Corn is a healthy nutritious food. It contains a large number of different components. This cereal is often used to make salads and many other dishes. The product is popular due to its sweet taste. Canned corn is produced by a large number of manufacturers. Therefore, the buyer will be able to buy a suitable product for his table. The ranking of the best canned corn brands will help you figure out how to choose the best product.
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Scientists believe that corn began to be eaten about 10,000 years ago. Then this product was called "Mais".Corn is native to Central and South America. This cereal was grown here before our era. Corn grains were found in Peru during excavations. Their age dates back to several thousand years.
Christopher Columbus brought corn to Europe. Currently, this product is in great demand in the countries of the "Old World". This cereal in terms of its nutritional properties takes 3rd place. In European countries, corn is of great importance for the population (comparable to potatoes for Russians). This cereal has dietary properties. Many people like to use it freshly prepared. In the world, a large number of corn diets have been invented. The product is used for making sauces, soups, salads and casseroles. Corn is harvested during its milk maturity.
The product has the following useful properties:
When buying corn, you need to look at the date of its production. The taste of the product released in August-September will be the best. At this time of the year, the cereal is considered ripe and fresh, since it is produced immediately after harvest, bypassing all stages of storage.
The composition of the canned product includes sugar, salt, water and grains. At first glance, everything is very simple. However, not all manufacturers add sugar to canned food. This is so that consumers can enjoy the natural taste of corn. Therefore, it became easier to evaluate the quality of the product.More points are given to canned foods that do not contain sugar.
The date of manufacture is the most important parameter. Corn produced in summer and in the first half of autumn is considered the best. Winter products were first dried for storage. Then it was soaked, boiled, packaged and closed in jars.
Important factors that can only be assessed in glass containers are the deformation and size of corn. Grains of large sizes are considered older, so the product from them tastes harsh. Small cereals are younger, respectively more tender and sweeter.
The deformation shows the state of the grains in the bank. Corn should be firm and crunchy when chewed. If there are a lot of damaged cereals in the jar and the product resembles a ground consistency, then the production technology has been violated. Presented canned copy of poor quality.
It is necessary to pay attention to the amount of brine. Corn should be present in large volumes compared to liquid. The minimum amount of brine should be added.
It is believed that corn grown in the Rostov, Voronezh, Kursk regions, as well as in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, has the best taste.
A jar of canned corn must be carefully examined. If there is a slight swelling of the container, you must refuse to purchase such a product. The presence of bombage is the first sign of stale canned food. Gas begins to accumulate inside the container, due to the rotting of the contents of the can. It is necessary to carefully study the composition. It is written on the label glued to the bank. It is better to give preference to a product that contains a minimum of ingredients: salt, sugar, water and corn.
There is another way to check. The jar must be brought to the ear and shaken a little. Good canned food practically does not make sounds. Too much gurgling indicates that the container contains an excessive amount of air. This fact can adversely affect product quality. If a slight rustling is heard when shaking, then the entire production technology was followed correctly.
This test can only be done at home. Opened corn should smell fragrant. High-quality grains should be slightly springy when crushed.
Today, storefronts and supermarket shelves offer a varied selection of canned sweet corn from different brands. Consumers are often lost in front of a large number of products. They ask themselves the question of choosing the highest quality and not too expensive product. Based on customer reviews and product features, this is a list of quality, delicious canned corn.
All products are tested by experts and are recognized as safe for the human body.There are no GMOs, dyes and preservatives in corn.
It stands out with wonderful taste indicators without the slightest criticism. The appearance is whole, neatly cut grains without torn edges and remnants of cob tissue. The same depth of cut allows you to get, in the end, clean grains that do not contain core and cob inclusions, pieces of foliage or filamentous strips. The taste and aroma of the product is similar to sweet corn, which is in the stage of milky ripeness without flaws, foreign smell and taste.
Full compliance with the standards (in terms of grain content) characterizing vacuum-free canned food is observed.
According to the requirements of GOST, the number of damaged grains does not exceed the allowable level for grade 1, and is even close to the highest grade.
