
  1. Corner baths - general information
  2. Difficulties of choice
  3. Rating of the best corner baths for 2022
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best corner baths for 2022

Rating of the best corner baths for 2022

Despite today's vast possibilities shower cabins, only a bath bowl can give the body complete relaxation, create a spiritual and peaceful atmosphere. If a standard bowl may not physically fit into the geometrically strict dimensions of a small bathroom, then its angular variation is easily suitable for this. Such samples are distinguished by practicality, compactness and the desired level of ergonomics.

Corner baths - general information

Immediately it is worth mentioning that the angular shape does not at all mean the loss of some of the functional abilities of the font - its width and length will completely allow any person of average build to feel comfortable. In addition, their depth can be completely different and starts from 45 centimeters, and this indicator is considered traditional for the classic model.

However, most modern corner products from the lower or middle price segment are more designed to receive water procedures in a half-sitting position. Nevertheless, such an “inconvenience” is compensated by the presence of an almost obligatory recess-headrest. If we mention the outer surface, then its shape can be completely different: from a symmetrical arc to strict outlines. Today it is quite possible to assert that the purchase of corner models will not only be an option to save space, but will add originality to the equipment of the bathroom.

Design solutions are also typical for the types of bowls under consideration. Basically, they consist in performing the entire structure in one or in multiple color shades, and any beautiful image can be added to the outside of the product.

Release form

The direct purpose of the type of fonts under consideration is the installation of the entire structure in the inner corner, which provides for a certain obligation for the product to have at least two sides that have straight lines and are connected at an angle of 90 degrees.The rest may have completely irregular contours: be rounded, wavy, equipped with steps, have height differences along the outer side. In general, corner models should maintain the principle of compactness of their placement, easily fit into a given bathroom layout and do not require redesigning utilities (and even more so - reinstalling sewer pipes). At the same time, the font should not block the entrance and exit from the premises. The shape of the bowl will also depend on the material from which it is made. The most common are:

  • Strict square / rectangle;
  • truncated cone;
  • Oval;
  • Fan;
  • A drop.

From a technical point of view, they are divided into:

  1. Symmetrical - they have the correct shape, but with large dimensions they are hardly suitable for small areas;
  2. Asymmetric - they have more maneuverability, they are easier to install in a limited space.

IMPORTANT! Most often, asymmetric models will become a worthy alternative shower stall when it comes to occupying small spaces.


The dimensions of the product should be the first point taken into account when choosing a bowl. It is no secret that most of the bathrooms in apartments in the Russian Federation (plans of the late USSR) do not have large areas, so the owner has to deal with a shortage of free space. It is this fact that pushes compatriots to choose the type of baths in question, because their ergonomic dimensions notably save space.

The standard length of the corner model varies from 1.5 to 1.6 meters. Even such small sizes will allow a couple of adults to comfortably take water procedures at a time.Their overall feature is that the internal volume structurally exceeds that of products of a strict form. Moreover, literally every centimeter of functional area is saved to ensure their operation: for example, mixers (in most cases) for them are made using cascade technology. Based on current realities, the following popular dimensions (length-width-board height) can be distinguished:

  1. Small - 120 * 120 * 55 centimeters;
  2. Medium - 150 * 150 * 67 centimeters;
  3. Large - 170 * 133 * 70 centimeters.

For small baths, the volume is about 190 liters of water, and for large ones - 470.

Manufacturing materials

The material from which the considered sanitary products are made is of decisive importance, as this directly affects their final price. Today's market offers three main types:

