
  1. Recommendations for choosing a solid shampoo
  2. 10 Best Solid Shampoos
  3. Outcome

Rating of the best solid hair shampoos for 2022

Rating of the best solid hair shampoos for 2022

From the wide range of shampoos, it is very important to choose the one that suits your hair type. A hygiene product should initially fulfill its direct task - this is the cleansing of the skin and hairline. In addition, it is important to provide the necessary care, add nutrients. Lovers of eco-friendly cosmetics began to give preference to solid shampoos. They are made from natural raw materials, and are also convenient to use.

This rating contains the best solid shampoos, among them every woman can choose the most suitable products for herself.

Recommendations for choosing a solid shampoo

Solid shampoos are made on the basis of fats saponified with alkali. In fact, this is ordinary soap with additives.It promotes cleansing, but can contribute to slight drying. The second option for the basis for shampoos is sulfates. They can act aggressively on the skin, if the latter is very sensitive, then it is better to exclude such products. However, there is now an alternative to SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate)-based detergents, which have earned notoriety. The raw material is coconut oil. Shampoos of the latest generation with a soft base have won the hearts of women. Natural shampoo soap should not contain artificial preservatives, fragrances, dyes. Natural ingredients are added to hard cleansing tiles, and their effectiveness has been proven a century ago.

The advantages of solid detergents are obvious. They can be taken on the road without fear that the shampoo will spill and stain the contents of the cosmetic bag.
It will give a lot of foam with any water. On the way, this is very important, since it is not known what hardness the water has in a foreign city.
Another advantage: in the solid format, the concentration of natural substances (plant extracts, oils) is higher than in liquid substances. And there are almost no preservative additives that cause peeling or allergies in magic tiles.
Cost-effectiveness (shampoo consumption is very small), the aroma of natural herbs, good skin cleansing are noticed.

When choosing the right product, it is necessary to proceed from the needs of the skin, as well as the condition of the hair, since shampoos, unfortunately, like ordinary brothers, do not have versatility.

There are several basic types of hair:

  • prone to dandruff;
  • dry;
  • fatty;
  • prone to falling out.

For the hair of the first group, shampoo with tar, extracts from sage, juniper is suitable - this is with a mild form of dry dandruff.But if oily seborrhea often appears on the scalp, then it is better to contact a pharmacy where special therapeutic shampoos are sold.

Dry hair, ideally, can be washed with shea or olive oil tiles, which prevent overdrying. For oily hair, it's time to apply shampoo with menthol, rosehip, nettle extract. Such ingredients help to keep hair clean for a long time.

For falling hair, tiles are used, in which manufacturers have included rosemary extract or laurel oil. Regular massage and a suitable shampoo will reduce the amount of hair falling out. But if a person is losing hair from hormonal failure or stress, then you need to seek the advice of an experienced doctor. It is possible that perfumery will not help, medicines will be needed.

The action of shampoo soap may seem a little unusual at first. Due to the high concentration, you need to wash your head almost to the squeak. Rules for using hard hair tiles:

  1. The main feature of solid shampoos is deep cleansing. All products are highly concentrated, so you can not use solid products daily. This will inevitably lead to dry hair or allergies. The ideal frequency of application is once every 3 days.
  2. Following the instructions, foam the product: first on the palm of your hand, then on the head.
  3. You can immediately lather the parting. Foam does not make sense to keep longer than one minute. After washing off the soapy solution, you need to use a balm or conditioner.

Tiles are recommended to be stored in places where water does not get. Otherwise, they will become like porridge. Some solid shampoos come in handy metal boxes with a lid.

Such qualities of solid detergents, of course, are very pleasing to environmentalists:

  1. Usually the tiles are packed in paper or carton, no plastic and environmental pollution.
  2. Low consumption per washing procedure - accordingly, the lower the consumption, the lower the level of pollution.
  3. Excellent removal of fat and drying of the sebaceous glands allows you to wash your hair less often.
  4. In the production of solid substances, CO2 emissions to the environment are lower than in the manufacture of liquid perfumes.

Fighters for the purity of natural resources are delighted.

10 Best Solid Shampoos

Manufacturers of detergents have found a form that is convenient for use. You can feel it after the first use. Based on customer reviews, you can make an approximate rating:

  1. Cleon "Burdock" with a high content of oils and a pleasant aroma.
  2. "Beauty Cafe" for active growth with a completely natural composition and economical consumption.
  3. "Siberina" is a good hair product with good foaming.
  4. "Meela Meelo with Coconut" washes well, gives light volume, soothes the skin.
  5. "Sea buckthorn and calendula" with a pleasant smell never tangles curls.
  6. "MELON" contains melon extract, citric acid.
  7. Lavender stimulates hair growth.
  8. "Chocobella" (chocolate) restores dry and damaged hair, strengthening the structure. Regular use leads to the normalization of the sebaceous glands.
  9. "St. John's wort" for oily hair has a pleasant aroma and keeps the head fresh for a long time.
  10. "Tethys" with algae and salt is handmade by craftsmen. The shampoo washes the head, keeping the scalp clean for several days. After application, the hair acquires splendor, volume and shine.

