
  1. Brief information
  2. Varieties of models
  3. How to choose quality leggings
  4. Glove Care
  5. Best Welding Leggings for 2022
  6. Conclusion

Rating of the best welding gaiters for 2022

Rating of the best welding gaiters for 2022

During welding work, safety regulations must be strictly observed. Not only the integrity of the surrounding objects depends on this, but also the health of the welder. In case of strong heating, scales can fly out of metal structures, which can lead to burns if it hits the hand. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to use leggings.

Brief information

The welding machine is considered one of the most dangerous construction equipment.Even if the safety precautions are followed, the operator can be injured, as the process can be burned from flying fragments of molten metal or arc flames. Protect your hands can special gloves - leggings. This element of protection must be used regardless of the level of professionalism. It is worth noting that ordinary cotton gloves will not provide the safety of the worker's hands in the same way as welding models. The main advantage is that durable materials are used for the manufacture of mittens. Most often there are models made of leather and felt, but in some situations you can also find a tarpaulin version. Kevlar threads are used for fastening.

Statistically, the hands are the second most common cause of accidents during welding (the first place is the eyes). Even a professional operator can get burned as a result of exposure to high temperatures. As for beginner welders, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of gloves and the features of their choice. It is not recommended to start work if the density of gloves does not correspond to the temperature regime. It is also worth considering the fact that many manufacturers make highly specialized gloves. For example, there are leggings for welding with argon. Such protective gloves cannot be used when working with conventional welding, as the protective layer is too thin, as a result of which the worker may get burned.

Varieties of models

In modern stores of building materials and equipment, you can find three options for welding gaiters. As a rule, models differ in material, protective layer density, cost and appearance.There are also gloves, in the manufacture of which several materials were used at once - combined. More details about the varieties can be found below:

  1. The cheapest option is tarpaulin. They do little to protect hands, as the material is very thin and easily exposed to temperatures. If the thermal conditions are too high, it is not recommended to use this option, because the tarpaulin can melt or catch fire.
  2. Sawmill - are considered the best option. During manufacture, manufacturers use genuine leather, which undergoes special processing. As a result, the operator receives durable, elastic and comfortable leggings. The inside is lined with cotton or fleece. Thanks to this, they can work in the cold season without fear of freezing.
  3. Felt models also do a good job of protecting hands, like split ones. The only drawback is that the layer of material is too dense, as a result of which it is not very convenient to use such models. Felt models have a low cost, so you can find many worthy options on the domestic market.

In addition to the material, the length of the gloves plays an important role. For example, if budget models cover only the hand, then more expensive ones reach the elbow. In addition, cuffs can be located that close the arms more tightly.

How to choose quality leggings

The most important thing to pay attention to when choosing is the degree of protection. Gloves should fit tightly to the hands, but not squeeze the fingers. Otherwise, the operator may lose sensitivity, which will adversely affect the quality of the seams.To work with high temperatures, it is better to buy leather options, but you will have to pay a considerable amount. It is also worth paying special attention to the internal component. For example:

  1. In the cold season, gloves with an insulated inner layer are ideal. A leather model with fur will reliably warm and allow your hands to breathe.
  2. In summer, it is better to use lighter models with cotton filler.

Also, at the time of purchase, you should familiarize yourself with the quality of the seams. Initially, this element may not seem so important, but the seams play an important role during work. At high temperatures, ordinary threads will dry out and break, so it is better to choose models whose seams are stitched with Kevlar threads. This thread has high strength and resistance to high thermal conditions. In addition, Kevlar elements have an ideal ratio of strength and ductility.

There are models that are processed with lavsan threads, but they must have special inserts for sealing. As for combined gloves, they should be purchased only if the work will take place under the ceiling. Also, these models are of low cost and acceptable quality. Combined leggings can be worn over work clothes.

Some gloves are reinforced with additional inserts, which are most often embroidered into the area of ​​​​the palms and thumbs. This approach is due to the fact that during welding these zones are the most vulnerable, so additional protection will help to avoid injury.

Glove Care

If the welding gaiters will be used frequently, then to extend the service life, it is necessary to periodically wash the protective element.However, not all models will be able to survive this procedure. For example, leather leggings are practically not washable, so you will have to limit yourself to thorough cleaning with the use of powder. Tarpaulin and felt are easier to wash, but the use of chemical additives is not recommended. Combined protective gloves are washable, but the composition of the material must be taken into account.

Best Welding Leggings for 2022

Having become acquainted with the features of all types of welding gloves, you can proceed to the choice of model. It should be remembered that the choice depends not only on the quality of the protective elements, but also on the type of work being carried out. If welding will be carried out under the ceiling, then it is strictly not recommended to buy short options.

Gaiters T-13 - high strength at low cost

The Russian manufacturer 2Hands produces cheap but high-quality gloves that are very popular both in the domestic and Asian markets. A dense layer of protection ensures complete safety of the hands during periodic welding operations. The product withstands incandescent splashes, arc flames and elevated temperatures. In addition to decent protection against sudden fires and burns, they are able to withstand moderate mechanical damage. Of course, the direct purpose is for welding work, since under regular loads the protective element quickly loses its stability.

Unfortunately, this model does not have a very long service life, but it is of acceptable quality, however, during the purchase, you should pay special attention to compliance with the manufacturer's standards, as fakes often come across. In work, the leggings sit tightly on the hands and are easily thrown off thanks to the bell. The layer thickness is 1.5 mm, length - 340 mm. The material is pressed leather.

