
  1. Why do cockroaches appear in the house?
  2. What are the chemicals?
  3. How to choose an effective cockroach insecticide?
  4. Ranking of the best cockroach remedies in 2022

Rating of the best cockroach remedies in 2022

Rating of the best cockroach remedies in 2022

The appearance of cockroaches indoors is not uncommon. Sometimes this is the fault of the residents themselves. Everyone knows what harm cockroaches do, and therefore the fight against them is a rather relevant topic, especially given the vitality and fertility of these insects. Recently, thanks to modern technologies, the number of pests has decreased in comparison with past eras, but both private houses and multi-storey buildings still suffer from their invasion.

Why do cockroaches appear in the house?

Cockroaches are attracted to houses by the following factors:

  1. free access to food and water;
  2. an abundance of old unnecessary things where insects can find shelter;
  3. suitable temperature conditions;
  4. long delay of garbage in the bucket;
  5. scattered crumbs and cereals;
  6. a layer of fat in the space next to the stove;
  7. lack of mosquito nets and baseboards in the apartment, dry floors and window sills with many cracks;
  8. leaving a dirty wet rag next to the sink;
  9. leakage in water supply and sewerage systems;
  10. lack of gratings with small cells on the ventilation system.

Before you fight cockroaches with chemicals, you must eliminate the above factors.

There are folk remedies for pest control and one of the most effective, in which you definitely can’t make mistakes when choosing - cleanliness and order in the house, maintaining a good microclimate and technical condition of the house.

Pests can enter the apartment in the following ways:

  1. from neighbors who used chemicals to kill parasites, or who were looking for new food sources through cracks in the walls, ventilation network, cable ducts or through-outlet blocks;
  2. along with grocery purchases, especially if they are brought from the market - modern warehouses usually use the most effective means and regularly carry out pest control, but private traders often have large quantities of pests in storage;
  3. with appliances and other things purchased on the secondary market - a used TV may contain several cockroaches, which can potentially become a large colony;
  4. through parcels - online shopping has long become a part of everyday life, but individuals adapted to life can also arrive with them, for the extermination of which a very strong tool will be required;
  5. on clothes and shoes - the rarest way to carry pests, but also found. A cockroach can easily be brought by one of the household members who visited an apartment where toxic substances are not used.

What are the chemicals?

Many, when faced with cockroaches in their home, use a chemical control agent, such as an ultrasonic repeller or adhesive tape. Due to the high demand, there is a huge selection of such drugs on store shelves. However, in order to understand how to choose the right one, which company is better to use and which ones are, you need to understand the assortment.

Insecticides are:

  1. contact action - the poisonous substance enters the insect, penetrates under its chitinous layer and the poisonous components contained in the agent lead to the death of the animal;
  2. contact-intestinal action - they have a complex effect, that is, they not only penetrate the chitinous layer, but also have a detrimental effect when they enter the body through the eaten bait treated with the substance.

Also, funds are divided into:

  1. fast-acting - the most effective, according to buyers. These include sprays, aerosols and fumigators. With their help, cockroaches can be destroyed in a couple of hours, and with proper use, even a room heavily saturated with insects will be cleaned. However, even the best remedies of this group do not guarantee absolute elimination of parasites;
  2. slow action - this type includes pastes, gels, powders and a variety of traps. These are less popular models.With their help, pests can be removed in a couple of weeks, but with the right approach, parasites can be completely and permanently destroyed.

Despite the popularity of models from individual manufacturers, insecticides have their pros and cons.

Among the advantages:

  • quick effect;
  • inexpensive;
  • mass extermination of pests;
  • possibility of application even in hard-to-reach places;
  • noticeable result with any number of pests;
  • not just repel insects, but destroy;
  • can be used as a prevention of the appearance of cockroaches.


  • high toxicity to humans;
  • it is necessary to use a specialized means of protection;
  • the possibility of residual toxic components in the air for a long time after use;
  • even the best manufacturers offer tools that require occupant evacuation when applied.

How to choose an effective cockroach insecticide?

In order not to make mistakes, the following selection criteria must be considered:

  1. safety for people - all insecticides are thoroughly tested and contain warnings and descriptions of effects on the body on the packaging. If there are children in the house, then it is recommended to choose means with less lethal force.
  2. efficiency is one of the main qualities that you should pay attention to. The insecticide must have a mechanism of primary and secondary action on an individual insect and the colony as a whole;
  3. validity period - the longer the period of active exposure, the better the effect of the destruction of pests;
  4. ease of use and the level of change required in the characteristics of the room - for example, aerosols and smoke bombs can leave a smell in the room for a long time, and microbeads that need to be scattered on shelves also require some change in household habits.

