
  1. Features of the skin of the face of adolescents
  2. How to choose
  3. mass market
  4. Middle market
  5. Suite
  6. Medical (pharmacy) cosmetics
  7. Professional cosmetics
  8. Vegan natural cosmetics

Ranking the best facial cleansers for teens for 2022

Ranking the best facial cleansers for teens for 2022

Every day, the pores of the face secrete natural sebum. Mixed with it, street dust settles on the face, and many girls use decorative cosmetics, which also pollute and clog pores, so it is important to cleanse the skin of the face with gentle and high-quality products. Ordinary soap does not cope with this task, since it does not have the necessary acidity (pH), as a result of which the skin dries out and becomes a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria.

In adolescence, special attention should be paid to the condition of the skin of the face. The basic set of care products can be used from 10-12 years old. Often teenagers face the problem of acne, as a result of which many complexes form. A dermatologist and proper care can help with this. It is necessary to wash in the morning and in the evening, cleansing the face of excess sebum, then moisturize and tone.In adolescents, the hormonal background changes, which serves as an impetus for the appearance of various rashes. It is important to choose the right care that will prevent the growth of bacteria and the appearance of acne. Most often, adolescents have a problematic skin type.

The most common mistakes in problematic skin are dehydration of the epidermis with the help of alcohol-containing products, squeezing acne, frequent washing, which provokes a greater release of sebum, the use of scrubs that traumatize the skin and comedogenic cosmetics, and self-medication.

Features of the skin of the face of adolescents

At the time of puberty, global changes occur in the body. We are changing externally and internally. Both in boys and girls, against the background of hormonal changes, the level of testosterone greatly increases, which greatly affects the condition of the skin. The work of the sebaceous glands is growing, as a result of which the pores are clogged, provoking the appearance of comedones and various inflammations. Even if the skin of a teenager is not prone to acne, it is worth starting to care for it in order to prevent possible breakouts. Adolescence is an ideal period to form the habit of daily self-care.

Our skin is fully formed by the age of 11, so you need to start caring for it already at this age.

The cleansing step is the most important step in daily skincare. You need to choose a gentle and high-quality cleanser, with a good composition, which will not aggravate the skin condition for the worse. During the night, our epidermis secretes a large amount of sebum, which should be removed in the morning. During the day, a large amount of dirt and dust settles on our face, so a cleansing procedure should also be carried out before going to bed.

In order for the skin to be perfect and not cause complexes, it is important to follow some rules:

  • Drink plenty of fluids to keep your body hydrated. Dehydration must not be allowed. Water removes toxins and toxins, so it is important to drink water, not juices and sodas.
  • Pay special attention to your diet. Excessive amounts of sugar, unhealthy fats, chemicals and preservatives adversely affect the digestive tract, which provokes rashes on the face. It is important to observe the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet.
  • Do not use comedogenic make-up and be sure to thoroughly wash off make-up.
  • Perform daily cleansing and toning of the skin in the morning and evening.
  • Change bed linens as often as possible, especially pillowcases, because bacteria and dirt accumulate on them.
  • Wipe your face with paper towels.
  • Use SPF.
  • Do not squeeze pimples and do not touch your face with dirty hands, because this provokes the appearance of bacteria, scars and age spots. An inflammatory process begins, an infection can go and a furuncle, carbuncle appear.

It is worth noting that often boys are embarrassed to use cosmetics because of stupid stereotypes, but it is important for them to take care of their skin more carefully than girls. Guys produce testosterone more actively during adolescence, so their skin is prone to various rashes and inflammations.

Young men begin to shave, which often causes irritation. It is important at this point to choose the right care to solve this problem.

In girls, rashes are often associated with the menstrual cycle. Before menstruation, many people get acne, but this is normal. With proper cleansing of the skin, such rashes can be prevented.

For daily care, you should not choose products that dry out and tighten the skin, even if the teenager has an oily type. Choose a cleanser with a neutral pH. It changes with age, and in males this level is initially lower. In cleansers, the pH should not exceed 5-7.

How to choose

When choosing a cleanser, you need to focus on the type of skin. It is laid in each of us from birth, but under the influence of various factors (hormonal changes, stress, climate change, new eating habits) it can change for a certain period of time.

There are the following skin types:

  • Normal (rarely inflamed, has a slight sheen, visible pores in the T-zone).
  • Dry (flaky, tight, no shine, pores are not visible).
  • Oily (prone to rashes, has a greasy sheen, large pores).
  • Combined (has shine in the T-zone, dry in other areas).
  • Sensitive (prone to rashes, redness and itching, instantly reacts to food / environment).

