
  1. How to choose the right study guide
  2. Rating of the best textbooks in chemistry

Rating of the best chemistry textbooks for 2022

Rating of the best chemistry textbooks for 2022

Chemistry is one of the most significant subjects of our time. More and more modern science goes “deep” into substances and micro laws.

According to a professor of astronomy, life in the universe is possible thanks to the carbon atom with its unusual properties. And a rare child does not once ask the question: “How does this work?”

Space technology and energy issues also require chemical knowledge. The discipline has been taught in Russian schools since 1927. School reforms have rocked the curriculum more than once, but in 2012 educators declared a nationwide disaster for school chemistry. The USE certificate in chemical education was no longer required for admission to a technical university.

The abundance of educational literature led teachers to a dead end, as it divided the learning process into linear and concentric systems. Disputes to return to a single system are still ongoing.

The modern school curriculum devotes a small number of hours to the curriculum in the subject, and the variety of recommended textbooks plays a negative role. Textbooks only undergo high-quality testing in schools.

How to choose the right study guide

Educational institutions within the framework of compulsory courses give preference to one or another line of training educational and methodological kits. It is important to know that manuals are issued for both students and teachers, in order to correctly present the material and comply with the Federal State Educational Standard for Complete or Secondary Education


The criteria for selecting quality textbooks include:

  1. the ability to consistently master the material from simple to complex;
  2. accessible explanation of key definitions;
  3. test tasks and exercises of varying complexity, with the possibility of deepening knowledge;
  4. compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard and belonging to the CMD;
  5. availability of links to Internet resources and training CDs;
  6. the presence of online versions of reshebnikov;
  7. completion of textbooks with workbooks, tests, guidelines, CD + CD for students and teachers.

Errors when choosing

Following one line of the course is preferable, since the author has his own concept of gradually increasing the level of knowledge.

It is important to remember that when moving from one school to another, there may be a “learning failure” due to the following curriculums of different methodologies.

Rating of the best textbooks in chemistry

Guzey L.S., Sorokin V.V., Surovtseva R.P. Chemistry Grade 9
votes 20

The authors of the textbook are Guzey L.S., Sorokin V.V., Surovtseva R.P., from the Drofa publishing house, published in 2003, consists of 288 pages.

The textbook is designed to provide basic and in-depth knowledge within the framework of the school course. Together with the textbooks of the group of the same authors for the 8th grade, 10-11th grade, the set will make up a complete course in the basic chemical secondary school.

The solution book for grade 9, edited by Guzey L.S., contains detailed algorithms for solving tasks within the framework of the school curriculum with comments and additional information. The manual will help parents understand the wisdom of chemistry and provide all possible assistance to the student.

Guzey L.S., Sorokin V.V., Surovtseva R.P. Chemistry Grade 9
  • ready-made homework assignments allow you to cope with similar tasks of the discipline;
  • will provide an opportunity to study a new topic without a teacher;
  • you can get a sufficient level of knowledge for verification work;
  • the ninth-grader is offered not a banal rewriting of the solution, but a full-fledged lesson on the independent development of skills in solving problems and assignments.
  • hard to find for sale.

G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman Manual for Grade 9
votes 19

Textbook 2008 edition, authors G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman, from the publishing house "Enlightenment".

The textbook includes materials on:

  1. fullerenes;
  2. hydrogen sulfide properties;
  3. sulfurous acid;
  4. sulfur oxides (IY) and (YI).
G.E. Rudzitis, F.G. Feldman Manual for Grade 9
  • materials on corrosive changes in metals, chemical equilibrium, and electrolysis of salts have been moved to the framework of the high school;
  • with clarifications of definitions and concepts, supplemented by tasks in accordance with the requirements of the exam.
  • not found.

Eremin V.V. Chemistry Grade 9
votes 13

A textbook recommended for educational institutions, author - Eremin V.V., 2009 edition from the Drofa publishing house.


The textbook was created by the author's group of teachers of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. School material is presented in a simple and visual form, at the same time at a high scientific level.

Eremin V.V. Chemistry Grade 9
  • the presence of experiments;
  • entertaining experiments are given;
  • there are high quality illustrations;
  • the textbook was included in the Algorithm of Success program;
  • a special font indicates text on topics intended for in-depth study and expansion of knowledge volumes;
  • recommended for schools and classes of in-depth study of natural sciences.
  • missing.

Eremin V.V. Chemistry Grade 8
votes 8

The edition of the above textbook by Eremin V.V., from the publishing house "Drofa" from the series "Vertical. Grade 8 ”, the textbook was published in 2019, in hardcover.

Eremin V.V.Chemistry Grade 8
  • a group of creators - teachers of Moscow State University. Lomonosov;
  • practical visibility in accordance with the advanced course;
  • entertaining presentation.
  • no.

Chemistry Grade 9, edited by Kuznetsova N.E., Titova I.M., Gara N.N.
votes 6

Textbook edited by Kuznetsova N.E., Titova I.M., Gara N.N. 2019 release from the publishing house "Enlightenment".

