
  1. How to choose a house building company
  2. The best construction companies of country houses in Moscow
  3. Life in a country house
Rating of the best construction companies of country houses in Moscow for 2022

Rating of the best construction companies of country houses in Moscow for 2022

Sometimes there comes a time when you get tired of the bustle of the city. Constant rush, many hours of traffic jams, noise begin to drive you crazy. The frantic urban rhythm of megacities does not have a beneficial effect. Increasingly, thoughts of peace and tranquility begin to visit, a desire for solitude appears. Then you should think about purchasing a country house. And in order to make life cozier and more comfortable, you should contact a construction company. So you will have not only the house of your dreams, but also confidence in its reliability. We will talk about the best construction companies for country houses in Moscow below.

How to choose a house building company

First of all, you should start by viewing the completed projects of this construction company. The more such projects, the better. Pay attention to the project itself. How is the plan of the house arranged, is it possible to take into account your preferences, or do they work only according to the standard scheme.

The lifespan of a company is of great importance. It is better to give preference to a company that has been working in the construction market for a long time. Such organizations will not only have a lot of experience, but will also have the opportunity to contact their real clients and get feedback and recommendations.

A visit to the office of the chosen company can also tell a lot. Reliable firms that have a large flow of customers do not work in unsightly places. They, most often, tend to be located in the center and have a beautiful office. You can come to the meeting a little earlier, study the environment well. Perhaps you will have more clients in front of you. Such a step will help to study the internal situation.

Before concluding a contract, a trial estimate should be considered. Pay attention to the prices of materials, you may also have to contact a specialist to check for "extra" work that can be included to increase the total cost.

Many reliable businesses have a demo house. By visiting which you can understand the capabilities of this company.

The best construction companies of country houses in Moscow

Construction company "Country house"

Firm "Country House" was founded in 1996. More than 20 years in the construction market. This indicates the reliability of the company and the trust of customers in the services offered. "Country House" does not reduce the price of its services, if the quality may suffer.The company does not hide its shortcomings from customers, if flaws occur, the company corrects its mistakes.

"Country House" is engaged in the construction of wooden and stone houses. The work begins with the drafting of the project and ends with the installation of engineering systems, fine finishing of the house. In the end, the client receives a ready-made house, which can be immediately settled. In addition, you can create a contract for a separate stage of construction.

The company offers a large number of standard projects, which are made by the company's architects. But this does not mean that all houses look the same. Each house is individually finalized taking into account the wishes of the customer. If the customer has his own idea and plan, then an individual project can be developed.

"Country House" provides a guarantee of 5 years for the foundation, roof and walls of the house, and for engineering networks and finishing - 3 years.

For its work, the company has been awarded many awards both in Russia and abroad. For example, in 2005 "Country House" became the winner of the "Best in Moscow" contest. In 2007, she received the European Quality Award in the UK for striving to achieve high quality and approach European standards.

Small wooden house up to 150 sq. m. on average has a cost of up to 2,000,000 rubles. Wooden house with an area of ​​up to 300 sq. m. has an average cost of 3,500,000 rubles.

Contact Information:

Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 10. ☎ Tel. +7 (495) 660 88 68

  • More than 20 years on the construction market;
  • There are many awards;
  • Large selection of standard projects;
  • Warranty for work 3-5 years;
  • Work with individual projects.
  • No.

Construction company "BAKO"

BAKO began its labor activity in the early 90s.During this time, the company has delivered more than 800 turnkey houses. The organization has a team of more than 100 qualified specialists and its own production complex in the city of Dedovsk, it also has its own fleet of automotive and construction equipment.

The company is engaged not only in construction work, but also carries out the project of houses, their design and decoration. The client receives a house in which you can immediately move in. Wooden, concrete and metal structures necessary for building a house are produced by BAKO independently.

BAKO has its own specialized teams of builders, electricians, roofers, carpenters, welders. Due to the narrow specialization of each team, high-quality work is carried out at each stage of construction. The technical supervision of the company controls compliance with all standards, which guarantees the reliability and efficiency of each order.

Before the start of construction, the company concludes an agreement with the customer, where the cost and timing of completion of construction are discussed. Construction is carried out in several stages, each of which is paid separately. The last payment is made only after the complete receipt of the finished house. The warranty for the work performed is 1 year, and for frame products - 10 years.

