
  1. Causes of nail fungus
  2. Is fungus dangerous?
  3. How can you protect yourself from illness?
  4. What are the remedies for nail fungus
  5. More about medicines
  6. And in conclusion

Rating of the best remedies for nail fungus for 2022

Rating of the best remedies for nail fungus for 2022

The nails of a healthy person have a beautiful slightly convex shape, their surface is smooth, the color is normal. If you notice that the nail plate is too curved, the nails exfoliate, lose color, or vice versa become thick or thin, then these are the reasons for seeking qualified help from a specialist. Since such visible manifestations can be signs of a disease such as onychomycosis or, in plain language, a fungus on the nails. In this article, we will talk about the best remedies for treating nail fungus.

Causes of nail fungus

It will not be possible not to notice external signs, since they are of an aesthetic nature. The nail plate acquires a dirty yellow color, sometimes even black, the nails become too brittle and brittle. Such symptoms are common signs, and many of their manifestations are directly dependent on the type of parasite. Because of such parasites as dermatophytes, the nails are covered with yellow spots, and white stripes begin to appear on the side. In addition, such sensations as itching are also disturbing, peeling begins. Mold-type fungi affect already unhealthy nails that do not receive enough nutrition, the color of the nail plate will change from dirty yellow to dark, almost black.

According to statistics, more than 80% of people suffer from fungal diseases. Every eighth person is faced with such a problem, resorting to folk remedies and expensive medications.

What are the causes of the disease.

In addition to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, there are many such reasons, namely:

  • diabetes;
  • weak immunity after the transfer of diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature;
  • vascular disease, as a result of which the process of blood circulation is disturbed;
  • damage to the feet;
  • excessive sweating of the legs;
  • non-compliance with the usual rules (trying on shoes, using tools, during cosmetic procedures, without proper sterilization);
  • the presence of fungal infections;
  • wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes;
  • when visiting the gym, swimming pool or bath;
  • damage to the nail plate and adjacent tissues.

Onychomycosis develops and multiplies quite quickly, getting into the intercellular space, it destroys the nail plate, namely keratin. And here it is important - to find the right and effective remedy for the treatment of the disease. Therefore, it is important to examine the nails in order to detect signs at an early stage.

Signs of the disease

  • the color of the nail platinum changes;
  • there is a feeling of pain and an unpleasant smell;
  • yellow or white spots appear on the corners;
  • deformation of the nail plate occurs;
  • in most cases, the disease affects the thumbnail.

The disease is divided into stages:

  • initial;
  • hypertrophic.

The first stage is almost imperceptible, proceeds without obvious manifestations, to a greater extent manifests itself in the form of a lack of normal luster of the nail plate, after which microcracks, spots and irregularities are formed, which are quite felt. Also at this stage, itching and peeling may disturb.

If this stage is skipped, the next one begins - hypertrophic, when the nail is destroyed, becomes dark, has a noticeable deformation, and later its loss is observed.

Of course, the order of treatment and therapy of the disease depends on its degree. An integrated and systematic approach is important, which will have a positive impact on the course of the disease.

If it was possible to detect the disease at the initial stage, then local therapy will also be effective. Starting to apply various antifungal drops, varnishes or folk remedies, you should remove the affected part of the nail as much as possible.

The treatment process will be more difficult if the disease is long-term and advanced.In this case, in order to get rid of it, the means for treating the fungus should be taken orally, it is important to remove the nail plates that are affected by the disease.

Important to remember!

At the end of the treatment process, hygiene measures should be observed in order to reduce the risk of relapse. With the progression of the disease, the fungus can provoke dangerous infectious diseases, the treatment of which will have to be carried out under vigilant medical supervision.

Is fungus dangerous?

Almost all infectious diseases require long-term and complex treatment, and nail fungus is no exception. It is important to get rid of the disease entirely, otherwise the disease will pass to other healthy nails, and later to the feet, skin, the risk of injury, ingrown nails, and its exfoliation will increase.

Therefore, you should not ignore such a dangerous disease, be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe a comprehensive and correct treatment, set the dosage of medications and tell you about the necessary procedures. Do not self-medicate, and do not harm yourself.

How can you protect yourself from illness?

It has been proven that fungal diseases often occur in people with a weakened immune system, people suffering from diseases such as diabetes, psoriasis or chronic diseases, with special care should be taken to their state of health.

