
  1. Rules of the game
  2. Permitted weapons and equipment
  3. Differences between airsoft and paintball and laser tag
  4. Features of airsoft guns
  5. Top Producers
  6. Rating of the best airsoft rifles
  7. How to choose
  8. Where could I buy
Rating of the best airsoft rifles for 2022

Rating of the best airsoft rifles for 2022

What is airsoft? This is a team military-tactical game played with the use of special pneumatic weapons. Its main principle is honesty. This game allows you to unite, show the best character traits, such as mutual assistance and the desire to help. This is a good way to actively relax and recharge with positive emotions. Below we will talk about the best airsoft rifles.

Since airsoft uses airsoft guns, a number of fairly strict rules must be followed when playing to minimize the risk of harm to health.

Rules of the game

The rules are developed separately for each region, but in the main points they are the same. They usually include the following sections:

  • general provisions;
  • the purpose and course of the game;
  • weapon;
  • gear and equipment;
  • technique;
  • fortifications and defensive structures;
  • "killed";
  • prisoners;
  • non-combatants;
  • correspondents;
  • restrictions;
  • players' responsibility.

There are a number of prohibitions that must be followed to avoid bans and suspensions from participation in competitions:

  1. You can not shoot from around the corner without seeing the enemy, or fire with the barrel sticking out the window from below (shooting in Somali).
  2. If the loophole is smaller than an A4 sheet, you cannot shoot through it.
  3. It is forbidden to take part in the game while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  4. It is forbidden to remove protective equipment, including goggles, while in the playing area.
  5. Unsportsmanlike behavior is not allowed: showdown, insults, etc.
  6. It is necessary to strictly observe the shooting distance, it is forbidden to shoot from a distance less than that which is the minimum allowable.
  7. Under the ban is overtune (increasing the speed of the ball leaving the gun barrel).
  8. A player who is among the "killed" during the game must not transmit information of any kind regarding the game to "live" players.
  9. Loss of equipment is punishable by suspension from the game.
  10. Team players must have the chevrons of their team or block.
  11. Non-compliance with a uniform standard of clothing within the team or the use of civilian clothing.
  12. Carrying weapons without a case outside the playing area.
  13. Hit denial and other dishonest behavior.
  14. Violation of the rules for handling weapons: sighting in a residential area, entering the formation with a fastened magazine or with a weapon not set to safety, etc.
  15. Use of improvised weapons and pyrotechnics.
  16. Using "killed" players as cover.

Permitted weapons and equipment

The following weapons can be used to play airsoft:

  1. Small air guns of industrial production, made of plastic and light alloys, available for sale, designed to fire plastic balls with a diameter of 6 and 8 mm. Muzzle energy - no higher than 3 Joules.
  2. Firecrackers of industrial production, available for free sale.
  3. Models of edged weapons made of rubber or other soft materials that do not have sharp edges.

The equipment is maintained in military style, the whole team dresses in the same way. Special requirements apply to safety goggles. They must withstand the impact of a ball weighing 0.2 grams flying at a speed of 172 m/s.

Differences between airsoft and paintball and laser tag

Despite the fact that all these games are team games and are military-strategic, they have a number of differences. They are mostly related to what weapons are used by the participants.

In paintball, special gelatin balls with food paint are used, which are fired from paintball markers. In laser tag, laser blasters are used - taggers that emit infrared rays. Registration of hit is made by the special sensors fixed on clothes.

Airsoft guns fire plastic balls.

Features of airsoft guns

The firearms used in this game are most often of four types:

  • machine;
  • pistol;
  • machine gun;
  • sniper rifle.

The type of weapon chosen should be related to the role that the player performs in the team and his tasks. If he is involved in defense, a machine gun will be the best choice, an attack aircraft will need an assault rifle, and a sniper will need a rifle.

Rifles for the game are made of steel, wood, plastic and metal powder stamping. Its main elements are the hopper mechanism, battery and charger.

All weapons are divided into three types:

  1. Manual - spring or spring-actuated. It is characterized by good accuracy and affordable cost. The main disadvantage is the low rate of fire.
  2. Gas - powered by carbon dioxide or propane in a replaceable cylinder. Differs in the highest power and the maximum speed of a departure of a ball. The main disadvantage is the inability to use at low temperatures.
  3. Electropneumatic - the most common option, which is also called EPO, AEG or actuator. Operates with the help of an electric motor and a compressor. Powered by a nickel-cadmium or lithium battery. The first is impact resistant and budget price, the second holds the charge longer and is not afraid of negative temperatures.