For each of them there are separate care products. There is a popular way to determine the type of skin with a napkin. You need to clean your face in the usual way, apply moisturizer and wait 30 minutes. After half an hour, the sebaceous glands will begin to secrete sebum. Next, you should attach a napkin to your face for 30 seconds, and then assess its condition:

  • If there is a greasy mark on the napkin in the T-area, then you have combination skin.
  • If there is a greasy mark on all zones, it is greasy.
  • If traces of sebum are slightly visible, it is normal.
  • If there are no traces at all - dry.

Based on your type, you can start choosing a cleanser. When choosing it, you should pay special attention to the composition. There are harmful substances that should be avoided, these include:

  1. Anionic surfactants (aggressive cheap components) - Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Sodium Myreth Sulfate (SMS);
  2. Mineral oil (comedogenic component) - Mineral Oil.

There are cosmetics with a natural composition.It is made from at least 80% organic ingredients. One of the advantages of such care is that no hazardous chemicals are used in its manufacture and it has a mild effect on the skin of the face. It is worth noting that natural substances are potential allergens, which is dangerous for people with sensitive skin, so this is a significant disadvantage of natural cosmetics. Also, care is vegan, i.e. It contains no ingredients of animal origin and is not tested on animals.

Washing products are divided into gels and foams / mousses. They differ in consistency and purpose according to skin type. Gels have a deeper cleansing, require thorough rinsing, so they are more suitable for oily and combination skin. Foams and mousses have a mild effect. They are designed for normal, dry and sensitive skin.

There are 5 main classes of skin care cosmetics: mass market, middle market, luxury, medical (pharmacy) cosmetics and professional cosmetics. Teenagers should give their preference to pharmacy care cosmetics, as it gently cleanses the skin, fights rashes and moisturizes well. All of the brands listed below have skin care lines for every skin type. They differ from each other in terms of cost and quality of goods.

mass market

The mass market provides goods for mass consumption, cosmetics of this segment can be bought at any store or supermarket. This class includes the following brands: Nivea, Natura Siberica, Garnier, Yves Rocher and almost all CIS manufacturers.

Natura Siberica Cleansing Gel Oblepikha C-Berrica
votes 2

Cost: 280 rubles.

Volume: 150 ml.

By skin type: for oily and combination.

Natura Siberica Cleansing Gel Oblepikha C-Berrica
  • Nice smell;
  • natural ingredients;
  • Foams well;
  • Washes off easily;
  • Low cost.
  • Dries.

Yves Rocher BIO Peppermint Cleansing Gel
votes 0

Cost: 359 rubles.

Volume: 125 ml.

By skin type: for normal and combination.

Yves Rocher BIO Peppermint Cleansing Gel
  • Cleans well;
  • Does not dry;
  • Nice smell.
  • Not found.

Nivea cleansing mousse Gentle
votes 0

Cost: 277 rubles.

Volume: 150 ml.

By skin type: for dry and sensitive.

Nivea cleansing mousse Gentle
  • Gently cleanses;
  • Tones and moisturizes;
  • Doesn't dry out.
  • The bottle is leaking.

Middle market

The middle market class includes brands of higher value, notes also for general consumption. It includes: Lancome, Clinique, Clarins.

Lancome Crème Mousse Confort
votes 0

Cost: 3100 rubles.

Volume: 125 ml.

By skin type: for dry.

Lancome Crème Mousse Confort
  • Does not dry;
  • Moisturizes and nourishes;
  • Not annoying;
  • Nice smell;
  • Economic consumption;
  • Foams well;
  • Delicate and airy texture.
  • Not found.

Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Cleansing Foam
votes 0

Cost: 1845 rubles.

Volume: 125 ml.

By skin type: for problem skin.

Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Cleansing Foam
  • Cleans well;
  • Eliminates oily sheen;
  • Fights inflammation and rashes;
  • Soft texture.
  • Not found.

Clarins Young Skin Cleansing Gel
votes 0

Cost: 1650 rubles.

Volume: 125 ml.

By skin type: for sensitive.

Clarins Young Skin Cleansing Gel
  • Gently cleanses;
  • Does not dry;
  • Does not tighten;
  • Narrows pores;
  • Nice smell;
  • Evens out complexion.
  • Inconvenient dispenser.


Luxury has the highest price segment. These are world famous brands such as: Estee Lauder, Christian Dior, Guerlain. The products of these and other manufacturers can only be purchased in specialized cosmetic stores, or in the store of the brand itself.

Estee Lauder 2 in 1 Cleansing Foam / Cleansing Mask Perfectly Clean
votes 0

Cost: 3990 rubles.

Volume: 150 ml.

By skin type: for normal and combination.

Estee Lauder 2 in 1 Cleansing Foam / Cleansing Mask Perfectly Clean
  • Does not dry out;
  • Deeply cleanses pores;
  • Creamy texture.
  • Not found.

Dior Homme Dermo System Cleansing Gel for Men
votes 1

Cost: 3950 rubles.

Volume: 125 ml.

By skin type: for all types.

