
  1. What strings are
  2. How to choose the right strings
  3. Rating of the best ukulele strings
  4. Conclusion

Ranking the best ukulele strings in 2022

Ranking the best ukulele strings in 2022

Smaller version of the guitar with four strings and a fun name - ukulele believed to be from the Hawaiian Islands. With the possibility of full-fledged playing on the instrument, its small size captivates with mobility and acoustics.
Strings are one of the most important elements of a ukulele.

What strings are

Good sound, depth and clarity, bright colors are provided by stretched elements from:

  1. nylon - with an optimal set of qualities;
  2. fluorocarbon - a transparent polymer originally intended for the manufacture of fishing line, which provides a sharp sound and is not affected by temperature changes;
  3. titanium - with excellent strength, strong sound;
  4. steel - with an additional load on the neck and a blurry sound;
  5. copper and aluminum - more suitable for large guitars, have a characteristic creak.

Nylon types are divided into Extured and Ground.
Ground is a method of driving a molten mass of polymer through holes of a given diameter.
Extrured is an expensive option, with additional processing to a guaranteed size.
Changing the kit to a new kit can dramatically change the sound quality of the instrument.
Nylon models are the most popular among all synthetic options, the weight is significantly less than metal counterparts.

Ukulele tuning has a number of features:

  • 1 string, thin - note la, A;
  • 2 - mi, E;
  • 3 - up to, C;
  • 4 is the thickest - salt, G.

How to choose the right strings

In addition to the material from which the kit is made, it is necessary to take into account such parameters as:

  1. manufacturer;
  2. braid;
  3. system;
  4. length.


The name of the manufacturer or brand is decisive for some musicians, for others it is a secondary characteristic.
However, there are a number of popular manufacturers with a corresponding market share.

Aquila Strings

The Italian company Aquila was one of the first to develop and patent New Nylgut strings. The innovative material is a three-component plastic rather than a fluorocarbon or nylon line.The company's laboratory has spent years on testing and research before achieving a perfect, unique in its properties, high-tech synthetic material.

New Nylgut is characterized by:

  • the best sound;
  • retention guarantee;
  • low moisture absorption up to 0.1%.

Nylgut comes in five versions, in addition to the one described above:

  • Super Nylgut - low stretch, stable action and higher price;
  • Lava Nylgut copies New Nylgut, however, it is black;
  • Bionylon - an ecological type of production with the source material - castor oil, which, when processed, gives a minimum of environmental pollution;
  • Red Series - with the addition of copper dust for clarity of sound and intonation, as well as increased density, reducing the risk of breakage.

D'Addario Strings

The brand traces its history back to the 17th century, from the Italian city of Salle. The company manufactures strings for bowed and plucked instruments.

The partnership with Aquila gave the music world the new Nyltech material that is widely used and popular today. The wide assortment presented by D'Addario includes carbon and titanium strings.
The carbon treble caliber is much thinner and has a perceptibly high rigidity, while the sound is very expressive. In terms of density, carbon is superior to nylon, which makes it possible to maintain a smaller diameter with strong string tension.

The list of companies considered for purchase can be supplemented with brands such as:

  • GHS;
  • Martin;
  • SIT;
  • La Bella;
  • Ortega;
  • Ernie Ball;
  • Aurora.

Among Chinese manufacturers, the most popular brand is Alice, which uses nylon for manufacturing.


The Low G standard with the 4th to 1st octave shift of the GCEA and the High G standard with the fourth string tuned an octave above the gCEA are the two main ukulele tunings.

The baritone is mainly provided by the DGBE set, while the soprano can be tuned into ADF#B or Open D.


The following elements can serve for braiding:

  • copper;
  • Phosphor bronze;
  • silver;
  • aluminum.

Nylon braids are less common.

The metal braid gives more volume, but at the same time, a rattle appears, which is not always pleasant for the listener.


Full "shrinkage" of the string determines the high quality of the sound. Quick shrinkage can be achieved by lightly stretching it in different directions, followed by re-adjustment. The procedure is resumed until the pull stops with loss of tuning.

Some materials require shrinkage in a few days.

Errors when choosing

Buying expensive strings does not guarantee beautiful sound. A big role is played by the skill of tuning, the correct tension. At the initial stage of the game, you should not chase after expensive elements and instruments, only gaining experience, you can master the art of bright sound.

Tension is distinguished:

  • lung;
  • light medium;
  • normal;
  • strong;
  • very strong.