Burdock Cleon

Russian cosmetics, produced under the Cleon brand, are appreciated by admirers. Manufacturers are constantly looking for new formulas to create effective natural cosmetics and hygiene products.

The shampoo is 100% natural. Packing form - cardboard box. It looks like laundry soap, but has a pleasant smell, reminiscent of the aroma of lavender and tea tree. Foam is obtained in two ways: you can first lather your hands and apply foam to your hair or immediately rub it into the scalp. In both cases, the same effect is obtained: a lot of air foam, it is more than from simple soap.

The composition of the product includes extracts and oils that nourish the hair. Natural ingredients help accelerate hair growth, thicken the roots. The manufacturer does not recommend using the shampoo very often, as there is a glut of oils. It is necessary to alternate washing with the usual liquid detergent.

In order to avoid tangling curls, it is advisable to immediately rinse your head with a solution of apple cider vinegar or balm immediately after applying the product.

Burdock Cleon shampoo solid
  • has an affordable price;
  • the composition is completely organic;
  • the product contains many oils and extracts;
  • emits a pleasant aroma;
  • easy to apply on hair;
  • gives extra volume.
  • confuses hair, makes it hard if you do not use a balm.

"Beauty Cafe"

The shampoo is packaged in a plastic jar. The outer packaging is a cardboard box. This form is convenient because liquid does not get into the plastic, and the substance does not get wet.

Solid soap does not contain artificial dyes, it has a milky color. The tile is in the shape of a flower. Pleasant light floral scent. The porous structure does not dissolve in dry hands.The foam is not very much, but it is soft and pleasant to the touch, it is easily distributed through the hair.

As part of organic oils, a set of vitamins, an extract from camellia. Silicones and parabens are not used in the manufacture - all natural ingredients help strengthen the hair right at the root, give firmness, elasticity, pleasant shine, and a healthy look.

After washing, the hair becomes soft and stays clean for a long time. The curls do not tangle, the roots are given a light natural volume.

Cafe beauty shampoo solid
  • is inexpensive;
  • has a pleasant smell;
  • accelerates growth;
  • has a completely natural composition;
  • economically spent.
  • no.


The shampoo is packed in a cardboard box. Inside, the disc-shaped soap is in a mesh, you can wash it both with it and separately. The greenish color comes from a natural dye. A light unobtrusive smell will appeal to even the most fastidious user. The fragrance gives the impression that there is meadow grass in a small box. Thanks to good foaming, the washing process is facilitated.

Organic components nourish the hair, saturating it with useful substances, which is why the roots are so strong, shiny, obedient.

Curls do not get confused, become voluminous, slightly airy. Not recommended for people who are prone to dandruff.

Siberinshampoo solid
  • does not dry hair;
  • Packed in a beautiful box + handy pouch;
  • foams well;
  • rinses hair from the first time, makes them soft, shiny, obedient.
  • may cause dandruff.

» Coconut for hair»by Meela Meelo

Meela Meelo develops excellent cosmetics based on folk recipes.The active ingredients are selected with jeweler's precision and bring the maximum effect. The safety of funds is confirmed by laboratory tests.

Very economical solid soap is packed in cellophane, there is a label with the composition and detailed instructions. The mass of a piece is 85 grams, but economical consumption allows you not to think that the shampoo will run out again soon. Girls, even with long strands, can count on the fact that they will have enough funds for a long time.

The shampoo has the appearance of a puck, a pleasant milky color pleases the eye. The logo is embossed on the surface. The compact shape allows you to hold a piece in the palm of your hand, so it is convenient to wash your hair with such a briquette. When lathering in the hands, no foam is formed, but only a liquid emulsion appears. Wonderful light-air foam will pleasantly please when transferring this substance to the head.

Coconut oil, coconut pulp, vanilla extract, surfactant chemical coco sulfate.
Shampoo easily rinses the scalp with one run, re-soaping is not required. The soap substance soothes the skin, reduces oiliness, after application the hair can become stiff, so it is recommended to rinse with a balm. The basal volume is maintained for a long time. Two more names of the company "White Eucalyptus" and "Magic Soot" have earned praise from users of organic cosmetics.

Hair Coconut by Meela Meelo
  • economical consumption;
  • good for hair,
  • gives light volume;
  • soothes the skin.
  • can dry hair;
  • contains surfactants.

"Sea buckthorn and calendula"

The packaging is made of eco-friendly cardboard.

The round shape and small size of the shampoo itself allow you to comfortably place a piece in the palm of your hand. Calm rich yellow color resembles sea buckthorn compote.The composition contains essential oils that give the detergent the aroma of sea buckthorn and orange. The unobtrusive smell keeps on hair for a long time. The plentiful airy foam is easily distributed through the hair, so you should not worry about the quality of washing: everything will be done perfectly.

