The proper and high-quality operation of the sewerage system will depend not only on internal communications, but also on the pipeline laid outside. These structures are often forced to work in difficult conditions. Accordingly, these pipes must have the properties of resistance to operational wear, be durable and endure any temperature changes. The modern building materials market for creating such networks offers many variations of a wide variety of components. The main thing for the consumer is to carefully study all their characteristics and choose the most suitable option for themselves.
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Conditionally, only 7 main qualities can be distinguished:
However, the long-term operation of external sewage will depend not only on the quality of the pipe material used, but also on the well-executed laying of the main, which is not possible without the use of various optional components, such as fittings, corners, plugs, etc. Moreover, additional elements must be compatible with the main segments.
This material for the manufacture of outdoor communications has been known for a long time and is often used. It is equally good for laying inside buildings and for creating highways outside. Cast iron is characterized by resistance to temperature extremes, is able to withstand various aggressive environments, has increased anti-corrosion qualities, because cast-iron models are necessarily coated with special compounds both inside and out. It is also possible to note their long service life (more than several decades), high strength of the material used, i.e. cast iron (specifically, its ability to withstand significant mechanical loads), which means the overall reliability of the entire assembled structure. In terms of installation, cast iron products do not require the use of any special tools, and a standard cement mortar can be used as a sealant. However, the material under consideration has three significant drawbacks:
IMPORTANT! The practice of the Soviet era shows that cast-iron pipelines can easily withstand up to 80 years of operation.
This material in the field under consideration has been used relatively recently, no more than two decades, but has already managed to become popular. There are several reasons for this:
Separately, it is worth mentioning the fragility of this material, therefore, you need to choose products from it carefully, carefully examining the product for cracks and chips. The same applies to the accuracy of transportation and the installation process, so that the products do not get damaged. In addition, ceramics will need to use optional elements (joints, adapters), because its length is limited by the properties of physical fragility. This product is supplied with cutting and socket, and the diameter can be from 10 to 60 centimeters.
Another type of material suitable for making external sewer lines. Portland cement and asbestos fiber products are quite light, so their installation is not particularly difficult. They have a number of important qualities, such as: they successfully resist the formation of internal growths, steadily conduct chemically aggressive substances inside themselves (which implies the possibility of running through the system of any liquid substances), have a long service life, which is at least 50 and maximum 100 years. During installation, if necessary, trim the object, no special tools are needed, it is quite possible to get by with standard helpers.Yet, like the previous type, asbestos-cement variations are quite fragile, which means that careful transportation and installation is necessary. At the same time, at the time of purchase, each part must be carefully inspected for the presence of falcons or cracks.
Products from this material are quite popular, because they are suitable for the formation of sewer mains according to various complex schemes, with various dimensions and capacities. Corrugated polyethylene samples can easily endure both high and low temperatures (up to +100 Celsius, but only for a short period), are characterized by a long service life (tens of years), their inner surface does not allow the formation of monolithic deposits due to its own smoothness, and ease of installation does not require the use of special devices and tools for installation. It is also worth noting that it is corrugated polypropylene that has special strength, because it consists of two layers:
The parts of the highway themselves can be laid over very long distances, fastening its individual components using the cold welding method. However, this material is not recommended for placement in an area exposed to direct sunlight.
This material, due to its fragility, is not often used for the installation of an external sewer system. It is customary to equip private houses and country stormwater with such designs. The advantages of this material include:
These plastic products, despite their wear resistance, are easily cut with a saw for metal, while not forming cracks and permanent chips in the place of cutting. The market for optional accessories for these sewer samples is very wide, the required additional item (fittings, etc.) is very easy to find in any hardware store.
This material is probably the best in terms of using it for the production of external sewer pipes. This is due to its technical, physical and operational properties. Today's market can offer three main types of PVC pipes:
PVC pipes are distinguished by easy installation, resistance to many chemically aggressive substances, low weight (availability of manual installation), increased strength and frost resistance, a smooth surface inside that does not retain solid fragments in drains, low cost and long service life.
IMPORTANT! PVC pipes still should not be used on highways where the passing liquid will have temperatures of +60 and above degrees Celsius - this can lead to expansion of the material due to heating. Installation is simple and does not require special skills.