It should be remembered that the rattling of the strings may be due to improper clamping, touching nails, or moisture absorption into the instrument itself. In this case, you should not sin on the quality of the strings.

Checking the nut when choosing is necessary to determine a sufficient gap so that when you press the string, there is no adjunction to another fret.

The mistake for the appearance of rattling is most often the wrong setting of the fingers, which, in fact, is fixable.

Rating of the best ukulele strings

Top 3 for soprano

With a length of 53 cm, the instrument is considered the smallest and is recommended for beginner musicians. 12 frets - the limit of possibilities, however, with the exception of complex compositions, all other works are within his power.

Aquila 4U Nylgut
votes 6

Specialization in the production of ukulele strings, with extensive testing and new developments, has allowed the brand to provide its products with exceptional properties. In addition to bright sound and durability, such as density.

The density of 1.30 g/cm³ is close in its performance to vein models, so there is a risk of damage from sharp thresholds from below and deep grooves from above during installation. The presence of sharp corners is unacceptable; if they are present, the surfaces should be additionally treated with metal sponges or sandpaper.

Aquila 4U Nylgut
  • soft sound without "metal";
  • excellent calibration;
  • with precise intonation;
  • resistance to changes in environmental humidity;
  • Italian quality;
  • with factory installation on the tool.
  • not found.

Aquila Red Series 83U
votes 2

The technology of increasing the gauge of the string for low sounding has become a thing of the past with the advent of the method of gradually increasing the weight.

Internal damping interferes with the increase in diameter, resulting in muffledness and reduced responsiveness of the string. The sound loses its brightness, becomes dull.

The addition of a red copper powder blend to Nylgut synthetics made a breakthrough in sound quality.

Aquila Red Series 83U
  • maximum responsiveness on the entire musical range;
  • loud and juicy sound;
  • the risk of breaking when stretched is excluded;
  • system stability;
  • good shrinkage rate;
  • maintaining accurate intonation in all frets;
  • fast shrinkage in a few days;
  • strong pressing does not affect the sharpness of the notes;
  • expansion of the grooves of the top nut is not required;
  • high density, twice the coefficient of the white analogue;
  • reliability.
  • missing.

LA BELLA 200 Uke Pro
votes 1

The well-known American brand leads the world market of strings for bowed and plucked instruments. The assortment exceeds 2000 items and has come a long way of merging tradition with modern technology.

The company uses in production not only computer-controlled machines, but also manual winding to guarantee the highest quality.

LA BELLA 200 Uke Pro
  • made of high quality rectified nylon;
  • maintaining unique intonations;
  • with calibers 022, 032, 036, 025;
  • with modified pressure packaging protection against corrosion and discoloration;
  • suitable for professionals and amateurs;
  • quality assurance at a fair price.
  • not identified.
For soprano   
Aquila 4U Nylgut4High Gwhite
Aquila Red Series 83U4A-E-C-High Gred+brown
LA BELLA 200 Uke Pro4High Gwhite

Top ukulele concert

The instrument has 18 frets and a length of 60 cm, suitable for professionals, its sound is distinguished by volume and originality.

Aquila 104U
votes 2

The synthetic composition of the material Supernylgut, from which the set is made, provides improved playing characteristics.

Aquila 104U
  • fast shrinkage due to low stretch;
  • smooth surface with polishing;
  • high strength;
  • not afraid of sharp edges of the sills;
  • hard play is allowed;
  • not subject to deformation from dents, scratches from frets;
  • rich sound;
  • the fourth string of the Red Series type is not braided;
  • Italian quality.
  • no.

Hannabach 232MT
votes 1

The Czech company traces its history back to 1869 from the city of Schönbach, today renamed Luby.

Hannabach 232MT
  • choice of professionals;
  • have medium tension;
  • with classic Hawaiian tuning;
  • purchase on credit is possible;
  • European quality.
  • missing.

ERNIE BALL 2326 Ball end Nylon 28-40
votes 1

100% nylon thread is the starting material for ERNIE BALL.

ERNIE BALL 2326 Ball end Nylon 28-40
  • with Medium tension;
  • rich, warm sound
  • with black nylon core;
  • shock attack is organic and bright;
  • the installation process is facilitated by the ball design;
  • increased tuning stability.
  • missing.
Aquila 104U4 GCEApearl
Hannabach 232MT4A1, E2, C3, G4white

Top 3 Tenor Ukulele

The volumetric and clear sound of the model makes it suitable for professional performers, for sounding at large concert venues. Experienced craftsmen prefer just such a tool, with a length of 66 cm.

