
  1. Product Basics - Selection Criteria
  2. Rating of high-quality gels and aerosols for cleaning interior stone for 2022
  3. Rating of the best detergents for cleaning interior stone for 2022
  4. Conclusion

Rating of the best interior stone cleaners for 2022

Rating of the best interior stone cleaners for 2022

In recent years, it has become fashionable to use interior stone in the house. It is laid in bathrooms and kitchens, as well as in living rooms to create an exposition, in addition, plumbing, floor and facade tiles are made from it. Looks rich, gives a special comfort to the house. To enjoy the “beautiful picture”, the product needs regular maintenance, which ordinary powders cannot cope with. The question arises, how to clean or how to wash the dirt from such products. Here is an overview of the best interior stone cleaners for 2022. According to buyers, they most effectively cope with pollution of varying degrees.

Product Basics - Selection Criteria

To clean the interior stone, special liquids or aerosols are used. They can be universal or narrow profile. How to choose the right one? Depending on the material of the product, a cleaning agent is selected.

Interior stone material - its features

Types of stones are classified into two categories: natural and artificial. Products made from natural material are very expensive and heavy, it is difficult to process them, therefore, as an alternative, it is customary to use artificial ones.

The popularity of models depends on the technology by which the product is made and the components used in the composition. The best specimens are based on concrete, the main component of which is cement (Portland cement) and filler (endow the product with properties).

What other fillers are there:

  • expanded clay (has a low density);

Note! Expanded clay can be fine-grained and coarse-grained. Inexpensive coarse-grained products, however, they have a main drawback: after 6-12 months of operation, if the care rules are not followed, the pieces may fall off.

  • perlite (increases resistance to corrosion);
  • pumice;
  • ceramic chips and others.

On a note! Other equally popular artificial stones include: porcelain stoneware or agglomerates imitating marble, granite, malachite, etc.

The pigments that make up the product (dyes, as they are also called), which give a special color to the product, are also responsible for the service life of the product.

In this regard, when buying hygiene products for the care of artificial and natural stone, it is important to know the composition of the product itself in order to understand how it will react to exposure to chemicals.

Selection guide - what to look out for

In order not to make mistakes when choosing, you should draw up a mini plan for yourself:

  • for what stone the goods are supposed;
  • what impact and result it has;
  • How often should the product be used?
  • what expense;
  • what is the price;
  • which company is better.

Note! Carefully study the indications for use in order to know whether the selected product is suitable for your interior decoration. Some cleaners can be aggressive to the skin, so you need to use hand protection (gloves).

Picture - Tile wall

The instruction manual clearly states how to properly clean the stone surface. According to the purpose, the funds are divided into two categories: household and professional.The first two are used for plumbing, interior products (for example, a coffee table), tiles, kitchens; the last category is for the exterior cladding of the building.

What is the best cleaning product to buy - tips for choosing

The surface of the interior stone can be smooth or rough. For smooth use gentle products: gel, spray, cream. For rough, any tool is suitable. It is most convenient to use sprayers, as they are able to penetrate even the smallest cracks in products.

For the kitchen, it is important that the substance cope with grease stains. For decor items, non-aggressive preparations are used, since the main task is to remove dust, stubborn dirt or fingerprints that remain on glossy objects.

Note! The main thing you should pay attention to is the description of the product made of stone, how to care for it, and then compare it with the instructions for the selected cleaning agent, buy the right one.

Photo - Design of a room with a fireplace

There are professional cleaning fluids. They can be ready-made or require dilution with water (the so-called concentrates). Their main feature is the removal of any kind of pollution on stone products inside and outside the house. There are three types of preparations: facade, for interior work and universal.

Note! For cleaning facades and paving slabs, machinery is used, so liquids can be intended for both manual use and machine use.

For the first time, you can use ready-made solutions, the main task of which is to put in order internal products, for example, for stone window sills, tiles (floor, wall).

If the house is equipped with facing tiles, and inside there are also decorative elements made of the same material, then it is better to buy a universal solution.

Rating of high-quality gels and aerosols for cleaning interior stone for 2022

This category includes products that carefully clean stone products from various types of stains. To achieve the best result, some waiting time is required after applying the solution. The list of popular drugs includes foreign and domestic models. The best manufacturers for this year:

  • "Unicum";
  • "Bagi";
  • "HG";
  • DEC;
  • "Somrast Company".