Helpful Hints

  • observe the rules of hygiene; the fungus is unlikely to attract clean hands and feet;
  • change socks as often as possible, take care of the nails of hands and feet in a timely manner;
  • choose the right hosiery, or rather the fabric from which they are made, give preference to cotton (natural) fabrics;
  • when visiting public places for swimming (baths, showers, swimming pools, water parks), be sure to wear slippers;
  • when working in the office, try to have removable shoes, this is important in the autumn-winter period;
  • use a personal towel and do not let others use it;
  • refrain from carrying out cosmetic procedures (pedicure, manicure) in salons with a dubious reputation; when visiting such establishments, ask the masters how they process instruments and tools, how sterile they are.

Rules for the use of drugs

  • the process of treating an infectious disease must be carried out daily (with the exception of varnishes);
  • before applying local preparations, you should carefully get rid of the affected areas of the nail plate (disposable files are well suited for this purpose);
  • an antifungal drug should be applied not only to the surface of the nail, but also covering areas of the skin near it; (except for medicines containing urea);
  • carry out the treatment procedure until a clean, healthy nail fully grows.

What are the remedies for nail fungus

Speaking of antifungal drugs, it should be noted that they are divided into drugs:

  • local application;
  • preparations for oral administration.

There are many remedies for the treatment of fungal diseases, they are available in the form of creams, ointments, varnishes, solutions and tablets.

The funds differ in the form of release, principle of action, active ingredient, composition, cost, method of application. Some of them are intended for use at the initial stage of the spread of infection, while others - at an advanced stage.


Preparations in the form of creams are not among the most convenient means for treatment.Since the product should be carefully rubbed into the nail plate, such an “operation” must be carried out several times during the day, which is not always convenient. In addition, at the end of the procedure, the damaged nail must be covered with a plaster.

  • good preventive effect;
  • good result;
  • affordable price.
  • inconvenient way of application;
  • many creams are contraindicated for use by lactating and pregnant women.


Another remedy is ointments for the treatment of fungal diseases.

  • affordable cost of the drug;
  • low consumption of the drug;
  • good result;
  • optimal consistency.
  • takes a long time to absorb into the surface.


Lucky can be safely attributed to the most convenient form for the treatment of onychomycosis. The product is applied once or twice a week, the surface must be carefully treated and degreased.

  • attractive coverage;
  • convenient application;
  • disinfecting action;
  • allowed to apply to children, lactating and pregnant women;
  • contains natural ingredients;
  • applied to the nail platinum in small doses;
  • the tool serves as a barrier to infection and various kinds of bacteria;
  • forms a protective film;
  • quality composition;
  • activates the growth of healthy cells and stimulates the immune system.
  • is a cosmetic product, not a drug.


Tablets are meant to be taken orally. Treatment with such a drug is prescribed at an advanced stage of infection. These drugs have a good effect, powerful action and composition. When ingested, the tablets have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

  • simple application;
  • have a powerful effect;
  • use this drug should be a couple of times a day.
  • the presence of a number of contraindications;
  • negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • the possibility of side effects.

More about medicines

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The country of origin is Switzerland.

The average price is 2000 rubles.

Packing - 14 tablets.

A popular drug for the treatment of nail fungus. The product contains terbinafine, an active ingredient that has an inhibitory effect on the development of a fungal infection.

Dosage form - tablets.

There are a number of inexpensive analogues.

"Lamisil" tablets
  • high efficiency of the drug;
  • quickly get rid of the disease, return the nail plate to a healthy look and color;
  • recommended for the treatment of skin and nail infections;
  • effective for the treatment of ringworm;
  • reliable drug.
  • high price.

Capsules Orungal
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Antifungal effective means of a wide spectrum of action. The active ingredient is itraconazole. The tool quickly begins to act and give a positive result.

Country of origin - Belgium.

Price - 3,140 rubles.

  • high efficiency of the drug;
  • a wide spectrum of action of the drug;
  • fast and noticeable results;
  • has powerful antibacterial properties
  • frequency of taking pills - twice a day;
  • has a protective, anti-inflammatory function;
  • using the product improves the condition of the nail plate, its density and color.
  • high price of the drug;
  • there are a number of contraindications.

Cream "Lamisil"

The country of origin is Switzerland.

The average price is 785 rubles.

Pharmacological form - cream.

This drug is intended for the prevention of fungal diseases, suitable for the treatment of manifestations of the disease on the skin, nails and feet. The composition contains terbinafine, which has a fungicidal effect, provides effective assistance and gives a visible result. The drug is produced in tubes. The tool is the original and is produced exclusively by one company.

