
  1. Kinds
  2. Reasons for the appearance
  3. Folk remedies
  4. Top 6 Best Bruise Remedies
  5. Conclusion

Rating of the best remedies for bruises for 2022

Rating of the best remedies for bruises for 2022

From bruises of varying severity, micro-ruptures occur in the capillaries. A pool of blood forms under the skin. Further, the blood in the tissues coagulates and a bruise forms. A remedy for bruises, aimed at reducing pain and swelling, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The rating of the best bruise remedies presented in this article will help you choose the “right tool” to eliminate the effects of a blow of one severity or another.


Bruises and hematomas, in most cases, appear from blows on blunt objects. Most often, bruising occurs from a strong mechanical effect on a part of the body, from a blow.The stronger the mechanical impact, the darker the injured area. The systematic appearance of dark spots for no reason indicates diseases of various organs and the circulatory system. Overwork, lack of sleep will be reflected on the face, under the eyes.

If bruises appear on their own, without exposure, this indicates serious diseases of the circulatory system or internal organs.

Hematomas are divided into types:

  • subserous;
  • subcutaneous;
  • head hematomas;
  • intramuscular.

The result of accumulation of blood in the abdomen or chest are subserous hematomas. It is dangerous to human health, requiring urgent medical attention.

Subcutaneous – usually mild lesions under the skin.

Intramuscular is a bruise, which was formed from a forceful effect on muscle tissue. The symptoms of the two kinds are the same - pain, internal, external swelling. These two types of hematomas are similar to each other, and the symptoms are almost the same (swelling, pain). Safe, go in 2 weeks.

Severe pain, nausea that occurs when hitting the head, causes hematomas, serious injuries. Serious damage leads to head hematomas.


According to the severity of bruises are:

  • 1: slight pain when pressed, bruising occurs within a day, from pink-red to dark purple;
  • Grade 2: manifests itself in yellow, after 2 hours, when injured, muscles are affected, throbbing pain is determined, which subsides after 3-4 days;
  • in the third degree, a green hematoma causes severe pain, heals for a long time, is accompanied by swelling of the tissues.

If the bruise pulsates and the bruise has become large, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Reasons for the appearance

It happens that bruises appear without bumps or damage to body tissues. This may indicate the development of diseases.Or serve as symptoms of drug poisoning. Hematologists name 7 main reasons for the spontaneous manifestation of painful marks.


Taking pills that affect the blood sometimes causes bruising of the first severity. Among these drugs: antihistamines; vitamins with iron; soothing; analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Aspirin, Cavinton thin the blood, frequent use of these drugs is the cause of the appearance of small, frequent bruises.

If a connection is found between medications and bruising, the doctor will change or cancel the medication. To eliminate the cause of bleeding.


The cause for the appearance of hematomas is often a blood disease. Such diseases:

  • von Willebrand disease;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • leukemia;
  • varicose veins.

Bleeding gums and nose, bright capillary stars, swelling are the harbingers of serious illness. In these cases, a visit to the doctor is necessary.

Vitamin deficiency

Unexpected bruising can be an indicator of a lack of important trace elements, as well as vitamins, which are equally important for adults and children.

  • Vitamin P can be obtained by eating: apples, garlic, freshly brewed green tea, pumpkin. Without this element, the walls of blood vessels suffer, a lack of collagen is formed. The skin condition worsens, wrinkles and blue spots appear.
  • Blood clotting is controlled by vitamin K, it is: in nuts; bananas; oily fish.
  • B12 - fish, green salad, beef liver and cheese. Vitamin is involved in hematopoiesis.
  • Iron balance, keeps capillaries in good condition.

In extreme cases, artificial fortification helps. It is necessary to consult a doctor, take tests for a lack of vitamins in the body.


Strength training, heavy bags are the main cause of hematomas on the limbs. Weak capillaries cannot withstand force loads. Doctors and trainers give advice: always warm up, and also warm up the muscles before the main workout. Otherwise, even a master of sports can get a blue skin color, pain.

Hard physical work, a student's portfolio - also provoke bruises, finding which, you should reduce the load. Markings appear after operations, massage, especially which is designed for lymph outflow.


The lack of estrogen is manifested by hormonal disruptions that occur for a number of reasons:

  • menopause;
  • transitional age;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • taking hormonal pills.

Lack of estrogen worsens the elasticity of blood vessels, capillaries become vulnerable. Often this is another reason.


Along with the external aging of the body, there is a malfunction of the whole organism, wear of capillaries occurs. The elasticity of tissues leads to a weakening of the vascular system.

According to statistics, they often appear on the legs. Even with light blows, slight touches. Which is not typical for young skin.

With age-related changes, the doctor prescribes a complex of supporting drugs.


