
  1. Yoga and its types - the difference in teachings, selection criteria
  2. Rating of quality yoga studios for adults for 2022
  3. Ranking of the best yoga studios for beginners for 2022
  4. List of the best yoga studios for all ages for 2022
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best yoga studios in Moscow for 2022

Rating of the best yoga studios in Moscow for 2022

It is never too late to improve yourself, and thanks to the ancient Indian teachings, this has become much easier to do. In recent years, yoga has become a popular "sport", which is aimed primarily at correcting the psychophysical state, through intensive concentration of attention. Dozens of establishments open annually in Moscow Region and the capital itself, but it is not always possible to choose a good studio. The review was made up of the best yoga studios in the capital for 2022, the most comfortable, interesting and affordable.

Yoga and its types - the difference in teachings, selection criteria

The question of how to choose a good studio cannot be answered unambiguously. It is important to study what areas of yoga are, and then, based on their description, decide on practical exercises. There are two classes of yoga: traditional and modern. Most institutions adhere to the first category, however, due to the physiological and emotional state of a person, as well as the varying degree of his preparation, modern methods are practiced - simpler than classical directions.

Table - "Types of traditional yoga directions and their differences among themselves"

Name:The essence of the teaching:Description:
"Hatha"unity of purpose and soul: a way to improve physical, psychological and mental healththe teaching is aimed at bodily healing with the help of static postures with elements of breathing exercises and cleansing techniques
"Bhakti"doctrine of love and devotion to Godclasses are related to spiritual practice: meditation, worship, prayer. The course includes listening to texts from the holy letter
"Jnana"path of knowledgethe purpose of the lesson is self-knowledge, establishing a connection with God, by mastering the information provided by the teacher and the holy letter
"Karma"path of actionperforming prescribed duties to please God
"Rajah"path of introspectionmind control through meditation

All modern areas of yoga are offshoots of traditional teachings. In order not to make mistakes when choosing a studio, you need to have a general idea of ​​the essence of modern types of yoga.The Hatha direction is very popular, so a few words about its branches.

"Hatha Yoga" and its directions - a brief description

These directions are developed by author's schools and methods. There are more than 40 subsections in Hatha yoga. The most common include:

  • "Tray" - a series of physical and breathing practices that are unique to this movement;
  • Yoga for old-timers - simple vocabulary, backed up by a simplified general tonic, relaxing asana;
  • Yoga "23" - a combination of Hatha yoga exercises, martial arts, sports training, swimming, fitness and freediving;
  • "Bikram Yoga" - conducting classes in a tropical climate: rooms that maintain high humidity and temperature.

Also in this category include yoga for weight loss, pregnant women, strength orientation, with dance elements, etc.

Choosing a yoga studio - recommendations

There is a plan according to which it will be easier for a beginner to navigate the choice of an institution. The first thing you should pay attention to is the type of techniques that are taught in the studio. If a beginner in this business has not fully understood all directions, then he can attend a trial lesson, which can be both paid and free (depending on the organization).

The second is the interior. Much depends on the interior environment of the room, it should be comfortable, light and spacious, preferably with ventilation, so that fresh air never dries up. A person should be liberated during classes.

Third, the team. Pleasant friendly interaction should be not only with a mentor, but also with any other person (classmate, attendants).

The fourth is the age limit. Studios can be for a child or adults, as well as a combined type.

Fifth is location.It is advisable to choose an institution near your home or work to make it easier to get around.

Image - Yoga room, empty space

Sixth, hours of operation. Studio schedules vary. Classes are held in the early morning, afternoon, evening and after 21:00.

Seventh is the highest mark. A certified studio is one of the main selection criteria. It gives a guarantee that all the techniques taught will not be able to harm the health of the client.

Eighth - reviews. According to the comments of clients, you can give some assessment of the activities of the studio, which will help you understand whether it is worth signing up for classes there.

Ninth - the cost of classes. Not everyone can afford to visit the best institutions, because a huge number of people choose inexpensive studios or those where promotions and discounts are set.

An additional impetus when choosing will be the advice of mentors during trial classes, after which the question will be decided whether you need it.

Rating of quality yoga studios for adults for 2022

This category accepts people over 18 years of age. The studio can practice yoga for novice clients and experienced yogis. The first category, most often, includes pregnant women, the elderly and beginners.


