Not always the neighborhood of a person with insects is pleasant, including ants, which cause great harm both in the house and in the garden. The question is what means to use for effective control, rapid destruction, and prevention of repeated invasions of small pests.
Folk methods have long been known, which are still successfully used in the fight against harmful ants. Yes, and in any hardware or gardening store offers a huge range of finished products and devices. Introducing the 2022 ranking of quality ant repellants based on customer reviews.
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Ants are ubiquitous, they inhabit the surface of the planet, excluding only the Arctic Circle, so no one has a guarantee that they will not have to face them. At first glance, these little creatures look harmless and even cute.
However, they multiply quickly and can over time fill the space of your apartment. You'll find them in drawers, cabinets, on the floor, in the sink, and even in food. In the garden or in the garden, ants are also rapidly building anthills and will begin to catch the eye more and more often: on paths, in a greenhouse, on garden trees, beds. Their appearance is a signal to take serious action.
An invasion of ants threatens with very unpleasant consequences, the main varieties of which are:
Consider the harm these seemingly harmless insects cause:
In the apartment - the harm from domestic ants is very noticeable, despite the fact that, unlike their forest counterparts, they do not bite:
Location on - in addition to the undoubted benefits of these insects, which destroy slugs, larvae, pest caterpillars, the irreparable damage to vegetable and fruit crops is very noticeable:
If ants attacked an apartment, a summer house or a garden, you should not hesitate to take measures to scare them away or eliminate them.
You can fight unwanted neighbors with popular folk remedies. There are many proven effective recipes for centuries:
With a small number of ants in the house or on the site, it is quite possible to get rid of them using simple folk remedies from household scrap materials that effectively repel ants.
Fighting ants is an extra hassle, a waste of money and time. Any phenomenon is always easier to prevent than to eliminate the consequences. To prevent the appearance of ants, it is advisable to listen to simple and affordable tips.
Location on:
In the apartment:
When choosing which is better to buy an ant remedy, you should clearly understand what to look for in order to avoid mistakes when choosing, and the purchase met expectations.
Criteria for choosing ready-made ant control products:
Appointment. Before buying the best ant repellant, you should decide what purpose it should be - for disinsection (destruction) or repelling insects. Preparations with insecticides that are toxic to ants are aimed at their destruction. Mechanical devices with a pest repellent function are also considered effective.
Release form. The classification of ready-made ant remedies according to the form of release includes:
Every year, the best manufacturers offer new, more advanced, easy-to-use ant control products, the popularity of which, according to buyers, is often determined by the form of presentation.
Means that are made on the basis of the insecticide of the contact-intestinal effect of fenvalerate. Its action is based on the penetration of poisonous particles through the chitinous cover of insects, which infect and destroy them. It is necessary to ensure that the rays of the sun do not fall on the treated surfaces in order to avoid the destruction of active substances.
Mode of application:
In order to prevent poisoning of pets, it is advisable for small children to pour powders, granules and dusts into hard-to-reach places. Processing with crayons and pencils, which usually have a fourth hazard class, should be carried out outside the reach of children and animals. In open places, you can place pyrethrum, a powder based on ordinary pharmacy chamomile that is absolutely harmless to humans and pets, deadly to ants.
The only caveat in using this tool: it lasts only two days, and for the complete destruction of pests, you need to periodically add fresh portions of the powder.
Preparations in granules have a long duration of action, so they are well suited for preventive purposes. Can be used in liquid form by dissolving microgranules in water.
The good thing is that infection occurs only from the touch of an insect on the drug. A high-quality gel product does not dry out for a long time, keeps well on vertical surfaces, works for several months, ensuring the gradual destruction of a huge number of pests. Available in a syringe, from which it is conveniently applied to any surface. The consumption of the drug is minimal.
Mode of application:
The only disadvantage of gels is that the toxic effect on ants does not occur immediately. It takes up to several weeks to destroy the uterus: only then will the struggle bring positive results.
Spray insecticides that give quick results in just one day when killing ants indoors. Aerosol preparations are very convenient to use, usually have a pleasant smell, do not cause allergies or irritation.
Mode of application:
A significant disadvantage of this group of drugs is that only treated individuals die, the contents of the anthill remain untouched by the poison.
Bait devices for killing ants.There are different types: sticky tapes, glue houses, electric traps.