Blood sugar negatively affects blood circulation, which is why hematomas appear very easily. In this case, bruises may indicate the onset of the development of diabetes, along with rapid fatigue, severe frequent thirst, and long wound healing. Or become a consequence of a progressive disease.

For bruises that appear through these factors, the first stage is characteristic.Together with the treatment of the underlying cause, a cream or gel is used to quickly change the intense color of the bruise to lighter, to relieve pain.

Folk remedies

When there are children at home, only then in the first-aid kit there is certainly a remedy for bruises. If there are no such funds at hand, then you can turn to folk methods. In folk medicine, there are more than 20 "first aid" ways to mitigate the effects of a blow at home. There are three ways to “attack” the injury site:

  • temperature;
  • compresses;
  • lotions from "edible" helpers.

"Edible" means

Each person at home has vegetables and fruits, which greatly facilitates the task of quickly resuscitating damage to the skin and tissues.

  • Potato starch. The powder is dissolved at the rate of: 2 tbsp. tablespoons per 50 ml of water, you need to get a thick mass. It is applied in a thin layer to the impact site, exposure time is 30 minutes, 3 times a day.
  • Banana peel is astringent. It is applied with the inside to the sore spot, 5-6 times a day.
  • Vinegar, 100 ml is combined with a teaspoon of salt. A bandage is wetted in the solution and applied to the bruise (20 minutes, 3-4 times a day).
  • The beets are rubbed, then honey is added, at the rate of 1/1, mixed well and applied to the hematoma, time 40 minutes. The compress is fixed with a bandage.

Cold and hot

Ice or something from the freezer is immediately applied to the site of the bruise - meat, bags of vegetables, etc. Cold compresses. Pre-cold agent is wrapped in dry material. Aged 20 minutes. Low temperature constricts blood vessels, helps to reduce the trace, relieve pain.

They warm up the sore spot, only a day later, after the formation of edema.The method will help the process of restoration of the skin, muscles. To do this, hot salt is poured into a cloth bag, applied to swollen skin.

Herbal compresses

Herbal lotions are used by different nations at all times. And this is no accident. Compress - is considered the fastest way to "discolor" the bruise and relieve inflammation.

  • Wormwood grass is rubbed until juice appears, a swab is moistened, applied to the affected area for 30 minutes, 5-6 times a day.
  • Coltsfoot with wild rosemary quickly restores the skin. Chopped herbs are taken in 1 tablespoon, poured with boiling water. It is filtered. Apply as a compress.
  • Mixed compress: wild rosemary cones, wormwood, St. John's wort. Herbs are mixed at the rate of 1:3:2, poured with hot water, wrapped in a towel, kept for 4 hours. The gauze soaked in the tincture is applied to the bruise, kept for 2 hours.

Compresses are done every 2-3 hours on the first day, the second day: after 4-5 hours. All these remedies are good when the victim knows the cause of the appearance (bruise, blow, pinching of the skin, etc.). In other cases, you must go to the hospital.

Top 6 Best Bruise Remedies

A selection of the best remedies for bruises, collected based on reviews, the bitter experience of people and the opinion of doctors. Describes the characteristics, form of release, advantages and disadvantages of creams, will help the reader how to choose where to buy the product.


Cream-gel manufacturer "Sashera Med" is produced in a volume of 25 g, has a quality certificate. An organic product based on a micellar formula that can heal and cleanse wounds due to its ability to penetrate into the lower layers of the epidermis. The gel also contains extracts from natural ingredients (wheat germ, herbs).Effective in helping to regenerate damaged cells.

  • removes primary redness;
  • restores subcutaneous tissue;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • reduces pain;
  • effective against bruises, after injections;
  • craniocerebral bruises;
  • hematomas of the abdomen and chest.

The clinical picture in the group of women who received hematomas after cosmetic procedures shows: improvement after 3 days of using the gel, in the group of men who received severe facial hematoma: elimination of symptoms within 3 days.

Returns the sensitivity of the limbs, after serious bruises. Reduces photoaging of the skin.

BLACK&BLUE cream gel


  • thistle, krill oil, evening primrose, wheat germ;
  • chestnut, sea buckthorn, comfrey, yarutka, witloof, clover;
  • burdock, elderberry, chestnut and other herbs;
  • collagen;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • sodium alginate, glucosamine.

How to use: Apply with massage movements. Not later than 2 hours after injury, every 3 hours. Course - 1 week.

  • without GMOs, artificial preservatives, natural composition;
  • a wide range of activities;
  • eliminates the severe consequences of hematomas.
  • components can cause allergies;
  • high price, from 320 r;
  • during long-term storage changes the consistency and smell.