Model "302326" from the manufacturer "Unicum"

Purpose: cleaning surfaces from food stains, grease, efflorescence.

The product is suitable for removing stains from any stone and glass-ceramic surfaces. The packaging is a white plastic bottle with a blue cap. Quickly, gently acts on the coating (without scratches), perfectly polishes, restores its shine.

Feature of the product: leaves a protective layer that hides microcracks, thereby extending the service life of products.

"302326" from the manufacturer "Unicum", the appearance of the container

Main characteristics:

Type of:cream
Fits:for cleaning stone sinks, countertops, porcelain stoneware window sills, ceramics, marble, etc.
Nominal volume:380 ml
Surfactant:not more than 5% surfactants and nonionic surfactants
Tank size (centimeters):5/8/22
The weight:420 g
Producing country:Russia
Average price:120 rubles
Unicum 302326 for stone
  • smells good;
  • cleans well;
  • inexpensive;
  • functional.
  • does not always cope with stubborn stains.

Model "Shumanit" from the manufacturer "Bagi"

Purpose: to remove old fat.

A yellow plastic bottle with a red cap containing a gel for removing grease (mud) stains of any age, efflorescence, green plaque. It has an antibacterial effect on the coating, gives it a natural shine, returns the natural beauty. Contains no more than 30% nonionic surfactants.

How to clean: Using a sponge or cloth, apply the cream evenly, leave for 1-2 minutes, and then rinse with water. Dry material (napkin) to polish the coating.

Recommendations: work with gloves, avoiding contact with the liquid in the eyes and other parts of the body. On an inconspicuous area, test the gel for paint stability (applies to products with pigment).

"Shumanit" from the manufacturer "Bagi", front and rear view of the bottle

Main characteristics:

Type of:gel
What cleans:natural/artificial stone, sinks, countertops, window sills, decor items
Nominal volume:350 ml
Cleans:granite, marble, porcelain stoneware, sandstone, slate, limestone
Bottle size (centimeters):4,2/20/7
Net weight:420 g
Packing material:plastic
Producing country:Israel
By price:290 rubles
Bagi Shumanit for cleaning interior stone
  • does not leave scratches;
  • wide application;
  • value for money;
  • picks up dirt quickly.
  • there may be cases of incompatibility with colored stones.

Model "Kitchen" from the manufacturer "NG"

Purpose: for stone sinks, countertops and other kitchen surfaces made of natural materials.

The liquid in a white plastic bottle with a spray is designed to care for natural cane in the kitchen. Its main task is to remove fat. Can be used daily. Applying the drug in two ways: spray or jet.Work is carried out with a clean soft cloth (dry) or slightly damp.

Note! To remove old stains, the applied substance must be left for a couple of minutes, then removed with a dry cloth.

"Kitchen" from the manufacturer "NG", a bottle with sprayers

Main characteristics:

Type of:spray
Nominal volume:500 ml
Fits:for marble, granite
Vendor code:340050161
Parameters (centimeters):24/6,5/6,5
The weight:597 g
Manufacturer country:Netherlands
Price:310 rubles
HG Kitchen for natural stone
  • fast, safe cleaning;
  • does not leave streaks;
  • long enough;
  • for frequent use;
  • value for money.
  • not identified.

Model "For stone surfaces" from the manufacturer "DEC"

Purpose: getting rid of limescale, unpleasant odor.

The contents of the container have an antibacterial effect on the surface, do not contain chlorine and acids. The case is plastic, white. Returns natural shine, natural beauty to a product.

Note! Effectiveness is achieved with regular use.

Ingredients: functional additives + water. The consistency of the liquid resembles a gel. Belongs to a series of moisturizing and cleansing products.

The front side of the product packaging "For stone surfaces" from the manufacturer "DEC"

Main characteristics:

Type of:spray
Types of work surfaces:for granite, marble, sandstone, slate, limestone, artificial stone
Capacity:500 ml
Vendor code:1576636
Package size (centimeters):7/25,4/9
The weight:500 g
Manufacturer country:Russia
Average amount:200 rubles
DEC For stone surfaces
  • easy care (does not require flushing with water);
  • universal;
  • ergonomic bottle shape (comfortable to hold);
  • inexpensive;
  • with antibacterial action.
  • not always the desired result can be achieved the first time (concerns obsolete stains).