BAKO has 4 sample houses located in Moscow. The customer can visit these houses and make sure of the comfort that the company creates. Excursions to rented objects are also constantly conducted.

In cooperation with this enterprise, the customer can choose a complete set for the performance of work. Light is the cheapest option. And the “Comfort” package includes a complete finish that does not require additional investments and installation of equipment.

The average cost of a one-story house up to 100 square meters. m. is 3,000,000 rubles. Two-storey house up to 150 sq. m. will cost an average of 4,000,000 rubles. Houses with an area of ​​200-250 sq. m. have an average cost of about 7,000,000 rubles.

In addition, the company undertakes to work with individual projects. They are usually required when the building site has its own characteristics. Such a project will cost more than a typical one.

Contact Information:

Moscow, st. Pyatnitskaya 71/2. ☎ Tel. +7 (499) 677 56 12

  • On the construction market for about 30 years;
  • More than 800 houses delivered on a turnkey basis;
  • The structures necessary for construction are made independently;
  • Engaged in the construction of baths and garages.
  • A small guarantee on the work performed.

Construction company "House of Blocks"

This company is relatively new in the construction market. It was founded in 2009. The main motto of the company is "A quality house is not expensive, a low-quality house is expensive." With these words, the management of the enterprise wants to show that it is better to pay a little extra or overpay when building a house than to get an inexpensive house that will constantly need repairs. Also, the company does not make big markups on its services. The emphasis is on the amount of work to build more than 30 houses per year. Thus, to have a profit from the amount of work, and not an extra markup on the prices of materials. Thanks to this principle, the purchase of material is done directly from the manufacturer and money is saved. With this approach, the company's team has already settled more than 300 houses.

The European technology, adapted to the conditions of our country, is taken as the basis for construction work."House of Blocks" offers all types of houses from economy class to luxury houses. Offering in its work the best options for building materials and technologies.

"House of Blocks" offers standard designs of finished houses, which can be viewed on the official website of the company. It is also possible to make changes to them at the request of the client. It is also possible to work on an individual project. Having described all his wishes, the client will receive a finished project from a professional. The firm can act as a general contractor, monitor all stages of the work of subcontractors. In addition to construction, "House of Blocks" performs rough and fine finishing of the house. In this case, there is a control of the delivery of materials and the performance of all required work. Also, the organization can act in the role of technical supervision, controlling the documentation, the process and the result of the work.

The cost of a house up to 150 sq. m. averages 1,900,000 rubles. House up to 200 sq. m. has an average cost of about 3,000,000 rubles.

You can also buy a house on credit with an annual rate of 10.5% and a total cost of up to 5,000,000 rubles. The maximum loan term is 7 years.

Contact Information:

Moscow, Yakovoapostolsky lane, 6, building 3. ☎ Tel. +7 (495) 208 9 208

  • Work on European technologies;
  • An individual project does not provide for additional payment;
  • Performs various types of house construction;
  • Lending is possible.
  • Relatively recently in the construction market.

Group of construction companies "Detinets"

"Detinets" has been on the construction market for more than 20 years. And during this time the company has established itself as one of the best companies in the construction of wooden houses."Detinets" is engaged in the production of materials necessary for construction. It also has its own sawmill. For this reason, the situation of the absence of the necessary components never arises. It also helps to control the quality of all products used in the construction of the house, reduce the time of construction of the object, and makes it possible to save. For the construction of the house, the company uses wood, which is made from coniferous trees. The characteristics of this material show high density and guarantee reliability and quality.

"Detinets" works on standard and individual projects. At the conclusion of the contract, a free project of the future construction object is provided. In order to verify the reliability of this company, the organization provides not only reviews, but also provides an opportunity to personally contact past customers.

"Detinets" is engaged not only in the construction and design of residential buildings, but also in the improvement of sites, power supply, laying engineering networks, completion and reconstruction.

This organization provides customers with the opportunity to build on credit. It is possible to issue up to 3,000,000 rubles on credit. The maximum repayment period is 7 years.

The official website of the company offers a calculator that allows you to calculate the approximate cost of construction. But to get the exact amount you need to contact the manager. Promotions and discounts are also often held, which help to save from 20% of the total cost.

