
  1. How to choose the right yoga studio
  2. The best yoga studios in St. Petersburg

Rating of the best yoga studios in St. Petersburg in 2022

Rating of the best yoga studios in St. Petersburg in 2022

Yoga is not a religion, yoga is a lifestyle. In the combination of philosophy and body training, a new understanding of the world, oneself in this world and possibilities is born.

Spiritual self-realization goes hand in hand with physical self-realization, a positive attitude takes the place of former worries. Smooth movements and the breathing system harmonize the work of the whole organism, harmonize a person in the surrounding space. Through concentration of attention and purification of internal energies, the mind is liberated from negative programs, self-settings.

A modern person is under information pressure, in financial dependence, in emotional overstrain, so more and more people find a way out in yoga. We will talk about the best yoga studios in St. Petersburg below.

How to choose the right yoga studio

First level

For beginners, schools offer special trial lessons and programs. A preliminary consultation with a specialist will help determine the group. Yoga does not cause harm, and classes are absolutely safe from injury.

The system of discounts for beginners helps to join the process. At the initial stage, it is convenient to visit a studio located close to work or home to save time and effort.

Certain Practice

Yoga has a wide range of branches and practices. If preference is given to one of them, then you should find a studio with advanced masters of this technique. The number of classes can be increased to reach a new level.

If the direction is represented by several studios, then you should familiarize yourself with the professional biography of the trainers, their certificates and achievements. Many masters continue their regular training by going abroad.

Seminars and challenges

Delving deeper into the direction of yoga, cultivation brings pleasure and a thirst for new things. Many studios invite foreign distinguished gurus for seminars and private classes.

Multi-day challenges allow you not only to be in a group of like-minded people, but also to make a breakthrough in your own abilities.

Road to coaching

At a certain stage of their own spiritual and physical capabilities, a person feels the need to share knowledge and skills. Not all studios prepare trainers and conduct examinations. Choosing a school to prepare yourself as a master of teaching requires a serious approach and elaboration of the rating of yoga schools that produce yoga.

Criterias of choice

Yoga, which has centuries-old practices and amazing developments, is diverse in its manifestations of schools and studios.There are budget and popular studios, with different characteristics of the halls for classes and the level of instructors.

The priority criteria for a yoga studio include:

  • the cost of classes and subscriptions;
  • the level of the coaching staff;
  • the number of positive reviews;
  • the number of groups in social networks;
  • a number of directions and practices of yoga;
  • convenient location;
  • no age restrictions;
  • groups for beginners;
  • good official site;
  • popularity and mentor certification;
  • individual sessions.

Errors when choosing

It should be remembered that the level of skill of Indian yogis is polished throughout their lives; It is impossible to wrap yourself up in a mysterious letter, thanks to the high rating of the yoga studio.

Paying a high price for a lesson in the rebalancing phase of lifting one foot off the floor is simply unreasonable. Fluidity in everything - from movement, through breathing, and to increasing the cost for the skill of a yoga teacher - is a reliable path.

The best yoga studios in St. Petersburg

Academy of Yoga on Nevsky
votes 0

Yoga studio aims to help a person gain health, happiness, control over their feelings and mind.

The visitor of the center has a lot to choose from. The list of classes includes:

  • kundalini yoga, aimed at activating and pumping internal energies, restoring the functioning of the chakras and a sense of inner harmony;
  • hatha yoga, consisting of eight steps, is the initial part of Ashtanga yoga, which through intensive exercises leads to strengthening the spirit, comprehension of higher goals and inner liberation;
  • yoga nidra for deep relaxation when feeling depressed, physical and emotional overload, fixes the mind at the point of balance of sleep and wakefulness, which contributes to the self-healing of the body through a reboot;
  • kriya yoga - a combination of breathing exercises and meditation to understand the energy of kundalini, the ability to carry out the movement of internal energy through the chakras and channels;
  • yoga 23 - a unique technique with 40 years of experience for a quick effect in a short period of time, the result is achieved through a quick change of asanas, strict control of breathing, internal concentration of energy;
  • yoga therapy - a set of health-improving exercises, with a concentration on solving current problems through positive emotions and efforts;
  • women's practices according to ancient yoga techniques;
  • respiratory system with training in techniques;
  • practical meditation to relax the body and focus the mind.