Ranking of the best cockroach remedies in 2022

The rating of the best cockroach remedies in 2022 includes a variety of drugs that differ in the form of release, effectiveness, duration and safety, among them there are both budgetary and more expensive ones. Thus, everyone will be able to choose which one is better to buy and which one is suitable for his home.


Chalk is an effective household remedy designed to fight various insects, including cockroaches, flies, fleas and bedbugs. The main active ingredient is chlorpyrifos, known for its effective destroying effect.

The pencil acts in an infectious way, due to which even individuals who have not come into contact with the agent die.

  • adheres well to any material and can be easily removed;
  • easy to use;
  • low cost;
  • safe for humans and animals;
  • long period of action.
  • if rugs and bedding for animals were treated with an insecticide, then after a day they must be carefully knocked out, and after three - washed.

The average cost is 14 rubles, but how much the product costs at a particular outlet must be found out on the spot.


The gel is an effective insecticide for fighting cockroaches and ants. It is safe and can be used in various facilities, including residential buildings and children's institutions.

"Tarakanoff" refers to contact-intestinal preparations. When it enters the body of an insect, it causes a violation of the functions responsible for the passage of nerve impulses, and also causes disruption of the nervous system and leads to the death of the animal. However, the insect does not die immediately, but manages to return to its colony and provoke infection of other individuals.

  • has an attractive smell for parasites, but imperceptible to humans;
  • does not leave stains;
  • the effect persists for a long time;
  • ease of use.
  • reviews say that this insecticide deprives pests of a sense of space and turns off the view of the room, and therefore they can appear throughout the apartment and lie paralyzed anywhere, often annoying residents.

The average cost is 67 rubles.


This gel destroys red, black, American and other types of cockroaches. Due to its low toxicity, in the fight against parasites it can be used in all premises, including catering establishments and children's institutions.

The principle of the drug is based on the transfer of a poisonous substance from animal to animal. Due to the pleasant smell for pests, cockroaches come to the bait and eat the poison, which immediately affects the intestines and spreads almost instantly throughout the body. After a few hours, the insect dies, and it is eaten by its own relatives, who are also poisoned.

Absolute gel from cockroaches
  • low toxicity, due to which the insecticide is not harmful to humans and does not cause allergies even if it comes into contact with the skin. A negative effect is possible only with regular and prolonged contact of the gel and the skin;
  • leaves no residue after application, odorless;
  • ease of use;
  • low consumption of the product - 30 ml is enough to process 30 square meters of the room.
  • acts gradually, and does not destroy insects quickly and completely.

For the price, this remedy is quite cheap - 30 rubles per 30 ml.


Powder environmentally friendly disinfectant "Biovir" effectively destroys cockroaches, as well as ticks.The active substances contained in the preparation prevent the feeding of pests, their movement and reproduction. According to the manufacturer, the volume of the substance (5 grams) is sufficient to get rid of insects for 1-2 months.

The composition contains: mushroom for making cheese, dandelion extract, sawdust mixture and whey concentrate. Their combination attracts animals with a pleasant smell and they actively eat the powder, but due to special processing with the destruction function, the components are poisonous to pests.

  • safe for humans and pets;
  • effectively reduces the number of pests, up to complete destruction.
  • advice from users who have already used the insecticide says that it is stored for only 12 months in a dark, closed place, otherwise it ceases to work;
  • If the bait is exposed to moisture or direct sunlight, it must be completely replaced.

The average cost is 130 rubles.

Gel "Cucaracha" August

This tool is used to protect the premises from cockroaches, silverfish and wood lice. The gel contains food additives that effectively attract insects.

The action is based on the principle of "epidemic" - after contact with the composition, the individual becomes infected and, approaching other pests, infects them too.

Gel "Cucaracha" August
  • a convenient form that allows you to avoid direct contact with the composition, as well as to use the insecticide both on vertical surfaces and behind baseboards and in crevices.
  • before using the drug, it is necessary to remove people and pets from the premises, remove food and all plants.
  • professional protection is required.

The average cost of the product is 50 rubles for a volume of 30 ml.

It is available both in the form of a gel and spray, and in granules.

