
  1. How to treat
  2. Pharmacy funds

Rating of the best remedies for laryngitis for 2022

Rating of the best remedies for laryngitis for 2022

Various factors can provoke the development of laryngitis in adults and children. Treatment of pathology is carried out thanks to pharmacological agents. In advanced conditions, surgery may be required. But many patients still manage to limit drug therapy. This method of treatment involves the use of various groups of drugs that have a high pharmacological effect and help to stop the symptoms of laryngitis in a short time.

How to treat

Taking into account the cause of the pathological process, an individual method of therapy is selected for each person.All drugs against laryngitis are usually divided into the following groups:

  1. Antiseptic. Helps to destroy any kind of pathogens.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. They are aimed at suppressing pain, redness, swelling and inflammation.
  3. Antibacterial. They act directly on the cause of the disease, clearing the pharyngeal mucosa from pathogenic microbes.
  4. Painkillers. Designed to reduce soreness and facilitate the process of swallowing.
  5. Emollient. They have an effective preventive effect, prevent dry throat and various discomforts.

Combined drugs are considered the most effective. They significantly speed up recovery, perfectly fight the symptoms and causes of laryngitis.

Pharmacy funds


Antibacterial agents are not the main ones in therapy. Such drugs for laryngitis are prescribed only if the disease is complicated by an infection. Then you can’t do without taking antibiotics, they are prescribed to all patients - adults and children, in order to exclude the chronic form of the disease. Different groups of antibacterial drugs are prescribed for the purpose of therapy. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, so as not to harm your health, they should be used only after consulting a specialist.


Augmentin is the most effective for the treatment of various pathologies of the respiratory system. Medical specialists distinguish Augmentin for its high therapeutic effect and excellent tolerability at any age. It is especially convenient that the medicine is available in different doses for adults or children.
Side effects rarely occur after administration.Sometimes nausea, vomiting and other dyspeptic symptoms are noted, which are quickly stopped by probiotics. The wide distribution of Augmentin lies in a wide spectrum of action and therapeutic effect on pathogenic microbes.

  • few side effects, easily tolerated by patients;
  • a wide range of pharmacological action;
  • convenient to use for adults and children;
  • common antibiotic, often prescribed to patients;
  • well tolerated in old age.
  • You can not buy in all pharmacies;
  • prolonged use causes dyspeptic symptoms.


The drug is characterized by a rapid therapeutic effect that occurs on the day of admission.
Such an antibacterial agent refers to macrolides. The main advantage of the product is a safe composition, a small toxic effect and a small list of side effects. Therefore, the antibiotic is allowed to be taken during childbearing and breastfeeding. The medicine has proven itself well, it is widely prescribed for therapy in all areas of medicine, in particular for ENT pathologies.

It can be used to treat laryngitis in acute, chronic and progressive forms. At the same time, there is a minimal toxic effect on the body. However, taking the drug can provoke a disorder of the microflora and the work of digestion. According to reviews, doctors speak positively about him, and patients are unhappy with the high price and inconvenient form of the tablets.

  • common in various fields of medicine;
  • has a high therapeutic effect, a positive result is noted already on the first day;
  • can be taken by women during lactation and pregnancy;
  • there is a small number of adverse reactions, well tolerated by patients;
  • can be used in any clinical forms of laryngitis.
  • expensive, packaging costs about 600 rubles;
  • The pills are big so it's hard to take them.


According to the instructions, you need to drink the medicine once a day. As a rule, Suprax is used when therapy against the background of penicillin antibiotics turned out to be ineffective. Such a drug is very effective and strong, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect in any diseases of the throat. Attributed to adults and children, it is available from the pharmacy in the form of syrup and capsules for oral administration.

Adverse reactions are rare. But sometimes allergy symptoms can occur in the form of hives and dysfunction of the digestive system. The price is high.

  • mainly prescribed for the treatment of ENT pathologies;
  • convenient to drink, only 1 time per day;
  • omitted in different dosage forms;
  • no harm, few side effects;
  • high therapeutic activity, quickly stops inflammation.
  • it is expensive, for one package you need to pay approximately 700 rubles;
  • taking an antibacterial agent can provoke hives.


Quite a strong and effective medicine with an affordable price. The medicine can cure even the most severe forms of laryngitis. It has positive feedback from both doctors and patients. The antibiotic is excellent, has a wide range of therapeutic effects. Doctors appreciate Tsiprolet for its high efficiency in the treatment of ENT pathologies. Especially often prescribed to patients in the absence of the proper result of therapy from antibiotics of the penicillin group.

Patients note good cost, convenient use and a minimum of negative consequences. However, in some cases, side effects still occur. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to start antibiotic treatment on your own, especially for children.

  • affordable price;
  • broad therapeutic activity;
  • effective in all forms of laryngitis;
  • convenient reception scheme;
  • positive feedback from medical professionals.
  • can cause side effects in the form of allergies;
  • the drug is contraindicated in childhood.


Lozenges, even at the initial stage of laryngitis, are not used as the main treatment. Their action is rather symptomatic, they help to get rid of sore throat and pain. In combination with medications, they significantly improve the patient's condition and help relieve inflammation.