  • Acrylic - they are the most affordable in terms of price, and the range of models is extremely large (as well as the form of execution). This is due to the technical features of acrylic, it is easy (by casting) to make a bath bowl of almost any shape from it. Corner samples based on acrylic can easily withstand 10 to 15 years of intensive use. Acrylic models are also easy to complement with a variety of decorative elements - these can be panel shelves for bath accessories, headrests, support handles, curtains and even hydromassage systems. All this will make it possible to make a full-fledged area for the adoption of the highest quality water procedures on the basis of an ordinary font. At the same time, the mixer will be included in the delivery set by default.
  • Cast iron - such samples guarantee a long service life and high quality workmanship.As a rule, their average service life is about 25 years, but on the condition that you need to properly care for the bowl, namely: renew the enamel coating on the inside in a timely manner. However, due to the complexity of casting, cast iron products cannot boast of an abundance of shapes, and their considerable weight will create certain difficulties during installation. All this, of course, will add up to their high cost.
  • Steel - quite popular samples that have a service life of at least 10 years and have an attractive price. Their production is not too expensive, but the range of such samples on the market is small. This is due to the fact that these models are quite whimsical in care - they very often require the renewal of the enamel coating, and when water is added, the bath will make characteristic noises. In addition, the product will require the most durable fastening, because its own weight will not be able to provide proper stability.

IMPORTANT! It is worth noting that on sale you can also see such a rarity as corner bathtubs made of stone (natural marble, artificial minerals). Their price is quite high and it is not worth considering them as an item on which it is possible to save money and work space. Most likely, these are just original design delights for rooms with irregular geometry, which is typical, for example, for large mansions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undoubted advantages of corner fonts include:

  • Aesthetic appearance - a corner font will decorate the interior and a small bathroom in an original way. They generally fit very well even in already decorated rooms.
  • Space saving is the main advantage of the products in question.By installing them, you can fill the once empty corner as much as possible, while freeing up more central space for other household needs.
  • Convenience and comfort - the diagonal location of this object will create the necessary space for the physical manipulations of a person when taking water procedures. In addition, despite the visually modest size, the bowls of corner baths in most cases are provided with headrests, so it will not be difficult to take a reclining position;
  • The variability of the sharpness of the basic angles - they can be oblique or equilateral. The first will be an ideal solution for small areas, and the second - for more spacious rooms.

Among the shortcomings, the following can be mentioned:

  • For a room that is too small, it is necessary to carefully select the right model. It must necessarily have sharp corners, otherwise it will take up too much space.
  • A wide range of prices - the variability in the execution of the models under consideration, as well as their technical and optional equipment, makes a huge price gap between the lower and middle segments. The "all or nothing" principle applies.
  • Increased bowl volume - manufacturers tried to compensate for small overall dimensions with a large bowl volume, and this clearly leads to increased water consumption, which will not be noticeable when assessing "by eye".
  • Labor-intensive care - the disadvantage is not so significant, but the more bends a figured product has, the more difficult it will be to clean and renew it.


The standard set of related items includes:

  • Drain grate - usually fixed with a sealant, for reliability it is fixed on a bolt. A clamping / sealing ring is threaded onto it from below.
  • Tee for the drain system - it is attached to the drain ring so that it can have an open outlet to the side of the sewer pipe.
  • Overflow grate.
  • Overflow pipe - one end is connected to the tee, and the other - to the drain grate.
  • Support legs (not for massive stone monolithic models) - used to secure a stable position on the floor + wall hooks that will ensure a snug fit to the corner walls.

Also, it is worth noting the functionally necessary components that may not be supplied in the basic configuration:

  • Handrails for safe entry / exit from the bath;
  • Siphon pipe that performs the function of a water seal;
  • Variable mixer, fixed on the side of the bowl or the wall of the room.

Additional options

These include optional devices that will still add more comfort when taking water procedures, giving a person maximum comfort and relaxation. As a result, corner baths can be retrofitted with the following:

  • Hydromassage is a system that was previously considered an example of wealth and luxury, however, in our time has become a fairly common thing. There will be several nozzles in the body of the bath (their number may vary), from which thin streams of water will beat. Usually they are located from the back, from the sides and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet. Naturally, equipping the corner model with hydromassage will increase both its weight and cost.
  • Air massage - it is somewhat reminiscent of the previous system, but differs in the technique of action. Its nozzles are located at the bottom and do not supply jets of water, but air currents. Such a massage is particularly soft, it is accompanied by an abundance of small bubbles on the surface of the water, and if there is internal illumination, the bubbles will also be multi-colored.Great solution for bathing small children.
  • Chromotherapy system - allows the body to relax, through exposure to light. It is usually installed in a corner, and its action is based on the projection of light rays of different shades onto the walls and the water surface. It involves taking a bath without turning on the central lighting in the room.
  • Water heater - it must be distinguished from a standard boiler, because its task is only to maintain a certain degree of heat in the already collected water. Relevant for those who like to spend a long time taking a bath.

