
  1. The best suppositories for hemorrhoids
  2. The best ointments for hemorrhoids
  3. The best pills for hemorrhoids

Rating of the best remedies for hemorrhoids for 2022

Rating of the best remedies for hemorrhoids for 2022

Hemorrhoids is an ailment that, according to statistics, struck almost every seventh person. He does not choose men or women, young or old, everyone can be at risk. Most often, this disease affects people leading a sedentary lifestyle (sedentary or standing work), or, conversely, engaged in heavy physical labor. However, there are many factors that can trigger the development of hemorrhoids. The most important of them are malnutrition and, as a result, chronic stool disorders (constipation or diarrhea), pregnancy and childbirth, obesity, anal sex. Hemorrhoids are curable, but everything is complicated by modesty, which not everyone can overcome and seek medical help in time.

We will not talk long and in detail about the forms and symptoms of the disease. If you are reading this article, then you have already experienced everything yourself. Our task is to tell about the best remedies for hemorrhoids, which are most often prescribed by doctors and turned out to be the most popular and effective among patients.

The best suppositories for hemorrhoids

Hepatrombin G

Hepatrombin G is distinguished by a combined approach to solving a delicate problem. It contains sodium heparin, prednisolone acetate (a corticosteroid hormone) and lauromacrogol. Heparin is an anticoagulant, i.e. it prevents blood from clotting in the hemorrhoids, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots. Prednisolone (hormone) is aimed at relieving inflammation, itching and pain symptoms. Suppositories exhibit antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and venous sclerosing properties. These suppositories are recommended for both types of hemorrhoids. Especially in cases where the disease is complicated by the risk of blood clots. It can be used both at the initial stage of the disease, and in advanced cases. The package contains 10 suppositories.

Cost: from 170 rubles.

Hepatrombin G
  • does not stain clothes;
  • promotes effective resorption of hemorrhoids;
  • quickly removes pain and inflammation;
  • effective in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids;
  • has an alternative form of release - an ointment, more suitable for the external form.
  • can not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • not used in the treatment of children under 12 years of age;
  • The composition of the candles includes a hormone.


The main component of suppositories is sodium alginate. This component stops bleeding, fights inflammation and makes the process of tissue repair shorter in time.Natalsid fights the symptoms of diseases of the anus and rectum. The main structural components of sodium alginate are responsible for the effective treatment of symptomatic manifestations of the disease: hyaluronic and alginic acids. Under the influence of hyaluronic acid, healthy cells divide faster, which contributes to the rapid healing of wounds and cracks. Alginic acid, once in the rectum, envelops the affected walls and relieves pain. Also, the use of suppositories brings a positive result in bleeding from the anus. The package contains 10 suppositories.

Cost: from 350 rubles.

  • can be used during pregnancy and lactation;
  • it is possible to use suppositories for anal bleeding;
  • released without a prescription;
  • quickly relieves pain;
  • effectively heals cracks.
  • not applicable in the treatment of patients whose age is less than 14 years;
  • one package (10 suppositories) is not enough to complete the full course of treatment;
  • more suitable for eliminating bleeding and fissures, but weakly effective in the treatment of hemorrhoidal cones.


The drug is available in 4 different compositions: Relief Basic, Pro, Advance and Ultra.

First of all, Basic Relief is prescribed for bleeding. It contains phenylephrine hydrochloride, which constricts blood vessels, stops bleeding, and also prevents the formation of hemorrhoidal cones. Shark liver oil fights itching and inflammation. Relief Basic accelerates tissue healing, so it is used in the treatment of stages I-II of the disease. Long-term use is possible.

Relief Pro contains fluocortolone pivalate and lidocaine hydrochloride.These active substances contribute to the suppression of the inflammatory process, relieve itching, relieve swelling, and are indispensable for pain relief. It is prescribed for anal fissures, chronic constipation, bleeding.

Relief Advance has the most complex composition: benzocaine, shark liver oil, cocoa bean oil, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate. Benzocaine has a local anesthetic effect, i.e. blocks the pain syndrome. It is prescribed for chronic constipation, hemorrhoids and external bumps, injuries, itching and burning in the anus. Most often used as an anesthetic.

