
  1. What is a stripper
  2. Criterias of choice
  3. What markings can be found on the stripper
  4. How to choose a tool
  5. Which company is better to buy a manual stripper
  6. Rating of quality semi-automatic strippers
  7. Rating of quality automatic strippers
  8. Conclusion

Ranking of the best strippers for removing isolation for 2022

Ranking of the best strippers for removing isolation for 2022

The stripper is a specialized tool that is used to remove insulation from wires. To do this, you can use a regular knife, but it will take much more time to implement the plan. In addition, the risk of injury and damage to the cord should not be ruled out. The stripper is used not only by professional electricians, but also by home craftsmen who prefer to fix wiring problems on their own. It should be noted that the described dialectical instrument has nothing in common with the crimper. The latter is used for crimping connectors.

What is a stripper

If you plan to replace equipment in the electrical panel, mount a socket or add an antenna or telephone cable, then the master will need to strip the ends of the cord for the subsequent change of insulation. To do this, it becomes necessary to use a homemade or purchased stripper. Outwardly, the tool resembles ordinary pincers. From English it is translated as a puller, which determines the scope of its activities. Previously, improvised pointed devices were used to strip the cable, but the final result left much to be desired.

With his own hands, a person could damage the veins or significantly cut the diameter of the cord, which made it ultimately ineffective. The quality of such wiring left much to be desired. With the advent of strippers on the domestic market, the risk of cable damage was minimized, and the process became less long. The functionality of the device is somewhat wider compared to construction knives. The latter do not allow you to make the cut even, especially for multi-core cables.

The current-carrying cable will be completely safe, as there is a convenient limiter in diameter and length.

How to use

We propose to discuss the principle of operation of the stripper using the example of stripping wires with a cross section of 0.5-6 mm. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The handles should be parted so that the round recesses are divided into two halves.A pre-prepared power cable or conductor of a certain section should fit in the resulting space.
  2. The end of the cable or wire is placed in one of the recesses between the jaws.
  3. The tip will be cut off in a circular motion as the handles are squeezed.
  4. Removal of the damaged layer is carried out carefully. No sudden movements should be made. Jerks should also be avoided. Sponges themselves will clean the structure in the right place.

At home, a few seconds will be spent on such manipulations. After that, you should check that the cable has been stripped neatly. A smooth and bare tip may have minimal damage, which is then recommended to be opened with a transparent varnish.

In the process of stripping stranded or stranded wires, experts do not recommend using a knife. With one movement, thin outer copper strands can be cut with ease. This is fraught with the fact that in the process of removing the old insulation, the cores will break, the cable cross-section will significantly decrease and it will no longer be able to perform its functions. This is especially true for large conductive wires.

Criterias of choice

Outwardly, this small machine resembles pliers, but in the inside of the clamps there are several holes of different sizes with blades along the edges. This will allow you to work with material of any standard size. The best models have sockets with a marked size in the case, so removing the insulation from the wire will not cause any difficulties. The edges of the cable will turn out perfect.

After a short press, the mechanism will close the semicircular blades, thereby cutting the insulation material across.A review of popular models showed that some of them are equipped with mechanisms that independently determine and adjust to the cable cross-section. The limiter will not allow you to hook on the adjacent area. You can also find a device that is equipped with legs with wedge-shaped cutouts that allow you to adjust to the diameter of the cable by means of an adjusting screw. What aspects should be considered in the selection process of ticks?

The formThe main problem in choosing a device, which often leads to errors, is the abundance of its forms, which mislead the buyer. The device can be made in the form of pliers with straight jaws, or the working surface will have a curved shape and an end-type grip. However, with their help it will be possible to reach the most inaccessible areas. Also, Russian-made goods may have special holes with blades located on the side.
MaterialDepending on the type of device used, various raw materials may be involved. Tool steel is used to make lever structures, in which manufacturers cover the handles with a special insulating plastic. There are also rubberized inserts based on fiberglass and polyamide. You can also find models equipped with metal blades and a plastic case. This is the best option for home use.
Depth medium and section rangeEach tool will work in the section range indicated by the manufacturer. A set designed for 0.2-0.5 mm or 6-10 mm is considered standard. For microranges, a 0.02-0.2 mm stripper is used.In most cases, there is also a special limiter. This is a plastic or metal element. It is used to fix the core in the designated position. Thus, a person will not be able to insert the wire deeper than possible. There is a possibility of adjustment. This is an extremely useful option for those who are used to performing monotonous manipulations every day.
Weight and sizeThe tool has a length of 14-22 cm and a width of 1-3 cm. The height reaches 6-13 cm. The weight of the product will be 50-450 g.

