The state of pregnancy for a woman is a time of joy and anticipation of meeting her baby. This condition can overshadow toxicosis, and in severe forms, harm the fetus. The main task of the mother is to protect her baby, so it is very important to take medicines that do not harm the unborn child. It is important to find out what helps, how to take the drug, which is better absorbed, the characteristics and contraindications of drugs. We have selected a list of the best drugs, reviewed popular models, how much this or that drug costs, we will also tell you about the types, as well as the degree of toxicosis.
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It means "poisonous" in Greek. What characterizes the disease as poisonous (negatively affecting) the body of a woman. During pregnancy, a woman may experience unpleasant symptoms, as the body reacts to environmental factors, in conjunction with changes in the body itself. This is not a disease, but rather a complication of pregnancy.
It is manifested by the presence of nausea and a decrease in the general well-being of a woman. It comes in the first trimester from 5-6 weeks, should pass by 13-14 weeks. If the symptoms began before 5 weeks of pregnancy, then this characterizes the presence of any pathology, since up to 21 days from fertilization, the egg does not have a common blood flow with the woman, and cannot affect her condition.
Early toxicosis is considered safe, does not affect the development of the fetus. As long as it's not severe.
You should immediately consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms:
Causes of early toxicosis:
Early toxicosis is diagnosed quite easily. They may additionally prescribe examinations: ultrasound of the uterus (to clarify the term and development of the embryo), a urine test for protein, acetone, a biochemical blood test.
It is also called eclampsia. It manifests itself in the later stages, at about 27-28 weeks. Characterized by a decrease in the general well-being of a woman, nausea, vomiting, sudden changes in blood pressure.
Late toxicosis (gestosis) is more dangerous for the woman and for the fetus. Most often occurs in nulliparous women after 35 years, as well as in multiple pregnancies.
Also, the reasons may be:
The main symptoms of gestosis:
Symptoms may appear in combination or separately. It is very important to tell your doctor if you have any doubts.
Weight loss up to 3 kg, no dehydration, vomiting up to 4 times a day.It does not require hospitalization, some women do not even go to the doctor with such symptoms.
Weight loss up to 6 kg, general state of health is poor, vomiting up to 10 times a day, the temperature rises (up to 37.5 degrees). Acetone is detected in the urine. The need for hospital treatment is determined by the doctor, infusions are prescribed and sedatives are prescribed.
Weight loss up to 10 kg in 2 weeks, hyperthermia, dehydration, the level of protein in the woman's blood decreases. Blood pressure decreases, heart rate increases, acetone in the urine rises. Such symptoms require hospitalization and constant monitoring by a doctor, with the use of various drugs.
In very rare cases, when the threat becomes fatal for a woman, an emergency caesarean section may be performed in order to save the mother of the child.
Before using any remedy, you need to consult with your gynecologist, it is he who will tell you how to choose effective drugs, which one is better to buy, which one is suitable not only for the mother, but also will not harm the child.
It must be understood that in the early stages, with a slight manifestation, folk remedies can be dispensed with, but in the later stages, the disease can be dangerous for pregnant women, and the doctor who leads the woman's pregnancy will already determine how to deal with toxicosis.
Good drugs can help with early toxicosis. The list of herbs is very large, so be sure to check with your doctor. It is important for every mother that her child is born healthy and at the right time, so you need to choose a safe remedy against toxicosis.
Various fees. They improve the general condition and nourish the body with essential vitamins.
You can add raisins, cherries and other berries and fruits you love to the decoctions.
Cranberry. It relieves nausea with early toxicosis. You can add lemon juice.
Pumpkin. It also relieves an attack of nausea and vomiting, honey and lemon can be added to the fruit drink.
Orange, grapefruit and tomato can be consumed diluted up to 500 g / day.
Pomegranate. You can eat it with bones or squeeze the juice, soothes the taste buds, quickly relieves signs of nausea.
Folk remedies can alleviate the symptoms, but they cannot completely affect the body and remove the symptoms completely. The doctor will select certain drugs for you to get rid of this ailment.
A variety of aromas also relieve attacks of toxicosis, for each woman they are different, someone loves the aroma of orange, someone likes roses or mint. Choose an oil that will make you feel better. Drops can be applied to a handkerchief or clothes, which enhances the aroma, and periodically inhale it, you can use special sticks. Approximate time for aroma sessions: from 5 minutes to 20 minutes a day.
Acupressure is common in China, it is a massage of biologically active points. Improves overall well-being and adds vitality. Normalizes the National Assembly and relieves irritation and fatigue. These points are arranged in pairs:
Acupressure is not recommended to be done on your own.
All drugs are aimed at suppressing the symptoms of toxicosis, but in addition, they help to improve the general condition of pregnant women and normalize other processes during pregnancy. Rescue from vitamin deficiency, help from fatigue, reduces fatigue. Drugs are prescribed only by the doctor you are seeing, self-administration of any means can be harmful and lead to negative consequences. The doctor will prescribe how to take, what should be the dosage. Sometimes, in addition to remedies for toxicosis, vitamin complexes are prescribed for prevention.
Homeopathic preparations:
Infusion solutions (used only in severe form, in late toxicosis):
Used to improve liver and gallbladder function. Method of application: orally. The composition includes natural plant ingredients (field artichoke). Reduces fetal hypoxia. Price: from 390 rubles.
Helps restore the liver, contains natural ingredients. Helps improve placental flow.
Price: from 500 rubles.
Combats the symptoms of intoxication. Available in the form of a gel. Restores the intestinal microflora. It will definitely help with severe nausea and vomiting. Not a very convenient form of release, you have to dilute it with water to take it.
Average price: 500 rubles.
Relieves nausea. Available in tablets. The range of intended applications is very large. Contains only activated charcoal and potato starch. Do not use with stomach ulcers. Price: from 20 rubles.
Antiemetic. Quickly and effectively relieves the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Available in the form of tablets or as a solution for injection. Price: from 134 rubles.
Antiemetic, antihistamine. It affects the work of the central nervous system, therefore it is not recommended to use it while driving a car or during other work related to concentration.
Homeopathic remedy. Produced in the form of tablets. Main application: when motion sickness in transport. Average price: 300 rubles.
Homeopathic remedy. Produced in the form of dragees. Herbal preparation. It affects the central nervous system, internal organs, respiratory organs and the body as a whole. Average price: 100 rubles.
It has anti-shock, antiemetic and sedative effects on the human body. Available as a solution for injection. Price: from 100 rubles.
The drug is prescribed for severe symptoms of toxicosis and other types of intoxication. Available in the form of a solution for infusion. Price: from 116 rubles.
Available as a solution for infusion. Contains only human albumin. It is used as a postoperative agent, anti-shock, for disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Is a source of protein. Price range: from 1,867 to 4,000 rubles.
It helps to saturate the body with water, is used in a state of shock, to maintain the required level of plasma in the blood. Applied to adults and children from 12 years. Average price: 1000 rubles.
It must be remembered that without a doctor's prescription, you should not drink any drug, it can harm you and your unborn child. Particular attention should be paid to the medicine, where the annotation states that the effect of the drug on the body of the expectant mother and fetus is not proven.
For the proper intrauterine development of the baby, it is important to maintain the well-being of the mother, you can discuss with the doctor the intake of a vitamin complex that strengthens the immune system and improves the general condition of the body.
In addition to taking medicines and herbs, you can follow some other recommendations to improve your health:
Follow these not tricky rules, and if necessary, choose a drug for toxicosis together with your doctor!