The popularity of yoga as an alternative to fitness is on the rise. Thanks to dozens of varieties of this ancient healing practice, it will not be difficult to choose a direction according to age, health status and the purpose of the classes. Yoga practices are universal, they are suitable for everyone - even with physical limitations, you can pick up simple exercises and easy-to-perform poses. Special yoga studios will help with the choice, the best of which in Nizhny Novgorod will be discussed in the article.
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Yoga unites and harmonizes three aspects - physical, psychological and spiritual.Exercises are held in a calm, smooth rhythm, classes consist of performing asanas - special health postures that strengthen the body, as well as breathing exercises. Thanks to the complex effect of exercises, all muscle groups are worked out, joints are trained, and blood circulation improves. After regular practice, the work of the body systems normalizes, a calming and rejuvenating effect is noticeable. In addition, exercises improve the state of mind - they give a great mood, charge with positive, cheerfulness, harmonize thoughts and help resist stress.
The studios provide training in a number of popular areas. Before choosing a studio, you should familiarize yourself with the content of the most common practices in Nizhny Novgorod studios:
Address: st. Dunaeva, 8
Working hours: daily from 07:00 to 20:00
☎Phone: 8 (930) 700-10-30
Official website:
"Yoga Art" is a popular studio in Nizhny Novgorod, whose experienced instructors-teachers help everyone to master this art, regardless of the initial level of training. The attentive approach of the teacher, the ability to competently and confidently guide along the right path, are especially important and necessary at the first stages of acquaintance with yoga. Therefore, even those who take the first steps in mastering this ancient art will soon learn to feel their body, control it and perfectly perform complex asanas.
The studio offers programs in the following areas:
The studio is open to the public from 7 am to 8 pm, including weekends, so visiting will not be a problem for those who study or work.Classes are held in spacious, bright rooms of two halls and an art space, designed for a pleasant, relaxed holiday. People come here to talk, drink tea, work and spend their free time from exercise as they want. Massage services are provided in a separate massage room.
Additionally, in the studio "Yoga Art" training lectures, seminars and film screenings are held, allowing you to study yoga in depth, learn the intricacies of skill, and feel this ancient unusual art of controlling the body. Studio visitors take part in master classes, concerts and other interesting events.
Permanent promotions:
Address: Sennaya Square, 6/49
Working hours: Mon-Wed, Fri: 08:00-21:00; Thu: 06:30-21:00; Sat: 10:30-17:00; Sun: 09:30-17:00
☎Phone: +7 (831) 410-51-44
Official site:
One of the first studios in Nizhny Novgorod, whose classes are based on the teachings of Guruji Shri B.K.S.Iyengar, an outstanding contemporary master. The technique is aimed at the formation of a symmetrical, flexible and strong body, its harmonious and anatomically correct development. Practices according to this technique imply a detailed, thorough mastering of each posture with a detailed explanation, static and consistent performance of asanas using belts and supports. The Yoga Practice Center is in constant development, therefore it steadily occupies a leading position.
The complex programs of the Yoga Practika center are suitable for all ages: exercises have been developed for children, adults, mature and elderly people. The wide range of practices being studied includes areas that can be used to solve health problems, adjust weight, prepare during pregnancy and maintain body tone. A suitable level of load is selected individually by the instructors of the center. Teachers are interested in their work, so they treat practitioners carefully and carefully, helping to master complex asanas. They select a program taking into account the state of health, the level of training and the purpose of the visits. The result of the practice is in the first place, but no less important is the student's mood, the pleasure of the exercises, pleasant impressions and a good state of body and spirit after each day in the center.
Classes are held in spacious, bright and warm rooms equipped with special equipment and large mirrors. The walls of the premises are finished with real cork wood, and the floors are covered with natural wooden parquet. Two rooms are equipped for group classes and two for individual practices. In addition, the center has a massage room, its own sauna, phytobar and Ayurvedic center.
During breaks between exercises, practitioners rest in a comfortable and cozy relaxation area, meet and communicate with like-minded people, enjoy tea and enjoy the atmosphere. The interior is thought out to the smallest detail, it reflects the colorful flavor of India and is designed to set you in the right mood, get away from the usual city bustle, and immerse yourself in an exotic atmosphere. There are two comfortable, always clean and tidy dressing rooms for women and men. In them, students can leave things, change clothes, take a shower after training and be alone with themselves. For relaxation, a separate tea area is provided, where traditional, hand-made sweets of India are served.
In the Ayurveda Zone, masters from India perform massages and other cleansing and well-being treatments. The massage table is made of solid wood, a traditional Indian steam bath and a Shirodara therapy stand are available for visitors.
Address: st. Maksim Gorkogo, 117 (Business Center "Stolitsa Nizhny")
☎Phone: +7 (831) 291-27-99
Working hours: Mon-Fri from 7:00 to 20:00, Sat from 9:00 to 19:00
Official site:
The Yoga Sphera Center accepts students of all ages and skill levels.The main idea of the center is that yoga is useful for everyone, that everyone will find something useful, interesting or new here, regardless of age, health status and other factors.
The center offers classes in the following areas:
Additional services
Yoga is a universal remedy for keeping the body in good shape, for achieving mental balance, physical and spiritual development. Therefore, an integrated approach is practiced at the center, here they teach to feel yourself and your body, control your body and thoughts. As a result of the exercises, a feeling of physical and emotional lightness, comfort and cheerfulness comes.
The teachers pay detailed attention to the safe performance of asanas, for which the instructors individually select the load and methodology, taking into account the level of physical fitness, age and potential of each student.
Teachers constantly improve and hone their skills, update their knowledge and improve their skills.
Trainings, seminars and trainings are held in two halls - large (accommodates 35 people) and small (for 15 people).