It should be noted that not every stripper can be used with live cords. Such manipulations should be carried out exclusively with automatic products with a special mark "electrically insulated".

What markings can be found on the stripper

According to buyers, such designations do not deserve special attention, as evidenced by numerous reviews on the network, however, this is a delusion. Not only the alphanumeric set is important, but also the coloring. An example is some American brands that mark the dimensional grid by coloring the handles in different colors. Goods from China (AliExpress) have standard designations. The numbers are the working range of the supported section. Opposite each blade there is a section designation that refers directly to the wire.

Designations can be both in square millimeters and in AWG format, which has its own calibration. It is recommended to use the mechanism strictly for its intended purpose, otherwise the risk of damage to the wire increases. Popular models may have the designation 1000V, which indicates that the buyer is facing a structure equipped with electrical insulation.For this, a special type of material is used. Dots of red, blue and yellow can be found on the product, the complete set of which allows crimping the terminals. This indicates the conformity of the cuffs of the tips, which can be processed using the selected device, where the cross section will be:

  1. Yellow - 2.5-6 mm2.
  2. Blue - 1-2.5 mm2.
  3. Red - 0.25-1.5 mm2.

How to choose a tool

Before you buy a stripper, you should decide on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits use. The cost of the product, experience with similar equipment and the designated scope of work are also taken into account. You can buy an accessory in any construction or online store. There you can see how much such a tool costs. However, it is recommended to give preference to kits that will support the maximum range of the working section. If a person does not plan to independently figure out how to set it up, then special attention should be paid to multifunctional models. Thus, the work will proceed in an accelerated mode.

If a person plans to do this on a regular basis, then the scope of activity will be extensive. In this case, the device must be equipped with a screw that allows micro-adjustment of the cross section. The device can be adjusted manually without assistance. If you plan to use the gadget exclusively at home, then the range of 0.2-4 mm2 is considered sufficient. Also, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to the presence of additional knives in the set, which will allow you to replace it yourself, and not buy a new tool.

If experience with such devices is not enough, then automatic and semi-automatic models should be preferred. This is the only way to minimize the risk of damage.

Which company is better to buy a manual stripper

Such a device belongs to the category of the simplest. It is a tongs that are equipped with small notches with pointed edges. Removal of the old layer of insulation will be carried out due to the ongoing circular movements. The cutting element will pass through the edge as the handle is compressed. In order not to breed ticks manually, a spring is provided. The handle lock will protect children from accidental contact with cutting elements. The weight and dimensions of strippers from the world's best manufacturers will be negligible.


Rating opens the model for an advanced user. The function of protecting conductors of a certain range is provided. The device can be used for crimping ferrules and cutting wires. Used for crimping coaxial connectors. Externally, the device differs from similar devices, which makes it so popular. It is characterized by the presence of a handle of normal volume. However, there is no return spring. In the absence of a crimper, you can use pliers or a stripper tip. In extreme cases, multi-tool undercompressions will come to the rescue.

The average price of new items is 1300 rubles.

  • tip crimping function;
  • advanced model;
  • protection of conductors with a cross section of 4 mm or less;
  • comfortable handles;
  • build quality;
  • light weight;
  • Blades are sharpened by hand.
  • no return spring
  • the latch is also not provided.

Sc-28 cable stripper, 8 - 28 mm, stayer

An accessory that is preferred by beginners who have not yet determined the final scope of its application. Used to remove old insulation from a 2-28 mm cord. Manufacturer brand - STAYER.The multifunction type puller is made of high quality materials. Experts note the presence of an amazing resource that will allow you to perform any electrical work. Protective cap available. It is also possible to adjust the cutting depth.

You can buy a kit at a price of 330 rubles.

Sc-28 cable stripper, 8 - 28 mm, stayer
  • weight 103 g;
  • comfortable sizes;
  • possibility to order online;
  • manufacturer's warranty (one year from the date of purchase);
  • multifunctionality;
  • budget model.
  • not identified.