Top Producers

Airsoft guns are produced by many companies around the world. Among the most popular are the following manufacturers:

  1. A&K (China);
  2. A.P.S. (Hong Kong);
  3. Classic Army (China);
  4. CYMA (China);
  5. Galaxy (China);
  6. GUAY & GUAY (G&G) (Taiwan);
  7. ICS (Taiwan);
  8. KJW (Taiwan);
  9. Koer (China);
  10. Krytac (USA);
  11. LCT (Taiwan);
  12. Specna Arms (Hong Kong);
  13. Tokyo Marui (Japan);
  14. VFC (Taiwan).
  15. NPO AEG (Russia).

Rating of the best airsoft rifles

Rifles are one of the most common types of airsoft guns. They differ both in characteristics and in cost.

Rating of the best airsoft rifles worth up to 20 thousand rubles

This category contains budget options that are ideal for beginners. They will also be of interest to participants who do not pursue maximum performance, but prefer to play for their own pleasure.

Cybergun M14 Military Rail Spring
votes 0

The average price is 2636 rubles.

A simple model of the M-series, which combines the budget cost and the presence of all the functions necessary in airsoft. The prototype is the M14 assault rifle. Equipped with a spring mechanism with manual cocking. The hopper magazine holds 200 balls with a diameter of 6 mm. Energy - 0.6 J. Initial speed - 80-90 m / s. Weight - 1200 g. Includes belt, balls, instructions, magazine.

Cybergun M14 Military Rail Spring
  • light weight;
  • ease of operation;
  • price.
  • quickly falls into disrepair;
  • not powerful enough.

Cyma CM701 VSR-10
votes 0

The average price is 15790 rubles.

The classic type rifle with a spring-piston mechanism is one of the most common models. The popularity of the system was ensured by the reliability of the system, coupled with ease of use. The body is made of metal and plastic. Ball departure speed - 160 m / s, projectile diameter - 6 mm. Muzzle energy - up to 3 J. Designed for single firing. Shop for 30 shells.

Cyma CM701 VSR-10
  • reliable mechanism;
  • well-known manufacturer
  • high projectile launch speed;
  • sighting range of about 50 m.
  • small magazine capacity.

A&K SVD spring
votes 0

The average price is 16489 rubles.

The Chinese-made model is a copy of the SVD sniper rifle. Equipped with a spring mechanism with manual cocking. Shooting mode - single. Shot speed 120 m/s, caliber 6 mm. Equipped with a bunker magazine with a capacity of 250 balls. Muzzle energy - 1.7 J. The body is made of aluminum alloy and ABS plastic.

A&K SVD spring
  • authentic to the prototype;
  • light weight;
  • store capacity;
  • ease of use;
  • manufacturer's warranty.
  • butt clearance.

Cyma CM703 L96 Black
votes 0

The average price is 17900 rubles.

This copy is equipped with a spring-piston mechanism and is designed to use balls with a diameter of 6 mm. Designed for single shooting. Muzzle velocity - 140 m / s, muzzle energy - up to 3 J. The store is designed for 100 shells. The rifle is equipped with a safety catch, an adjustable trailer and a mount for it.

Cyma CM703 L96 Black
  • the spring mechanism is resistant to dampness and cold;
  • ease of use;
  • budget cost;
  • famous manufacturer.
  • increased fatigue of the shooter when using;
  • low rate of fire.

Snow Wolf Kar98K
votes 0

The average price is 19774 rubles.

Stylish, equipped with wood-imitating details, the Chinese-made rifle is equipped with a spring mechanism. The prototype is a short carbine Karabiner 98 kurz, which was in service with the Wehrmacht during the Second World War. Muzzle energy - from 0.5 to 3 J. Ball diameter - 6 mm, departure speed - 110 m / s. Designed for single shooting.

Snow Wolf Kar98K
  • can be used in bad weather;
  • simple mechanism;
  • manufacturer's warranty.
  • big weight;
  • magazine for 24 balls.

Rating of the best airsoft rifles worth from 20 to 30 thousand rubles

The weapon of the middle price category is suitable for both beginners and professionals. The presented rifles differ in their characteristics, including in size, which makes it possible to choose the best option.

Cyma H&K G36C
votes 0

The average price is 21168 rubles.