Relief Ultra is recommended at the time of exacerbation. The result of its use will be the cessation of the inflammatory process and the rapid tightening of wounds and cracks. The active ingredients are hydrocortisone acetate and zinc sulfate monohydrate. The first component is a steroid hormone, which, when applied topically, relieves inflammation, constricts blood vessels and soothes itching. The second component has a wound healing effect. Used for a short time.

The package contains 12 suppositories.

Relief is also available in the form of an ointment.

Cost: from 430 rubles.

Relief suppositories
  • can be used after operations on the rectum for pain relief.
  • not recommended for use in the first trimester;
  • the use of the drug in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, should be short-term;
  • not used to treat children and adolescents;
  • Advance is not recommended in the treatment of elderly people, because. the phenylephrine contained in it can provoke a hypertensive crisis due to rapid vasoconstriction;
  • expensive in comparison with other similar drugs.


Combined drug.The active substances are tribenoside and lidocaine hydrochloride. Tribesonide improves vascular tone and restores their walls, helps fight inflammation and pain. Lidocaine removes all the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids. Recommended in the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids. The package contains 10 suppositories.

Cost: from 380 rubles.

  • helps with exacerbations;
  • effectively anesthetizes;
  • has a venotonic effect;
  • Can be used during breastfeeding;
  • can be used in children over 12 years old, but under the supervision of the attending physician;
  • minimum side effects.
  • the drug only relieves exacerbation, but does not cure hemorrhoids;
  • contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • possible burning sensation at the site of use.

The best ointments for hemorrhoids

Heparin ointment

The main active ingredients of the ointment are sodium heparin, benzocaine and benzyl nicotinate. Heparin (anticoagulant) blocks the formation of blood clots, reduces tissue swelling and the intensity of the inflammatory process. Benzyl nicotinate promotes unhindered absorption of heparin. Benzocaine relieves pain. The ointment is a strong antiseptic, which makes it effective for inflammation of hemorrhoidal bumps. Its use is possible, both with external and internal hemorrhoids. Release form - a tube of 25 g.

Cost: from 60 rubles.

Heparin ointment
  • high efficiency at low cost;
  • minimum side effects when used in accordance with the instructions;
  • obvious positive results in the fight against hemorrhoids;
  • can be used throughout pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
  • not applicable in the treatment of children under 14 years of age;
  • can not be used for anal fissures and bleeding.


Troxevasin is an angioprotective gel with venotonic and venoprotective properties. The main active ingredient is troxerutin at a concentration of 2%. This component increases the tone of blood vessels and strengthens their walls. This helps to normalize venous blood flow and reduce swelling. Troxevasin is used to treat external forms of hemorrhoids. It relieves inflammation and reduces the size of hemorrhoids. The release form is a tube of 20, 40, 100 g. Troxevasin is also available in the form of capsules, which are often prescribed together with a gel for complex therapy.

Cost: from 200 rubles. (for 40 g).

Troxevasin gel
  • effective at the time of exacerbation: quickly relieves pain and swelling;
  • gel-like structure guarantees rapid absorption and almost instantaneous effect of the drug;
  • contributes to the complete drying of hemorrhoids, especially when treated in combination with other drugs;
  • course less than 2 weeks.
  • can not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy and while breastfeeding;
  • not intended for children under 15 years of age;
  • should not be used in the presence of violations of the integrity of the skin.


Relief in the form of an ointment has 3 options: Relief, Relief Advance and Relief Pro.

The main active ingredient in Relief ointment is phenylephrine hydrochloride. It contributes to vasoconstriction, the resumption of normal blood circulation and the prevention of bleeding. At the same time, Relief relieves inflammation and swelling of tissues, accelerates the healing of damaged areas. Thus, this type of Relief ointment is recommended for bleeding and anal fissures. Release form - tuba for 28.4 g. Cost: from 400 rubles.

The main component of Relief Advance ointment is benzocaine, which is an anesthetic. This type of ointment is recommended for quick relief of pain and itching in the anus. Produced in a tube of 28.4 g. Price: from 520 rubles.

In Relief Pro, the active ingredients are two substances - fluocortolone and lidocaine. The first substance is hormonal. It suppresses the inflammatory process, relieves itching and swelling. Lidocaine is an anesthetic that relieves pain. Release form - tube 10 g with an applicator. Cost: from 300 rubles.

Relief ointment
  • helps to quickly forget about pain and itching;
  • convenient tube with a nozzle for the introduction of the drug into the rectal canal.
  • all Relief ointments only relieve symptoms, but do not cure the disease;
  • do not apply in the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation;
  • not used in the treatment of children under 12 years of age;
  • some patients note the fat content of the ointment and its long-term absorption.