Multifunctional device, for the manufacture of which stainless steel is used. It can cut M3 and M4 screws. It is also possible to form loops. One part of the jaws has a relief surface, so it can be easily used as pliers. The handles are large, so they lie comfortably in the male hand. One of them is slightly curved. At the same time, it remains small and relatively light. Length - 18 cm. The return spring is rounded, comfortable to use. The section size is offered in two variations, specified according to American standards (AWG). There are also six cutting edge sizes to choose from. High-strength steel is used as raw material. It is considered one of the most practical models on the market.

Price - 1200 rubles.

  • multifunctionality;
  • working range 0.5-4 mm;
  • comfortable handles;
  • compact dimensions;
  • return spring.
  • the handles are flat, so there can be no talk of ergonomics


Of the presented line of manual strippers, perhaps this model is considered the simplest. It can be used to work with wires with a thickness of 0.25-4 mm.The handles are two-component, however, outwardly the tool looks more like a cable cutter. The value regulator is located on the handle and has markings. The mechanism will not allow the lips to close more than necessary. Therefore, there is no question of damage to the insulation. The return spring is located on the back side. There is a blocker that will come in handy when transporting equipment.

Cost - 600 rubles.

  • the weight;
  • ease of use;
  • two-component handles;
  • rotary regulator;
  • handles are not slippery;
  • return spring;
  • blocker;
  • compactness.
  • not identified.

Rating of quality semi-automatic strippers

Such products are a category of semi-automatic tools that may look like this:

  1. The working head consists of two elements that move apart. Inside there are two movable objects - a latch clamp and a sharp knife of the selected diameter. The conductor is fixed firmly, so the risk of damage to the device is minimized.
  2. There are two handles, and a spring is placed between them.

Even the most inexpensive devices will perfectly cope with the designated tasks. The cleanup will go like this:

  1. The selected end of the wire is inserted into a special niche of the designated diameter.
  2. In the process of compressing the handles, the insulating material is cut in one of the working heads equipped with blades. The second is responsible for the strong fixation of the product inside the structure.
  3. The maximum pressing will allow you to easily disconnect both parts of the working head and remove the working section of the insulation from the conductor.

In more advanced models, there may be a special element between the handles that is used to cut wires.


The tool works with wires, whose indicator reaches 0.25-2.5 mm2. It does not belong to the category of multifunctional devices, however, according to most users, the product fits perfectly in the hand and copes with the tasks set perfectly. It works with small sections, so it can only be used as an auxiliary device, but not the main one. The build quality is amazing. Backlash, curved sides and protruding rubber on the handles were not identified. The handles are rubberized, so even after hours of use, the tool can be comfortably held in your hands. The width is sufficient for a standard size male hand.

The average price is 1700 rubles.

  • comfortable pressing;
  • ease of use;
  • rubberized handles;
  • optimal dimensions;
  • the weight.
  • narrow-profile accessory.


Novelty in the domestic market. The declared functions are standard. Works with wire 0.5-6 mm2. However, the cutting process is somewhat odd. To work with the wire, you will need to squeeze it inside a small hole. In the process of developing the device, many wishes of users were realized, however, new difficulties arose. Stripping is fast and efficient, but it is recommended to use another tool for cutting. In fact, it makes no sense to demand this from a stripper, because it is not intended for this. The cable of large diameter is too tough for the device.

Price - 1850 rubles.

  • quality of raw materials;
  • rubberized handles;
  • efficiency;
  • practicality;
  • pressing comfort.
  • not the best performance.


In addition to the indicated functions, attention should be paid to the possibility of cutting. Removable type blades are used and they are placed under the handle with a spring.It belongs to the category of multifunctional tools that perfectly cope with the tasks. The defense is doing great. During the tests, none of the wires were damaged. It is better for them not to deal with cutting cables, since such tasks are beyond their power.

Cost - 1850 rubles.

  • functional;
  • crimp quality;
  • wire protection;
  • spring;
  • rubberized handles.
  • cable cutting is not possible.


The tool is designed to work with a cable consisting of a copper stranded wire. The thickness can be 0.5-6 mm2. Blades with a five-position sharpening speaks for the accuracy of the tool. Compact and lightweight model that can be used by people of any configuration. There is no additional functionality, however, this is not necessary. Two-component handles have rubberized inserts on the plastic surface. High-strength steel is used as the main raw material. Marking is done with a laser. A plastic stopper is included. According to most experienced electricians, the need for such an element is very doubtful.

Cost - 2400 rubles.

  • relief surface of handles;
  • return spring;
  • build quality;
  • high strength of the material used;
  • compact dimensions.
  • not identified.