Leggings T-13
  • Low cost - from 400 rubles;
  • Density and reliability of the protective layer;
  • High-quality seams from nonflammable threads.
  • Counterfeits from unscrupulous manufacturers regularly come across;
  • Short service life;
  • The source material is of poor quality.

Gward Optima - welding gaiters stitched with Kevlar threads

The next worthy option is made by the Russian manufacturer Elementa. Welding gloves boast high quality materials. The model is considered one of the best due to the reliability and durability provided by the Kevlar threads in the seams. There is a cotton layer on the inside, so your hands can breathe while working at high temperatures. Gloves tightly fit the hands, but the operator feels comfortable. This result is achieved thanks to the high quality of the leather, which is the main material in the manufacture of Optima Plasma Kevlar. Reinforced pads are sewn into the palm and thumb area, which allows you to increase the load during work without fear of getting burned.

Gloves are ideal for industrial work and have good resistance to high thermal conditions. They have a long service life. Special clamps allow you to fix the leggings during high-altitude work. The sleeve length is 350 mm and the layer thickness is 2 mm.

Guard Optima
  • High quality materials;
  • Low cost - from 260 rubles;
  • Long service life;
  • Kevlar thread seams;
  • High resistance to high temperatures;
  • The presence of a latch;
  • Additional palm and thumb reinforcements.
  • Cannot withstand prolonged contact with molten metal.
  • Because of the latch, it is impossible to quickly throw off the leggings.

Siberia T30 – Indispensable during Argon welding

The Chinese manufacturer Wonder Grip specializes in the manufacture of highly specialized gloves that can be used during TIG welding. A distinctive feature is the ultra-thin protective layer, which betrays the mobility and sensitivity of the operator's hands. Despite the thin surface, gloves reliably protect against scale, hot metal and high temperatures.

The Siberia T30 is the ideal choice, offering optimum performance for all argon welding requirements. This type of processing differs from conventional welding in that during the process the operator must fully feel the contact of the hand with the surface to be treated. To increase the mobility of the thumbs, there is a special lightweight layer of skin in the corresponding area, so that the hand can be fully clenched. The gloves have a protective cuff that tightly covers the sleeve of work clothing. Freedom of movement provides a wide bell. Considering the size of his size, the gloves can be quickly thrown off under unforeseen circumstances. The seams of the argon leggings are made of Kevlar thread. Sleeve length is 350 mm. The thickness of the glove is 0.9mm. The material is combined leather (cow and goat).

Siberia T30
  • High level of sensitivity due to the thin layer;
  • Convenience during use;
  • Reliable protection against ingress of scale and metal spatter;
  • High quality raw materials;
  • Affordable price - from 550 rubles.
  • Highly specialized element;
  • It is impossible to work at sub-zero temperatures.

Gaiters "Bars" - the best ratio of quality and price

The well-known company for the production of welding equipment Bars is engaged in the manufacture of some of the best leggings. This option can be called universal, as gloves fit almost all the requirements of welders. Leggings gained immense popularity due to their rather low cost, as a result of which both professionals and beginners use the protective element. The high strength of the gloves is due to the thick layer of refractory leather and Kevlar thread. Thanks to the wide bell, the leggings can be quickly removed from the hands without any effort.

Special cuffs are designed for additional overlapping of the arms. Gloves can be used at work at height, without being afraid of falling scales and splashes of hot metal. The inner surface of the leggings is made of cotton material, so the hands will breathe during high temperatures. The thickness of the protective layer is 1.5 mm. Sleeve length - 350 mm. The main material is refractory split wood of the first class.

Leggings "Bars"
  • High strength and reliability;
  • Low cost of the product - from 265 rubles;
  • Can be used to work in sub-zero temperatures;
  • Designed for a wide range of applications;
  • Seams from the condensed Kevlar thread;
  • The presence of additional cuffs for a secure fit.
  • Short service life.

UVEX TOP Grade 7200 - reliability and comfort during welding

This option takes first place due to the high quality of materials. Welding gaiters are made of selected bovine leather, and there is a cotton layer in the inner part.Distinctive feature of gloves is resistance to high loadings and mechanical deformations. Leggings ideally protect hands from scale, hot metal, high temperatures and falling light tools.

Due to the thick layer (1.7 mm) and the presence of Kevlar threads, the protective element is able to withstand tears, cuts and injections. High temperature resistance can be attributed to an additional advantage of gloves. While working with heated structures, the hands will not feel the temperature rise. UVEX TOP Grade 7200 is widely used in the metalworking and foundry industries. Despite the high density of the material, the sensitivity of the fingers remains during operation. Acceptable length allows you to protect the forearms (380 mm).

Leggings UVEX TOP Grade 7200
  • High durability and reliability of gloves;
  • The best quality of raw materials;
  • Thick protective layer;
  • High level of thermal stability;
  • The presence of Kevlar threads;
  • The sensitivity of the fingers is preserved.
  • High cost - from 1100 rubles.


Reliable leggings play an important role during welding. Based on the information provided in this review, you can choose an acceptable option. The rating includes models belonging to different price categories, so choosing the right option is not difficult. However, it is worth remembering that this rating is not advertising in nature and is compiled for informational purposes only. Before buying, you should always consult with a specialist.

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