Gel Badyaga

The drug for bruises and pigmentation is one of the most famous in Russia. Badyaga from the Skimed brand is available in a volume of 50 g, in the form of a gel.

Badyaga is used for bruises, stagnant spots and small bruises. It has a restorative disinfecting effect, eliminates pain and itching, thanks to an action that increases blood flow to damaged skin.

Gel Badyaga

The gel is used:

  • with small bruises, bruises, slight sprains;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • from acne, acne;
  • in diseases of rheumatism and sciatica;
  • for skin rejuvenation, by exfoliation.


  • resolving, decongestant;
  • painkiller;
  • bleaching;
  • reducing the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • bactericidal, protective, strengthening.

How to use: apply with a layer of 2 mm, 20 minutes. Washes off with cool water. Preliminary testing (sensitivity) is required.

  • inexpensive from 80 rubles;
  • time-tested tool;
  • a lot of evidence.
  • causes allergies;
  • contains preservatives, fragrances;
  • not suitable for severe damage.


Cream balm 75 ml from ForaFarm (KorolevPharm), is included in the list of the best manufacturers, according to customer reviews for 2022. Sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies, without a doctor's prescription

Purpose: from damage to muscles, tissues, skin.

Ambulance cream balm


  • reduces pain;
  • resorption of bruises, reduction of edema;
  • softens colloidal and postoperative scars.

Ingredients: based on water and wax, with linseed oil and camphor. Extracts: bodyagi, chestnut, sage, lavender, mint and other natural ingredients. Vitamins: B 5; FROM; RR. DEG, preservatives.


  • inexpensive tool;
  • helps with severe consequences of damage;
  • has a cooling effect.
  • components cause allergies;
  • not allowed during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Strong smell.

Penka Koo

 The product was released by a sports goods company. The product is available in the form of foam, suitable for emergency care for sports injuries, sprains and bruises. Manufacturer company - AKILEINE (Monaco). The foam has:

  • calming effect;
  • softens;
  • anesthetizes.

It is sprayed at a distance of 20 cm from the bruise, in a uniform layer of 2 mm.

Control agent in the composition: a mixture of plants d'Arnica Enoxolone. Not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

The tool can be ordered online. At the same time, it is difficult to answer how much the tool costs, the price varies on different sites.

Penka Koo
  • quick help;
  • convenient format;
  • comfortable form.
  • price from 950 rubles;
  • for light bruises and sprains;
  • not suitable for children's bruises.


Gel for express removal of bruises is represented by the Biocon brand. It is released without a prescription. The drug is applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day. It may not be washed off. It is not recommended to go outside for 2 hours after applying the cream. Promotes the rapid "fading" of the bruise. Eliminates pain and burning. Resolves bruising due to the effect of lymphatic drainage. Removes swelling and tumors of damaged tissues. Helps to fight postoperative puffiness and spots on the body, face. Relieves inflammation.

With severe hematomas, it is applied 5-6 times a day.

Ingredients: 15% leech extract, 4% ethoxydiglycol, pentoxifylline 2%.

Additionally: water, bronopol, carbomer, TEA, iron oxide pigments, titanium dioxide methylparaben, bronopol.

Volume 30 g, price from 94 rubles.


According to reviews: the bruise under the eye was removed in 4 days, a slight bruise on the arm in 6 days. Powerless in severe hematoma.

  • without smell;
  • suitable for the face;
  • does not cause allergies.
  • slow action;
  • burns the skin;
  • effective only with immediate treatment.


The homeopathic remedy is suitable for the treatment of bruises in children from 2 to 12 years of age.A natural remedy from a company founded in 1903 is safe, but the manufacturer warns that there may be a separate intolerance to the components and in case of a rash on the skin, stop using the cream. Reduces: pain, swelling, lightens bruising. The cheerful design of the packaging will distract and calm the baby. Does not cause itching and burning.

The tool is not suitable if, in addition to bruises, the child has a cut in the skin or wounds. The impact site is washed, a cream is applied to dry skin.

Ingredients: Arnica Montana 2X HPUS; Hypericum Perforatum 3X HPUS; Ruta Graveolens 6X HPUS; Bellis Perennis 6X HPUS; natural wax, oils; purified water, glycerin; lecithin, tocopherol

Hyland's Children's Arnica Bruise and Bruise Ointment Ointment Stick 0 8 oz Hyl-32151
  • convenient design - stick;
  • attractive design;
  • with arnica extract.
  • short-term effect;
  • price from 1100 rubles;
  • fragrances, fragrances.


To maintain health with unknown causes of the appearance of various types of bruises, you should contact a traumatologist. In case of bruises, special tools can help. Drugs vary in price and spectrum of action. The article will help to decide and not to make mistakes when choosing an effective remedy for mechanical damage to soft tissues.

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