A tamper is a special device that is used to tamp ground coffee as a “filter” in a coffee machine.
As a rule, every professional barista or lover of quality coffee has this device. Thanks to tempera, coffee turns into a kind of tablet, which passes water through itself for a long time and is evenly wetted. Usually, water flows through the coffee quickly and takes most of the extract with it. By slowing down the flow of water, the coffee powder gets wet evenly, preserving the extract and improving the quality of the drink. If you do the opposite, then the taste will be watery and sour.
This device is very important for making espresso. Every professional barista uses it to prepare a popular drink. Even special lessons, books and video tutorials on the use of tempera have been created.
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From the very beginning, only plastic was used for production. But nothing ever stands still, progress is everywhere. Subsequently, devices began to be made from various materials, of various shapes, and as a result, certain types appeared.
There are three main types of shape: flat, convex and rounded. The most relevant at the moment are flat and convex.
Consultants still cannot give an exact answer which form is better. After all, both in themselves are good, and they do not differ in quality.
The dimensions include two parameters: diameter and height. Standard parameters: width - 53, 5 or 58 mm, and height: 7-10 mm. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, you should pay attention to the filter of the coffee machine. The platform diameter should be 0.5 or 1 mm smaller than the filter itself. If the filter is cone-shaped, then the measurement should be started from the narrowest part.
The cost depends on whether this product is branded or not. A branded item with a platform made of steel and a wooden handle will cost an average of 2000-2200 rubles.
Branded tampers made entirely of steel will cost approximately 1300-1600 rubles.
Unbranded ones cost about 1100-1300 rubles.
To make the right choice, you should focus on some parameters of the coffee machine:
You can buy in special coffee shops, online stores, for example, Aliexpress. Also, if there are any little things or special preferences, then you can contact a workshop that specializes specifically in the manufacture of such devices.
One of the best manufacturers. According to buyers, high-quality, easy-to-use, high-quality materials. You can buy both in the store itself and online sites.
Country of origin: Italy.
Made from: stainless steel.
Platform: flat.
Width: 58 mm.
Dimensions: 90x115x80.
Weight: 0.40 kg.
Average price: 2287 rubles.
This manufacturer was able to add a new material - rubber in the manufacture of handles. The kit will come with a special rubber stand that will not allow the product to slide on the table. The platform is made of high quality steel.
Country of origin: Sweden.
Made from: stainless steel.
Platform: flat.
Width: 58 mm.
Average cost: about 3000 rubles.
This is a workshop that makes tempera for individual orders. The handle and platform are selected separately. The choice is huge! Lots of colors and a variety of materials. Handles can be: wooden, aluminum, anodized. The platform is made of stainless steel. The shape can be: flat, convex, rounded. Diameter: from 40-59 mm. The work is done by hand without stamping.Below is a description of one of the popular models of this manufacturer.
Country of origin: Canada.
Material: stainless steel.
Platform: flat.
Width: 58 mm.
Average cost: from 4500-5000 rubles.
This tamper has a high rating on AliExpress. Delivery is fast, the seller has been trading for more than three years, sociable. Buyer express positive opinions.
Country of origin: China.
Made from: stainless steel.
Platform: flat.
Width: 54 or 58 mm.
Average cost: 1370 rubles.
The seller is very popular in this online store. The opinion of buyers is positive, delivery is fast, the price is acceptable, the seller has been working for more than three years, the product corresponds to the description.
Country of origin: China.
Made from: stainless steel.
Platform: flat.
Width: 51, 57.5, 58 mm.
Average cost: 1034 rubles.
Buyers are very satisfied with this product. Delivery is very fast, the goods are made qualitatively, the seller is sociable and understanding. The product fully corresponds to the description, which can not but rejoice. The ratings of the store are quite high and inspire confidence.If the goods did not reach the addressee, the store will quickly replace the product itself, or refund the money.
Country of origin: China.
Made from: stainless steel and wood.
Base: flat.
Width: 41, 49, 51, 53, 54, 57.5, 58, 58.3 mm.
Average cost: 1347 rubles.
This store is one of the most famous and popular on AliExpress. The seller has a very high rating and is trusted and popular among buyers. The product corresponds to the description, the delivery is fast, the seller sends the goods almost immediately. The description is very clear and understandable. The store is included in the rating of the best brands in AliExpress. The seller has been working for more than three years.