Lozenges, lozenges and lozenges have no side effects and are safe for the patient, so they can be bought without a prescription and doctor's prescription. However, they should be used following the manufacturer's recommendations and should not exceed the indicated daily dose. By starting to take resorption agents at the first signs of the disease, you can speed up recovery and not start the disease.


These tablets are aimed at local action. They are great for relieving sore throats. The cost is attractive - only 115 rubles per pack.

It has a composition completely similar to the popular Strepsils drug. It effectively helps with laryngitis, relieving inflammation and swelling, has a temporary analgesic and antiseptic effect.Gorpils is produced in the form of lozenges and perfectly complements the main treatment. Pastilles have several different flavors, but you can not always buy them in pharmacies.

To obtain the effect, they should be absorbed at intervals of two hours. The tool is quite effective and safe. If it is available in the home first aid kit, then at the first sign of the disease they must be taken.

  • a more affordable analogue of Strepsils;
  • Sold in different flavors that will appeal to both adults and children;
  • has analgesic and antiseptic effect;
  • can be used as an addition to the main treatment;
  • has a local anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • prolonged use can cause oral dysbiosis;
  • Not all pharmacies have it in stock.


The drug is quite well-known and widespread, having a wide selection of different tastes. It can be bought at any pharmacy.

Lozenges are very active and effective. They quickly help relieve pain, eliminate sore throat, have a broad spectrum antiseptic effect. When used in complex therapy, the healing process is significantly accelerated. Even with advanced laryngitis with cough and sore throat, the tablets help by stopping the cough and reducing the swelling of the larynx. Many patients consider the periodicity of administration an inconvenience, since the tablets have to be sucked every 3 hours.

  • effectively helps to get rid of unpleasant and painful sensations with laryngitis;
  • tablets are sold in a wide range of flavors;
  • has a quick effect, immediately after resorption, the patient feels relieved;
  • doctors respond positively to the drug.
  • cannot be used as the main treatment, but only in combination with drug therapy;
  • frequent intake is required.


Ergoferon is an antiviral drug designed to prevent and treat influenza and SARS in adults and children from 6 months of age. It also treats acute intestinal infections of viral etiology. According to the results of clinical studies, ergoferon has confirmed its high efficacy and safety, combined with the absence of side effects. Helps support immunity. It is recommended to apply courses or from the first day of deterioration of health.

The price is about 400 rubles.

  • combined with other antiviral and symptomatic agents;
  • does not affect the control of the vehicle;
  • convenient release form.
  • price.


Doctors very often use for the treatment of laryngitis in complex therapy. The drug, long and well known to both doctors and patients, has a pleasant chocolate taste and has a quick effect. If you start taking it at the first symptoms of the disease, then the healing process comes much faster.

It does not cause side effects, it is completely safe. It can be taken by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children over three years old. The antibacterial effect of the tablets is weak, so it is not used as the main treatment, but only in combination with complex therapy. The price is much lower than most analogues, which attracts buyers.

  • means well-known, time-tested and a large number of patients;
  • provides quick relief, relieves pain;
  • has a pleasant taste, suitable for the treatment of adults and children;
  • effectively reduces sore throat;
  • affordable price.
  • used only in combination with medical treatment, not suitable for use as a main
  • medicinal product;
  • should be taken at the first sign of laryngitis.


All patients who have experienced the effectiveness of this medication note its effectiveness in the treatment of laryngitis. It is quite famous and popular due to its fast action and low cost.

Tablets, which have a very pleasant taste, can be taken even by children. It does not give an immediate effect of anesthesia, but with frequent resorption, painful and inflammatory manifestations not only decrease, but also disappear. To obtain a pronounced therapeutic result, it is necessary to take at least 8 tablets per day. But doctors note that such an amount is completely safe, tablets can be taken by children over three years old, and by pregnant and lactating women. The cost, according to patients and doctors, is too high.

  • has a delicate, but effective and quick effect, relieves pain and inflammation;
  • the drug is approved for use in pediatric complex therapy, starting from the age of three;
  • has a wide spectrum of action, has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect;
  • the tablets have a pleasant taste, they are easy to take;
  • recommended as a prophylactic for recurrent and chronic laryngitis.
  • ineffective as an independent remedy, used only in complex treatment regimens;
  • the cost of lozenges, according to many patients, is too high;
  • the regimen is not very convenient - it is taken 4 times a day, 2 tablets.


During the treatment of laryngitis, one of the mandatory drugs is a spray. These are high-quality therapeutic agents that effectively help to alleviate the patient's condition. The atomizer evenly distributes the therapeutic liquid over the entire surface of the mucous membrane of the throat. Medicines and additional components that make up the spray have an antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Helps relieve swelling and eliminate discomfort when swallowing.

Theraflu LAR

This is a very high quality and effective spray. Its price is quite high, but it's worth it. The composition includes lidocaine, which instantly helps to get rid of pain in the throat and significantly reduces inflammation. The main active ingredient has a wide spectrum of action, which has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic effects.

