In the 20th century, dark circles under the eyes were a fashion item, and women who followed the latest trends wore dark makeup on their faces. Most often, eyeshadows were used for this purpose, which were shaded, giving the look a dramatic touch. Currently, this trend is not popular, and women are trying their best to get rid of this feature.
Many people do not attach importance to the dark circles that appear in the eye area. But the appearance of this symptom may be associated with simple overwork or indicate diseases that a person suffers from. In this article, we will try to figure out why the skin can darken, find out how to deal with this trouble, and also tell you what to look for when choosing cosmetics that are designed to eliminate problems with the epidermis.
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Since the epidermis in the area around the eyes is thin and reacts sharply to changes in the state of human health, most problems are reflected in this area immediately. Most often, the reason for the appearance of such a defect is complex and is associated with a whole list of reasons. According to studies, such a defect is most often manifested in women or children, since their dermis is thinner than men.
Causes that cause bruising and are not associated with diseases:
In the event that none of the previous reasons could cause the appearance of "bruises", in accordance with the recommendations of physicians, it is necessary to conduct an assessment of the state of health. Causes arising from diseases:
Whatever the reason for the formation of bruises under the eyes, it is recommended first of all to try to eliminate it, since the use of cosmetic products is simply a leveling of external signs that does not eliminate the initial symptoms.
The product manufacturer is known as a manufacturer of cosmetics based on herbs and other plants growing in Siberia. The main tasks that the cream performs are moisturizing and restoring flabby, swollen skin. The active ingredient is Kuril tea. Any tea is a proven folk remedy for puffiness, and Kuril tea is also distinguished by its healing properties. It is believed that it improves blood circulation, promotes cell regeneration in all layers of the epidermis, and also does not cause allergic reactions, since it does not contain the main allergens that are added to other cosmetics. In addition to tea, the composition contains another active ingredient - ginseng extract, which soothes and improves the elasticity of the dermis. The composition also contains a vitamin complex (A, C, E), which saturates the cells with useful microelements.
Unlike other similar products, the gel is placed in a jar with a pump, so that fingers are not allowed to contact with the composition, which contributes to the preservation of consumer properties for a longer period (after opening the package, the shelf life is 12 months).
The jar is opaque, which makes it difficult to control the residue, and the cream can run out at the most inopportune moment.The bottle, as well as the box, have a bright color, thanks to which it stands out from competitors on store shelves. The volume of the product is 30 ml. Since the consumption is small, this amount is enough for 3 months or more. The product box contains a leaflet with a detailed description of the characteristics of the gel, as well as tips for use.
The consistency of the gel is soft, but at the same time dense. It spreads easily and does not leave a sticky feeling. The smell is herbal, similar to chamomile aroma. Apply the gel twice a day - morning and evening. According to the general opinion of buyers, no clear effect was found from the use of the gel in the form of eliminating dark spots, however, cosmetics nourish and moisturize the epidermis well, helping to reduce existing wrinkles and preventing the formation of new ones. The average price of a product is 350 rubles.
As the name of the product suggests, the main ingredient in the mask is shark oil. It is one of the most budgetary cosmetics, since prices for other similar masks start at 50 rubles. A Russian-made mask costs an order of magnitude cheaper than products from Korean brands, while not inferior to them in terms of performance. There are practically no artificial ingredients in the composition, most of them are natural: shark oil, plant extracts (parsley, sage, horse chestnut), vitamins (E, C).Cosmetics with glycerin protects the skin from the harmful effects of adverse environmental factors, helps smooth wrinkles.
The manufacturer claims that the circles under the eyes are reduced due to the fact that the blood supply to the upper layers of the dermis improves. Plant extracts help to reduce fluid retention, which relieves puffiness and helps to eliminate "bags". You need to apply the mask according to the following scheme: cleanse the face of impurities, and distribute the gel-like composition with rubbing movements, leaving it for 10-20 minutes. After that, the mask is washed off with warm running water. To achieve the desired result, during the first two weeks, the procedure must be repeated daily, and later - 2-3 times a week.
The product is suitable for all skin types, can be used both in the daytime and at night (evening) time. Buyers note a pleasant fruity aroma, as well as pronounced hydration. Some customers also noticed a reduction in puffiness, but no one's dark circles decreased. The average price of a product is 40 rubles.
Patches with orange extract and hyaluronic acid are sold in a pack of 2 pieces, and are designed for just one application. Most of the ingredients in the composition are natural. One of the best cosmetics manufacturers has developed this tool specifically to relieve puffiness and eliminate bruises under the eyes.It is stated that after using the patches, the temperature of the skin around the eyelids decreases by 4ºС, which contributes to the outflow of excess fluid.