Country of origin: China.
Made: iron with chrome base.
Base: flat.
Width: 51.58 mm.
Height: 80 mm.
Average cost: 883 - 915 rubles.
Another fairly well-known brand on AliExpress. Also, like the previous store, it is included in the rating of the best brands. A large number of positive reviews, and delivery is carried out immediately after receipt of the application.
Country of origin: China.
Made from: stainless steel, wood.
Base: flat.
Width: 51.58 mm.
Average cost: 778 rubles.
The product has many positive reviews, not a single negative one. The peculiarity lies in the design of these tampers. The handles are painted in different colors. Also, the advantage is that you can immediately order a special rug. The description is clear and understandable, there are several recommendations that you need to read.
Country of origin: China.
Made from: stainless steel, silicone, wood.
Base: flat.
Diameter: 58 mm.
Average cost: from 642 - 964 rubles.
The seller has been selling this product for a long time and it is in great demand. The rating is quite high, the description is well structured and clear, in the reviews there are only 2% negative. Delivery is immediate. Free delivery.
Country of origin: China.
Material: stainless steel + chrome plated, wood.
Shape: flat.
Diameter: 51 mm.
Average price: 653 rubles.
The seller has been trading for about a year, despite such a short period, he has already managed to climb quite high in the rating. His store is included in the rating of the most reliable brands. The product description contains all the nuances and, in general, all the necessary and useful information. Delivery is fast, but paid, the reviews are positive.
Country of origin: China.
Made from: stainless steel, wood.
Shape: flat.
Diameter: 51.58 mm.
Height: 95 mm.
Average price: 970 rubles.including shipping costs.
Another brand that is in the rating of reliable. The seller has improved his position in a little more than a year, but unlike the previous candidate, he does not have such good ratings and reviews. Of course, positive reviews prevail, but still there are ratings slightly below average. Free delivery.
Country of origin: China.
Made from: stainless steel, wood.
Shape: flat.
Diameter: 49, 51, 58 mm.
Height: 94 mm.
Average price: 875 rubles.
This tamper has a very interesting appearance, the platform looks the same as usual, but the handle is strongly retracted, as a rule, the handles are made small and wide to make it comfortable, but here is a different picture. Despite this, it is convenient to use the device. The price of the product is quite low, and the sale is good. The quality of the presented copies is excellent, the reviews are also positive. Not a product, but just a fairy tale. Free delivery.
Country of origin: China.
Made from: stainless steel.
Shape: flat.
Diameter: 24 mm.
Height: 65 mm.
Average price: 400 rubles.
The description of this product is just fine, everything is clear, specific and understandable. The brand is ranked among the best.The seller has a good reputation, reliable. The product is made of quality material. Delivery is free and fast.
Country of origin: China.
Made from: stainless steel.
Shape: flat.
Diameter: 51 mm.
Height: 80 mm.
Average price: 907 rubles.
Another tamper, which is made entirely of stainless steel. The sizes are standard, due to its weight it tamps coffee well, so you don’t even need to apply force. Some reviews mention that the material is similar to nickel, but this is unlikely, rather the stainless steel is plated with nickel for added protection. Free delivery.
Country of origin: China.
Made from: stainless steel.
Shape: flat.
Diameter: 49, 51, 57.5, 58 mm.
Height: 80 mm.
Average price: 1083 rubles.
Seller with high ratings and reputation. The product is not only made of high quality materials, but also looks very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. The weight is not very large, so when tamping the coffee, you will have to make a little effort. Reviews are positive, the description is specific, understandable and coincides with reality.
Country of origin: China.
Made of: stainless steel, wood.
Shape: flat.
Diameter: 49.51 mm.
Height: 85 mm.
Average price: 618 rubles.
In the age of scientific and technological progress, turmoil and constant movement, it is simply necessary sometimes to stop and enjoy, even from such a trifle as a cup of coffee. The quality of the brewed drink depends on many factors and, first of all, of course, on the skill of the barista. The simpler the cooking process itself, the more pleasant and fun the work is done. Little things like a good tamper are meant to make the coffee making process easier. Which of the proposed options to choose depends on the desire and capabilities of buyers.