Address: 1st Samotechny lane, 15, building 1, Moscow

Contacts ☎: +7 (999) 84-40-389

Working hours: 07:00-22:00 - weekdays, 07:00-16:00 - days off

Official website:

The yoga studio consists of 2 rooms, each of which is designed for different programs. Airyoga is held in one of the halls, and Ashtanga is held in the other.In addition, the building has its own bar, where a homely atmosphere reigns and serves high-quality Chinese tea + massage room, where you can choose the most suitable one from several styles.

The staff of the institution own several techniques, conduct individual, group and pair classes. The studio hosts regular themed events, which can be visited not only by clients.

Image - Girl in one of the Asana yoga poses

The main characteristics of the institution:

Specialization:"Hatha" and "Sri Sri" yoga
Purpose:for adults
Nearest metro:"Dostoevskaya", "Novoslobodskaya"
Number of specialists:6
Trainings are being held:for beginners and experienced
Massage:4 types
Trial lesson:500 rubles
One lesson for the price:from 800 rubles
Monthly subscription:3500-28800 rubles
  • cozy atmosphere;
  • variety of activities;
  • acceptable prices;
  • experienced staff.
  • not identified.

iSoul Club

Address: Maly Kharitonevsky lane, 9/13, Moscow

Contacts ☎:+7 (903) 193-11-00

Working hours: 06:30-21:30 - weekdays, 13:00-15:00 - Saturday, 07:30-18:00 - Sunday


A studio for those who want to practice non-trivial styles of yoga. A cozy atmosphere reigns not only in the halls, but also in the cafe at the studio with vegetarian cuisine. There is a shower and a massage department where you can relax after lessons and a hard day.

The institution is one of the few where early training starts. In the large hall there are master classes, events, group classes, and in the small hall there are individual lessons and programs with people, excellent training in this area.

Consultations for beginners are free of charge.Those who work out in the morning can enjoy a delicious homemade breakfast or take it with them.

Image - Group yoga, meditation

The main characteristics of the institution:

Directions:more than 15 types
Number of halls:2 pcs.
Area of ​​premises (sq. meters):65/200
Level of training:any
To whom:adults
Number of specialists in the state:18
  • atmosphere;
  • many directions;
  • promotions and discounts;
  • location;
  • opportunity to attend free trial lessons.
  • not identified.

"Yoga Space"

Address: st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 34, Moscow

☎: +7 (916) 031-8383


The studio has a spacious hall. The ceiling is arched, the floor is made of parquet boards. There is nothing superfluous in the studio. The room is white, brick walls and ceiling, large window frames. Artificial lighting visually increase the already spacious room.

Groups for classes are formed based on preparation. Main classes:

  • for newbies;
  • individual pair lessons;
  • unlimited access for advanced;
  • groups are recruited with some experience behind them in yoga.

Studio mentors work daily, have skills and experience in one or more types of yoga. They improve their skills every year, gaining experience abroad from the best masters of their craft.

A feature of the studio is that training is conducted in English.

Picture - Male yoga, one of the poses

The main characteristics of the institution:

Directions:more than 15 types
Number of halls:2 pcs.
Area of ​​premises (sq. meters):65/200
Level of training:any
To whom:adults
Number of specialists in the state:18
  • atmosphere;
  • many directions;
  • promotions and discounts;
  • location;
  • opportunity to attend free trial lessons.
  • not identified.

Ranking of the best yoga studios for beginners for 2022

This category has a narrow focus or a wide range of services, but is relatively primitive so that beginners can master the minimum set of knowledge and be able to repeat it in practice.


Address: Petrovsky pereulok, 1/30, Moscow

☎:+7 (495) 740-48-71

Working hours: 08:22:15 - weekdays, 10:00-21:00 - Saturday, 11:00-17:30 - Sunday


In Moscow, in the very center of the city, there is a studio for beginner yogis, where they teach theoretical and practical basics. The main task of the institution is to help each client determine the direction in yoga, to convey to a wide audience the importance of breathing and contact with one's body, the value of developing regularity in classes, and the desire to gain versatile experience.

Pregnant women are accepted into the studio, a separate program is organized for them. Each teacher has his own teaching style and approach to students. For in-depth familiarization, recommendations are given for reading literature that may be useful to the practitioner.