Model "OKK-05" from the manufacturer "Somrast Company"

Purpose: for cleaning stone and brick.

The sprayer is designed to remove persistent deposits such as soot, smoke tar, dig, carbon deposits. The product is used for professional cleaning in catering establishments with a baking oven, tandoor or smokehouse. In domestic conditions, they are used to clean the fireplace.

Note! Rubber gloves must be worn when handling the product. Apply the solution to the surface and do not touch for 3-5 minutes. Then, using a sponge or brush, rinse with warm water.

Bottle design "OKK-05" from the manufacturer "Somrast Company"

Main characteristics:

Type of:spray
Vendor code:10006050
Suitable surfaces for cleaning:concrete, glass, ceramic, stainless steel, plastic, brick, stone and others
The composition of the substance:Surfactants, complexing agents, active detergent additives
Storage temperature:-25-+25 degrees
Guarantee:1 year
Nominal volume:500 ml
Manufacturer country:Russia
Average price:320 rubles
Somrast Company OKK-05
  • storage conditions;
  • effective;
  • economical packaging;
  • convenient container.
  • not identified.

Rating of the best detergents for cleaning interior stone for 2022

This category includes mainly professional cleaning products for interior stone, which, according to buyers, quickly and effectively remove dirt. The list was made up of universal and narrow-purpose drugs. Popular models belong to firms:

  • "HG";
  • Docker;
  • Karcher;
  • "Taski";
  • "Mellerud".

Model "Shine restoring cleaner" from the manufacturer "HG"

Purpose: for floor coverings made of marble and natural stone.

The solution in a small white tank with a screw cap is intended for manual cleaning of floors. Its features: biodegradable, concentrate, requires only application to the coating.

The special composition reduces cleaning time, leaving a pleasant smell of freshness. The product is intended for regular use, according to the instructions, diluted in a ratio of 1: 1, that is, 10 liters of water per 100 ml of liquid. How to properly organize the work is detailed on the packaging.

View of the canister "Shine restoring cleaner" from the manufacturer "HG"

Main characteristics:

Type of:liquid
Package size (centimeters):9/8/21
The weight:1kg 105 g
Coating Compatibility:from marble chips, marble, travertine, tuff, terrazzo and other natural stone flooring
Volume:1 liter
nonionic surfactants:no more than 5%
Vendor code:221100161
Producing country:Netherlands
Average cost:680 rubles
Shine restoring cleaner HG for marble and natural stone
  • does not require rinsing;
  • impeccable;
  • long enough;
  • value for money.
  • not identified.

Model "Stone" from the manufacturer "Docker"

Purpose: for cleaning natural stone.

Professional cleaner for tiles and stone, effectively removes grease deposits, heavy dirt, lime and light cement deposits, rust, resistant to acids.

Features: odorless, fast action, does not change the color of the coating, does not leave streaks, does not contain harmful compounds such as mercury, chlorine, heavy metals, is used for internal and external use, is not afraid of freezing, and after thawing retains powerful abilities.

How to use: using a roller, brush, apply the solution to the area (dilute with water in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:7) and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with plenty of water.

Note! The concentration is selected based on the degree of contamination.

"Stone" from the manufacturer "Docker", container + instruction manual

Main characteristics:

Type of:solution, concentrate
What is suitable for:walls, ceilings made of ceramic facing tiles, as well as sidewalks; porcelain stoneware, facade or natural stone tiles; granite, marble; clay brick, cotto coatings; slate, quartzite
Nominal volume:5 liters
Average consumption of the finished solution:8 sq. meters - 1 kg
Impact on dirt during:10-15 minutes
Storage temperature:0-30 degrees
Shelf life of the finished solution:5 days
Manufacturer's Warranty:1 year
Producing country:Germany
Price:590 rubles
stone docker
  • multifunctional;
  • universal;
  • safe;
  • efficient;
  • has no smell;
  • value for money.
  • not identified.

Model "Stone" from the manufacturer "Karcher"

Purpose: for cleaning stone and facades.

