Baby colic is a common occurrence in newborns, the occurrence of which can lead to serious consequences. Colic may occur a few weeks after birth. They are accompanied by prolonged crying of the child (more than 3 hours), at least 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks. This condition of the child can lead new parents to depression, and a nursing mother may even refuse to breastfeed. There are many hypothesized causes of intestinal colic, but none of them is definitive. In order to alleviate the condition of the baby during this period and ensure comfort, special medications have been developed.
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Doctors do not have accurate information regarding the causes of colic. The researchers looked at many possible causes. Some of the contributing factors may include:
All colic medicines for newborns are divided into two groups:
The use of such compounds from the first days of a child's life does not guarantee that the problem will be eliminated. Efficiency is achieved by reducing gas emissions. The active ingredients are chamomile, anise and dill.
Needed during an attack. The main active ingredient is simethicone, which eliminates tension from the intestinal surface. It separates "gas" into small bubbles, reducing discomfort.
It is better to have a representative from each group in the home first aid kit.
There is an opinion that colic occurs due to swallowing air. Therefore, holding the baby upright immediately after a feed can help expel excess air. If the baby is being bottle fed, the fast flow nipple helps to reduce swallowed air, allowing milk to flow freely. If your baby is eating too much and too fast, such as emptying a bottle in less than 20 minutes, consider replacing the bottle's standard nipple with a nipple with a smaller opening.
Colic in the abdomen can be triggered by various reasons. Depending on this, several types of drugs are used.
Most often they are suitable to prevent the occurrence of colic, since they contain natural herbs and essential oils, they should be applied before discomfort occurs.
A herbal preparation that stimulates digestion and reduces gas formation in the intestines. The active ingredient is fennel. According to the recommendations for use, it is necessary to give it to the baby regularly during the first months of life. If you start using Plantex immediately at the time of the onset of colic, then its action will not be as effective as we would like.
You can start taking a child from two weeks of age. The drug provides a solution to such problems as indigestion, flatulence and adaptation during the transition to artificial nutrition. Due to the fact that Plantex is a prophylactic, it is recommended to stop using it after the obvious signs of colic disappear. In most cases, the drug does not cause adverse reactions.
However, its use should be excluded in the case when the child has an individual intolerance to the components, lactose deficiency, glucose absorption disorders. Release form Plantex - sachets with dry powder in granules. Before use, it must be diluted with liquid. It is worth noting that the product is expensive, relative to its counterparts.
The average price is 730 rubles.
When choosing medicines for a newborn baby, mothers prefer natural-based products. It is such a tool that Baby Calm drops are. In pharmacology, the drug is listed as a dietary supplement.
The release form is an oily solution for oral administration. The active ingredients of Baby Kalma are dill, anise and mint. Baby Calm is a fairly effective and at the same time safe remedy for babies.
Its action is based on the neutralization of gas bubbles that have accumulated in the intestines; normalization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract; relieving intestinal spasm; elimination of colic; reduction of bloating; improving the secretion of gastric juice. The composition is allowed to be used from the first days of a child's life.
The average price is 363 rubles.
The active ingredients are fennel, chamomile and coriander. The main indication for use is intestinal colic.In addition, it is effective in case of violations of intestinal motility, flatulence, loss of appetite, constipation, the introduction of the first complementary foods and the transition to artificial feeding.
There are no direct contraindications for use. However, limitations in use are associated with the presence of ethanol in it or the occurrence of an allergic reaction to one of the components in the composition.
Bebinos is allowed to be given to a child ready-made or diluted with a liquid.
The average price is 385 rubles.
A carminative drug that facilitates the passage of gases, relieves spasms of the stomach and intestines, and improves appetite. Release form - drops. The composition includes only natural ingredients.
The active ingredients of Koli Crocodile are anise, dill, mint and lemon balm. The action begins immediately after application. Comes with a syringe dispenser.
Overdose is excluded, since it contains exclusively natural ingredients. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the ingredients.
The average price is 394 rubles.
They contain the enzymes lipase, amylase, proteases that break down nutrients.
The probiotic is characterized as an efficient enzyme that is involved in the digestion of dairy products. Release form - yellow capsules. Lactazar contains the enzyme lactase, which is able to break down the disaccharide lactose and ensure its normal absorption.
Capsules can be given to infants from the first days of life if they are diagnosed with lactase deficiency. The remedy eliminates flatulence, fermentation in the stomach, diarrhea, intestinal flu and poisoning.
