Professional glaziers perform work quickly and efficiently, skillfully handling a glass cutter, through which glass products acquire neat and even contours. This work requires not only skills, but also the presence of a special device - glass cutters, of which there are a great many varieties.
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Whatever the object is used: a semi-automatic table for cutting glass or a manual device, the essence of their functioning is the same - applying a direct scratch to the surface, along which a fracture occurs in manual mode. In addition to glass, popular models successfully cope with tiles, ceramics, corrugated glass base.
When working with corrugated glass, the cut is made from the smooth side. It is not recommended to cut tempered glass. The slightest damage leads to their crumbling into tiny particles.
The simplest devices have the following structural elements:
Based on the type of head attachment, there are such types:
An artificial diamond crystal acts as a cutting element. There are two versions of the crystal, differing in shape:
Models with such cutting elements are usually called diamond. If the device is equipped with rollers for cutting, then they belong to the roller category.
The classic version - on the head there are one or more grooves of various widths. There are popular models with grooves on a small bar attached to the handle shaft. Thanks to such recesses, the glass edge breaks off. The grooves help remove excess material if the break did not occur at the markup.You can also use special tongs or pliers.
In the manufacture of the handle is used:
The remaining structural elements (with the exception of the diamond cutter) are made of alloys and metals:
The working elements are made of synthetic or natural diamond, and the first option is almost as good as its natural counterpart in terms of its characteristics. The carbide cutter is made from Pobedit, the carbide rollers are made from cobalt-tungsten alloys.
The standard dimensions of the product are as follows:
Cutter in the form of a pyramid 22 mm long, curvilinear - 16 mm, in accordance with GOST.
The maximum glass thickness for natural diamond to function is 10 mm. The rollers in the models of the same name have different diameters, however, 6.6 mm are considered the most common and in demand.
Other options:
There are models with the function of oil cooling of the rollers, a sharpening angle of 150 degrees (used for cutting thick material of 20 mm) and 135 degrees (works with a maximum thickness of 10 mm).
Manufacturers even for the best models provide a guarantee of one year from the date of sale. However, there are other indicators as well. So, a diamond device is able to cut up to 12000 m. material. As for roller species, the maximum resource is 350 m.
The marking of diamond tools shows the orientation of the working edge. Products intended for import have applied diamond chips, the mass of which is indicated in carats. The hammer is engraved with the manufacturer's own trademark. The best manufacturers participating in the rating of quality goods apply the appropriate marking to the product.
Tools differ in design features, and therefore they are divided into the following types, the differences between which are indicated in the comparative table:
Varieties | Description |
Diamond | A diamond crystal of a natural or synthetic type acts as a working element. During operation, it gradually wears out. It comes in two types: the curved cutting edge is more suitable for beginners, while the pyramidal shape is preferred by professional glaziers. With slight wear, it is possible to lap on a bar using mastic with diamond dust. The maximum resource is 10000 running meters. The average price is 1500 rubles. |
victorious | Roller models, the cutter is made of Pobedit. Visually does not differ from the previous version, but at a lower price. The functionality is not so extensive. It is used for domestic needs, and then rarely. The main disadvantage is the rapid blunting of the carbide cutter, the result is a poor-quality groove. Product reviews are negative. |
Roller | Popular with both beginners and professionals. The cut is made by means of a rotating roller. Specialty stores offer a choice of six, three and one roller options. Rarely, but there are two-roller with a plastic case. They are budget options.Tools with a steel wheel are sold at a price of 700 rubles, the most inexpensive ones with a minimum resource can be purchased for 90 rubles. |
Oily | Roller model, equipped with a small reservoir for filling oil that falls on the cutting element during operation of the device. A hollow handle is often used as a reservoir. Differs in the high operational term and smoothness of movements. Resource - 5000 linear meters with a maximum material width of 20 mm. The product is sold at a minimum price of 160 rubles. |
Glass cutter - compasses | Used for cutting round shapes. Based on a circular mechanism. A suction cup acts as a support, thanks to which the tool is attached to the surface. Other structural elements: cutter and scale. |
Circular | Designed for cutting ovals. Thanks to the two centers, it is possible to move along a complex trajectory. The cost exceeds 1000 rubles per unit. |
Special | It is used to obtain glass circles with a minimum diameter in industrial volumes. The appearance is original - a flat design with a bar and a cutter equipped with locking elements to avoid shifts. There is a convenient "G" - shaped handle. |
Specialized retail outlets offer a wide range of glass cutting products. On the shelves you can find novelties from the world's leading manufacturers, leading the TOP of modern products and inexpensive Chinese-made options with a minimum resource. Where to buy and which company is better depends on the preferences of the master. However, there are basic selection criteria that must be taken into account in order to avoid mistakes when making a final decision:
What to look for when choosing a tool for the home? The expert advice is:
Before visiting construction markets, review the products offered, select the best option. You can order goods from China using the Ali Express delivery service. Those who prefer to purchase devices in the online store can place an order online.So you can save a little on the price of the goods.
The efficiency of the glass cutter and the receipt of a minimum amount of waste directly depends on the correctness of the actions. Let's dwell on the main nuances:
Found application in the professional sphere and in everyday life. Designed for cutting glass surfaces. Suitable for stained glass. It has a significant resource of use - 4500 m. The diamond component is subject to sharpening, which improves quality and accuracy. In the manufacture of the holder, high-quality tool steel was used. The handle is made of wood.
