Rating of the best shoe care products for autumn and winter in 2022

Rating of the best shoe care products for autumn and winter in 2022

Coming cold weather with regular temperature changes and a portion of salt on the roads. The reagent mixed with earth and snow is a real test for our shoes. Even for simple models during these periods, proper care is required, not to mention elegant boots. Properly selected care products will not only help protect your favorite shoes from damage, but will also help you avoid unexpected expenses.

Description and difference between the compositions

This is a series of special substances designed to help maintain the aesthetics and quality of models. Simply put, we are talking about some cosmetics that are easy to find in an expensive store, or buy by ordering via the Internet, where there is a courier delivery. Among the cosmetics there are such substances:

  • creams;
  • sprays;
  • impregnation;
  • means for tinting;
  • eraser;

  • application tools.

Their main advantages are:

  • waxes and pastes containing it - make the skin shiny and protect it from moisture;
  • fluorocarbon resins are often included in the structure of impregnations for leather or textile bases, such components prevent the penetration of water or oil, allowing the product to "breathe";
  • artificially obtained ingredients, they help to bind the base with coloring substances, thereby forming a glossy coating, resistant to polishing;
  • solvents;
  • color components - give intensity to the main shade;
  • animal fats and oils make the fibers of the material itself softer and more elastic, but they have such a minus as a rather low impregnating property.

But primary processing is not able to remove all pollution, although they eliminate them visually. Therefore, boots must be periodically subjected to full processing using more serious elements.

In this connection, shoe care products are divided into three groups:

  1. For the cleaning. In this case, foamy substances to remove stains, special shampoos or plain soap are suitable.
  2. Care products. Here the structure of the product itself is of great importance. Since different models of shoes require certain preparations.
  3. Protective - they are considered the most popular. Which is logical, because regardless of the season, shoes are regularly exposed to the harmful effects of the environment.

How to use and store accessories

There is no single answer about how often you need to resort to care products. It all depends on how you operate a particular model. And since too regular use of cosmetics can damage a new thing, the following options are most acceptable:

  1. In dry weather, if the boots are worn a couple of times in 7 days. It will be enough to process them in just one and a half to two months. And if 4, then every 3-4 decades.
  2. For wet weather, under the same conditions, monthly, and for operation up to four, every 2 weeks.
  3. It is necessary to use the impregnation in tandem with the cream, and it is better to spray it before applying the latter.
  4. Suede boots do not need to be cleaned with cream or wax; impregnation or spray is desirable for such a pair. Usually these accessories are put in a special shoe locker. You can also use various wardrobe trunks to store models and related items with convenient compartments.

These containers can be placed anywhere:

  • on the mezzanine;
  • under the sofa
  • on the bottom shelf of the rack.

If the container is not transparent, you can make a sticker with a signature. And in order not to spend extra money and time searching for the required accessories, you just need to purchase a whole care kit, which is already a convenient option for storing non-standard cosmetics.

Requirements for the tool, taking into account the peculiarities of the season

Care for smooth skin

These boots need regular care. But before applying a new layer, a preliminary cleaning with foam is required. The unshakable classic for caring for them is cream. As a rule, it is based on the following components.

  1. Wax - often the price point of the entire package depends on which ingredient was used, natural or industrial. Most often, the basis of expensive substances comes across a product of bee production. But there is juice of the Brazilian carnauba tree, fruit waxes.
  2. Oil - can also be of natural or synthetic origin. Top quality compounds contain extracts from avocado, coconut, almond and so on.
  3. Fatty creams.
  4. Solvents - with a chemical or water base. And although they help to maintain a coherent structure, it is not advisable to use them often. Cream with a solvent has such disadvantages as:
  • unpleasant, chemical fragrance;
  • does not have a high rate of environmental friendliness;
  • inhomogeneous and even liquidish consistency.

To preserve the original shade, it is worth resorting to products with excipients that do not allow things to crack. To obtain a more natural shine, it is recommended that after treatment with the last cream, polish it with a soft brush with simple bristles.