Cream "Lamisil"
  • drug for external use;
  • a wide range of influence;
  • the drug is used to treat mycosis of the feet, manifestations of keratinization, cracks, itching and peeling of the skin, which are caused by foot fungus;
  • effective in the treatment of yeast infections of the skin, including versicolor, versicolor.
  • it is forbidden to use for the treatment of children under 12 years of age;
  • lactating women;
  • the drug is prescribed only after prior consultation with a specialist for people with liver or kidney failure; with vascular diseases.

Antifungal gel Exolocin Exolocin
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There are no analogues of this drug on the territory of the Russian Federation yet, the remedy is intended for the treatment of fungal infections, thanks to it it is possible not only to neutralize the sources of the disease, but also to prevent the occurrence of the disease again. The drug is considered a novelty, managed to get both positive and negative reviews.

Country of origin - Russia.

Price - 895 rubles.

Antifungal gel Exolocin Exolocin
  • has an inhibitory effect on the development of the fungus;
  • has a restorative, healing function;
  • has an analgesic effect, reduces the feeling of itching;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, soothes irritated areas;
  • can be used without a special medical prescription;
  • you can apply when the first symptoms of the disease appear (peeling, discoloration of the nail plate, the appearance of an unpleasant odor);
  • the preparation contains essential oils of walnut, tea tree and kukui tree;
  • the drug is effective;
  • the use of the gel softens the keratinized areas, penetrates deep inside to the damaged areas;
  • helps to reduce sweating;
  • its use helps to restore the normal color of the skin and the shape of the nails;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • good texture of the product;
  • operates over a long period of time;
  • does not cause redness and allergic reactions.
  • lack of analogue drugs
  • high price.

Ointment clotrimazole
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The ointment of a Russian manufacturer effectively affects the infection due to the fact that the active substance clotrimazole is in the composition of the drug.

Country of origin - Russia.

Price - 90 rubles.

Ointment clotrimazole
  • affordable price;
  • applied in a thin layer;
  • has a powerful antibacterial property;
  • efficient and easy to use;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • does not cause discomfort;
  • a wide range of activities;
  • does not leave marks on clothes;
  • small expense;
  • safe to use;
  • produces an effective result;
  • relieves itching and helps with peeling.
  • no.

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This drug is a unique remedy for solving problems with fungal diseases. The ointment is used externally, the set contains ten special nail files, which differ in size. The drug penetrates well inside, exerting a powerful effect on the suppression of bacteria.

The country of origin is the Netherlands.

Price - 900 rubles.

  • efficiency;
  • has a protective, anti-inflammatory function;
  • using the product improves the condition of the nail plate, its density and color;
  • not prohibited for use by children over 4 years of age;
  • included brush for application and nail files in the amount of 10 pieces;
  • the tool is effective both for therapeutic purposes and for prevention;
  • quickly absorbed;
  • reliable remedy.
  • high cost of the drug.

Antifungal nail coating Irisk Antifungal
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Country of origin - France.

Price - 180 rubles.

The drug is easy to use, thanks to it it is possible to provide reliable protection against fungal infections that affect the nail plate, the remedy can also be used for preventive purposes. The composition contains terbinafine hydrochloride, which effectively fights fungal diseases. The drug has a positive effect on nail platinum, its use allows you to strengthen nails, restore structure and improve health.

Antifungal nail coating Irisk Antifungal
  • the tool is simple and easy to use;
  • can be used both for treatment and for prevention;
  • the drug has a protective, restorative function;
  • has a sedative effect, relieves inflammation;
  • prevents the process of lamination of the nail plate;
  • regenerative function is active;
  • relieves and reduces irritation;
  • strengthens and nourishes nails;
  • has a healing, disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • It is not a cure but more of a preventive measure.

E.Mi Antifungal care product
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The preparations of this brand are valued for its impeccable, European quality.E.Mi is an international nail salon brand. This is the choice of many people, the company is the leader of the nail industry in almost 28 countries around the world.

Price - 300 rubles.

E.Mi Antifungal care product
  • the product is applied with a brush, easy to use;
  • has a restorative and antifungal function;
  • strengthens the nail plate;
  • activates the growth of nails;
  • can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
  • is not a medicinal product.

And in conclusion

Today, there are really a lot of drugs of this spectrum of action. And sometimes, it is difficult for a person to decide on the right one, first of all, choose a proven and reliable remedy, give preference to those that have low side effects and contraindications. Keep track of your health, because it is important to notice the disease at an early stage, contact a specialist in time, who will competently and deliberately prescribe treatment. Be healthy!!!


