immune response, improves complexion and cleanses the skin, helps to fight various viral diseases and the common cold faster.
Longtime beekeepers share some great tips to help newbies prepare for different situations:
Breeding bees is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Advice from experienced beekeepers will always help. Beekeeping can become a favorite hobby, because it is not only work with bees, it is also solitude with nature. Such an activity will give strength, energy and health.