The democratic price for one visit is 450 rubles.

  • a high level of coaching staff with confirmation of skill by certificates;
  • groups for the elderly;
  • groups for beginners;
  • division into levels according to the degree of training;
  • individual sessions;
  • conducting a unique gong meditation;
  • getting to know the trainers
  • yoga massage;
  • conducting training seminars;
  • exhibitions and sales of yoga items and accessories;
  • subscriptions and promotions;
  • the presence of groups in social networks;
  • a lot of positive reviews;
  • The center is open daily from 5:00 am to 10:00 pm.
  • visitors note the small size of the changing room.

Contact Information:
Russia, St. Petersburg,
Prospect Nevsky, house 105.
☎ 8-812-604-74-01

Yoga Center Ashtanga
votes 0

The school of the classical style of traditional Ashtanga yoga teaches flexibility and endurance, restores bodily health and teaches practices of inner calm, relaxation, and purification of the mind. The doors of the studio are open to people who do not have yoga training and sports skills. Everyone who is ready for studies and changes for the better receives support at school in a friendly environment, improvement of knowledge and skills, a new lifestyle without stress and illness.

Ashtanga Yoga Shala
Number of lessonsCost, rub.
One lesson500
8 lessons in 20 days - special program for beginners, subscription2200
4 lessons per month1550
8 lessons per month2800
12 lessons per month2900
Monthly membership with unlimited visits5500
3-month subscription with unlimited visits. With an allowable freeze week13000
Annual subscription with unlimited visits. With a permissible freezing period - 2 weeks25000
Six-month subscription with unlimited visits. With a permissible freezing period - 1 month45000

  • location in a historical place, overlooking the Bank Bridge, Griboyedov Canal, which gives a special atmosphere to classes;
  • the presence of a modern shower room;
  • all trainers are authorized, undergo annual training at the Indian Institute of Ashtanga Yoga, on the site you can get detailed information about each master;
  • the school practices rest after classes in the format of tea drinking and conversations, has a large selection of green, herbal teas and honey;
  • the hall is equipped with a climate control system, which makes classes as comfortable as possible;
  • holding Saturday workshops;
  • holding seminars under the guidance of invited certified teachers;
  • the possibility of individual lessons;
  • presence in social networks with the schedule of classes;
  • excellent navigation on the site;
  • mysore classes for beginners with mastering the basics;
  • the possibility of going to retreat centers.
  • unified direction of yoga.

Contact Information:

Russia, St. Petersburg,
Griboedov Canal - embankment, house 26.
☎ 8-981-892-44-46

Iyengar Center
votes 0

The yoga center dates back to 1994 and is considered one of the first in the city.

For beginners, there are five classes, consisting of one introductory and 4 introductory lessons.

With regular school attendance and obtaining the necessary skills, classes are held for students in the format of compulsory programs, consisting of an entry level and a yoga therapy level.

If you want to continue your studies in the following courses, the programs become more complicated and improved in the pursuit of the “Pro” class.

Iyengar Yoga Center
Number of lessonsCost (first price when visiting on weekdays until 17-30), rub.
One lesson500-600
4 lessons per month1460-1900
5 lessons for 3 weeks initial program2100
8 lessons per month2700-3200
20 lessons in 3 months6400-7500
40 lessons in 6 months12000-14600
unlimited lessons in 6 months20000
without limitation of lessons in 6 months with experience of 3 years of continuous lessons17000