D'Addario EJ88T-6 Nyltech
votes 0

The 6-piece set, with a gauge 18 on the first string, has a round braid.

D'Addario EJ88T-6 Nyltech
  • nylon core;
  • GCEA setting;
  • Nyltech provides a traditional sound;
  • overtones with warm colors are close in sound quality to the sound of vein models;
    with thickness 026, 024, 030, 036, 018, 026;
  • stable setting;
  • for 6 string ukulele;
  • precise intonation;
  • punchy sound.
  • missing.

D'Addario EJ99T Pro-Arte Carbon
votes 2

Strings from the American manufacturer are made of fluorocarbon material, with a carbon core.

D'Addario EJ99T Pro-Arte Carbon
  • the ends do not have balls;
  • sonority is ideally combined with tone;
  • light weight 0.03 kg;
  • bright, clear sound;
  • choice of professionals;
  • reliability guarantee.
  • no.

LaBella 12-TENOR
votes 0

Three pieces are made of nylon, these are 1,2 and 4 numbers. The third string has an aluminum braid.

LaBella 12-TENOR
  • the set covers 4 octaves;
  • decent quality;
  • segment leader;
  • combination of price and consumer quality;
  • excellent sound;
  • durability;
  • with a round braid;
  • manufacturer's warranty.
  • not detected.

votes 0

Supernylgut - a synthetic material from the "New" category is represented by the LAVA series.

  • excellent gaming performance;
  • Italian quality;
  • gray-black color, as inspiration from volcanoes - the Hawaiian symbol of life;
  • mechanical parameters are similar to Supernylgut pearl bestseller.
  • no.
D'Addario EJ99T Pro-Arte Carbon4 GCEAwhite
LaBella 12-TENOR4 GCEAwhite
D'Addario EJ88T-6 Nyltech6GCEAwhite

Best Choice for Baritone Ukulele

The instrument has a length of 76 cm, and the sound is indistinguishable from a guitar. The concert version is also acceptable for amateurs striving for great results. With a completely “adult” sound, the ukulele remains compact and convenient when changing places.

Ortega UWNY-4-BA
votes 1

The white nylon material co-developed with Aquila Strings allows the sound to have a deep, warm feel while also being impulsive.

Ortega UWNY-4-BA
  • with a silver-plated braid;
  • German quality Ortega Guitars;
  • affordable price and reliability;
  • traditions and new technologies in manufacturing;
  • durability;
  • unique sound.
  • missing.

Dunlop DUQ 304
votes 1

Polymer of own production from the American company VSD7 possesses properties of fast shrinkage.

Dunlop DUQ 304
  • clear crisp sound and volume;
  • frequent choice of the buyer;
  • easy setup;
  • flexibility and reliability;
  • long service life.
  • not identified.
Ortega UWNY-4-BA4DGBEwhite
Dunlop DUQ 3044DGBEwhite

top for ukulele bass

The dimensions of the instrument are similar to the baritone ukulele, however, the sound is very thick and low. They practice connection through amplifying systems, in this regard, rock groups are not indifferent to the bass sounds of the ukulele, given the mobility.

Aquila 147 U
votes 0

The material was ThunderBlack with high density, plasticity and elasticity.

Aquila 147 U
  • quality superior to polyurethane and silicone elements;
  • with stable intonation;
  • without much stretching when setting;
  • the ability to quickly attack;
  • rigid and flexible structure;
  • 5 pieces in a set;
  • Italian durability.
  • not found.

Aquila 91U
votes 0

The world-famous Italian manufacturer has developed the Thundergut series specifically for bass ukulele.

Aquila 91U
  • high density and elasticity;
  • high performance indicators;
  • parameters are superior to analogues from silicone and polyurethane;
  • belong to the red series;
  • for 21" scale
  • not detected.
Aquila 147 U4BEADGblack with glitter
Aquila 91U4GDAEred


Playing the ukulele, like any musical instrument, if you want to have a high level of performance, is honed over the years. A good ear and perseverance eventually turn an amateur into a professional. The class of the instrument, its tuning, details are an integral part of mastery.
Gradually, the skill of selecting strings, their replacement is acquired. It is known that changing the kit can change the sound quality. As complex as the science of ukulele playing is, experience and perseverance define the level of excellence. Proper tension ensures sound quality, but the finest and most expensive string can produce a terrible tone if the tuning fails.

The pleasure of the game is received by both the listener and the performer. You should not neglect the little things when it comes to art and music, as well as Creativity - with a capital letter.