Video tips for caring for smooth leather shoes:

For suede and nubuck options

These materials differ in small pile, however, these are different structures. The first is the skin of small cattle and therefore more delicate, and the second is from the skin of large animals and has long villi. But both options require a special approach, however, the same ingredients are perfect for them:

  • water-repellent sprays, they can be universal, but it is not difficult to find a substance with a specific purpose;
  • special or combined brushes, have natural, synthetic or metallized, but soft bristles;
  • special foam to remove dirt, which works well with a piece of foam rubber;
  • spray with a tinting effect - identical to the shade of the thing itself, it is able not only to restore the original color, but also does an excellent job of protecting it.

Things from these pieces of water are not afraid, it is good to clean them with a liquid solution or a special shampoo. But in order to protect boots or autumn boots from getting wet and dirty, they are treated with conditioners or impregnations created for this.

As a rule, such information is indicated on the packaging.

For fleecy materials, special tools and erasers or brushes of low rigidity designed for this are needed. And to minimize the ingress of dust, use a dirt and waterproof impregnation.

Video instructions for caring for suede shoes:

About care cosmetics for varnished options

These models are considered special due to the material from which they are made. It can be either a natural texture or its artificial substitute, coated with a special substance:

  • from polyurethane;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • nitrocellulose;
  • linseed oil.

It is this spraying that is the most whimsical element that requires special attention when leaving. The best options in this case are various color-restoring sprays, softening foams and varnishes for gloss and the formation of a protective film. While the use of creams is undesirable, due to the specific composition, such textures can leave marks or streaks.Care for such things is carried out only using:

  • soft flannel or microfiber cloth;
  • cotton pad.

In the autumn-winter period, it is desirable to use the following means:

  • various foams for cleaning patent leather shoes;
  • multifunctional substances, including those designed directly for special materials, such as colorless SALTON elements suitable for all skin types;
  • cream gloss with an applicator for gentle application;
  • sprays and mousses that maintain the shine and elasticity of lacquered items, prevent the formation of cracks on the surface and protect models from external factors.

Video tips for caring for patent leather shoes:

For materials of artificial origin

Development concerns everything, and the shoe industry has not stood aside. So by 2022, to ensure human comfort in chilly weather, a special membrane fabric, Goretex, was created. The development immediately found its application, since it can evaporate moisture. Therefore, to care for things from Gortex, it is enough to remove the dirt immediately after the walk and wipe it with a damp cloth. When caring for such products, it is not recommended:

  • use a rough brush that can break through the base, it is preferable to take a simple sponge;
  • do not use powder products, a special liquid soap or gel would be an excellent solution;
  • the membrane fabric does not tolerate wax or oil-containing products, as they prevent the base from breathing.

For the treatment of Gortex, a water-repellent agent in the form of a spray is welcome. Nourishing balms have shown themselves well, they help to solve 3 issues at once.

  1. Fill fabrics with important components that prolong the period of its service.
  2. Protect from moisture penetration.
  3. They do not allow harmful substances to penetrate into the porous structure of the material.

As a rule, on all options for caring for fabrics from the membrane there is a note that the liquid was created specifically for things made of gore-tex. And if the outer part of the boots has leather inserts, then it is worth choosing impregnations and emulsions only with a water base.

Video tutorial on caring for membrane shoes:

Tips for choosing

  1. When deciding on care cosmetics for warm boots or boots, start from the type of material from which they are made, from the purpose of the substance itself, and what you want to get in the end. For example, to give gloss, you should not choose a special fat.
  2. During the change of season, it is worth resorting to impregnations with a water-based base. Such preparations contain almost no wax. But in winter, on the contrary, products with the presence of organic compounds and paraffins will show themselves well.
  3. Do not go for a walk without first treating the boots with a water-repellent spray.
  4. Before applying a particular boot product, do a small test on a small inconspicuous area. Such care will give confidence that the components will not harm or discolor the model.
  5. Smooth skin will better perceive creams, in the structure of which there is about 30% wax, coupled with a solvent and silicone.
  6. Choose shoes with Gore-Tex, focusing on the TEX mark. It means that the texture is good to use for membrane connections. An abbreviation can be in a different design, for example, part of a phrase. Such impregnations do not clog pores and they are not so aggressive.
  7. Do not forget about disinfection, for this there are also a number of substances that eliminate unpleasant odors of fungi and bacteria.
  8. Despite their versatility, colorless creams should not be used too often, as this can affect the quality and saturation of the color. It is better to choose a connection of a suitable shade.
  9. More modern fabrics, as well as fleecy leather options, are best not treated with creams, otherwise spots or cracks may appear on them.