It contains four oils, calendula extract and coconut sulfate. The hair is washed the first time, after which it remains voluminous at the roots for a long time, they crumble and shine. The shampoo does not dry or tangle them. After washing, you can not even use the balm.

Sea buckthorn and calendula solid shampoo
  • economical consumption;
  • nice smell;
  • does not tangle strands;
  • light lathering.
  • coco sulfate in the composition;
  • there may be individual intolerance to the components.


This solid tile is based on melon extract and citric acid, the components give the hair elasticity, density and shine. Melon helps moisturize and nourish hair, reliably protects against UV rays, retains color, softens the skin. Citric acid cleanses of fat, gives lightness. The application helps to activate the hair follicles. Such a tandem allows you to perform amazing styling, in which there is smoothness and shine.

The shampoo is in the shape of a puck. The yellow color is reminiscent of amber. The aroma of melon will remain on the hair for some time. The consistency of the hair product is looser than that of analogues. The date of manufacture is indicated on the washer. Convenient ergonomic shape allows you to hold the tile in the palm of your hand and lather your hair.

MELON solid shampoo
  • protects from UV rays;
  • nourishes + moisturizes;
  • stimulates hair growth;
  • easy to wash.
  • no.


Universal tile shampoo is designed for sensitive scalp, actively fights against dandruff. Regular use helps strengthen roots and promote growth. The composition includes various oils (lavender, coconut, palm, castor, grape seed). The weight of a piece is 100 grams. The detergent is packed in a cardboard box.

Lavender tile shampoo

box type="tick" style="rounded"]Pros:[/box]

  • fights dandruff;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • has a pleasant smell.
  • no.


Another representative of the group of detergents can even cause a smile, as it contains cocoa butter, and it, as already proven, is a source of the hormone of joy. A reliable assistant in the care and restoration of damaged, weakened hair, it has a beneficial effect on the skin. The oil serves to strengthen the structure of the hair roots from the inside. Such an impact returns full strength and brilliance. An additional component is birch extract. It normalizes the oiliness of the hair, from which they stick together less, become voluminous. Pleases with a pleasant shine after each wash.

Chocobella solid shampoo

box type="tick" style="rounded"]Pros:[/box]

  • has a pleasant smell;
  • strengthens the hair structure;
  • normalizes oily hair.
  • no.

"St. John's wort"

Solid tiles strengthen the roots and are also able to protect the hair from adverse weather conditions. Active substances nourish curls. Owners of oily hair are satisfied with this shampoo, it controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands and does not cause itching of the skin. All this - "St. John's wort" from the company Miko.

The combination of all components gives the product unique nutritional, strengthening properties. Medicinal herbs - St. John's wort and nettle. Extracts from them in the composition of the shampoo prolong the cleanliness of the hair and protect against the appearance of dandruff. Orange and juniper tone the scalp and give a pleasant freshness. The rapid supply of nutrients to the roots promotes healing.

The shampoo is quickly washed off with water and does not form a sticky film. After use, you do not need to rinse your hair with something - they retain their natural beauty and friability.

St. John's wort solid shampoo Miko

box type="tick" style="rounded"]Pros:[/box]

  • strengthens the roots;
  • suitable for oily skin;
  • pleasantly refreshes and tones;
  • protects from adverse weather conditions.
  • no.

"Tethys", with seaweed and salt

The solid shampoo was created by the masters of the Perm soap factory Zhivitsa, which creates natural cosmetics.

Handmade keeps the warmth of human hands. Also, the composition of the product includes natural high-quality components. The company's cosmetics are classified as "eco-friendly", which means that its components do not harm the environment. It is for this simple reason that solid shampoos, like other skin care products, are an excellent choice for those who care not only about their health, but also strive to be in harmony with the outside world.

This product will help to quickly clean oily hair. The composition contains sea salt and spirulina, they are rich in iodine and minerals that will help exfoliate the keratinized layer of the skin, which means that such an action will provide better oxygen access to the roots, stimulate the hair follicles, and the shampoo also absorbs excess fat on the skin and normalizes the sebaceous glands.Peppermint essential oil, extracts of ginkgo biloba, birch complement the bouquet of natural ingredients.

Owners of oily and quickly dirty hair are simply delighted with such a tool. One small piece can replace 300 ml of regular liquid shampoo.

Tethys", with algae and salt Solid shampoo

box type="tick" style="rounded"]Pros:[/box]

  • economically spent;
  • suitable for oily skin;
  • accelerates hair growth;
  • contains only natural ingredients, does not contain preservatives, SLS, dyes and fragrances.
  • no.


Sometimes not only beauty, but also health depends on the chosen hygiene product. Before the huge range of products that the perfume industry offers, eyes widen. Therefore, it is important to carefully study the composition of what is inside a beautiful package before buying. Not everything goes very smoothly, as well as among the usual bottles of liquid soap solutions. Allergic reactions can also occur to natural ingredients, all individually. But in general, solid soap, if it is natural, has much more pluses than minuses.

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