Like other manufacturers of various products, the manufacture of goods is established in China, which reduces the price of the final product. Patches are recommended to be stored in the refrigerator to improve performance. After cleaning the face, you need to remove the protective film from the patches and apply them to problem areas. It is recommended to keep them on the face for at least 15 minutes, after which remove and distribute the remains of the gel in those places where it is small. If you don't like the sticky feeling, make-up residue can be removed with a cotton pad.
Customers note a light, unobtrusive aroma, as well as a uniform texture of the gel with which the patches are impregnated. After using the product, for some time there is a feeling of stickiness, but the composition is absorbed and after 5 minutes there are no traces of it. According to reviews, they are more suitable for oily skin, as dry skin requires additional application of oily cream some time after use. The moisturizing effect lasts no more than 3 hours after application. The average price of a product is 270 rubles.
The rating continues with serum, which is designed specifically for skin care in the area around the eyes.It is suitable for all types of epidermis, and can be used both during the day and at night. Serum is sold in bottles of 10 ml, in the kit there is a pipette that allows you to dose the product depending on the need. Serum increases blood circulation in the capillaries, stimulating cellular metabolism and removing edema, which are formed when the epidermis is not sufficiently saturated. A whitening effect is also claimed, which reduces the severity of age spots.
Active ingredients - hyaluronic acid, glycerin and peptides. There are also oils and plant extracts (lavender, licorice root). Serum is designed for sensitive dermis, does not cause allergic reactions and has a moisturizing and nourishing effect, which is important for dry skin. Flavonoids of licorice extract help strengthen capillaries and prevent their destruction, which helps to reduce darkening. Customers also note anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous action, which eliminates the formation of bags and tones the epidermis. Mulberry prevents the recurrence of age spots, and also activates the production of collagen in cells. According to women, the serum is easy to apply and spread, dries quickly and does not leave a sticky residue, allowing you to quickly apply makeup.
Apply the product in small portions twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The manufacturer claims a long shelf life - up to 34 months, including after opening the package. The average price of a product is 2,200 rubles.
The French-made fluid is "sharpened" to correct exactly the "bruises" under the eyes. It is believed that it has an effect similar to injections of hyaluronic acid, thanks to which it saves from dark circles of three types: blue, brown, and also in-depth (sunken). The manufacturer claims that the effect of using the product becomes noticeable after a week. To confirm the effectiveness, scientific studies were carried out, which showed that some subjects even noted an instant effect. The maximum result is achieved a month after the start of use.
The fluid is intended for all types of epidermis, including sensitive ones. Does not cause allergic reactions. Active components - peptides with a complex of vitamins (C, E). They accelerate biosynthesis in tissues, improve cellular metabolism and stimulate blood circulation. Vitamin C has a whitening effect, reducing the brightness of age spots. The fluid does not contain artificial colors. The application is standard - you need to distribute the liquid with massaging movements in the required area. Customers note a pronounced visible result, however, it is noted that only problems caused by congestion in the epidermis are eliminated, and in the case of thin skin through which blood vessels are visible, the fluid is useless. Despite the small volume - 5 ml, due to the fact that the fluid is applied to a small area, it is consumed economically, and the bottle lasts for several months. The average price of a product is 1,600 rubles.
The Swiss product is designed to tone the epidermis in an area that has become problematic for many residents of modern megacities - around the eyes. The serum is sold in a 15 ml bottle, and according to the manufacturer's recommendations, should be used in courses of 10-14 weeks to achieve the expected result.
The main active ingredients are hyaluronic acid, peptides, and yeast protein. After applying the serum, capillary permeability improves, oxygen saturation increases, and swelling decreases due to the outflow of lymph from problem areas. The manufacturer claims that the darkening of the circles is reduced in 32% of cases, and in 35% - they completely disappear. Cosmetics belong to the category of professional, but it is allowed to use it at home, subject to all the requirements of the manufacturer. Serum is recommended to be applied 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, while it can be used both independently and as a base for make-up. Unlike other similar products, serum also relieves swelling of the lower and upper eyelids.
The biocomplex has no pronounced odor, it is a clear liquid. According to customer reviews, swelling decreases within a few hours after application, and "bruises" begin to disappear after a few weeks. Of the features of the customer, an inconvenient dispenser is noted - even with a slight pressure, it gives out a large portion of serum, which exceeds the required volume. The average price of a product is 1,500 rubles.