The prototype of this electro-pneumatic model is the G36C assault rifle, which is used by police units in England and Germany. It is often used in rental due to the survivability and reliability of the mechanism, as well as ease of maintenance and operation. The body is made of impact-resistant ABS plastic. Initial speed - 115-120 m / s. Rate of fire - 700 rounds per minute.

Cyma H&K G36C
  • reliability and durability of the mechanism;
  • the ability to install an optical or collimator sight;
  • the possibility of attaching a tactical handle or flashlight;
  • folding stock;
  • duplication of the fire translator mechanism on both sides of the receiver;
  • full set;
  • manufacturer's warranty.
  • not found.

Snow Wolf Steyr AUG A1
votes 0

The average price is 24156 rubles.

The prototype of this assault model is the Steyr AUG A1 carbine. The body is made of aluminum and ABS plastic. The lower plastic receiver is made as one piece with the stock and pistol grip. The upper receiver is made of metal, the front handle and the outer barrel are fixed in it. Gearbox and magazine for 330 balls are located behind the pistol grip. Speed ​​- 115 m / s.

Snow Wolf Steyr AUG A1
  • high rate of fire;
  • convenient layout;
  • famous manufacturer.
  • not found.

PPS Mauser 98K GAS Wood
votes 0

The average price is 24455 rubles.

The prototypes of this model are two types of weapons at once: the Yugoslav hunting carbine Zastava M48 and the German Mauser 98K. The body is made of wood and aluminum alloy. Operates with a gas cylinder. Energy - up to 3 J. Equipped with a mechanical magazine with a capacity of 20 balls, caliber - 6 mm. Shot speed 120-135 m/s.

PPS Mauser 98K GAS Wood
  • exquisite design;
  • reliable mechanism;
  • comfortable wooden bed;
  • flag fuse at the base of the shutter;
  • adjustable rear sight.
  • store capacity.

votes 0

The average price is 26273 rubles.

Product manufactured by ASG (Denmark). The prototype is the Czech assault rifle CZ 805 BREN A2. Type - electro-pneumatic, powered by a Li-po 7.4 V 1300mAh battery (mini type). Equipped with a bunker magazine for 550 rounds of 6 mm caliber. Energy - 1.4 J. Initial speed - 120 m / s.

  • gearbox with quick-release spring;
  • adaptation of the magazine release button for left-handers and right-handers;
  • telescopic stock;
  • semi-automatic and automatic firing modes;
  • ergonomic shape of the handle.
  • not found.

A&K SR-25
votes 0

The average price is 28105 rubles.

An electro-pneumatic model based on the SR-25 rifle. The body is made of plastic and metal. Equipped with a bunker magazine for 300 balls caliber 6 mm. Initial speed - 125 m / s. A feature of the model is the RIS handguard. Includes magazine, charger, instructions, battery.

A&K SR-25
  • quality assembly;
  • high shooting accuracy;
  • high rate of fire;
  • two fire modes: single and automatic;
  • manufacturer's warranty.
  • not found.

Rating of the best airsoft rifles worth over 30 thousand rubles

This collection contains quite expensive models that are of interest primarily to professionals. Impressive performance is complemented by high quality components.

G&G M14 EBR Long Silver
votes 0

The average price is 32273 rubles.

The stylish Taiwanese-made electro-pneumatic model is a copy of the M14 assault rifle used in the United States. Made of ABS plastic and aluminum alloy. Battery powered Li-FePO, Li-Po and Ni-MH, Mini-tamiya connector. Energy 1.7 J. The bunker magazine is designed for 470 balls with a diameter of 6 mm. Initial speed 130 m/s.

G&G M14 EBR Long Silver
  • stylish design;
  • semi-automatic and automatic firing mode;
  • sight rail;
  • telescopic stock;
  • RIS handguard.
  • there is no battery included.

NPO AEG VSS "Vintorez"
votes 0

The average price is 31727 rubles.

The sniper rifle of domestic production, produced in the city of Magnitogorsk, belongs to the electro-pneumatic type. The body is made of steel, the stock is made of plywood, the handguard and magazine are plastic. Power comes from a Li-Po 11.1V 1400 mAh battery. Semi-automatic and automatic firing modes are possible. Energy - up to 3 J. Weight - 3 kg. The mechanical magazine is designed for 75 rounds of 6 mm caliber. Initial speed 145-150 m/s.

NPO AEG VSS "Vintorez"
  • goods of a domestic manufacturer;
  • housing made of high-strength alloy steel;
  • two shooting modes;
  • phosphate coating.
  • there is no battery included.