Hairy surface care products

Salamander Nubuk Velours

A specially formulated spray paint for suede, nubuck and velor models, restores the original color of the boots, guaranteeing intensive nutrition and care. The special formula of this product, after drying, forms a protective layer that does not allow external anomalies to affect the thin material of the boots.

Salamander Nubuk Velours
  • Dries quickly;
  • convenient to use;
  • good price;
  • paints scuffs;
  • lies flat;
  • there is a water-repellent effect;
  • lasts a long time;
  • does not damage the ozone layer.
  • Has a pungent odor;
  • ends quickly;
  • cannot cope with the large scale of work.
what is it for for suede, textile, nubuck
color neutral
volume 200 ml
country Portugal
price 297 rub

DIVIDIC anti-reagent

A novelty from a domestic manufacturer that is gaining popularity - protective impregnation, an anti-reagent will allow you to quickly and efficiently protect shoes from salts and chemicals used in winter. This product is characterized by a high content of active substances. This feature allows it to create effective protection against anti-slip reagents and protect the product from moisture.And thanks to innovative technology, Neutraq eliminates the unpleasant odors of the constituent components, thereby preventing them from "spoiling the reputation" of the final product.

DIVIDIC anti-reagent
  • Copes with the protection of lacquer base, suede, nubuck, velor, even fashionable textiles;
  • can be sprayed on clothing;
  • waterproof;
  • without smell;
  • lasts a long time;
  • economical consumption;
  • moderate cost.
  • May leak.
what is it for standard boots / hair products
color transparent
volume 250 ml
country RF
price 273 rub

SALTON Water protection

A new development from a popular company in Russia will allow you to be on top, despite the ups and downs of the weather. This impregnation in the form of a spray will be a reliable protection for your favorite thing from unaesthetic marks and stains. The main advantage of this composition is a powerful water-repellent property due to the high content of fluorocarbon resin. The spray is designed to work with models of boots made of plain leather, thin suede, nubuck, as well as innovative material - gore-tex.

SALTON Water protection
  • Qualitative composition;
  • protects from pollution;
  • good moisture resistance;
  • acceptable cost;
  • universal;
  • can be used for ordinary fabric;
  • economical consumption.
  • Bad smell.
what is it for pork skin, suede, textile
color transparent
volume 300 ml
country Russia
price 345 rub

The best substances for simple shoes

Shoe cream Erdal Classic

This brand became popular in our market due to the creation of high-quality compositions of shoe cosmetics. During the production of the products themselves, only advanced technologies are used.Among the components of this product, there is beeswax of natural origin, which allows the latter to protect shoes from the penetration of dampness, as well as the appearance of dirty and snow stains. The main components of the cream do not contribute to the protection of shoes in the autumn-winter period, its active ingredients give elasticity and make the shoes brighter and shinier.

Shoe cream Erdal Classic
  • Qualitative composition;
  • economical;
  • polishes small damages;
  • shoes become softer;
  • convenient to use.
  • Needs intensive polishing;
  • there is an unpleasant odor.
what is it for smooth base
color black
volume 75 ml
country Germany
price 277 rub

Kiwi Shoe Polish

Probably there is no such apartment where there is no jar of cream from this manufacturer. Without a doubt, this is one of the most sought-after brand of cosmetics for shoe care by ordinary buyers. And the novelty presented by him will be able to give an updated look even to old boots. The main component in the composition is wax, which provides the effect of smooth skin, filling in all microcracks and scratches, and has a moisture-repellent property.

Kiwi Shoe Polish
  • Convenient metal can with a secure clasp;
  • excellent result;
  • small expense;
  • well polishes small scuffs;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • a favorable combination of cost and high result.
  • It is not easy to pry off the lid;
  • Sold without brush.
what is it for natural or synthetic, oiled, nubuck
color No
volume 100 ml
country Spain
price 454 rub

Self-shine cream DIVIDIK

The peculiarity of this composition is to protect shoes from the penetration of dirt, moisture or reagents. The cream is not easy to take care of the boots, but also helps to renew the color of the products, softening them.