Rating of quality automatic strippers

This type of device is considered the most common. Often, such devices consist of a standard set of elements:

  1. The base is made of two parts. Placed under the lips.
  2. Sponges of movable type in the amount of two units. One is used to fix the wire, while the second makes an incision.
  3. There are two levers.

In the process of removing the old layer, one of the elements will be pressed against the base, thereby cutting off the old layer. The second will be responsible for reliable fixation. Pressing harder will cause the base to move apart and the material to be removed from the tip.


The product has been on the market for several years. Two guides are used. A plastic element is used as a limiter. If necessary, it can be removed by unscrewing the screw. The handles are short, but the tool copes with the tasks. The working range is 0.2-10 mm2, which makes it almost universal. The screw turns only if you have to work with a cross section of 0.05-0.2 mm2. Tips can be crimped. Wire cutting is also possible.

Cost - 2700 rubles.

  • multifunctionality;
  • build quality;
  • Ease of use;
  • universality;
  • possibility of manual adjustment.
  • grip problem on earlier models.


Compared to the previously described models, the tool has more compact dimensions, which do not affect the functionality in any way. Crimping is not provided, so with their help the master can only cut. There is protection. A guillotine cutter is installed. Knives are riveted and cannot be replaced. Operating range 0.2-6 mm2. The guide is metal, so loose sheath is not expected. There is no length limiter, so you need to cut with care.

Price - 1600 rubles.

  • compactness;
  • the price corresponds to the declared quality;
  • functionality;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • build quality.
  • knives cannot be replaced;
  • there is no crimping die;
  • handles are not comfortable;
  • problems when working with a small section.


A modern fixture that has clamping jaws. A convenient opening is provided for removing cut material. Operating range - 0.05-10 mm2. Cable crimping 0.5-6 mm2. These are the tips:

  1. Autoterminals (double crimp).
  2. Uninsulated tips.
  3. Insulated tips with yellow, blue and red cuffs.

Stripping is fast and efficient. The limiter works in automatic mode, independently adjusting to the wire used. A screw is used to adjust it.

Price - 1900 rubles.

  • several modes of operation;
  • the result of manipulations;
  • Ease of use;
  • operating range;
  • holes for removing spent insulation.
  • the mechanism quickly becomes loose, and the screw begins to scroll.


Operating range 0.5-10 mm2. Able to work with tips (for crimping) NShV and NShVI. It is allowed to remove old material from flat wires (PUNP, VVG-P). There are no complaints about the work of the device. Numerous positive reviews on the network speak in favor of buying such a device. Knives are not well placed. The lever is not convenient to use, as it has small dimensions.

Price - 2300 rubles.

  • work with wires up to 10 mm2;
  • build quality;
  • numerous reviews on the network;
  • multifunctionality;
  • retainer.
  • poor location of the cutting elements;
  • small levers


Our TOP closes the popular model, which is in high demand among specialists.There are practically no complaints.

What type of tips can work with:

  1. Autoterminals (double crimp).
  2. Non-isolated.
  3. Isolated with yellow, blue and red cuffs.

Operating range 0.5-10 mm2. Protects, gently removes old insulation. Works with both stranded and single-wire conductors. Manual adjustment and fitting of the hole to a certain size is acceptable. On the front side there is a convenient screw for adjustment with a standard section (0.2-6 mm2).

Price - 1400 rubles.

  • multifunctionality (crimping, stripping, cutting);
  • practicality;
  • efficiency;
  • possibility of manual adjustment;
  • price.
  • the screw often gets stuck.


The stripper is a popular type of tool that is used in the process of electrical work. Used to remove old insulating material from wires of any section. There are several types of devices:

  1. Stripping the twisted pair.
  2. Working with conventional electrical cable.

When connecting household tools, appliances, cables, telephone lines and other electrically conductive paths, preliminary processing of conductors is required. Such manipulations should be performed in the best possible way. Damage must be avoided. To do this, you need a special tool that is used to strip the insulation. We are talking about strippers that will allow you to remove the old material neatly, without damage and in a matter of seconds.

In order for the work to be done with high quality, it is necessary to choose the right tool, which may not belong to the category of universal (multifunctional).First of all, you need to pay attention to the type of cable used and its diameter. Safety is above all. It will not be superfluous to pay attention to models whose handles have a dielectric coating. This will eliminate the possibility of electric shock in the process of working with live wires.

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