
  1. Why do cracked heels appear?
  2. Best Remedies for Heel Health
  3. Helpful tips for foot care
  4. Which means to choose anyway

Best remedies for cracked heels for 2022

Best remedies for cracked heels for 2022

It is from the heels that all accomplishment begins. Thanks to them, a person is able to walk, balance, move weight. Therefore, everyone would like their heels to be healthy and beautiful. Often no problems arise, therefore, at best, you have to pay attention to the feet once a year - before going to the sea.

To a general disorder, heel problems lead not only to a loss of aesthetic appearance, but also to medical pathologies, which are not so easy for some to get rid of. Any violation of nutrition or regimen can adversely affect the heels. Simply put, legs are a reflection of everyday lifestyle, which sometimes has to be radically changed in the end.

Even at the very beginning of the development of pathologies, defects on the heels are not very noticeable, so no one pays due attention to them. But over time, their condition worsens, sufficiently deep cracks appear, covered with a white coating. Before starting treatment, you should understand the essence of the problem and familiarize yourself with the causes of its occurrence.

Why do cracked heels appear?

In medicine, there are several particularly important reasons due to which the disease develops:

  • Avitaminosis. Often, the lack of the right amount of vitamin in the body leads to many problems. The effect on the skin is especially great with a lack of vitamin A. On the heels, the consequences are most pronounced.
  • Uncomfortable, low-quality shoes often lead to such problems. In addition, even the foot can be deformed, so the choice of shoes should be given special attention.
  • Fungus is an equally common causative agent of pathologies. In addition, not only the heels are affected, but also the nails with the feet.
  • Diabetes. If the treatment is not followed, skin problems may occur, which will especially affect the legs. The thyroid gland, the organs of the digestive tract and the kidneys have a strong influence on the functioning of the skin system.
  • There are cases when cracks in the heels appear due to standing work.
  • Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene, which contributes to the hardening of the skin, and in the future its destruction.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Excess weight contributes to an increase in the load on the legs, as a result of which similar pathologies appear.
  • Sometimes the fault of the untidy appearance of the legs is age. The older the person, the worse the metabolism, which does not allow the skin to receive enough nutrients. This causes the skin to dry and crack.

Proper treatment is possible only when the exact cause of the disease is established.

Many people think that proper care ends with washing the feet, but in practice this is not enough, because rough skin needs to be removed periodically.

Poor quality shoes cause mechanical damage to the feet, which causes a slight peeling at first, and over time, serious cracks appear. Plus, this type of shoe is often equipped with synthetic insoles, which makes the feet sweat. Such a microclimate is a favorable environment for the development of most microbes.

Best Remedies for Heel Health

Even if there were no previous problems with the legs, this does not mean that they cannot suddenly appear. As a rule, during a life a person continues to learn something new about himself. For example, the skin has ceased to be updated at the same rate as before. The elasticity and mobility of the legs are no longer the same, because the upper layers of the skin of the heels have accumulated cells, from which peculiar seals have formed. It also contributes to the appearance of corns, and sometimes even is a place for fungal infections to enter.

All of the above has become a serious problem that made doctors think.As a result, now on the market you can find a lot of funds that effectively fight this type of disease. Moreover, all funds are classified into 3 groups: creams, peels and ointments. This approach allows consumers to choose the most convenient option for themselves.

Most popular heel creams

Xerial 50 Extreme Crème Pieds by SVR

The tool is a cream that contains a large amount of urea. Suitable for the treatment of not only serious cracks, but also for the prevention of a number of diseases. The composition impresses with a variety of components. The mass is practically odorless, easily absorbed and does not leave behind a sticky layer. It can also be used on open areas of the skin without subsequent rinsing or rubbing. This remedy is considered one of the few where the level of urea is so high. The absence of flavors and other additives in the cream makes it even more attractive. The manufacturer positions its development as a product that provides a visible result after a week of use.

Xerial 50 Extreme Crème Pieds by SVR
  • Has excellent emollient properties;
  • Promotes rapid healing of cracks;
  • Maintains skin tone, renewing it;
  • Is hypoallergenic.
  • High price;
  • The likelihood of pain when applied to cracks.

