Some people take low back pain lightly, especially if it's not severe. But such symptoms indicate the presence of diseases of a different nature. When the first signs appear, make an appointment with a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment. In the article, we will consider the rating of high-quality medicines for injections for back pain, recommendations for use, possible consequences, and what mistakes can be made when choosing medicines.
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Lower back pain (dorsalgia) can be caused by inflammation, pinched nerve, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, etc. It is necessary to identify the true cause of the pain, and not stop the pain syndrome. The doctor will prescribe injections only after a complete examination, most often complex treatment is prescribed.
The pain appears from various reasons, the main ones are presented below, but only a doctor makes an accurate diagnosis.
Types of drugs for injection:
Before prescribing any drug, the doctor conducts a comprehensive analysis, reveals the type of disease, what symptoms a person has, what environmental factors can have a negative effect, after a full examination, drugs are prescribed (antibiotics, antispasmodics, anti-inflammatory, etc.).
After pain relief therapy with injections (when the causative agent of the disease is identified), other forms of drugs (tablets, patches, ointments) are prescribed, they are used as a disease prevention, reduce possible complications.
Advantages of injectable forms of the drug:
Cons of injection forms of the drug:
What to look for when buying a product:
The rating includes the best drugs, according to buyers. The review, consumer reviews, the functionality of medicines were taken as a basis.
Strong analgesic, suppresses pain in the spine and lower back. It is administered intramuscularly, it is not recommended for people aged, pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 16 years of age and with allergic reactions to the active substance. The course of admission is 3-5 days. Average price: 243 rubles.
Diclofenac effectively relieves pain, but it has a number of contraindications and side effects. The effect is quite long, about 6-8 hours. The pain recedes 7-8 minutes after the administration of the drug. It is allowed to use intramuscularly and intravenously. May increase stomach acid. Average price: 52 rubles.
Meloxicam relieves pain and suppresses inflammation. Treatment regimen: intramuscular injections 2 times a day, duration 3-5 days. Not compatible with other drugs of the NSAID group.Pharmacological properties: has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect. Cost: 190 rubles.
A fast-acting remedy for lower back pain, relieves pain and tension in muscles and joints, and is used in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis. These drugs are sold by prescription only. To maintain the course of treatment, after the use of injections, it is recommended to take Neurobion tablets. Average cost: 345 rubles.
Active ingredient: diclofenac, effectively relieves pain and inflammation in the muscles. The action of one injection is enough for 6-8 hours. The injection is painless, the ampoule is easily opened. Possible side effects from the gastrointestinal tract. Price: 282 rubles.
Manufactured by Berlin-Chemie (Germany/Italy). The effectiveness of the drug lasts 4-8 hours, reduces pain 20 minutes after administration. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 3 ampoules. The introduction of funds intramuscularly is almost painless. Average price: 268 rubles.
Active ingredient: tenoxicam. Additionally, it prevents platelet aggregation. The pain passes quickly enough, after 3-5 minutes, the effect can last all day.If the body's metabolism is slow, the effect of the drug may slow down. The course of treatment is 1-2 days. Price: 706 rubles.
Milgamma is used as part of complex therapy, it is well tolerated. Of the side effects: skin rashes are possible. The main course, with a pronounced pain syndrome, is 5-10 days. Cost: 316 rubles.
Austrian drug without lidocaine. It is used for various symptoms, as well as for pain in the lower back and spine. Duration of injections: 7-10 days. Pretty painful injections. It is a red solution with a characteristic vitamin odor. Cost: 260 rubles.
The drug of domestic production, is an analogue of Milgamma. The lidocaine included in the composition contributes to painless administration. On average, the duration of admission is 5 days. It must be administered very slowly, otherwise there is a possibility of headaches, dizziness and convulsions. Cost: 167 rubles.
The drug effectively copes with lower back pain.Lidocaine, which is part of the composition, provides an almost painless administration. It is an excellent addition to NSAIDs and muscle relaxants for complex therapy. Cost: 103 rubles.
Domestic medicine. When used correctly, it gives a fairly effective result. For one injection, it can stop the pain syndrome. It affects the underlying causes of the disease and has a healing effect. Cost: 279 rubles.
Hormonal group of medicines, used only by prescription.
It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. Has a wide spectrum of activity. The only contraindication for short-term use is only hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Cost: 253 rubles.
It is administered intramuscularly for back pain. It is also prescribed for various inflammations and rheumatism. It must be administered slowly, under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Among the negative effects are nausea and jumps in blood pressure. Cost: 115 rubles.
Effectively fights pain in the lower back and joints. It can be administered in three ways: intravenously, intramuscularly and intraarticularly. Dosage and course of administration is determined individually. Possible CNS depression, should be used under medical supervision. Cost: 141 rubles.
The agent can be injected into a muscle or joint, the course of taking 3 injections. Has a wide range of applications. Quickly removes the focus of inflammation and leads to recovery. Among the contraindications: high blood sugar and an open form of tuberculosis. Cost: 746 rubles.
The composition contains narcotic drugs, the use must be treated with extreme caution. Use at home is contraindicated. All injections must be supervised by a physician. The main negative effect: nausea. Cost: 221 rubles.
The article looked at how to choose the right medicine for back pain, what types and types of drugs. Advice is given on which is better to buy an injection solution for specific situations, what chemical components are contained in the composition.
Remember that as soon as the first signs of the disease appear, immediately consult a doctor, do not self-medicate.The chronic form is much more difficult to treat than a disease detected in the early stages.