Self-shine cream DIVIDIK
  • Pleasant lasting shine after application;
  • Includes a sponge applicator for even distribution.
  • hands remain clean;
  • new lid design prevents oxygen from penetrating;
  • economical consumption;
  • good value.
  • Not enough gloss;
  • specific smell;
  • not suitable for leatherette;
  • the sponge quickly loses its shape.
what is it for smooth boots
color black
volume 55 ml
country RF
price 149 rub

Salamander Wetter Schutz

During the off-season, this consistency will be the right solution for your shoes. The specially designed structure allows you to maintain a great look of the shoe. And the active components of the composition prevent early aging of your favorite model, guaranteeing rich shine and color restoration. The company's developers have clearly verified the formula so that it ideally softens and moisturizes the rough base, preventing its deformation and creases. The company offers a fairly large selection of colors for this cream, including a completely neutral one.

Salamander Wetter Schutz
  • Easy to apply;
  • dries quickly;
  • stains the fabric well and eliminates old pigmentation;
  • a large selection of different shades;
  • familiar manufacturer;
  • clear effect;
  • large package;
  • acceptable cost.
  • The metal tube breaks easily;
  • Causes irritation on contact.
what is it for pork skin, suede, textile
color transparent
volume 300 ml
country Russia
price 345 rub

Salton the power of three waxes

A cream that contains 3 different bases of natural origin at once, capable of protecting shoes in both snow and rain. This composition is completely universal, and thanks to its active components, it will help to breathe new life even into old shoes. The texture is easy to apply, filling all external damage, softening and restoring the skin.

Salton the power of three waxes
  • absorption rate;
  • does not smear on surrounding surfaces;
  • does not leave oily stains;
  • economically spent;
  • has a good price;
  • obvious result;
  • copes well with the protective function;
  • does not evaporate from the surface for a long time even in severe frosts or heavy precipitation;
  • relevant in any weather.
  • There are no cons.
what is it for smooth shoes
color black
volume 75 ml
country Russia
price 197 rub

Popular products for products made of synthetic materials

Tarrago Mink Oil

Fat impregnation with real mink oil has an intense moisturizing effect, and also protects the skin from drying out. The composition contributes to greater elasticity and water-repellent effect.

Tarrago Mink Oil
  • Reliable manufacturer;
  • shoes do not get wet;
  • polishes well;
  • economical;
  • does not smell;
  • helps to spread the new model;
  • universal.
  • The skin darkens;
  • until completely absorbed, able to collect a lot of dust;
  • no sponge included
  • when applied in several layers becomes sticky.
what is it for natural or synthetic, oiled, nubuck
color No
volume 100 ml
country Spain
price 454 rub


An all-purpose product to protect against salt, the harmful effects of substances used by utilities, and the manifestation of unpleasant stains. The composition has a unique formula based on different materials and the most unusual colors.

  • Showed itself well with a membrane texture;
  • does not pass moisture;
  • does not leave streaks;
  • significantly extends the life of models;
  • good smell;
  • copes well with reagents;
  • lasts a long time;
  • minimum expense.
  • Not always available for sale.
what is it for standard base, suede, patent leather boots, textile, nubuck
color No
volume 250 ml
country Russia
price 353 rub


The brand presents the innovative INVULNER impregnation - the development forms a strong protection for various leather products, including those with fine pile, as well as innovative membrane materials. And the nanotechnologies used in the creation will provide the model with excellent protection against moisture and reagents. Which, thanks to the aerosol, do not get stuck in the texture of the shoe, but simply roll off it. At the same time, the applied layers of the care product do not in the least interfere with air circulation, thereby extending the life of the model.

impregnation INVULNER SAPHIR
  • Contains fluorocarbon resins responsible for water repellency;
  • does an excellent job of maintaining the original look of the shoe.
  • fights the appearance of stains from precipitation and reagents;
  • convenient to apply;
  • does not leave streaks;
  • economical consumption.
  • Price.
what is it for smooth texture, suede, textile, nubuck
color transparent
volume 250 ml
country France
price 1000 rub

Concluding the review, you can see that by the end of 2022, products from manufacturers such as SALTON, Kiwi or Salamander remain relevant. And the above rating clearly makes it clear that universal formulations in the form of a spray or impregnation have gained great popularity. Such substances allow you to save on the purchase of strictly targeted products, meet all selection criteria, do not take up much space on the shelf and do an excellent job with tasks of a different nature. The main thing is to remember that timely care for shoes will help to significantly extend the time of its operation.

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