Mode of application:
The low efficiency of this remedy is due to the fact that when falling into traps, not all ants are able to get back into the nest with particles of poisoned bait, the uterus continues to replenish the ranks of worker ants with new clutches of eggs.
Electrical devices that repel ants with the help of emitted electromagnetic radiation and ultrasound, which is not felt by the human ear, and has no effect on other animals. In the variety of models presented, it is rather difficult to find the optimal one in terms of price and quality, since the ultrasound signal emitted by the device is often too small to scare away ants, or, on the contrary, is so strong that it is felt by people and animals, leading to a restless nervous state.
Mode of application:
Electromagnetic repellers have established themselves as an effective means of combating ants, other insects, and rodents. The compactness allows you to carry it to any room where there is a 220 V power supply, and the stylish design of the plastic case makes the device compatible with any style of room. This ant remedy is not very popular with buyers due to the rather high price and far from a 100% result.
Destroy ants in the apartment by releasing caustic fumes that are deadly poisonous to insects. The most popular option is an aquafumigator, using a liquid.
Mode of application:
In just a few hours, the entire apartment can be freed from the invasion of uninvited guests, because poisonous vapors will penetrate into the most inaccessible places, reaching the nest and uterus.
We offer a rating of quality ant remedies in 2022 with a description of the main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.
German-made powder has proven itself in the fight against annoying ants as an effective, easy-to-use, economical chemical agent. The main active ingredient is the powerful nerve agent chlorpyrifos insecticide. Penetrating into the respiratory tract of an insect, it spreads throughout the body, destroying the protein responsible for the passage of nerve impulses. As a result, paralysis and death of the pest occurs.
The packaging contains information about the rules and methods of use, the features of the drug. There is even a prescription for an antidote in case of human poisoning. Since the product is toxic, safety rules should be strictly observed: apply the drug in a protective mask and gloves, do not inhale, remove pets for the duration of the treatment, do not process the fruits of horticultural and vegetable crops.
The powder is not always possible to place in hard-to-reach places; for this purpose, you can use an aerosol or prepare a liquid solution that is sprayed wherever necessary. You can also fill in the places of the proposed location of the anthill. As a result, winged males and the queen run out, where they can be immediately destroyed. The advantage is that in addition to the large one, there are several small holes in the lid, which facilitates dosing during use. One package is enough to cover 50 sq.m. or prepare 24 liters of liquid spray solution. Complete elimination of ants can be achieved after the first treatment.
Average price: 670 rubles.
Volume: 500 g (also available in packs of 30, 125 and 375 g).
Unlike the previous remedy, poison is present in the composition, but the minimum concentration is 0.01%. Each granule contains a bait that can lure an ant within a radius of 1 m, so there is no need to pour the agent under the plants themselves, and there is little point in this, since agricultural crops must be watered daily.
When "sweet" granules are found, the ant gives a signal to other relatives about the find.Since ants by their nature constantly exchange food with each other, the poison that got inside several individuals will quickly spread throughout the entire colony.
To achieve the result in the shortest possible time, it is best to carry out the treatment in dry weather. If you know the main paths for the movement of ants, then you should cultivate the soil there.
Polish-made powder is the most powerful in the fight against ants among analogues present on the Russian market. The active ingredient is 2% chlorpyrifos (2g/100g), which is a powerful insecticide with a nerve-paralytic effect. The principle of exposure is the penetration of the substance into the respiratory tract of the insect, after which the insecticide spreads throughout the body, leading to the destruction of the protein responsible for the passage of nerve impulses. The result is paralysis and death of the ant.
Unlike many other powders, Bros is completely water-soluble, which greatly expands its application options. You can not just sprinkle it in the right places. Based on it, you can prepare a solution (500 g per 12.5-25 liters of water), which is sprayed on the territory. This method is an excellent alternative when it is not possible to place the product in hard-to-reach places. The solution is also convenient to fill in the places of the alleged anthills.
The manufacturer monitors the prevention of counterfeiting of the drug, prudently changing the packaging design every 3 years.
It is worth noting the convenience of dosing the powder, for this a large hole is provided in the lid, as well as several small ones. A 500-gram package is enough to cover 50 sq.m. or prepare 25 liters of solution.
Like any insecticide, the powder is toxic, so the use requires compliance with all safety measures, the use of a protective mask, gloves. Pets should be removed from the premises during treatment. By the way! On the packaging of the powder, the manufacturer placed a prescription for an antidote in case a person was poisoned.