Before using Lactazar, be sure to consult a pediatrician.
The average price is 430 rubles.
The action is based on the sorption properties of the natural compound of silicon with aluminum. Release form - suspension or powder. The active ingredient is smectite, which acts only locally and is not absorbed into the bloodstream.
The medicine is prescribed for the occurrence of flatulence, intestinal colic and discomfort in the navel. Smecta is the most gentle drug among analogues. It has a natural origin and shows the ability to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
The average price is 147 rubles.
Such drugs allow you to cope with the disorder of the intestinal microflora of the newborn, which is also a common cause of colic, because their intestines are extremely vulnerable in the first months of life..
Contains live bifidobacteria and thermophilic streptococci. The release form is a suspension with a pipette for the correct dosage. Assign from the first days of a child's life.
Bifiform baby is indicated for dysbacteriosis, bloating, intestinal disorders, flatulence. The composition does not contain lactose, which allows it to be prescribed to children with lactose intolerance.
The average price is 571 rubles.
A special balanced complex eubiotic, which is indicated for babies from the first days of life. Acipol is a complex of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli on an oily basis.
Helps to increase cellular immunity. In addition, it increases the production of secretory immunoglobulins in the intestine, takes a pronounced part in the digestion of food and improves the synthesis of intestinal vitamins.
The average price is 520 rubles.
The composition includes lactic acid and its buffer salts, which are capable of inhibiting pathogenic microflora. Since Hilak Forte does not contain beneficial microorganisms, it is recommended to use it in combination with other drugs.
Release form - bottles with a clear yellowish solution. The main function is to create a balance between beneficial and conditionally pathogenic bacteria, normalize the intestinal microflora, which contributes to the normal functioning of the intestinal mucosa. The medicine restores the normal acidity of the stomach.
Hilak forte is contraindicated to dilute with milk or milk formula.
The average price is 544 rubles.
The composition includes live bifidobacteria with the addition of a bifidogenic factor - lactose. Bifidumbacterin is indicated for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including infantile colic. It should be noted that the drug is contraindicated in lactose deficiency.
Bifidumbacterin is able to increase the body's defenses and accelerate the release of toxic substances.Release form - in ampoules, capsules, powder bags.
The average price is 309 rubles.
They are used to stop an attack of colic that has already begun, due to the elimination and removal of gases in the intestines.
The active ingredient is simethicone emulsion. Release form - drops. It is indicated for intestinal colic, increased gas formation, periodic bloating. In turn, Bobotik reduces unpleasant symptoms, pain and discomfort in the abdomen. The drug has its effect in the gastrointestinal tract, not being absorbed by its walls, as a result of which it is excreted unchanged. Bobotik does not affect the volume of gastric juice
The average price is 301 rubles.
The principle of action is to merge with intestinal mucus, which forms finely bubbled gaseous foam and tear the walls of the bubbles. The fluid that has formed and "free" gases freely exit through the rectum.
Release form - emulsion and in the form of drops. The bottle with drops has a convenient measuring cap. The emulsion comes with a measuring spoon. Espumizan is prescribed from the first days of a child's life.
The average price is 614 rubles.
The effectiveness of the drug is provided by the active substance dimethicone, which promotes the removal of gases by reducing the tension surface of gas bubbles.
Release form - white or yellowish emulsion, plastic bottles of 30 ml. Suitable for long term use.
Cuplaton is extremely rarely capable of causing allergic reactions. Among the main contraindications is individual intolerance to individual components of the composition.
The average price is 1500 rubles.
The active substance is prifinium bromide, which blocks peripheral m-cholinergic receptors, which leads to suppression of the secretion of gastric juice.
Release form - syrup. When a child has intestinal obstruction, it is worth refusing to take the drug. In addition, a contraindication to the use is hypersensitivity to the components of the composition, atony, diseases of the cardiovascular system, glaucoma.
The average price is 295 rubles.
Before giving medicine to children, you should read the instructions. If the child's physiological parameters differ from those of his peers, it may be necessary to adjust the dose. The medicine begins to act quite quickly, within 2-10 minutes after application. It is recommended to give before bedtime. Before using the composition, it is recommended to massage the abdomen.If the increase in intestinal pain and exacerbation is associated with organic pathologies or infections, then carminative drugs will not help, and a special therapeutic course will be required.