The contents of the plastic container have a unique formula that includes an active cleaning agent, an element to protect against re-contamination and weathering. Suitable for processing walls, terraces, facades, protecting them from weathering.Perfectly copes with road and atmospheric pollution, fungi, algae growths.

Features: contains biodegradable surfactants, can process aluminum coatings.

The finished liquid is designed for quick and efficient cleaning in combination with a high-pressure cleaner from the same company. The Plug 'n' Clean system ensures quick and easy application of the cleaning agent.

"Stone" from the manufacturer "Karcher", tank design

Main characteristics:

Type of:3 in 1 liquid
Volume:1 liter
Catalog number:37896
Guarantee:2 years
Producing country:Germany
Average amount:500 rubles
Stone Karcher for stone cleaning
  • highly efficient;
  • functional;
  • suitable for artificial and natural stone;
  • already cooked: no need to breed.
  • special equipment is required.

Model "Jontec Ceramica" from the manufacturer "Taski"

Appointment: for floor coverings.

No-rinse, biodegradable concentrate for cleaning shiny floors without a special protective coating - ensuring perfect cleanliness. Features: dries quickly, has a pleasant smell, for daily care.

Note! If the pollution is strong, then the concentrate can be increased up to 5%.

"Jontec Ceramica" from the manufacturer "Taski" from the professional series

Main characteristics:

Type of:liquid
Mode of application:manual, machine cleaning
floor material:ceramics, marble, granite, glazed porcelain
Volume:5 liters
Vendor code:9013458
Minimum dosage for manual cleaning:10 ml per bucket of water (1%)
Producing country:Russia
By price:2200 rubles
Jontec Ceramica Taski
  • does not leave streaks, stains;
  • retains the original gloss of the floor covering;
  • large volume;
  • universal use;
  • long enough.
  • expensive.

Model "Fliesen und Stein Grundreiniger" from the manufacturer "Mellerud"

Purpose: for tiles and stone.

The product is used as a gentle and effective agent for removing limescale, stubborn dirt, cement dust from ceramic flooring and thin-layer natural stone products that do not contain limestone.

The substance is perfect for the kitchen (cleaning tiles), shower, bathroom (suitable for sinks, the composition of which is one of the listed materials), toilet, pool, as well as cleaning terraces and balconies.

Features: the content of phosphoric and the absence of hydrochloric acid, eliminate rust.

Important! Work only with gloves. Be sure to rinse the solution with clean water.

"Fliesen und Stein Grundreiniger" from the manufacturer "Mellerud", view of the packaging

Main characteristics:

Type of:liquid
Fits: for slate, granite, quartzite, porphyry, basalt, as well as stainless steel and aluminum products
Nominal volume:1 liter
Maximum performance:10-15 sq. meters (depending on the degree of pollution)
nonionic surfactants:no more than 5%
Diluted with water in the proportion:1:5
Best before date:10 years
Manufacturer country:Germany
Price:390 rubles
Fliesen und Stein Grundreiniger Mellerud
  • wide application;
  • cleans well;
  • affordable price;
  • stored for a long time.
  • not identified.


The list of the best "drugs" for the care of interior stone for this year includes models of domestic and foreign production, for various purposes, volume and method of application.

Budget options - substances for the care of room decor elements (for example, for stone countertops). Medium price category - for the kitchen, bathroom. Expensive - universal professional cleaning solutions.

Picture - Facade of the building

In order not to make mistakes when choosing, you can watch video clips that demonstrate the effect of liquids. This will help determine which solution is compatible with the material without being aggressive to the material. Additional confirmation of the effectiveness of the drug can serve as customer reviews.

Note! The instruction manual provides answers to all questions. For example, for which stone to use: porcelain stoneware, sandstone, limestone, etc.; in what dosage to breed; how to apply and others.

Table - "List of the best cleaning agents for interior stone for 2022"

Name:Manufacturer:Volume (ml):Type of:Average price (rubles):
"For stone 302326"Unicum380cream120
"For stone surfaces"DEC500spray200
OKK-05"Somrast Company"500spray320
Shine restoring cleaner"HG"1000liquid680
"Jontec Ceramica"Taski5000liquid2200
"Fliesen und Stein Grundreiniger""Mellerud"1000liquid390
votes 0