Contact Information:

☎ Tel. +7 (495) 662 99 99

  • Long time in the construction market;
  • Has its own production;
  • Works not only in the Moscow region, but also outside it;
  • He is engaged in the construction of not only houses, but also any wooden objects;
  • Availability of promotions and discounts.
  • Engaged in the construction of wooden houses.

Construction company "Center House"

This organization has been building houses since 2001. For almost 20 years, the company has established itself as a reliable and high-quality developer of low-rise buildings. The work uses new technologies and high-quality materials, which guarantees a modern and strong home.

The company has all the valid documentation for construction and installation work, as well as a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to perform work related to fire safety.

Employees of the company daily monitor the quality of all types of work and compliance with their project and the customer's wishes. Guarantees for the work performed and discounts for home maintenance are also given.

"Center House" is engaged in the construction of cottages from various materials. The main options may be houses made of wood, aerated concrete blocks or bricks. Any of these options have an affordable price, and are suitable for permanent residence.

Upon completion of construction work, "Center House" offers services for ennoblement of the surrounding area. It is possible to perform any landscape work and the construction of additional buildings, in the form of a bathhouse, a garage, a pool or gazebos.

The price for the construction of a brick house starts from 18,000 rubles per square meter. m., from aerated concrete - 10,000 per sq. m., and frame houses - 6500 rubles per sq. m. To calculate the total cost of the house, taking into account the foundation and equipment, it is better to contact the office of the company. "Center House" offers a profitable installment plan without interest, during the construction of a house. It is designed for no more than 2 years, the down payment must be at least 50% of the total cost.

Contact Information:

Moscow, st. Mikhalkovskaya, 63, building 1.☎ Tel. +7 (895) 063 28 18

  • Affordable prices;
  • Interest-free installment;
  • It is possible to build houses from various materials;
  • License to perform work in the field of fire safety.
  • No.

Construction company "Mechtaevo"

Mechtaevo was founded in 2002, and for more than 15 years of operation, the company has received many achievements and many satisfied customers. Since 2008, Mechtaevo has its own insertion area, which is located in the center of Moscow. There is also a customer service office. The company works without days off and breaks, and is ready to receive customers at any time convenient for them. Since 2016, we have our own wood production. The material is produced according to a special method, which opens up new possibilities in the construction of frame houses. In 2017, Mechtaevo became the leader of the TOP-200 country house construction companies. Also, the company was included in the "Conscientious Supplier" register, which indicates the quality of work and delivery of objects on time.

Mechtaevo put into operation more than 1,000 finished houses. Before the conclusion of the contract, the employees of the enterprise offer to visit any current construction sites. So the client can see everything with his own eyes and be convinced of the quality of the work. Most of the completed projects are based on individual orders. Their price does not differ from standard projects.

The company offers the construction of frame and monolithic houses, as well as dwellings made of aerated concrete and ceramic stone. The average price of a frame or stone house up to 150 sq. m. is 2,000,000 rubles.

Mechtaevo also offers loans to customers, there is the option of building in installments without interest, for a period of 3 years, with payment of 50% of the total cost. In addition, the company conducts various promotions, for example, free construction of a bath, when choosing a full package of services.

Contact Information:

Moscow, Nizhny Susalny lane, 5, building 36. ☎ Tel. +7 (495) 660 83 34

  • More than 1000 finished houses have been commissioned;
  • Own production;
  • Opportunity to visit facilities under construction;
  • Interest-free installment.
  • No.

Life in a country house

It is not easy for many to decide to move from the metropolis to a country house. Someone mistakenly imagines life outside the city as moving to the complete wilderness. But country houses have a complete infrastructure. You can choose a house for every taste. Expensive options are offered in closed villages, here the price for service can reach an impressive amount. We also offer houses in holiday villages or villages.

Having moved outside the city, you will receive a cozy home that can be improved, completed or rebuilt at your own request, you will be free from the noise of neighbors and a dirty entrance. In addition, you will be surrounded by fresh air all year round, during the day you can enjoy the singing of birds, and in the evening admire the starry sky. In the warm season, you can take long walks, skiing in winter. The main thing is not to miscalculate at the construction stage by choosing a reliable company for the construction of a country house.

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