The average price for 100 gr is 270 rubles.
A powerful preparation of the organophosphorus group of chemicals from the Russian manufacturer TechnoExport kills ants within three hours after direct contact. At the same time, it destroys many other garden pests (including aphids) and domestic parasites (bugs, cockroaches).
An enteric-contact drug based on malathion is able to penetrate the chitinous cover of insects, causing complete poisoning and death. It is also deadly poisonous to ant larvae.
Positive customer reviews testify to the reliability, efficiency, ease of use of this budget tool. The drug is available in the form of granules, ampoules, emulsions, however, consumers consider powder to be the most effective.To prepare a working solution, you need to dilute the contents of one pack of 60 g in 10 liters of water. This is enough to spray a plot of 5 acres. It is not recommended to store the finished solution: its effectiveness decreases significantly over time.
The manufacturer guarantees the complete destruction of pests after the second treatment. However, many buyers state that one spray is sufficient. The fact is that the poisoning effect on plants and soil remains for a long time (up to 2-3 weeks), which continues to kill ants.
The only minus of karbofos is its caustic specific smell, which is why the product is rarely used indoors. But for processing garden plots, industrial premises, this is the best option.
Average price: 50 rubles.
Volume: 60 g.
Inexpensive domestic insecticide of enteric-contact action from the group of organophosphorus compounds is popular among gardeners and gardeners fighting black garden ants. The main active substance is diazinon, which is absolutely safe for the environment, the poisoning effect is directed only at ants.
The tool belongs to the type of granular insect baits, has a long period of action after processing, allows you to destroy not only worker ants, but also the winged queen, leading to the complete elimination of the colony. The drug is convenient in that it is ready for use, does not require dilution in water.
The manufacturer recommends applying the product once, inside the anthill and on its surface. The processing of ten square meters will require only 30 g of ant granules. You can apply the drug to the soil around fruit trees, pour into the holes when planting seedlings, sowing seeds of vegetable crops. Within three days after processing, the soil is not recommended to be loosened and watered. It is advisable to stop applying the product 3 weeks before harvest.
Average price: 9 rubles.
Volume: 10 g.
A popular remedy for ants from the Korean company Henkel, the most purchased in the CIS countries. Two powerful insecticides - permethrin and tetramethrin, which affect the gastrointestinal tract of insects, lead to inevitable death. Bringing toxic particles on the surface of their body inside the anthill, working individuals infect the winged queen, larvae, eggs, which leads to the complete destruction of the colony. However, up to this point, it takes from one to three months. Available in the form of an aerosol or traps, the adhesive base of which allows you to attach houses with toxic bait even on vertical surfaces.
The drug is completely safe for humans and pets. Recently, cases of fake traps of this brand have become more frequent, so it is better to buy them in certified stores, in one package for 300 rubles there should be 4 traps and a mandatory instruction.
The average price of an aerosol: 450 rubles.
Volume: 500 ml.
A well-known Russian manufacturer in many countries has been producing effective ant repellents for many years. The release form is diverse: granules, aerosol, gel, aquafumigator, traps. All products are very popular among buyers because of their effectiveness, safety and ease of use.
The granules, traps, and gel contain an attractant substance with an ant-attracting smell of vanilla and a nerve-paralytic insecticide fipronil, which, when carried on the paws of insects into the nest, enters the digestive tract, leading to paralysis and death of active individuals, including the uterus. Its toxicity even extends to ant eggs, leading to their destruction.
The poisoning effect of drugs begins within a few hours after contact. The granules are used in dry form, scattered along the paths of pests, in places of accumulation, the intended placement of the nest, and also in the form of a solution (10 g of product per 0.5 l of water) by spraying or pouring the treated surfaces.
Aerosol, aquafumigator effectively repel pests, forcing them to leave their chosen habitat. When using Raptor products, precautions should be taken, kept out of the reach of children, away from food.
The average price of the gel: 250 rubles.
Volume: 75 ml.
It is difficult to meet a person who has never encountered the problem of domestic or garden ants in his life. Therefore, it is important to know how quickly and permanently you can get rid of them. Which company is better to buy a remedy for ants, everyone decides for himself. The presented review of the most popular drugs in 2022 will make this decision right.