Most of the remedies for circles under the eyes are in the price category up to 10,000 rubles, while almost all cosmetics in this range are intended for use by women who have age-related changes on the face (wrinkles, darkening, puffiness). The functionality of care products in this category mainly involves the elimination of wrinkles, and the lightening of dark spots comes as an added bonus.
The review continues with the cream, which by its name directly indicates the scope of application - bruises and swelling in the eyelids. The product of Australian origin is popular due to the effect that appears after systematic use. It is worth noting that the manufacturer promises results only if the cream is used for at least 2 months, so before choosing this drug, you need to make sure that your budget is capable of such a purchase. Many customers complain about how much a 15 ml bottle costs - not every woman can afford such a purchase, however, according to reviews, it justifies itself.
Among the reviews, one can often find the opinion that one should not expect a result immediately after the start of application. Many customers became disillusioned with the cream within a few weeks after application and did not get the expected effect.However, those of them who continued to use it did not regret the purchase.
The manufacturer claims that cosmetics do not have a therapeutic effect, but it helps to fight the stagnation of biliverdin and bilirubin, which are formed in the upper layers of the epidermis as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin. Due to the fact that with age the dermis loses its functions, becomes less elastic, the situation worsens. The cream contains two active ingredients - HaloxylT (a peptide that destroys the remnants of red particles that lead to bruising) and the second, the name of which is kept secret by the manufacturer. It is a complex of several substances that are of natural origin and are bleaching agents that reduce pigmentation. Apply cosmetics in the morning and evening, rubbing into the dermis with massaging movements. After application, you can use decorative cosmetics. A few minutes after application, there is no sticky feeling, the cream is absorbed within a few minutes. The average price of a product is 3,500 rubles.
The French brand is famous for the quality of its products, and this cream is no exception. Despite the fact that the product is no longer a novelty, it is still popular among women in their 30s who are looking after their skin.The manufacturer promises a multi-effect, which includes: rejuvenation, nutrition and saturation with vitamins and microelements, removal of edema, elimination of dark circles. Unlike other similar cosmetic products, the tube has a non-standard design - application is carried out using a spatula made of super-cold (as the manufacturer claims) metal material.
The structure of the gel is homogeneous, white. It is applied and absorbed evenly, does not leave a sticky feeling and is practically odorless. Customers note that some time after the start of use, bruises reduce the intensity of the color, and swelling goes away. The gel is suitable for all skin types and is applied twice a day - morning and evening. Active ingredients - caffeine, peptides, vitamins C and E. Does not contain parabens. After the gel, you can use any kind of makeup, they all lie flat and do not roll. Among the shortcomings, there is insufficient nutritional value of the gel - with dry dermis, you should not apply it at night, since by morning a feeling of dryness may appear. The average price of a product is 3,550 rubles.
The product of the French brand has gained a large number of positive reviews on the network, and they all claim that this remedy is one of the best in the fight against bruising and swelling under the eyes.The active ingredients are hyaluronic acid, peptides, plant extracts, as well as a secret ingredient, the origin of which the manufacturer does not disclose. The tool is in a bottle with a dispenser, each press of which gives out a portion of the cream for one eye. Some women feel that the amount of serum is too big, but the manufacturer claims that the skin must be "bathed" in it to achieve the desired effect.
The texture of the serum is light, applied without lumps, distributed and absorbed in a fraction of a minute. After application, a cooling effect remains, which lasts for several hours. Makeup applied over cosmetics does not roll off and retains all its properties.
It is advisable to store it in the refrigerator. With daily use, a tube will last about six months. The serum is suitable for all skin types. Most women who have tried the product claim that it copes with swelling, reducing them, and also whitens the dermis, making bruises less noticeable. In case dark circles are caused by health problems, the serum will not solve them, however, it will significantly improve the appearance. The average price of a product is 4,200 rubles.
When doubting which company is better to buy a remedy for circles under the eyes, it is important not to make a mistake when choosing, trusting advertising slogans. It should be understood that none of the products on sale is able to eliminate the internal cause of the appearance of defects on the face.They only mask it for a short time, during which the customer uses them. In order for the problem not to appear again and again, it is recommended to visit a doctor and find out the cause.
It is recommended to choose cosmetics after visiting a professional cosmetologist who will tell you what type of cosmetic products to pay attention to. It would also not be superfluous to read the reviews of women on independent sites that are not interested in selling the product to the final buyer. Unfortunately, only products that cost an order of magnitude more expensive than mass-market products can eliminate unwanted defects on the face, so before buying, you need to assess whether you are able to periodically lay out a considerable amount of money to solve existing problems (since in order to achieve the desired result, you need to periodically repeat cosmetic course).
We hope that our review will help you make the right choice!