It will consist of the following indicators:
Outdoor PVC sewerage is considered the next generation main, which will soon replace all other types of pipes from household systems. This is due to the installation features and the ability to work with high pressure up to 10 MegaPascals. Many installation options will allow you to assemble the desired design with ease:
Installation of external sewage in any case will require the availability of project documentation, no matter how simple its design may be - it is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the entire system, select material, count the number of joints and turns. Next, you should purchase all the building materials, acquire the necessary tools and you can begin the installation process. It will include the following steps:
When selecting pipes for outdoor sewage in a store, you need to pay attention to the following points:
IMPORTANT! Experts strongly do not recommend the use of gray pipes for laying external networks. They are barely visible on the ground, so it's much easier to inadvertently damage them.
This model has a diameter of 110 mm and a length of 0.185 m. It is intended for guiding the pipeline when laying an external sewage system. Manufactured from polypropylene, equipped with O-rings to seal the joint. Country of production - Russia. Warranty - 10 years, weight - 0.173 kilograms. The recommended cost for retail chains is 110 rubles.
This model is made on the basis of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U).Thanks to this, the inner wall of sewer pipes is completely smooth, resistant to abrasive, the outer layer is characterized by endurance, resistance to all substances that are commonly used for backfilling the main, and the flexible core perfectly tolerates pressure and wheel load. Durable marking with the designation of the manufacturer, nominal diameter, standard (DIN EN 1451-1), date of manufacture (the angles of inclination are additionally marked on the fittings), a centimeter ruler is applied to the model. The recommended cost is 210 rubles.
This polypropylene part has a diameter of 110 mm and a length of 2.078 m, designed for laying outdoor underground sewerage. Resistant to drains containing chemically aggressive substances, can withstand the temperature of the drained liquid up to +65 °C, for a short time (up to 300 seconds) - up to +95 °C. A flare joint with an O-ring can ensure complete tightness. The smooth inner surface prevents the formation of deposits. The recommended cost for retail chains is 480 rubles.
This Russian-made polymer sample is used to create systems that function for decades.It is characterized by excellent drainage of domestic wastewater, high-quality removal of liquid waste generated from human economic and industrial activities, proper drainage arrangement, up to storm sewer equipment. Plastic models are used in private housing construction - as the basis of the main external sewage system. The recommended cost is 750 rubles.
This two-layer corrugated sample with a monolithic socket is designed for the arrangement of non-pressure drainage systems in the form of external sewer lines. Fully complies with GOST R 54475-2011, has an increased ring stiffness, the maximum service life is 50 years. The recommended cost for retail chains is 810 rubles.
This two-layer polypropylene corrugated product is equipped with a coupling and is used in non-pressure drainage systems, which include variations of external sewage. The model guarantees maintaining the maximum temperature at a continuous flow of +60°С and short-term +95°С Celsius. Deliveries are made in lengths of 3 m or 6 m. Corresponds to Russian GOST R 54475-2011, average service life is 50 years.The recommended cost for retail chains is 11,000 rubles.
Such a two-layer corrugated plastic sample is intended for non-pressure drainage. It can be both household, and storm, and general sewerage. The pipe is made of polymer, in itself it is much lighter and more durable than reinforced concrete counterparts, easy to install and maintain, does not require the use of special equipment, and can withstand high loads. As needed, it can be cleaned using a special hydraulic machine. The advantages include a long service life, easy installation, corresponding to the quality of the cost. Almost any optional elements for the installation of sewer systems on this base are available on the market. Supplied in 6 meter lengths. The recommended cost for retail chains is 12,290 rubles.
A very expensive model, which has a multilayer corrugated structure, is additionally reinforced with reinforced metal. Production material - HDPE and steel sheet. Designed for non-pressure industrial-scale drainage systems. Supplied in lengths of 6 meters and has a very large diameter.The recommended cost for retail chains is 50,000 rubles.
Every year the choice of pipes for external sewerage is becoming more extensive and rich. Therefore, some private developers often ask themselves the question - “Which pipes are better for these systems?”. At the same time, there is a desire to find out which of the samples on the market will be more durable and cheaper. Everyone wants to get the most reliable and durable product. From this it is clear that this issue should be approached with all care, since the operation of the entire sewer system located outside will depend on the type of product.