  • the presence of 23 classes for visitors with any level of training, without age limits, with any health restriction;
  • children's classes of classes, designed for 50 minutes;
  • one and a half hour lessons for the main programs;
  • intensive blocks of classes, lasting 120 minutes;
  • individual lessons are possible;
  • free consultations for people with health problems;
  • methodological classes for masters and master candidates, examination preparation, advanced level;
  • a monthly class at the teaching level course for qualified trainers;
  • specialized classes for working with the spine, anti-stress direction;
  • a program for classes in the diagnosis of "multiple sclerosis" and "autoimmune diseases";
  • groups for women - improving the figure and beauty of the face through work with muscles;
  • groups for seniors;
  • classes for pregnant women;
  • weight loss groups;
  • Ayurvedic diagnostic services for complete information about health, internal state and quality of relationships;
  • carrying out chiromassage of the face, a popular trend in cosmetology;
  • conducting vastu diagnostics in the format of a consultation on the correction of personal space;
  • professional assistance of a yoga osteopath for prevention and recovery;
  • a unique photo gallery on the site about the life of the school;
  • conducting field seminars and yoga tours;
  • master classes of foreign teachers;
  • open lessons;
  • availability of promotions, discounts and gift certificates;
  • presence on social networks.
  • prices are above the city average.

Contact Information:

Russia, St. Petersburg,

  1. Zhukovsky street, house 49. ☎ 8-812-719-72-37
  2. Bolshaya Pushkarskaya street, house 41. ☎ 8-812-233-39-08

silver lotus
votes 0

Studio with five years of experience and certified trainers.

Visitors are invited to give preference to one of the directions:

  • pranayama - a course of breathing practices;
  • yoga Iyengar;
  • initial course for beginners;
  • for women;
  • meditation course;
  • for the older age;
  • intensive yoga courses;
  • Pilates;
  • for pregnant;
  • yoga Taoist;
  • hatha-yogis;
  • yoga kundalini.

The studio pays a lot of attention to beginners, the elderly, the friendly atmosphere that reigns in the lessons and seminars, allows you to achieve tangible results in a short period.

For visitors with skills, the school offers to join any of the groups that study according to the established schedule.

studio Silver Lotus
Number of lessonsCost, rub.
One lesson600
8 lessons in 20 days - special program for beginners, subscription2200
4 lessons per month2000
8 lessons per month3600
12 lessons per month4900
12 lessons in 3 months5200
24 lessons in 3 months8900
3 months unlimited visits11500
48 lessons in 6 months16800
6 months unlimited visits22000
5-week membership for 4 Mandala dance lessons2200
three-month subscription for 8 lessons of dance "Mandala"3800

  • to attend a trial lesson, you can fill out a form on the website and get a coupon for 200 rubles;
  • all trainers are certified and have access to training;
  • detailed information - biographies and merits of the masters on the site;
  • promotions, discounts on subscriptions;
  • the group in social networks has about 4000 people;
  • conducting gong meditations;
  • the opening of new "sounding woman" classes;
  • sets in the class "pregnancy consciously";
  • summer unlimited subscriptions;
  • holding corporate yoga classes for company employees;
  • autumn cycles for ladies with aromatherapy, Taoist practices, gong meditations;
  • conducting Vedic rituals;
  • the presence of instructions for beginners on the site;
  • full set of training equipment and equipment.
  • irregular updating of information on the site.

Contact Information:

Russia, St. Petersburg, Bolshaya Moskovskaya street, 1/3,
4th floor, room 13.
near the metro station "Vladimirskaya Square".
☎ 8-960-233-42-52; ☎ 642-42-54.

Bikram Yoga
votes 1

The first Bikram Yoga school in the city with an experienced professional coaching staff, modern climate control equipment, a spacious bright hall with an author's design, a stylish trading studio.

Hatha yoga, represented by 26 postures plus two breathing exercises in strict sequence, certainly in a warm room. The surrounding space, heated to the required temperature, can increase the elasticity of the articular muscle, relax and provide a safe stretch. This is Bikram Yoga.

In the Bikram Yoga class, an hour and a half meditation is held, aimed at achieving harmony, improving health through the growth of immunity, stabilizing blood circulation, gaining optimal weight, avoiding chronic diseases.