Image - The guy is doing "Acro-yoga"

The main characteristics of the institution:

Foundation date:2008
Directions:"Hatha", "Vinyasa", "psy"
For whom:beginners
Number of teachers:21
Lessons:5 destinations
Practical lessons:17 (Free "AZBUK OF YOGA")
One lesson for the price:800 rubles
Monthly subscription:from 2000 rubles
  • in the capital, one of the few institutions where you can attend free classes;
  • interesting;
  • the presence of a vegetarian cafe;
  • various methods: practice + theory.
  • not identified.

"Sat Nam"

Address: st. Pokrovka, 6, Moscow

☎:+7 (495) 623-06-50

Working hours: 07:00-22:00, daily


The Moscow yoga studio is a real club for beginners and seasoned ones. Teams gather here not only for classes, but also for events, master classes and other concepts that are held by the organizers (for example, parties).

The institution has two halls: one is large, the other is small. Experienced yogis meditate in a small room.

Discounts are set for a certain circle of people. These groups include students, pensioners, the disabled and state employees.

The main task of the classes is to apply those practices and techniques that will become useful to a modern person in everyday life.

Image - Yoga classes on the street

The main characteristics of the institution:

Direction:"Hatha", "Kundalini", "Vadrja"
Close to metro:"Kitai-Gorod", "Chistye Prudy"
Number of halls:2
Age limit:missing
Degree of difficulty:any level of training
The cost of one regular lesson (rubles):750-2200
Large hall area:100 square meters
  • huge room;
  • mode of operation;
  • prices for services;
  • for any groups.
  • not identified.

List of the best yoga studios for all ages for 2022

The category of clients of these studios includes children, pensioners, pregnant women, experienced yogis and beginners. Studios of this format have great functionality: they fall down and practice various areas of yoga, the institution is equipped with several rooms, there is a massage room, a bar or a cafe, and medical services are provided.

Retunsky Yoga Studio

Address: Bolshoi Karetny pereulok, 8, Okrug TsAO, Tverskoy district, Moscow

☎: +7 (903) 102-83-70

Working hours: every day, 07:00-22:00


The metropolitan studio conducts classes with children, women "in position" and beginners in this direction. Develops skills to manage your attention through yoga and meditation. Meetings, master classes, and other programs are organized in the premises.

For training, you can use any of the proposed programs. All of them are not particularly difficult, as they are designed for the initial level of client training, therefore, they are completely safe. Individual and group lessons are held.

Description of the studio: a spacious cozy hall with oak floors, the windows of which overlook the roofs of the alleys of the capital. You are surrounded by cleanliness, a lot of light, which gives a feeling of freedom.

Image - Children's yoga, outdoor activity

The main characteristics of the institution:

Main stream:Hatha, Iyengar, yoga therapy
Metro nearby:"Tsvetnoy Boulevard", "Trubnaya", "Chekhovskaya"
Level of training:elementary
Number of halls:one
For whom:children, adults
Instructors on staff:25
Monthly subscription:from 4500 rubles (10 lessons)
  • educational trainings and seminars;
  • for all;
  • studio location;
  • professional mentors.
  • not identified

Yoga Residence

Address: 3rd street Yamskogo Polya, 9, building 3, Okrug SAO, Begovoy district, Moscow

Working hours: 08:00-22:00, daily


The studio has a perpetual promotion: "Bring a friend and get a lesson for free." The categories of people are diverse, as are the groups that form according to the level of training of visitors. The list of practices of varying complexity is carried out by professionals in their field. For women in position, there is a program that is harmless to the fetus.

For children, the lesson is held in the form of a game.All poses are associated with animals, so the guys quickly perceive the theory and apply it in practice.

Picture - Pose in power yoga

The main characteristics of the institution:

Specialization:"Kundalini", "Hatha", "Aerial yoga", "Antigravity", "Yang-tsugong"
Near the subway:"Belarusian"
For whom:children and adults
Single visit:900 rubles
  • experienced instructors;
  • holding permanent and temporary promotions;
  • interesting for children;
  • the opportunity to attend the first lesson for free.
  • not identified.


Address: 3rd Samotechny lane, 11, 10th floor, District of the Central Administrative District, Tverskoy district, Moscow

☎:+7 (499) 704-32-21

Working hours: 07:00-22:00 - weekdays; 09:00-21:00 - days off


Classes are held for children and adults in large halls separately. Two of the rooms together form one huge hall where various events are held: master classes, seminars, concerts, photo sessions, exhibitions. The premises are equipped with the necessary equipment (not only yoga classes are held, but also fitness, dancing, breathing exercises).