Also, it is worth noting the possibility of installing various temperature sensors, water level sensors (to avoid the risk of overflow), etc., which will add additional comfort during operation.

Difficulties of choice

When buying corner models, you should follow a few key points in order to purchase the product that will be more suitable:

  • Dimensions - they must be fully suitable for the future premises, so before buying it is better to take measurements from your room. At the same time, it is necessary to compare the length of the sides of the product and the walls along which it will be located.
  • The material of manufacture - the guarantee, the service life, and the difficulties of installation will directly depend on it. Heavier products made of cast iron and steel have extended service life, but are more difficult to install. Acrylic samples are easy to ship and install. Cast iron weigh from 100 to 150 kilograms, steel - from 50 to 70 kilograms, acrylic - from 20 to 40 kilograms.
  • Complete set (basic and optional) - before buying, it is worth checking the availability of basic equipment, which should include everything - from the drain grate and nozzles to built-in mixers. Optional additions will remain a matter of acquisition at the discretion of the future owner.

Rating of the best corner baths for 2022

Budget segment

3rd place: "Marka One Lil", acrylic, 140x90 cm."
votes 0

This model will be the perfect compact solution for a small room. Despite its dimensions, it is very comfortable, which is achieved thanks to engineering solutions (enlarged back area and absolutely sheer side of the font in the leg area). Internal depth (cm) - 47, volume before overflow (l) - 150, warranty (years) - 17. The recommended cost for retail chains is 23,500 rubles.

bathtub Marka One Lil", acrylic, 140×90 cm.
  • Simple and functional model;
  • Adequate price;
  • Long warranty period.
  • Not detected.

2nd place: "Lavinia Boho Elegant 37050150", reinforced reinforced body, 150x150 cm"
votes 0

The product is produced by vacuum forming from environmentally friendly material, 100% hypoallergenic PMMA acrylic sheet. The production technology provides the product with special strength and durability. It is pleasant to the touch, and the warm structure of acrylic acquires the temperature of the human body from the first minutes, which eliminates any discomfort from contact with the surface. Due to the high thermal insulation properties, the water in the font will remain warm for a long time. Color-resistant acrylic sheet retains its luster for a long time due to the use of high quality production materials.The outer layer is highly polishable, maintaining a perfect gloss throughout the entire service life. The recommended cost for retail chains is 23,900 rubles.

bathtub Lavinia Boho Elegant 37050150", reinforced reinforced body, 150×150 cm
  • Hypoallergenic coating;
  • Excellent value for money and quality;
  • Good color fastness.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Marka One Convey" 170x75 cm.
votes 0

This piece belongs to the popular Convey line but is now available in a new size. All features are carefully preserved. The asymmetric shape allows you to combine the drain and the sink (the sink is placed above the narrow part of the bowl), which allows for an ergonomic arrangement of the interior space of the room. The exterior will easily modernize the interior. Despite the small dimensions, the product is suitable for bathing people of any body type, which becomes available due to the special shape of the product. The recommended cost for retail chains is 24,000 rubles.

bathtub Marka One Convey» 170x75 cm.
  • Suitable for people with any physique;
  • The possibility of combining the drain to work with the sink;
  • Attractive appearance.
  • Legs are not included.

