In addition to attention and care, pets require a healthy and balanced diet. Products must be made from natural ingredients. The best types of dry mixes for cats are produced by manufacturers who have the necessary certificate and have passed a preliminary quality test. For a quick and easy choice of healthy food, you should use the product rating, which describes in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each brand.
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To choose the right food for your cat, you must definitely take into account the age of the pet, his lifestyle, the need for vitamins and active supplements, as well as the presence of diseases and the price category. Based on the above data and the opinion of veterinarians with pet owners, it is possible to easily determine the type of dry mix.
According to age characteristics, dry food is divided into 3 groups:
In addition, the menu of animals is subdivided depending on the needs:
The following important criteria will help you choose the right one:
When choosing cat food, you can not pay attention to the colorful packaging. First of all, you need to study the content, take into account the products included in the composition. The better the mix, the higher the cost.
The rating of the most popular and safest pet food was formed taking into account special studies, opinions of veterinarians and user reviews. Thanks to them, you can easily choose a useful and high-quality product for cats. In addition to the above criteria, the following were also taken into account:
The rating is presented by really useful and high-quality types of ready-made food that do not contain chemical additives and do not harm the health of pets.
Much depends on the quality of food. This is the state of health, physical activity and general well-being of the pet. When choosing, you need to take into account the components present, as well as the age characteristics that are written on the front of the package. For kittens less than 6 months old, the diet should be more delicate and balanced. It is not recommended to use dry mixes.
The rating of goods is based on the tests carried out, where 5 types were considered. Of these, 2 products were selected, which are considered the safest and highest quality for cats.
Prepared pet food is designed to new standards. It is allowed to give kittens from 3 months.The composition of the feed includes various mineral compounds and vitamins necessary for the proper development of a growing organism, the formation of healthy bones, teeth, skin and wool. The product has a pleasant taste. Thanks to Omega 3 and Omega 6, pets grow dense and beautiful fur. It is a small crispy granules, it is convenient for kittens to bite them. They help prevent oral diseases by maintaining dental hygiene.
According to user reviews, not all cats eat such food with pleasure. Despite the useful composition, few people like crispy granules. Therefore, for the first time, it is recommended to buy a small package for testing.
This version of the dry mix is high quality. In addition to natural ingredients, the composition contains various by-products. The goods are made for any age categories of animals with the different sizes of granules. The basis of this type of product includes: flour, brewer's yeast, animal fats, vegetable gluten. Also fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other elements important for the normal functioning of cats. The daily portion of food provides the pet with all the necessary substances for the best functioning of the body. Can be given to animals every day.
Considering the reviews of many buyers, we can conclude that Whiskas is very in demand and is well consumed by cats, regardless of age. Due to many additives, it improves the health of pets, their growth and development.
The composition of the cat mixture of average cost is more natural: it contains more meat and nutrients - vitamins and minerals. The cost is affordable for everyone, which allows you to please your pet at least every day. A good quality mixture contains a minimum of dyes, flavors and other components that will not benefit the cat.
And now - a rating compiled on the basis of a test in which 5 nominees participated, among which only 3 types of cat food passed the test. It is these types of feed that have a natural, and therefore useful composition.
Designed for kittens under the age of 1 year, especially in need of a balanced diet due to the formation of the skeleton. It is a crispy granules, which will not be difficult for a baby to gnaw. It does not remain on the teeth and does not contribute to their deformation. The series is distinguished by a variety of tastes, and each of them can become a favorite for a kitten.
Royal Canin is approved by veterinarians. It has a positive effect on the development of animals, maintains their bones and teeth in a healthy state. Kids look forward to the next portion of the treat, and when they wait, they enjoy its taste.
The manufacturer has produced a nutritious and natural cat food, consisting of easily digestible components.Mustachioed and tailed consumers are offered a mixture with chicken, turkey, salmon and venison flavors. Brit Care Coccu, in addition to dehydrated chicken, dried apples and yeast, includes vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances necessary for the growth and development of the animal. The product captivates cats with a distinct aroma that is tempting for any cat.