The studio also presents such progressive trends as Hot Vinyasa and Jivamukti yoga.

Bikram Yoga Studio
Number of lessonsCost, rub.
one visit800
5 lessons in 4 weeks3500
10 lessons in 56 days5000
individual lesson3000
Newbie Pass 7 days1000
subscription-month with paid freezing6500
subscription - 3 months with a freeze for a week16000
subscription-6 months with a 2-week freeze 25000
subscription - 12 months with a 4-week freeze 42000
subscription - 12 months with a 4-week freeze and the provision of accessories50000

  • one of the network of Bikram yoga studios;
  • powerful teaching coaching staff;
  • clear compliance with the methodology - unique articular gymnastics;
  • holding yoga challenges - only once a season, a course of continuous classes for 30 days;
  • drawings of unlimited subscriptions for the finalists of the challenges;
  • Jivamukti yoga classes - meditation, mantra chanting, sound yoga, breathing plus postures;
  • Hot Vinyasa lessons with a strict series of asanas, plus movement and breathing;
  • groups are accepted for all ages and levels of training;
  • Advanced Bikram Yoga - a course for advanced yogis with racks, splits and deep backbends;
  • captivating blog posts;
  • promotions and super offers;
  • convenient location - direct exit from the Ring Road of St. Petersburg to Moskovsky Prospekt;
  • combination with spiritual practice.
  • there are time periods not included in the schedule.

Contact Information:

Russia, St. Petersburg,
Moskovsky prospect, house 4,
☎ 8-952-388-88-96

Yogaplanet Yoga House
votes 0

The studio has three rooms for classes, 40 m², 50 m², 80 m², equipped with a climate control system.

Visitors are invited to comprehend a number of the following areas in turn, or choose one of the proposed ones for classes:

  • yoga Iyengar;
  • Hatha yoga;
  • Medical Yoga courses;
  • advanced course in hatha and kriya yoga;
  • aero yoga;
  • Ashtanga yoga for beginners
  • Pilates;
  • yoga for pregnant women;
  • yoga Hatha according to the school of Shivanda;
  • hatha-yogis;
  • kundalini - yoga;
  • yoga for beginners Iyengar;
  • gong - meditation.

On the site you can get acquainted with the stories of gaining experience in yoga and the directions of the masters, trainers of the school, here you can also find reviews of visitors.

Yogaplanet Yoga House
Number of lessonsCost, rub.
4 lessons per month2200
8 lessons per month 3900
20 lessons in 90 days9500
annual subscription40000
aerial yoga 4 lessons in 3 months2400
aerial yoga 8 lessons in 3 months4400
4 lessons for pregnant women in 3 months2400
8 lessons for pregnant women in 3 months4400
1 lesson for pregnant women800
individual lesson3000
gong meditation, 1 lesson300
Medical Yoga monthly subscription for a family for 4 lessons4400
Medical Yoga 1 lesson for a child500
Medical Yoga monthly subscription 4 lessons2600
Medical Yoga 2-month subscription 10 lessons6000

  • certified coaching group;
  • very convenient systematized schedule on the site;
  • variety of groups for all age categories;
  • group of work with feet;
  • new "strength and flexibility" groups;
  • presence in social networks;
  • Chalan courses - warm-up activities;
  • groups for advanced yogis;
  • all conditions for yoga classes - from mentors to large bright halls;
  • quality training in the direction of yoga.
  • there is no free tour of the classes, the possibility of a trial lesson.

Contact Information:

Russia, St. Petersburg,
Efimova street, house 3,
3rd floor, TC.
☎ 8-921-449-49-67

Gain the skills of proper breathing and performing asanas, develop the ability to meditate, learn to relax and look at things soberly - all this can be given by yoga.

To live in harmony with oneself and the world around is the dream of everyone, and it is feasible through the practice of yoga. To change the style of life, to gain freedom of body and mind - is this not a worthy goal in the vain 21st century.