]Chemistry Grade 9, edited by Kuznetsova N.E., Titova I.M., Gara N.N.
  • tasks of varying degrees of complexity;
  • announcements on topics for project activities;
  • a large selection of practical work;
  • a set of creative tasks;
  • description of laboratory experiments;
  • practical lessons.
  • due to the recent release date, it has not been sufficiently tested as part of the school reform.

Zhilin D. M. Textbook for grade 9
votes 3

A new edition from "Binom" from the "Laboratory of Knowledge" series, edited by Zhilin Denis Mikhailovich, teacher of chemistry at Moscow School No. 192, candidate of chemical sciences.

Zhilin D. M. Textbook for grade 9
  • in accordance with the federal state educational standard of the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • from the list of composition of the educational and methodological complex of the teaching materials of the general system of textbooks "School of Russia";
  • basic laws and concepts of chemistry from the organic and inorganic sections;
  • 2 parts of the textbook contain topics of chemical production, energy;
  • with information on the rates of chemical reactions;
  • description of the processes of redox reactions.
  • Parts 1 and 2 are only sold as a set.

Chemistry for grade 8, edited by Zhilin D.M.
votes 5

A new edition from "Binom" from the series "Laboratory of Knowledge", edited by Zhilin D.M.

The textbook from the publishing house "Binom" and the new series of "Laboratory knowledge" is a teaching method of a new formation.

Chemistry for grade 8, edited by Zhilin D.M.
  • from the full set of textbooks, laboratory journals, methodological and didactic materials for teachers with electronic materials on disks and links to Internet resources;
  • practical work occupies a special position, designed to maximally combine formal knowledge and the reality of life;
  • a course on the formation of skills that go beyond the framework of the curriculum.
  • not detected.

Subject line in chemistry, edited by Gabrielyan O.S.
votes 11

The set complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. All teaching materials are included in the Federal List with recommendations for use by educational institutions.

The author of the textbook also included Ostroumov I.G. and Sladkov S.A., the textbook was published in 2019 by the Prosveshchenie-FP publishing house.

8th grade course
votes 12

The manual presents the material on the basis of a system-activity approach in conjunction with the historical and logical concept.

Chemistry of the 8th grade, edited by Gabrielyan O.S.
  • familiarity with the basics of chemical concepts;
  • study of classes of inorganic substances;
  • periodic law and periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev;
  • study of the structure of the atom;
  • theory of redox processes;
  • quantitative chemical relationships;
  • the presentation of the material is carried out through the formulation of the problem - questions, tasks, the experimental part and its solution through tasks;
  • the cycle of a chemical experiment - from practical work, through laboratory experiments and homework with fixing the results and analyzing them;
  • cognitive interest develops through the creative component of the process with the combination of chemical knowledge and the scientific and technical aspect of modern discoveries;
  • tasks and questions are separated into a separate structure from the cycles - apply knowledge, use additional information, test your knowledge.
  • missing.

For 7th grade
votes 13

The author of the textbook also included Ostroumov I.G. and Akhlebinin A.K., the textbook was published in 2018 by the Drofa-FP publishing house.

Educational material is included in the Federal list.

Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry for Grade 7
  • the initial study of matter and chemical processes, as a phenomenon, is the basis for the student's perception of a new subject;
  • the use of chemical formulas is minimal;
  • examples of equations, reactions and computational problems are presented at an introductory level;
  • included in the CMC of Gabrielyan O.S.
  • not identified.

Tutorial for basic level. 8th grade
votes 6

The course of the basic school, edited by Gabrielyan O.S.

Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry Textbook for basic level. 8th grade
  • complies with GEF;
  • has the stamp "Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation";
  • an abundance of colorful illustrations;
  • non-standard forms of questions and tasks in order to master the material in an active format.
  • not detected.

Collection. Tasks and exercises
votes 3

Grade 8, collection edited by Gabrielyan O.S. and Trigubchak I.V. was published in 2019 by the Prosveshchenie publishing house.

Gabrielyan O.S. Collection. Tasks and exercises
  • with typical solution algorithms;
  • different levels of difficulty of tasks;
  • the presence of control tests at the end of sections;
  • the form of checks is suitable for teachers and self-control of students' knowledge.
  • missing.

Sample Work Programs
votes 4

The book from the authors Gabrielyan O.S., Ostroumov I.G., Sladkov S.A. was released by the Prosveshchenie publishing house in 2019, has a soft cover.

Gabrielyan O.S. Sample Work Programs
  • in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • for students of grades 8.9 of educational institutions;
  • auxiliary allowance within the framework of the teaching materials of the same name.
  • no.

Basic level 11 grade
votes 3

For high school as a continuation of the educational course. The textbook was published in 2018 by the Drofa publishing house, author Gabrielyan Oleg Sargisovich, edited by Gamburtseva T.D., made on offset printing, consists of 224 pages.

Gabrielyan O.S. Basic level 11 grade
  • corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard of the full cycle of the educational course;
  • series "Vertical";
  • approved by the Ministry of Education;
  • bright, colorful drawings on the recognition of substances, their application;
  • large color schemes of laboratory experiments with the given formulas and a detailed description.
  • not identified.