The average price is 306 rubles.
Oil device. The cutting part is made of tungsten carbide. The main difference is noteworthy strength and reliability. In the manufacture of the head, nickel-plated steel was used, the handle is brass, there is an abrasive coating. Works with material 12 mm thick.
The average cost is 3129 rubles.
The product of a Russian manufacturer has good characteristics and an affordable price. The head is steel, chrome-plated, the handle is made of plastic. Weight - 0.3 kg. Cutting depth - 5 mm maximum. Works great on window glass.
Sellers offer products at a cost of 217 rubles.
Enjoys well-deserved popularity among professional glass cutters. Heads the TOP of diamond models. In the production of the head, hardened steel was used, a wooden handle, varnished. The cut is made with synthetic diamond. Product length - 180 mm. The case is equipped with special grooves that allow you to break off the edges with high quality.
The average price is 524 rubles.
Canadian development, produced in China. A distinctive feature is the presence of industrial diamond at a certain angle. It is used for cutting material with a thickness of 5 mm. The manufacturer provides 5 grooves for high-quality breakage of the surface with different sections. The wooden handle fits comfortably in the hand.
The price of products is 421 rubles.
The Canadian company has launched the production of high-quality glass cutters with noteworthy features. A strong steel head and a special screw make it possible to make high-quality fixation of the axis position. The plastic handle is equipped with special recesses for comfortable holding by fingers. Brass inserts minimize the possibility of device slipping. The maximum cutting depth is 8 mm.
The average price is 451 rubles.
Excellent German model for professional work. Single-roller device with a resource of up to 5000 m. The maximum cutting thickness is 6 mm. He enjoys authority among experienced glass cutters.
The average cost is 375 rubles.
Budget version of the Chinese glass cutter. There is a drum with spare rollers in the amount of six pieces. A small margin involves cutting only 300 m of glass. Metal head, wooden handle. Cutting depth - up to 5 mm.
The average cost is 214 rubles.
The Mexican all-metal tool differs from similar products in its significant strength, reliability and long service life. It is almost impossible to break or damage it. The maximum cut is 8 mm. The handle has a special ball for tapping on the surface.The head is equipped with three grooves for breaking off small glass pieces.
The manufacturer offers goods at a price of 557 rubles.
High-quality American device for cutting glass at home. Differs from analogues in the presence of six tungsten rollers. After blunting one of them, you can use the other, after turning the drum over. Nickel plated to prevent rust. The lacquered handle is made of durable wood.
The average cost is 689 rubles.
The tool is easy to use and efficient. There is a dispenser for filling with kerosene or spindle oil, which allows you to quickly and easily carry out this work. Equipped with a carbide cutting element, giving it strength and durability. Weight - 0.05 kg, plastic handle, one cutting element, no circular function.
The average price is 178 rubles.
A small tool is able to master different surface thicknesses, working at different angles. The hollow handle is designed for filling with oil or kerosene. The cutting element is made of VK-8 (hard alloy). Makes only straight lines, there is no possibility to draw circles.
The average cost is 292 rubles.
The oil roller model of the German brand, however, is made in China. It is used for cutting glass surfaces with a thickness of 2 to 10 mm. Differs in a practicality and convenience. Due to the all-metal construction, it has a long service life.
The price of the goods is 489 rubles.
Roller oil device with integrated oil reservoir in the handle. In the manufacture of the handle, high-quality impact-resistant material was used. Parameters: 235 x 62 x 14 mm, weight 0.06 kg. The brand comes from Germany, production is located on the territory of the Celestial Empire.
The average cost is 166 rubles.
For quality work, experienced glass cutters prefer to deal with professional devices, because mistakes cannot be made. There is only one attempt to cut a circle in thin glass or ceramic tile. Otherwise, you will have to purchase another sheet. Ordinary glass cutters are suitable for straight cutting. To draw a circle, you need to purchase a special device - a circular glass cutter.
Despite the simplicity, the design is very well thought out. The metal ruler is equipped with a rubber suction cup, which is necessary for fixing in one place. A glass cutter is mounted on the ruler, which moves freely along the entire length. Using the provided handle, the tool is fixed at a certain division of the ruler, the maximum length of which is 20 cm.
The product is sold at a price of 731 rubles.
Professional compass - glass cutter with adjustable cutting angle. Cutting diameter - 95 - 500 mm. Widely used for cutting double-glazed windows. The product is manufactured by a Turkish company with a worldwide reputation. Differs in reliability, durability, convenience in use.
The average cost is 9758 rubles.
A professional hand tool is used for cutting substantial circles of 10 - 200 cm. Produced by a Chinese company. Equipped with suction cup, square profile measuring rod, large capacity for cutting fluid. Works with glass thickness from 6 to 12 mm.
The average price is 4047 rubles.
Before becoming a happy owner of a new tool, it is worth deciding what characteristics it should have, how durable and reliable it should be. If the device is used quite rarely and exclusively for domestic needs, then you can opt for inexpensive roller models. They are convenient, comfortable, easy to use, suitable for both beginners and experienced glass cutters.
On an industrial scale, it is best to cut glass surfaces with a professional product that allows you to maintain maximum accuracy and quality of work. For these purposes, the most suitable option would be expensive diamond glass cutters. Oil models can be used as an addition to professional equipment for drawing small lines.