G&G GM1903 A4 Gas (Springfield M1903)
votes 0

The average price is 32273 rubles.

This model copies the Springfield M1903 A4 rifle, which was in service with the US Army during World War II. Powered by a gas bottle. Shop mechanical type, designed for 9 balls of caliber 6 mm. Shot speed 160-170 m/s. Muzzle energy - up to 3 J. The body is made of ABS plastic, wood and aluminum alloy. Reloading is manual, firing mode is single.

G&G GM1903 A4 Gas (Springfield M1903)
  • high degree of authenticity;
  • special gas is gentle on the internal mechanism;
  • economical gas consumption;
  • high initial speed;
  • shells weighing 0.12 g, 0.2 g or 0.25 g can be used;
  • high accuracy;
  • sighting range 60 m.
  • small magazine capacity.

votes 0

The average price is 34119 rubles.

The Chinese-made electro-pneumatic actuator is equipped with a 500-ball magazine. The butt holds standard batteries with a voltage of 7.4 volts to 11.1 volts.It comes with a T-type connector, the kit includes an adapter for Mini-tamiya. Initial speed - 120 m / s. The body is made of metal, plastic and aluminum.

  • impressive design;
  • big capacity of the bunker;
  • well-known manufacturer
  • high rate of fire.
  • not found.

Modify MOD24
votes 0

The average price is 45035 rubles.

This Taiwanese-made model, equipped with a spring-piston mechanism, is suitable for players who have chosen the role of a sniper. The stock is made of ABS plastic, the barrel is made of aluminum alloy. The prototype is the M24 rifle, which was in service with the US Army. Initial speed - 150 m / s, caliber - 6 mm. Muzzle energy - 3 J. Type of fire - single.

Modify MOD24
  • popular prototype;
  • light weight;
  • adjustable stock;
  • the ability to install any optical sight.
  • high cost for weapons with a spring mechanism.

How to choose

The main categories of players are attack aircraft, sniper and defender, but during the course of the game the functions of the shooters may change. Rifles are best suited to those who have taken on the role of a sniper and are ready for careful consideration of their tasks, learning the art of positional warfare and the tricks of disguise.

Compared to a machine gun, a rifle has fewer wear parts and is lighter in weight. Weight is important when choosing a model, too heavy equipment can be uncomfortable and cause fatigue.

You should pay attention to the material from which the rifle is made. Metal models are more reliable and durable than plastic ones, but they are noticeably heavier and much more expensive. Wooden models are rare, mainly separate parts of the weapon are made of wood.

When choosing a type of weapon, remember that gas weapons require additional gas cylinders to be carried, while spring weapons require constant manual reloading, which affects the rate of fire and causes increased player fatigue.

When determining the budget allocated for the purchase of a rifle, you need to focus on how strong the desire to play this game is. If priorities have not yet been determined, it makes no sense to purchase expensive copies. It is better to stay on a budget option, which is quite enough to get a taste of this hobby and understand how interesting it is.

Where could I buy

Airsoft rifles are commercially available and do not require a license or special permit to purchase. You can buy them in several ways:

  1. In weapons stores that have airsoft guns in their assortment. This option is the most reliable, because it makes it possible to immediately determine whether the weapon is suitable in size, weight, and other parameters. The presence of a check and a guarantee makes it possible to issue a refund in case of problems.
  2. In specialized online stores selling such weapons. Such a step can save the budget, since prices in online stores are often lower than in retail. But it is advisable to get acquainted with the chosen model in reality in order to get a reliable idea of ​​​​all its parameters, and only after that order it on the Internet with online payment.
  3. On the marketplaces Ozon, Yandex Market, etc. A fairly reliable option that provides for the possibility of a return in case of receiving a defective product, but you need to carefully study all technical specifications and customer reviews.
  4. On the AliExpress marketplace.A rather risky option, since you can get a defective, low-quality product, or a product with characteristics that differ from those declared.
  5. Buy second-hand weapons. This method at first glance can save money, but it is quite risky, since the purchased product may contain significant wear on internal parts, and it will soon need expensive repairs. Also, the risk of handicraft alterations is not ruled out, because of which they will be prohibited from using in accordance with the rules.

If airsoft is a favorite way of outdoor activities, the choice of a rifle must be approached with all responsibility. This will allow you to get even more positive emotions during the game and reduce the risk that a player will let the team down due to a weapon that has failed in battle, because the overall success is made up of the efforts of each individual participant.