Bezornil is a unique ointment with a natural composition. The main active ingredients are borneol, pearls, calamine and artificial musk. Borneol (Bornean camphor) acts as an antiseptic. It sanitizes damaged tissues, eliminates itching and burning, and also improves blood flow in the affected vessels. Pearl has established itself as a good hemostatic substance, which also prevents blood clots from forming. Calamine (zinc carbonate) fights swelling and inflammation. Bezornil is prescribed for external and internal hemorrhoids. With its chronic and acute form, even with bleeding. Also, with the help of this ointment, cracks and eczema are treated. Produced in a tube of 2 or 10 g with an applicator.

Cost: from 395 rubles. (for 10 g).

  • can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • recommended for the treatment of hemorrhoids in people with kidney disease;
  • natural ingredients;
  • quickly relieves discomfort, keeping the cooling effect for a long time;
  • effective even in advanced cases.
  • not used in the treatment of children under 12 years of age;
  • bad smell.

The best pills for hemorrhoids

Ginkor Fort

Ginkor Fort is a drug of venotonic and angioprotective action. The composition includes troxerutin, ginkgo biloba extract and heptaminol hydrochloride and auxiliary components. All of these substances contribute to an increase in the tone of the veins, a decrease in the permeability of capillaries by strengthening their walls. Thus, the drug normalizes blood flow in hemorrhoidal formations, which gradually decrease and resolve with the use of the drug. Ginkor Fort is effective both in the initial stages and in exacerbations and chronic forms. It is in the form of capsules. The package contains 3 blisters of 10 capsules.

Price from 390 rubles.

Ginkor Fort
  • noticeable venotonic effect;
  • most effective in the acute period of the disease.
  • contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • gives a short-term therapeutic effect.


Detralex is a venotonic and venoprotector that has proven itself on the positive side. The main role in the preparation belongs to diosmin (a semi-synthetic flavonoid). It reduces vein extensibility and vascular permeability. The drug tones the veins and eliminates venous stasis, stops bleeding, anesthetizes and eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of hemorrhoids. He can deal with acute and chronic forms of the disease.Available in the form of tablets of 500 or 1000 mg. The package contains 2 or 4 blisters of 15 tablets.

Cost: from 800 rubles. (2 blisters with a dosage of 500 mg).

  • the effect of the drug becomes noticeable after the first dose;
  • stable result during course admission;
  • The drug is made in France.
  • expensive;
  • many side effects from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • tablets at a dosage of 1000 mg are very large and inconvenient to swallow;
  • not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.


Pilex - vegetable tablets from more than 10 natural ingredients. The multicomponent nature of the drug provides a variety of its action: it increases the tone of the veins, accelerates the healing of tissues, relieves swelling and inflammation. It is an antioxidant and fights microbes. Pilex is used in the early stages and for the prevention of exacerbations of the chronic form. It helps to cope with the signs of the inflammatory process, promotes wound healing. Produced in the form of a bottle of 60 tablets. Also available as an ointment for complex use.

Cost: from 350 rubles.

  • has a laxative effect, which is necessary for chronic constipation;
  • a wide range of activities;
  • natural composition;
  • acts gently, without causing unpleasant side effects.
  • contraindicated during childbearing and breastfeeding;
  • contraindicated in people under 18;
  • difficult to find in pharmacies (only through the Internet).


A drug based on diosmin at a dosage of 600 mg. This tool is an analogue of Detralex. Accordingly, their therapeutic effect is similar. The only difference is the dosage. Phlebodia is also produced in France. Release form - tablets, 15 pieces in a blister.

Cost: from 550 rubles. (for 1 blister).

  • positively affects the condition of the veins, their tone;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • the effect of the drug is noticeable a couple of hours after ingestion;
  • long-term effect after a course of treatment.
  • not applicable under 18 years of age;
  • not used for treatment during the first trimester and during lactation.

Finishing the review of the most purchased drugs for hemorrhoids, we note that none of them is a panacea. Each named drug can relieve you of unpleasant symptoms that do not allow you to live normally and alleviate the condition as a whole. But no single drug will cure hemorrhoids completely and forever. Treatment of this disease should take place only in a complex and only under the supervision of a specialist.

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