After a comprehensive study to identify the content of various harmful additives, there was confidence in the complete absence of chemicals and pollutants. Common salt is also available in the right amount to match the standardization of the food ingredient.
Excellent organoleptic indicators indicate one of the best products in this category. The product contains healthy corn cobs grown without pesticide fertilization. To this characteristic can be added the possession of a pleasant taste sensation obtained as a result of the cooking process of the ingredient in the stage of milk maturation. Aromas and flavors of unknown origin are not observed.
The integrity of the grains present was noted with their careful and even separation from the cob. The packaging is filled more than the established norm by 8.78%.
Buyers note the product with excellent organoleptic parameters without any nit-picking. With regards to appearance, grains of the correct configuration and cut depth are laid in the container. The absence of an extraneous cob base, residues and particles of leafy cover, as well as silky fibers is noted on the grains. The products fully correspond to the composition declared on the can in terms of taste and aroma without unpleasant odors.
Vacuum packed contains a declared amount of grains that exceeds the minimum standard requirements by up to 9%. Dry substances make up a mass fraction of 28.1%, which is, in comparison with the average coefficient, quite high. In the corresponding type of product, the mass fraction of grains that have lost their integrity does not go beyond the permitted level indicated by the GOST standard. Such standards are established for the premium product, with regard to canned blanks.
A systematic study to find more than 70 subspecies of pesticides not only did not bring positive results, but even traces of the presence of pollutants were not found. People who are forced to follow a low-salt diet can be advised to consume cereals without harm to health.
Canned nutritious cereal crop is produced in accordance with GOST and quality indicators. An exception is a denser than soft consistency of grains.
The vacuum packaging space filled with products is significantly higher than the stated standard requirements - 88%, with a minimum designation of up to 80% for a similar product.
Comprehensive research checks showed the complete absence of chemicals, rejecting the slightest hint of the presence of pollutants.
The quantitative part of the edible salt content corresponds to the standardized norm.
The first product of the rating with facts of non-compliance with GOSTs. Non-compliance with organoleptic requirements, according to which the mass fraction of grains is underestimated by 9.8%, which does not coincide with the standards of GOST R53958. The heterogeneity of the consistency of the product with different depths of cut is also noted. Regarding the mass fraction of solids, there are also discrepancies -19%, which is below average for a similar product.
The number of damaged grains is not exceeded for the highest grade according to GOST.
None of the dozens of pesticides and other pollutants were detected.
Table salt is also contained in accordance with standard norms.
Note: despite the underestimated mass fraction of grains, the product is manufactured according to specifications, therefore it is not on the black lists. Loose heterogeneous saturation and different depths of cut are noted.
Complete compliance with the requirements of GOST and organoleptic, although there is an exception in the cut depth of grains with a non-compliant requirement. The remaining points regarding taste, color and smell are met.
A fairly high proportion of solids - 25.3%. Damaged grains do not exceed the allowable amount according to GOST for canned goods.
Pesticides and other contaminants were not found in the composition. The cereal is grown without the use of fertilizers in ecologically clean areas.
Here, the norm of solids is overestimated - 25, 3%. The integrity of the grains does not exceed the allowable limit according to the developed GOST.
The highest quality of sweet corn of the proposed brand is on a par with expensive products. Decent taste qualities, together with an even depth of cut, bright yellow color, uniformity, neatly fill the container.
Covering top fill without turbidity and foreign particles. The amount of salt also meets the standards.
A high-quality cereal product must be whole and not torn, without unnecessary impurities and thick sediment. The ideal juice covering corn is a clear kind. It is such products that got into the presented rating. The examination did not show the presence of impurities or transgenic corn. Samples were top notch in aroma and taste.
Canned cereal product is an excellent independent side dish, ready to eat in the usual and heated form. Taste qualities are complemented by salads, soups and a variety of snacks. It is put in dishes of cuisines of overseas countries, introduced into casseroles and dough. Excellent combination with other ingredients, fresh and oven-roasted vegetables, helps to diversify dishes. The addition of fresh spicy greens, onions and garlic helps to reduce the sweet taste of canned corn.