Doctors unanimously consider the spray to be an excellent auxiliary medicine in combination with the main treatment regimen for laryngitis, however, they warn that it is contraindicated for people who are intolerant to lidocaine. All the rest are allowed daily spraying up to six times, it all depends on the severity of the disease.

Theraflu LAR
  • quickly relieves swelling and pain, thanks to the action of lidocaine;
  • has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action of a wide spectrum;
  • has no side effects, well tolerated;
  • used as an adjunct to the main treatment, helping to speed up the healing process.
  • has contraindications for people with intolerance to lidocaine.


A tool that is quite well-known and familiar to many patients due to its wide spectrum of action and effective results.

Doctors appreciate it for its wide range of action, which helps to quickly reduce inflammation. It brings relief to patients, relieves perspiration and pain in the throat. Tolerability of the drug is very good, without the occurrence of adverse reactions.

Geksoral can be used as the main therapeutic agent at the initial stage of the disease, with small inflammatory processes, as well as chronic forms of laryngitis. If the disease occurs in an acute form, it is prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment. Some patients note that with constant use of the spray, taste sensations may be disturbed. Another disadvantage is the cost, pharmacies can offer more affordable counterparts.

  • has a fast and effective action;
  • has good tolerability without side effects;
  • helps relieve pain;
  • it is used as the main tool and in the scheme of complex treatment to speed up the healing process;
  • effective in the treatment of laryngitis and actively acts against various pathogens.
  • too high price, in pharmacies you can find cheaper sprays with a similar spectrum of action;
  • disturbs the sense of taste.


This is the most affordable drug used to treat laryngitis. Its average price is only 70 rubles.

The spray is familiar to many patients, as it has been produced for a long time. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. It is sold in the form of an aerosol, which distributes the drug more evenly (compared to sprays) over the mucous membrane of the throat.The spray is used both for acute forms of laryngitis and for chronic ones. Even prolonged use of the product does not violate the normal state of the microflora of the oral cavity.

Aerosol has a quick and effective effect, reducing pain, softening cough, relieving swelling and inflammation. An additional advantage is its cost. Some users note a not very pleasant aftertaste.

  • affordable cost for any patient;
  • well balanced composition;
  • familiar to the consumer, has been produced for quite a long time;
  • helps to reduce pain, soften cough, relieve inflammation;
  • used in complex therapy at the initial stage and in chronic laryngitis.
  • individual components can cause allergic reactions;
  • Not every consumer likes the taste of the aerosol.

Maxicold ENT

A very effective spray that instantly relieves not only pain symptoms, but also itching and dryness in the throat area. The duration of the drug is much longer than other analogues, so you can use it only twice a day.

Maxicold ENT differs from many similar sprays in a longer action. At the initial stage of the disease and with small inflammations, it is enough to do only 2-3 sprays per day. This will help to get rid of the pain and significantly speed up the recovery. A little complicates the use of a spray for the treatment of childhood laryngitis, its unpleasant aftertaste, but this is offset by a quick therapeutic effect.

It is prescribed for the treatment of laryngitis caused by pathogens of various origins, since its spectrum of action is quite wide. The spray is not used as an independent remedy, it is prescribed only in combination with the main therapy.

Maxicold ENT
  • prolonged action, compared with similar means, they are used much less frequently;
  • effectiveness in the treatment of chronic and acute laryngitis in adults and children;
  • reduces pain in the throat, speeds up the healing process;
  • easy-to-use sprayer;
  • reduces sore throat, can be used for coughing.
  • the taste is unpleasant, users do not like it.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of adult and children's laryngitis, you can use herbs that have anti-inflammatory, soothing and disinfecting effects.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs help both at the initial stage of the disease and in chronic forms.


Proven by more than one generation folk remedy. It helps relieve pain and inflammation in the larynx and tonsils. A decoction of chamomile flowers has a calming effect and relieves inflammation of the throat.

To prepare a medicinal decoction, one tablespoon of chamomile flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused until completely cooled. Then the broth must be filtered. The liquid can be gargled and taken orally. A very good effect is given by tea made from chamomile and linden flowers. It tastes good and can be drunk throughout the day without any restrictions.

  • sedative effect;
  • reduces irritation;
  • reduces pain.
  • gives a visible effect only in combination with complex therapy.


The leaves and flowers of the plant contain phytoncides, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Their decoction is used as an expectorant.

For the treatment of laryngitis, nettle flower tea is prepared by pouring 20 g of the collection with 4 cups of boiling water.You can make tea with the addition of chamomile in equal proportions. The infusion is prepared in a thermos, tea can be drunk throughout the day. The same infusion is recommended to gargle.

  • relieves inflammation and dryness;
  • reduces pain.
  • used with complex therapy.


This herb has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Decoctions and infusions of sage have an expectorant effect, so it is used for coughs and laryngitis to remove sputum.
To prepare a decoction, take 2 teaspoons of sage and a glass of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for half an hour. The composition can be taken orally and gargle with it.

  • relieves inflammation and irritation;
  • used as tea.
  • not identified.

If the patient, who has been diagnosed with laryngitis, chooses the right complex treatment in time, it will be possible to avoid surgical intervention.

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