Neutrogena Restoring Foot Cream

Foot cream with regenerating properties. It acts not only as a prophylactic, but also performs moisturizing and nourishing functions. The moisturizing effect lasts for 24 hours. The texture of the product is quite dense, with a slight aroma. Difficulties in application do not arise, however, the absorption rate is quite low. However, no sticky film remains.Buyers assure that the product is perfect for daily use.

Neutrogena Restoring Foot Cream
  • Good moisturizer;
  • Has an affordable price;
  • Perfectly nourishes the skin;
  • Fast healing of cracks.
  • Useless against complex diseases.

Losterin Foot Cream by Bestwood Pharma

It is common in the medical field, which indicates the absence of any harmful additives in the cream. Often acts as an additional or main drug for the treatment of various skin diseases. Not bad used for preventive purposes, because. eliminates itching between the fingers, reduces the level of bacteria, regulates perspiration. Recommended for daily use.

Losterin Foot Cream by Bestwood Pharma
  • It copes well with chronic forms of ailments;
  • It has a healing effect on cracks and calluses;
  • Helps soften hardened areas;
  • It is non-hormonal.
  • It has little effect on fungal infections;
  • Powerless against marked sweating;
  • Although the itching is eliminated, however, for the manifestation of the effect, constant use over a long period of time is necessary.

DiaDerm Intensive by DiaVit

The cream is perfect for diabetics. It has a wide range of applications: from mitigation to disease prevention. However, the concentration of urea is low. Although the cream is recommended specifically for diabetics, nevertheless, in normal situations, it also does a good job. In the process of application, the protective properties of the skin are restored, which helps to better retain moisture and improves metabolic processes. The mass is light, has a high ability to absorb, leaving no sticky residue.

DiaDerm Intensive by DiaVit
  • Allowed for use by diabetics;
  • Promotes the rapid healing of cracks and calluses;
  • Favorably affects the skin, softening it;
  • Affordable cost.
  • A quick result is not always guaranteed;
  • The composition is not the most natural.

Bariederm Stick Fissures Cracks by Uriage

It is a cream stick used when cracks appear. The action is aimed specifically at the problem, which contributes to the rapid healing, nutrition and softening of a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Often this tool is used for application to large parts of the affected skin. In addition, the composition is suitable not only for traditional use (on the heels), but also for the treatment of cracked nipples, wings of the nose, etc. The soft texture makes it easy to apply, and there are no marks on clothes.

Bariederm Stick Fissures Cracks by Uriage
  • Effectively fights cracks of various origins;
  • High level of water resistance;
  • Does not cause allergic reactions;
  • Does not contain fragrances.
  • High price.

Popular crack healing peels

Shiny Foot Super Peeling Liquid by Tony Moly

This development is a peeling socks for feet. Gently affects the feet, softening them, thereby normalizing the water balance and improving the ability to regenerate. The composition is absolutely natural, in addition, it includes a large amount of acids. The whole procedure takes approximately 2 hours. If the product gets on the top of the foot, it causes discomfort. For a visible result, you should wait about 2 weeks. Cannot be used by diabetics, pregnant or lactating women.

Shiny Foot Super Peeling Liquid by Tony Moly
  • Natural rich composition;
  • Promotes effective skin renewal;
  • Noticeable ease of use.
  • High price;
  • It takes a long time to wait for the result;
  • Enough only for one-time use;
  • Contraindicated in some categories of patients.

Aquapeeling solution from Pharmtek

Express peeling for legs. It is effective if necessary to get rid of rough skin, calluses or corns. With the help of aqua-peeling, cracks heal quickly, because. rough skin is removed. Useful properties include antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. The manufacturer guarantees a visible effect after 20 minutes. However, one procedure will not bring a total result, nevertheless, the number of uses depends directly on the initial problem and its level of complexity. The product is suitable for diabetic patients.