Groups are formed from children to the elderly. A huge space is located at a height, completely glass (ceiling, side walls), which gives a sense of freedom.

The team of specialists consists of competent people who find an approach to any visitor. In addition to group lessons, there is an opportunity to receive individual training. The schedule of lessons can be adjusted to suit you, they will listen to your wishes and suggestions for improving the service and work with the client.

Picture - Yoga for beginners, mentor and student

The main characteristics of the institution:

Specialization:"Aerial yoga"
Metro nearby:Dostoevskaya, Novoslobodskaya, Tsvetnoy Boulevard
To whom:adults, children
Level of training:elementary
Number of halls:3 pcs.
Annual subscription:55000 rubles
Monthly course:approximately 4500 rubles
  • multidisciplinary studio;
  • for all beginners of any age;
  • holding various events;
  • one direction.
  • not identified.

"Crowded Joggers"

Addresses: st. Veselaya, d. 3; st. Oktyabrskaya, d. 4, District of the North-Eastern Administrative Okrug, district of Maryina Roshcha, Moscow

Contacts: ☎ 8 (901) 795-05-28; 8 (903) 011-44-59

Conducting classes: 07:00-22:00 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday; 08:30-22:15 - Monday, 14:00-22:15 - Thursday, 10:00-17/19:00 - Saturday, Sunday


The studio invites everyone to attend yoga classes, regardless of age: children, pensioners (joint gymnastics), adults. Individual trainings are held for pregnant women with further continuation of classes after childbirth, to restore physical fitness and mental state.

Depending on the selected group, lessons can be held at different times, according to the schedule (may change). It can be viewed on the website.

The halls are fully equipped with the necessary elements for classes, you only need the personal presence of the client, you do not need to buy anything else. Tea and water are freely available. The organization has a massage department. All experts with extensive experience will help with practical advice in the implementation of techniques.

The studio organizes various thematic events, master classes, trainings.

Image - The child is doing yoga, meditation

The main characteristics of the institution:

Specialization:Aeroyoga, Nidra, yoga therapy, Kundalini, meditation, Hatha, Qigong
To whom: beginners, experienced practitioners
Near the subway: "Tsaritsyna", "Dostoevskaya"
Age limit:Children Adults
different groups:5
Lesson duration:90 minutes
Coaches:8 specialists
Subscription price:5500-12000 rubles
Cost of one lesson:750 rubles
  • cozy:
  • many practices;
  • no age restrictions;
  • inexpensive.
  • not identified.

"Bi Yoga"

Address: st. Arbat, 6/2, Moscow

☎: +7(495) 725-97-97

Class schedule: 08:00-19:30 - weekdays, 10:00-16:00 - Saturday, 14:00-17:00 - Sunday


For yoga classes, children and adults are invited to the studio. The institution regularly sets discounts for services, holds promotions. Adults have the opportunity to consult a doctor. There are also medical services related to the acquisition of beauty: injection therapy, hardware cosmetology, aesthetic care. After class, you can get a relaxing massage.

Pregnant women, beginners and advanced people in this field can visit the studio. With each group, classes are conducted individually, taking into account physical fitness.

Description of the interior: The room for classes is made in light brown tones, quite spacious and bright due to the huge window openings. In addition to natural light, there are artificial lighting devices. One of the walls is equipped with floor-to-ceiling mirrors. The second hall is made in the Chinese style, one of the walls is equipped with railings.

Picture - Yoga for pregnant women, class

The main characteristics of the institution:

To whom:for children and adults
Specialization:Hatha, Kundalini, (English) Hatha, children's yoga, yoga lunch
How much does it cost (rubles):800 - consulting a doctor;
from 1200 - massage;
1050/1000 – one yoga session for adults/children
  • good location: city center;
  • a variety of discounts and promotions;
  • the opportunity to purchase a gift certificate;
  • for all;
  • inexpensive procedures of a different nature.
  • not identified.


There are a huge number of studios in the capital and in the Moscow region, different in terms of the number of methods taught, learning conditions and age categories. The most popular branch is establishments without age restrictions within the Moscow Ring Road.

All studios, in addition to the main classes, hold various events: master classes, parties, themed gatherings, etc.

For inexperienced people, there is an opportunity to attend trial classes on a paid or budgetary basis (depending on the institution).

The list of the best studios included those that, according to customers, are affordable and have a professional feel.

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