Aquafumigator "Evil Tad"

This liquid fumigator is designed to kill several types of insects, including: cockroaches, mosquitoes, fleas, ants, crickets, spiders and wood lice, as well as their eggs in various rooms.

It is recommended to fumigate all types of objects of any purpose (basements, garages and sheds), warehouses where there are no food products, as well as boats, trailers and other vehicles when placed indoors.

Aquafumigator "Evil Tad"
  • acts even on pests located in hard-to-reach places;
  • does not just scare away cockroaches, but destroys them.
  • it is forbidden to enter the treated room earlier than 2 hours after the start of treatment;
  • It is not recommended to use by persons with allergic diseases, as well as high sensitivity to medicinal and chemical substances.

Average price: 494 rubles.

Gel Dohlox Professional "Instant Poison"

A modern, effective insect repellent designed for professional and domestic use.

The release form of this drug is gel-like. The main active ingredient is finpronil. This tool has a contact-intestinal effect.

Dohlox gel contains a high concentration of the active substance and a bait that lures the insect closer to it. After entering the body, finpronil, which is part of the composition, causes disruption of the nervous system, and also prevents the stable transmission of nerve impulses to the life-supporting organs of the insect, which prevents it from eating and moving.

Gel Dohlox Professional "Instant Poison"
  • speed of action;
  • destroy pests for a long time, in most cases forever;
  • immediately ready for use;
  • easy to use;
  • low price.
  • it is necessary to carefully protect children and pets from interacting with the product - for them it is very harmful;
  • personal protective equipment is required to work with the gel.

The average cost is 350 rubles.

Aquafumigator "Raptor"

This device is effective for the destruction of various insects in residential and office buildings, except for medical and children's institutions. The main component is cyfenotrin, which has proven its effectiveness in the fight against insects and has a nerve-paralytic effect on them, but is absolutely safe for humans and animals, as it has low toxicity for them.

According to laboratory tests, the fumigator acts on 20 types of insects, including its functionality includes: cockroaches, flies, fleas, wasps, mosquitoes, spiders, wood lice, skin beetles and grinder beetles.

Aquafumigator "Raptor"
  • efficiency and good penetration into hard-to-reach places;
  • ease of use;
  • security, allowed to apply for home and public institutions.
  • does not affect the eggs and larvae of pests, which is why it is required to process the room several times.

The average cost is 437 rubles.

Aerosol "Combat Super Spray Plus"

The aerosol effectively kills cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, woodworms, kozheedov, mites, spiders and moths. The spray also reduces the number of germs on the surface, due to its antibacterial properties.

The composition includes imiprotrin, which adds a destructive effect to the characteristics of the drug, as well as cyfenotrin, which causes high insect mortality.

One of the main features of this spray is a flexible nozzle on the sprayer - it turns in different directions and allows you to destroy insects in hard-to-reach places. In addition, the nozzle allows you to spray the product, avoiding its contact with wallpaper and household appliances.

Aerosol "Combat Super Spray Plus"
  • substances in the composition effectively destroy insects, but are safe for people and pets;
  • equally effective both indoors and outdoors.
  • destroys living individuals, but does not affect larvae and eggs, and therefore requires periodic re-treatment;
  • despite the fact that the description of the product guarantees the safety of aerosols for people and animals, it is still recommended to spray it in a mask or respirator.

The average cost is 405 rubles.

Trap «Combat New SuperBait»

The electric trap was created using the latest technology to eliminate cockroach populations and therefore tops the rating of quality ones. The composition includes the insecticide hydramethylnon, which provides a damaging effect. This component is widely used in the American and Japanese chemical industries, becoming part of antiparasitic drugs.

The device does not have a toxic effect on humans or animals, and therefore is safe for all residents, including young children and pregnant women.

The mechanism of operation of the device is as follows: the agent lures the pest with an attractive smell, getting inside the device, the individual becomes infected by the contact-intestinal route, but does not die immediately, but manages to return to the shelter to others and infect them with poison. Thus, they die without even approaching the trap.

The whole process for residents is completely imperceptible, since the product has no smell.

Trap «Combat New SuperBait»
  • compact size;
  • safe for children and animals;
  • easy to install;
  • affordable price.
  • must be stored in a cool, dry, dark place, away from food, medicines and animal feed.

Average cost: 399 rubles.

Each of the products is suitable for use at home, but before use, you should carefully study the recommendations and figure out how to use the selected poison.

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