Aquapeeling solution from Pharmtek
  • Quickly softens the skin;
  • Promotes exfoliation;
  • Has an affordable price;
  • Approved for use by diabetics;
  • Has a mild effect;
  • Does not contain impurities.
  • Not always suitable as the main drug;
  • Socks are not included in the package, which forces the use of cling film.

Effective anti-crack ointments

Uroderm ointment 30% of Retinoids

Ointment with a high level of urea, suitable for the care of rough skin on the heels. Directed action guarantees quick results. The mass has a fairly dense composition, easy to apply, but the absorption process is not fast. Effectively fights against dry and rough skin. Helps with problems with nails (with their ingrowth or with onychomycosis). This requires isolating the desired area with a patch for a certain period of time.

Uroderm ointment 30% of Retinoids
  • Affordable cost;
  • Perfectly moisturizes the skin;
  • Softens not only the skin, but also the nails;
  • It is used in the presence of various diseases, including diabetes;
  • Promotes rapid healing of cracks.
  • Sometimes causes stinging or irritation on the skin.

Gehwol Healing ointment for cracked heels Schrunden Salbe

A rather expensive remedy that can cope with severely rough skin, cracks and other damage caused by dryness. The cream contains medical soap, as well as natural essential oils, panthenol and an anti-inflammatory component from chamomile.

Regular use of the ointment allows you to restore the natural protective layer of the skin, make it more elastic, completely get rid of dryness and flaking.

The cost of the ointment is 850 rubles.

Gehwol Healing ointment for cracked heels Schrunden Salbe
  • Effective even on severely rough skin;
  • There is an additional cooling effect.
  • Badly absorbed.

Budget care options

Evo with urea

This tool is inexpensive and contains 10% pure urea, which contributes to the deep penetration of the substance into the affected area and eliminate the root of the problem. Coconut and olive oils soften the skin, while the rest of the mixture eliminates unpleasant odors and relieves irritation.

Evo with urea
  • Has good compatibility with sensitive skin;
  • Low price.
  • Can not act as the main means for treatment;
  • The result is not considered stable.

Plantain from Neva cosmetics

This tool is the cheapest of all, but this does not mean that it is the worst. Psyllium extract is the main natural substance contained in the composition.

Plantain Foot Cream[
  • Has a high absorption rate;
  • Perfectly softens coarsened areas;
  • Fights inflammation, calluses and corns.
  • The result is not immediately visible and does not last long.

Helpful tips for foot care

A number of useful tips will help keep your heels healthy:

  • Shoes should be chosen according to the season and fit all the parameters of the foot, so as not to constrain it. The material from which the shoes are made, it is desirable that it be natural.
  • If the surface of the skin is slightly dry or flaky, treat the entire surface of the foot with a moisturizer. If there is diabetes mellitus, then it is recommended to treat the legs as a whole.
  • Areas of hyperkeratosis should be regularly treated with urea-based creams.
  • Alcohol-containing preparations will only aggravate the condition of wounds and cracks, so the use of such products should be avoided.
  • Feet need constant cleaning. Warm water, a stiff brush and pumice will help.
  • It is better to refrain from walking barefoot in public places in order to avoid contracting any infections. Alternatively, personal or disposable slippers are used.
  • Prevention of a fungal infection will never be superfluous. From time to time, a special cream should be applied between the toes and along the edges of the nails.

These recommendations will help to make any legs perfect.

Which means to choose anyway

Each tool included in the above rating is deservedly considered the best. They all help with heel problems.Nevertheless, there are some differences: the action of some funds begins faster, while others have a cumulative effect. In addition, it should be borne in mind that some drugs require assistants to work effectively, because. "in single swimming" they will not be able to bring the desired result.

The condition of the feet should be a fundamental guide when choosing a product. Often the best solution is to use several tools at once, and then, based on the information received, choose one. Those. it is better to use the selection method, which will show which product will be the best solution. Sometimes the composition of the drug can cause allergic reactions, so this nuance should also be paid attention to. Before buying, you should carefully examine the level of content of certain substances, as well as take an analysis for allergic reactions. This approach will help to avoid many unforeseen consequences.

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