The authors of the reviews note: for many cats, the food is suitable as a complete food product. No dependence has been noted, so switching to a mixture from another manufacturer will not be stressful for the baby.
And this dry food in the form of small crunchy kibbles is designed for adults 1-6 years old. The granules are easy to chew. There are few calories in the mixture, and excess weight does not threaten the pet. The product contains a lot of vitamins that help maintain the cat's immunity and prevent viral diseases or infections. Having studied the composition, one can note the presence of rice, fish oil, lamb flour and other equally useful components.
The product will compete with the analog of the premium class.
According to reviews, it will suit any cat, and some people are completely sure that Hill's Science Plan is the best option for adult pets.
Premium cat food has the most useful composition. In their manufacture, only natural ingredients are used.Premium feed contains a large amount of meat. After the introduction of premium food into the pet's daily diet, not only the appearance of the animal, but also the general condition noticeably improves. Cats become more active and playful. This rating was compiled on the basis of comparative tests that were conducted among 5 different nominees. At the same time, only 2 brands meet all the requirements.
Designed specifically for spayed cats. It includes:
Among the components there are not only meat products (chicken), but also wheat, corn gluten flour, oats, pea fibers, egg powder, fish, taurine, animal fat, hydrolyzed yeast.
Having studied the reviews of cat owners, we can safely say that almost all pets like the taste of Monge Natural Super premium. At the same time, the animal is quickly saturated, which indicates economical consumption. It is noteworthy that even those cats who previously refused dry mixes like Monge Natural Super premium.
Orijen Fit & Trim includes:
A pet whose diet consists of this food is not only quickly saturated, but also receives all the substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Veterinarians recommend introducing Orijen Fit & Trim into the diet of all cats that have reached 1 year of age.
Reviews say that some cats eat Orijen Fit & Trim only at first, and then completely refuse it. Therefore, do not immediately buy large quantities. It is better to purchase 100-200 grams and see how your pet reacts to a new food product.
Foods that belong to the Holistic class were created for feeding adults and elderly pets. Their composition includes a complex of vitamins, minerals and other components that can increase the activity of cats, strengthen the body and maintain their health. Such feeds include a minimum amount of dyes and harmful additives, which can also be called a plus. When compiling the rating, the top 3 were selected. Each of them will be a great option for every pet.
It will be ideal for older cats. It is made from selected meat and fish, has a pleasant taste, smell and attracts the attention of cats much more than cheaper complementary foods. The granules are quite soft. They are not capable of damaging the pet's teeth. The components include:
Reviews indicate that Primordial Grain Free Cat Adult Duck Turkey is suitable for almost every cat. And a large amount of meat and nutrients in its composition suggests that it is of the highest quality and will suit every adult cat, regardless of its condition.
Suitable for cats from 1 to 6 years old. It is recommended for those pets that suffer from stomach disease and are prone to allergic reactions. Veterinarians position Grandorf Whitefish with Sensitive Sweet Potato as the safest. It is made on the basis of meat, fish and is saturated with a large number of useful substances.
In their reviews, buyers note the fact that it is possible to introduce food into the daily diet of a domestic cat only after consulting a veterinarian. As a rule, veterinarians prescribe a similar diet after a complete examination of the animal. Only it will allow you to identify violations in the work of the cat's body and choose the safest complementary foods.
It is curative and can be recommended for cats with disorders in the stomach, with reduced immunity, and some other diseases.With its regular consumption, the condition of the pet's skin improves, the coat becomes shiny, lush and attractive. Manufactured by GO! Fit + Free from chicken meat, eggs, potatoes, vitamins and other components. The natural composition allows you to use it for feeding pets suffering from some serious diseases. At the same time, the course of its administration can be both short-term and permanent.
The transfer of a domestic cat to a full-fledged, special diet can cause a huge number of questions and doubts among the owners. In most cases, owners know the taste preferences of their pets and easily select the right food. It is important to know that you cannot exclude medicated food from your pet's diet on your own. In the event that he refuses to eat, you should consult a veterinarian. He will find a way out of the current situation and select an alternative option.