Notebook for assessing the quality of knowledge. Grade 11
votes 2

Notebook from the authors Gabrielyan O.S. and Kuptsova A.V., edited by Ruzavina I.Yu. was published in 2015 by the Drofa publishing house, made on offset printing.

Gabrielyan O.S. Notebook for assessing the quality of knowledge. Grade 11
  • revised in accordance with GEF;
  • 27 works on testing knowledge of all sections of education;
  • self-study is allowed;
  • Suitable for testing in class.
  • not detected.

GDZ for grade 8
votes 5

Workbook for grade 8, creators Gabrielyan O.S. and Sladkov S.A., the manual was published by the Drofa publishing house in 2018, in soft cover and consists of 208 pages.

GDZ for grade 8 Gabrielyan O.S. and Sladkov S.A.
  • ready-made answers in the chemical discipline;
  • online solutions on the Internet resource;
  • assistance in mastering solution algorithms;
  • compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • no.

Kapustina A.A., Khalchenko I.Gyu, Libanova V.V. General and inorganic chemistry
votes 3

Textbook - workshop for students in the field of biology and medicine.

The book belongs to the series “Textbook for Universities. Special Literature ”, was published in 2019 from the Lan publishing house, author Kapustina Alevtina Anatolyevna, edited by Khalchenko I.G., Libanova V.V., consists of 152 pages, in hardcover.

Kapustina A.A., Khalchenko I.Gyu, Libanova V.V. General and inorganic chemistry
  • consists of five sections, including guidelines for laboratory work, practice, for intermediate certification;
  • general and inorganic chemistry;
  • deep layer of theory;
  • algorithms for practical, laboratory work;
  • knowledge quality tests and colloquium plans;
  • suitable for training specialists in a wide range of biological and medical fields.
  • small edition, 100 copies.

Sverdlova N. D. Chemistry Final certification Grade 9
votes 2

The book of typical test tasks for students was published by the Exam publishing house in 2016, author Sverdlova N.D., has 96 pages and soft cover.

Sverdlova N. D. Chemistry Final certification Grade 9
  • the collection contains 15 options for tasks on three levels of complexity based on the results of teaching chemistry;
  • the collection contains answers, algorithms for calculating primary points for grading;
  • coverage of sections of the course grades 8-9 is tested using assignments;
  • the collection is recommended for parents and students, for teachers with varying degrees of teaching experience;
  • officially admitted to study in educational institutions;
  • complies with the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • not detected.

Sverdlova N. D. General and inorganic chemistry
votes 2

Experimental tasks and exercises - the book of Sverdlova Natalya Dmitrievna was published in 2103 from the Lan publishing house, belongs to a series of special literature in the section "Textbooks for Universities".

Sverdlova N. D. General and inorganic chemistry
  • gradually becoming more difficult workshop based on the mastered chemistry course;
  • theoretical introductions are illustrated with solution examples;
  • the student gets the opportunity to independently find a conclusion, as a generalization of the experiment;
  • the purpose of the manual is a student-centered approach to learning, the development of independent thinking and the cognitive process.
  • only for students.

Handbook for high school students and university applicants
votes 5

The book of the authors Sverdlova Natalya Dmitrievna, Kartashov Sergey Nikolaevich, Radugina Olga Georgievna was published in 2019, from the publishing house "AST-Press", from the series "Reference books", has 576 pages and hardcover.

Handbook for high school students and university applicants Chemistry Sverdlova N .D.
  • the basis for creating a reference book is the experience of teachers of the Department of Applied and Theoretical Chemistry of the Moscow State Regional University;
  • the full course required in the exam is given;
  • generalizations of the theory in convenient tables, diagrams, algorithms;
  • accessible supply of material;
  • practical methods for solving qualitative, computational problems;
  • the topic has in conclusion examples of solving problems, both complicated options and typical ones;
  • tasks for personal verification of the learned material, tests of different levels of the USE;
  • recommended for lyceums, colleges, teaching staff and students.
  • not detected.

Vrublevsky A. I. Chemistry The whole school course
votes 4

The book of Vrublevsky Alexander Ivanovich was published by the Potpourri publishing house in 2017, consists of 688 pages of offset printing.

Rublevsky A. I. Chemistry The whole school course
  • accessibility and simplicity of presentation in accordance with scientific justification;
  • the program of the entire school course in one volume;
  • three main parts on organic chemistry, theoretical foundations, elements and compounds;
  • The textbook is recommended for all types of exams.
  • missing.

Dobrotin D.Yu. USE Chemistry
votes 3

Standard examination solutions, the book was published in 2022, the authors are Dobrotin D.Yu., from the publishing house "National Education".

Dobrotin D.Yu. USE Chemistry
  • availability of instructions on the algorithm for completing the examination task;
  • have all the answers;
  • contains 30 options for examination tasks;
  • the book passed the scientific method.
  • not identified.

In fairness, it is worth noting that there are enough textbooks and manuals, including tests and tasks, for the successful study of chemical wisdom. For a student striving to pass the competition in "big chemistry" or pass the exam with dignity, there are enough chances. You just need to correctly determine the methodology, and work hard.