Dior Homme Dermo System Cleansing Gel for Men
  • Mattifies;
  • Does not dry;
  • Foams well;
  • Cleans carefully.
  • Not found.

Guerlain Enriched Foam Gel
votes 0

Cost: 8083 rubles.

Volume: 125 ml.

By skin type: for all types.

Guerlain Enriched Foam Gel
  • Economic consumption;
  • Delicate texture;
  • Careful cleansing.
  • Not found.

Medical (pharmacy) cosmetics

Cosmetics of this class are intended for dermatological patients and are sold only in pharmacies or by order on websites. It has a healing effect and cares for the skin. For the price, this segment is between the middle market and luxury. These include the following brands: CeraVe, La Roche-Posay, Dr. Jart+, Arabia.

CeraVe SA Softening Cleansing Gel
votes 0

Cost: 1239 rubles.

Volume: 473 ml.

By skin type: for dry and rough skin.

CeraVe SA Softening Cleansing Gel
  • Nourishes and moisturizes;
  • Does not dry;
  • Softens;
  • Prevents inflammation;
  • There is no fragrance.
  • Not found.

La Roche-Posay Foaming Cleansing Gel Effaclar Gel
votes 0

Cost: 1023 rubles.

Volume: 200 ml.

By skin type: for oily.

La Roche-Posay Foaming Cleansing Gel Effaclar Gel
  • Does not dry;
  • Does not tighten;
  • Foams well;
  • Gently cleanses;
  • Eliminates oily sheen;
  • Fights breakouts.
  • Not found.

Dr.Jart+ Teatreement Cleansing Foam
votes 0

Cost: 948 rubles.

Volume: 120 ml.

By skin type: for combination and oily.

Dr.Jart+ Teatreement Cleansing Foam
  • Evens out complexion;
  • Cleans well;
  • Reduces the number of comedones;
  • Has a healing effect.
  • Not found.

ARAVIA Professional AHA Fruit Gel
votes 0

Cost: 858 rubles.

Volume: 250 ml.

By skin type: for normal, combination, oily and dry.

ARAVIA Professional AHA Fruit Gel
  • Economic consumption;
  • Fights breakouts;
  • Narrows pores.
  • Not found.

Professional cosmetics

Professional care cosmetics contain many active ingredients. It can be purchased only on order through cosmetologists and dermatologists. This class includes: Holy Land, Christina, Renophase.

Holy Land Cleansing Gel Multivitamin
votes 1

Cost: 2704 rubles.

Volume: 250 ml.

By skin type: for all types.

Holy Land Cleansing Gel Multivitamin
  • Cleans well;
  • Does not dry out;
  • Delicate and pleasant texture;
  • Does not cause irritation.
  • Not found.

Christina Forever Young Moisturizing Facial Wash
votes 0

Cost: 2399 rubles.

Volume: 300 ml.

By skin type: for normal and dry.

Christina Forever Young Moisturizing Facial Wash
  • Does not dry;
  • Gently cleanses;
  • Economic consumption;
  • Nice smell;
  • Foams well.
  • Not found.

Gel for deep and intensive skin cleansing RenewPeel Gel Nettoyant Equilibrant, Renophase
votes 0

Cost: 5200 rubles.

Volume: 200 ml.

By skin type: for normal, oily and combination.

Gel for deep and intensive skin cleansing RenewPeel Gel Nettoyant Equilibrant, Renophase
  • Treats rashes and inflammation;
  • Evens out tone
  • Gently cleanses;
  • Nice smell.
  • It can be purchased only after consultation with a specialist.

Vegan natural cosmetics

Nowadays, more and more manufacturers refuse animal ingredients and testing on animals, following ethical standards. These brands include: Levrana, Weleda, Botavikos.

Levrana washing gel Antibacterial with rye enzymes
votes 0

Cost: 400 rubles.

Volume: 200 ml.

By skin type: for all types.

Levrana washing gel Antibacterial with rye enzymes
  • Natural composition;
  • Cleans well;
  • Nice texture;
  • Has a neutral pH.
  • Peculiar smell.

Weleda Soft Foam Cleanser
votes 0

Cost: 1192 rubles.

Volume: 200 ml.

By skin type: for dry and sensitive.

Weleda Soft Foam Cleanser[
  • Dries inflammation;
  • Soothes the skin;
  • Nice smell;
  • Natural composition.
  • Not found.

BOTAVIKOS Cardamom Mint Cleansing Gel
votes 0

Cost: 210 rubles.

Volume: 200 ml.

By skin type: for oily and combination.

BOTAVIKOS Cardamom Mint Cleansing Gel
  • Natural composition;
  • Low cost;
  • Gently cleanses;
  • Does not dry;
  • Cleans carefully.
  • Inconvenient dispenser;
  • Specific smell.

When choosing cleansers for a teenager, special attention should be paid to the composition so as not to worsen the condition of the skin.


