Dust is a problem that is impossible to get rid of, since it accumulates always and everywhere, regardless of whether it is a living space or not. To combat it, you can use folk remedies or purchase specially designed ones. In the article we will take a closer look at what dust is, how and how to deal with it.
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Dust is a collection of solid particles that can range in size from 0.01 to 10 microns. An exceptionally large one attracts attention, since it is it that accumulates in the corners and on various surfaces, attracting everyone's attention. And it is with her that you have to fight so often. But in fact, you should be afraid of small, which is not visible to the eye and is found in large quantities in polluted air, since it is it that penetrates the body, damages blood vessels and causes harm to health.
The main part of the dust is microscopic particles of dead skin and tissue fibers. Hair, wool, mold spores, grains of earth, plant pollen, dust mites and other secondary sources act as additional sources contributing to its formation. In some rooms, the composition may include the waste products of various insects, for example, cockroaches, ants, and so on. In addition to domestic sources, there are also natural ones, these include deserts, fires and much more.
It is impossible to get rid of the main sources, but following certain techniques for putting things in order, you can significantly reduce its accumulation:
Dust mites are pests that live in almost every home. They prefer moist and warm habitats, and breed in bedding and other places where the epidermis is found. These pests leave their waste products that mix with the rest of the particles, increasing the amount of pollution and irritating the human respiratory tract. The hardest thing is for those who suffer from allergies to dust, in such cases, wet cleaning should be daily, only in this way, allergy attacks can be avoided.
What contributes to a greater accumulation of dust in the room:
Uneven surfaces also accumulate trash, for example, picture frames, lampshades, decorative elements and others, for the convenience of cleaning them, it is enough to use a regular brush.
On the shelves with household chemicals you can find a huge amount of cleaning products for various surfaces. In addition to the developed formulations, you can also use folk remedies that will be completely safe for animals and children, and no less effective than purchased ones.
Special formulations include:
Those who are sensitive to the smells of chemical compounds are recommended to use folk remedies that are no less effective. So, the most popular substances include:
Alcohol is another great cleaning agent. With it, it is possible to easily clean mirrors, glass surfaces, including chandeliers and lamps. It doesn't leave marks and picks up dirt with ease.
Divorces and scratches are the consequences of cleaning that any housewife may encounter, in order to avoid them, special tools should be used. If there are none, then improvised means will do, which can be found in every home. So, what is the best thing to use when wiping:
For cleaning ceiling catches and baseboards, a mop with a mop is suitable.
Good and quality cleaning is pleasing to the eye, but it is especially important for those who suffer from allergies caused by dust. To achieve the desired result, you need to consider some rules:
And of course, the use of special tools will help to maintain cleanliness for a longer time.
Manufacturers of household chemicals produce a wide range of products to help fight dust and dust mites. On which means to choose, of course, it is up to the consumer to decide, but before purchasing it is still worth reading the reviews about a particular product. You can also consult with friends or consult with the seller. Below we consider the means and equipment for removing small particles, which, according to consumers, can be called the best.
This list includes gels, sprays and concentrates that help fight dust and other contaminants.
BUBBLE TIME HLP-01030 is suitable for cleaning all surfaces except varnished. It perfectly copes not only with dust, but also with other contaminants, even those that remain after the repair. Produced in the form of a gel in a bottle with a convenient dispenser. The composition should be protected from children and used away from heating devices. It does not contain harmful chemicals and is easily removed with water.
ProFloor is a concentrate suitable for cleaning any surface.The detergent is suitable for all types of planes and copes with all contaminants. Using this tool when restoring order allows you to achieve a more effective result. With it, you can easily remove not only small particles, but also very old dirt. The tool, after applying it to the surface, is able to create an invisible film that repels motes. After rubbing, the surface acquires a slight sheen. Thomas ProFloor is without a doubt an efficient and effective tidying tool.
Interior-Office is a concentrated product with antiseptic properties, used to clean dirt from all types of surfaces, including dust. Suitable for wiping electrical appliances, monitors and other equipment that attracts dust. The result is noticeable after the first use. Since the substance is concentrated, it should be diluted in water in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, which are indicated in the container. Available in liter bottles, 5 liter canisters and spray bottles.
Detergent, which is ideal for daily cleaning of all types of surfaces, copes with both dust and dirt.It comes in the form of a spray, so it is very easy and convenient to use the liquid. The composition is suitable for wiping such electrical appliances, including TV and computer screens. The composition does not include organochlorine solvents, it is produced in several volumes, in a 0.5 bottle with a dispenser and in 5 liter canisters.
Anti-dust polish from Pronto is a product that carefully cares for furniture, giving it shine and protecting it from various particles. It has an antistatic effect, that is, after cleaning, particles flying in the air will not settle on the furniture. Anti-dust polish makes cleaning simple and fast.
Chase Product Co releases a line of original products, including dust and dirt. Champion Sprayon Green World N DUST AND MOP TREATMENT. The composition is completely safe for humans and animals, does not contain aggressive chemical and ozone-depleting components. All components included in the composition are biodegradable, the product does not require rinsing and is hypoallergenic.
3M Scotch 1638 is available in spray form and is more suitable for handling electrical appliances. Application does not require special skills and efforts. The presence of a special tube in the can allows you to use the product in hard-to-reach places. The cylinder itself and its composition are completely safe for both people and animals, and for the environment.
You'll love is a brush designed to remove dust and fine dirt. The presence of a convenient handle makes it easy to manage the product. The rather long handle makes it easy to reach hard-to-reach places, including the surfaces of cabinets and chandeliers. High-quality product, made of plastic and synthetics, completely safe for health. During use, synthetic fibers do not crumble. The whisk is easy to clean with water and dries quickly.
The Skiico electric broom is powered by 4 AA batteries and comes with 3 nozzles, instructions, and a bottle of cleaner. Suitable for cleaning all types of surfaces. The villi collect dust and hold it with the help of static electricity. After putting things in order, it is enough to rinse the product with water or simply shake it off. Lightweight and easy to use design will allow you to effortlessly maintain order in the house.
Cleaning, universal wipes with which you can easily clean items without the use of detergents. Cope not only with dust, but also with stains, suitable exclusively for hard surfaces. The safe composition was developed in cooperation with the Finnish Allergy Association. Disposable biodegradable wipes are completely safe to use.
Dolyana 2751367 is another broom to fight pollution. The design is suitable for cleaning surfaces from various small particles. Light and soft villi do not leave any traces after putting things in order, and the result is noticeable instantly.
The use of dust suppressants will help to significantly reduce its accumulation and spread. It is not difficult to choose it, but given that liquid products may contain harmful chemical components, you should carefully study the compositions. Therefore, if there is no personal experience of use, it is best to use the recommendations of friends or sellers. It is much easier to choose inventory as a dust remover, here you can take into account personal wishes and ease of use.