Middle price segment

3rd place: "Aquanet Jamaica" 160×100 cm.
votes 0

This sample is specially designed taking into account the ergonomic features of the human body in order to promote maximum relaxation and comfort when taking water procedures. The corner part of the bowl forms a full-fledged shower seat with sides - an indispensable element for the elderly and people with disabilities. This product can be manufactured in both right and left orientation.Due to the properties of acrylic, it has a high degree of hygiene - the surface is easy to clean, the absence of micropores in the material makes it impervious to bacteria. In addition, the temperature of the acrylic maintains the ambient temperature, so the water stays hot much longer. The recommended cost for retail chains is 24,500 rubles.

bathtub Aquanet Jamaica» 160×100 cm.
  • Average sizes;
  • Maintaining the temperature regime of water;
  • Increased hygiene;
  • Easy cleaning process.
  • Only the body is supplied.

2nd place: "Marka One AURA" acrylic, 150×105 cm.
votes 0

This model, like no other, is characterized by the original form, smoothness and simultaneous severity of lines. The Aura sample is distinguished by a large internal volume and a drain-overflow shifted to the middle. Thanks to this, the product provides enough space for a comfortable stay even for two. The price of the model is fully justified by the aesthetics and practical shape, coupled with a comfortable seat and headrest. The model can be executed in the right or left mirror form to choose from. The recommended cost for retail chains is 25,400 rubles.

bathtub Marka One AURA" acrylic, 150×105 cm.
  • Possibility of paired swimming;
  • Mirror variability of execution;
  • Large internal volume.
  • Not detected.

1st place: "Ravak AVOCADO" 150×75 cm, right"
votes 0

This asymmetric pattern will provide plenty of space for bathing and showering without taking up much space. Installed in a corner, it does not have the same length and width as standard corner models, but is something between a corner and a rectangular bath.Sizes range from 75 cm wide and 140 cm long. That is why it is suitable for placement in small rooms. The recommended cost for retail chains is 48,000 rubles.

bathtub Ravak AVOCADO» 150×75 cm, right
  • Material - cast acrylic PMMA;
  • Strengthening option - fiberglass;
  • Warranty - 10 years (warranty condition is the use of the original support structure);
  • Can be retrofitted with front panel and waste set.
  • Curtain installation is not possible.

Premium class

2nd place: "EMA STYLE ADELINE" from cast marble"
votes 0

This model is made of synthetic hypoallergenic material, which visually repeats the marble surface with its texture. It has a fairly large capacity. Ergonomic features are implemented in the form of a structurally integrated seat. All functional accessories are supplied in the kit: supports, grilles, drains/overflows. The warranty provided is 2 years. The recommended cost for retail chains is 59,000 rubles.

bath EMA STYLE ADELINE" made of cast marble
  • Complete basic equipment;
  • Built-in seat;
  • Large working volume.
  • Small warranty period.

1st place: Ceruttispa C-400 whirlpool tub, acrylic, 1350x1350x580 mm
votes 0

This practical and safe model features an anti-slip bottom to prevent accidental falls. High-strength glass 10 mm with an antibacterial coating without a metal edging, it is almost impossible to break (if damaged, the glass shatters into small safe fragments that are unable to hurt). The equipment of the model is thought out as much as possible, so the use will bring exceptional comfort.The cascade mixer provides almost silent and fast filling of water. The length of the 130 cm hose allows the hand shower to extend over the entire bowl, making bathing and bathing easier. The electronic remote control with built-in radio provides easy control of the hydromassage system (4 jets), air massage (12 jets), ozone therapy and lighting with one multi-color underwater light. There is a chromotherapy with a smooth transfusion, which has a beneficial effect on health and creates a relaxing atmosphere. The recommended price for retail chains is 146,000 rubles

bathtub Hydromassage bathtub Ceruttispa C-400", acrylic, 1350х1350х580 mm"
  • Full range of optional features for comfort;
  • Maximum properties aimed at ensuring human safety;
  • Symmetrical corner shapes.
  • Extremely high cost.


The corner bath broke the stereotype of the obligatory rectangular (oval) geometry of its predecessors, its ergonomic shape, combined with an aesthetic appearance, led to great popularity, making a kind of revolution in the world of plumbing. These samples harmoniously look in almost any interior, their installation is not associated with extreme difficulties, and operation is comfortable and hassle-free. Therefore, if classic-shaped bathtubs are not a special goal and you want something original, then a corner bathtub will be the right choice.


