Pediculosis is not an open topic of conversation. Society associates the disease with low living standards or the problems of the last century, although this is not always the case. Quite often, lice infestation occurs in educational and preschool institutions. And you should know that this trouble can be removed in a couple of hours. The modern world is filled with numerous cosmetic and disinfectant preparations that help protect and prevent the further spread of parasites. But these funds do not always guarantee protection from pediculosis. Therefore, it is so important to choose a truly effective lice remedy in 2022.
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Medical products against pediculosis should definitely be purchased in pharmacy chains!
These products are divided into main groups:
The list of medicines, where the medicines are arranged in order of decreasing effectiveness, will help you choose the most suitable ones. The composition will also tell a lot, because some active substances only kill the larva, while others can cause the final death of large individuals and ripe nits.
The essential oils contained in the composition will be a positive addition, thanks to the film, a suffocating effect is created and insects die.
It is worth paying attention to the state of health. For people with asthma or allergies, smells can be problematic.
Consider the most suitable means of getting rid of lice, based on consumer reviews.
One of the easiest to use, quite effective methods of combating parasitic skin disease. They give an instant effect, children's shampoos do not contain harmful substances and side effects. But some components contained in shampoos, after all, are not very safe.
Pediculosis is still considered a delicate topic, which is customary to remain silent. The thing is that most people associate it with unsanitary conditions and the Middle Ages. On the one hand, indeed, there are a huge number of means that allow you to deal with this disease and prevent its spread. However, anyone can encounter lice, especially if he has a child who goes to school or kindergarten. Most often, it is there that children become infected with pediculosis. This disease is not so scary, because it can be completely cured in a few hours. There are many reviews on the most popular means, and conclusions can be drawn from them.
Lice live on the human skin, feeding on blood every couple of hours. Signs of the appearance of lice are accompanied by frequent and severe itching, which brings discomfort and skin irritation. Insects begin to grow and spread rapidly, adapt to the environment, which complicates disposal. The presence of modern drugs helps to cure lice in a short time. Consider the characteristics of commonly used pharmaceutical special equipment against lice.
PEDICULEN ULTRA shampoo destroys adult parasites and nits in just one application. This is one of the few remedies that actually destroys lice and nits, and does not paralyze them. PEDICULEN ULTRA product line: shampoo, spray, lotion.They are considered the best series of products in the fight against pediculosis, developed jointly with the Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor. In addition, the kits include a magnifying glass for easier detection of adult insects and nits, as well as a special comb with metal teeth that do not injure the scalp.
The volume of the shampoo bottle is 200 ml, it is enough for 20 applications for short hair, that is, for all family members. The composition contains ethyl alcohol, anise oil, active additives.
Cost: 500-600 r.
Effective yellow liquid with a pleasant aroma. To get rid of tenacious insects, larvae and eggs, a single application is enough. The composition contains dimethicone 4% and other components that strengthen the effect.
The medicine is a bottle with a nozzle, in addition with a double-sided comb. The comb will serve to comb out and check for pediculosis from other relatives. Shake the bottle before use. The liquid is applied only to dry hair, and remains on the hair until the morning.
The solution is not printed with greasy stains on clothes, so it is not necessary to cover your head. After 8 hours, Paranit is washed off with a simple shampoo.
Cost: 1000 r.
A severe lice infestation is treated with a liquid concentrate, its saturation is more effective.
They produce 24 ml vials and 2 ml ampoules, the dosage will allow you to purchase the right amount of medicine. The concentrate is diluted to the desired solution, then the affected area is treated.
Important! It is necessary to dilute the concentrate according to the instructions, the finished composition should be applied immediately, the remaining liquid cannot be stored.
It is applied to the affected areas, distributed along the entire length of the strands, left for half an hour, then washed off with shampoo.
Cost: 150 rubles.
One of the best helpers in the fight against pediculosis is rightfully considered a spray from French manufacturers, which will successfully rid a person of any parasites.
The method of using Para Plus is simple. First of all, it is sprayed on the hair along the entire length. Then it is recommended to wait a few minutes and wash your hair as usual with shampoo or soap. It should be borne in mind that the longer and thicker the hair, the greater the spray consumption.
Cost: 480 rubles.
This remedy is good because it is made on the basis of natural preparations, which means it does not cause allergies and can be used even by children.The natural composition without insecticides and sulfates does not spoil the hair structure. In addition, the peppermint essential oils contained in the shampoo repel parasites, providing protection for the future.
Shampoo should be used within 14 days, then it will prove its effectiveness.
More aggressive drugs work faster, but if a small child brought home lice, or there are wounds on the scalp, only Nit Free shampoo will help.
The cost is 1100 rubles.
An inexpensive drug for lice, however, is just as effective as products from foreign manufacturers. The most effective component of the shampoo is permethrin.It is he who is responsible for the death of parasites, because he penetrates through the chitinous shell.
Those who have used Pedilin notice that it lathers poorly, but otherwise it is indistinguishable from a normal hair wash. There are 100 ml bottles on sale, one bottle is enough to get rid of parasites for an entire family of three.
Cost: 300 rubles.
Another excellent remedy for annoying insects is the Bulgarian Hygia shampoo. In pharmacies, you can find the product in 120 ml bottles; it is sold complete with a comb for combing eggs.
The shampoo comes in the form of a concentrated gel, so a very small dose is enough for one procedure. The concentration of the most active element - permethrin - is only 1% per 100 ml. shampoo. Therefore, Hygia is absolutely harmless to human skin. Another synthetic element in the composition is called perithroid, but it is also safe, since its molecules break down in the air.
Cost: 350 rubles.
This tool has a broad-spectrum component. The fact that permethrin has a detrimental effect on lice became known forty years ago. And today the tool has not lost its popularity. They were able to synthesize a unique substance from permethrins, on the basis of which they created a new drug called Veda-2. It has the same beneficial properties as its predecessor, only its composition is supplemented with components that are gentle on the skin. For the procedure, measure from one to three tablespoons of shampoo and beat until foam forms. To destroy adults, you should hold the shampoo on your hair for several minutes.
Cost: 150-200 rubles.
Even the most expensive and working means are not enough. Clothing, bed linen, mattresses and upholstered furniture should be thoroughly treated to avoid re-infection. Processing should be carried out twice, with an interval of 7-10 days. During this time, new individuals appear from those eggs that could not be destroyed. With proper handling and patience, you can forget about parasites for a long time.