The first lesson is free. Bring a comfortable change of clothes, which should be breathable and elastic. Slippers are optional, as they do it barefoot. There is no need to take a rug or a blanket, they are already in the studio.
After training, students relax in the relaxation zone, where it is convenient to drink tea, spend time reading books in the library, meet and communicate with other yoga practitioners.
New enrollment in groups is carried out constantly, beginners receive as a gift the first free trial lesson to get acquainted with yoga, instructors of the center and choose a direction. Pre-registration is required to visit some practices; admission to practices such as Sadhana and Gyana is free.
Unlimited subscriptions:
Address: st. Bolshaya Pecherskaya, 28
Working hours: Mon-Fri from 11:00 to 20:00, Sat from 08:00 to 13:00, Sunday is closed
☎Phone: +7 (831) 423-47-95
Official site:
Anyone interested in the ancient practices and traditions of India can join the classes, trainings and the very philosophical foundations of yoga.The center conducts classes for children and adults, and practice programs are provided for any health condition. Training takes place according to the program of the classical school of Viktor Boyko: this is the first Russian school of yoga, in which relaxation techniques and classical asanas play a key role, and not sports or fitness yoga.
An important side of the exercises is to learn to control your thoughts and body. Attentive sensitive instructors teach you to feel yourself and your body, and regular practice improves your health, relieves stress and cheers you up.
The center offers the following areas:
In the Classical Yoga Center, manual therapy according to Saionji is carried out, aimed at correcting disorders of the musculoskeletal system and general improvement. The massage is complemented by special gymnastic exercises.
Visitors are provided with four spacious, cozy halls, equipped with everything you need for yoga: mats and blankets, belts and bolsters. The first room with a loft-style interior is for training, seminars. The second room, the most spacious and bright, is designed for group practices. The third and fourth halls are smaller, they hold classes with small groups, as well as individual practices, master classes, lectures, thematic meetings. In addition, the center has a separate cozy room for tea drinking and pleasant communication.
On the basis of the Classical Yoga Center, training is provided in the following areas:
Address: Gagarin Avenue, 166
Opening hours: daily from 09:00 to 21:00
☎Phone: +7 (920) 254-98-68
Official website:
Zdrava Studio works in the direction called aerial or aero yoga. This unusual modern trend is a mixture of several popular practices - classical asanas, gymnastic exercises, certain elements of strength training and acrobatics. For this type of practice, special hammocks are used. In the Zdrava studio, aerial yoga is closely intertwined with physical education.
In the air yoga studio "Zdrava" classes are held in the following areas:
Since this direction is not often found in yoga studios, it is worth telling more about its features: gymnastics with a hammock helps relieve tension from the spine. Acrobatic techniques, inverted positions of the body in the hang affect the increase in the space between the intervertebral discs and increase their mobility. In addition, as a result of exercise, the renewal and restoration of nerve cells, rejuvenation of the body.
Aerial yoga classes rejuvenate and strengthen the body systems:
After regular classes, exercises, backbends in hammocks, the body acquires flexibility, dexterity and plasticity. Balancing in a hammock, mastering new body positions improve coordination of movements, develop and strengthen the vestibular apparatus, resulting in gaining control over the body.
Exercise in hammocks increases endurance and trains the muscle groups responsible for maintaining balance and maintaining body weight in various positions, including upside down. In addition, exercises train the joints, preventing their premature aging, restoring the ability to move.Daily habitual activities, a sedentary lifestyle, force the body to limit its natural mobility. The flexibility of the joints makes it possible to perform a greater number of diverse movements, restoring the body's natural plasticity.
Performing harmonious and correct movements in suspended hammocks develops motor skills, establishes connections between the nervous system and muscle reactions. As a result, memory is trained, attention improves, brain activity increases.
Gaining control over your body and physical activity during the process give pleasant emotions from the state of “flying” in a hammock. Healthy physical activity returns childish carelessness and the joy of feeling oneself, improves mood. As a result, psychological stress is removed, the ability to withstand the negative effects of stress is restored. Relaxation exercises, calm swaying in a hammock normalize the state of the nervous system.
Target.At this stage, you need to determine what yoga is for - to improve health, to relax, or whether the philosophy of ancient practices attracts. Studios where philosophy and spiritual practices are a key focus are doing fewer exercises, but more meditations, workshops, and spiritual practices. Another option is studios with a rich content of physical exercises and a minimum amount of theory. A separate area of yoga therapy, where classes are held for those who have problems with the spine or need to restore the body after injuries or illnesses.
Choice of instructor. An important point for beginners is that the benefits of the lessons depend on the experience and professionalism of the trainer. An experienced instructor easily establishes individual contact, selects physical activity, taking into account the state of health of the student, his needs. A good coach is attentive to the student, to his experiences, desires, sensations. The instructor must carefully explain and control the correct performance of asanas, and provide moral support.
Rhythm of lessons. This criterion depends on the temperament and character of the student. Dynamic, energetic exercises, a quick change of asanas will suit sanguine and choleric people. Phlegmatic and melancholy people will find comfortable the unhurried performance of asanas and static postures, a calm and smooth rhythm.
Comfort. In the halls for classes should be morally and physically comfortable to be. In professional studios, the halls are equipped with everything necessary for classes, and the studio building has locker rooms, shower rooms and separate areas for relaxation. The halls are spacious, bright, with good ventilation, comfortable temperature.
The right choice of a yoga studio or school, regular classes and spiritual practices will restore the body's natural flexibility, restore and strengthen health and return positive peace and love of life. Yoga will not get rid of all problems, but it can harmonize life and teach you how to cope with stress and external negativity. Managing his body, thoughts, emotions, a person gains control over himself and his life. The world will sparkle with bright colors again - tension goes away, interest in new or existing favorite hobbies comes.