
  1. Description
  2. Rating of quality throat sprays
  3. Selection criteria (main errors in selection)

Ranking of the best throat sprays for 2022

Ranking of the best throat sprays for 2022

A sore throat is familiar to many people, the symptoms and consequences are quite unpleasant. Therefore, the sooner treatment is started, the more effective it will be. For the selection of medicines, you need to seek the advice of a specialist. It is he who will select the treatment for your disease, give you the necessary recommendations, tell you what to look for when choosing and which drug is better to buy. The article considers popular models, novelties of various types, and what are the best manufacturers on the market.


Spray for the throat - a remedy for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, pharynx and mouth from various diseases, by irrigation.

  • convenience, easy to use;
  • action, works immediately after application;
  • spray area, acts on a large area (throat, tonsils);
  • absorption into the body, the smallest entry into the blood compared to tablets.
  • age, it is recommended to use sprays from the age of 3, so as not to cause laryngospasm in children, although there are children's remedies that are allowed to be used for a child from 6 months old;
  • pregnancy, most sprays are not suitable for pregnant and lactating women. For them, a special group of sprays based on natural ingredients has been created.

To select a spray just for you, you need to consult an otolaryngologist (ENT). After additional examinations and necessary tests, the doctor will prescribe the drug you need, according to your symptoms. May prescribe an aerosol, spray or drops as part of complex therapy. The drug can be prescription (then the doctor will write you a prescription) and over-the-counter. Any medicines must be used strictly according to the instructions, all precautions must be observed.


  1. Antiseptic.They act on bacteria, fungi and some types of viruses.
  2. With an antibiotic. Effective only on bacteria.
  3. Anti-inflammatory. Fights directly with foci of inflammation.
  4. Antiviral. They act mainly on viruses.
  5. Moisturizing and cleansing. Contribute to the cleansing of the oral cavity and pharynx, prevents the spread of viruses at the initial stage. Eliminates dryness and perspiration in it.
  6. Combined funds. They have several components in their composition, for example, antiseptic drugs with an anesthetic function.
  7. Homeopathic. Based on natural herbs and ingredients. Most often made to order, but can also be purchased at a pharmacy.

Rating of quality throat sprays

For kids

Septanazal 0.05mg+5mg 10ml

Convenient dosage for children. Inject into the throat 2-3 times a day. Duration of admission: 3-5 days. Has a vasoconstrictive effect. Contraindications: Pregnancy and lactation, glaucoma, arterial hypertension, should not be taken with antidepressants. Cost: 212 rubles.

spray Septanazal 0.05mg + 5mg 10ml
  • allowed for children from 2 years old;
  • price.
  • not possible during pregnancy;
  • do not recommend using more than 5 days.
Active substanceXylometazoline
Allowed agefrom 2 years old
Applicationsinusitis, rhinitis, including allergic, and other acute respiratory diseases

Herbs for Kids (30 ml)

Supports the body's resistance to viruses, is used as a dietary supplement. Designed for irrigation of the pharyngeal cavity 1 time per day. Cost: 1224 rubles

Herbs for Kids spray (30 ml)
  • natural ingredients;
  • pleasant taste and aroma of peppermint.
  • price;
  • not allowed during pregnancy and lactation.
CompoundEchinacea purpurea root extract, rose hips, licorice root, thyme leaf
Approved for usefrom 1 year
Scope of applicationto support the health of the throat and respiratory membranes

Aqua Maris Strong Throat Spray 30ml

Application: inject 1-2 pumps, 3-4 times a day, for 2 weeks. Cost: 212 rubles.

Aqua Maris Strong Throat Spray 30ml
  • allowed during pregnancy and lactation;
  • natural composition.
  • after opening the vial, only 45 days are stored;
  • can be used with all other drugs;
  • there may be a feeling of discomfort in children at the beginning of the application.
Active substancesea ​​water
Approved for usefrom 1 year
Indicationsacute and chronic rhinitis; sinusitis; nasopharyngitis

Aqualor throat 125ml (aloe vera+roman chamomile)

Used as a prophylaxis against SARS, influenza, cleansing of the mucosa. Irrigate the throat with 3-4 injections, 4-6 times a day. Side effects have not been identified. There are no contraindications. Cost: 395 rubles.

spray Aqualor throat 125ml (aloe vera + roman chamomile)
  • can be used during pregnancy and lactation;
  • natural composition;
  • allowed for children from six months.
  • not suitable as the main means for treatment (only as part of complex therapy).
Componentssea ​​water, aloe vera extract and roman chamomile
Approved for usefrom 6 months
Indicationsas part of the complex therapy of infectious, allergic, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and throat

Propolis spray for throat and nose 15%

It has an antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral agent. Price: 150 rubles.

Propolis spray for throat and nose 15%
  • can be used by pregnant women and women during lactation;
  • natural ingredients;
  • a wide range of activities.
  • allergic reactions to components are possible.
Componentspropolis, water
Application agefrom 6 months
Indicationspharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, trachyitis, tonsillitis

Lugol 1% 50g

Antiseptic. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women due to the ingress of iodine into the blood. Possible individual intolerance to the components. Helps with angina at an early stage. Apply 4-5 times a day. Average price: 83 rubles.

spray Lugol 1% 50g
  • availability;
  • wide range of applications.
  • should not be used by pregnant and lactating women;
  • not applicable for people with thyroid problems.
ComponentsIodine, potassium iodide, glycerol
Agefrom 3 years old
Indicationsfor sore throat

Asterisk ENT spray 0.3%, 15ml

Non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug. Apply 1-2 times a day. Allergic reactions are possible. Use by pregnant women is not recommended. Cost: 197 rubles.

Asterisk ENT spray 0.3%, 15ml
  • price;
  • availability.
  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • should not be used with vasoconstrictor drugs.
Active substanceBenzydamine
Agefrom 6 years old
Indicationsfor sore throat

Kameton 30g

Antiseptic. Average cost: 75 rubles.

Spray Kameton 30g
  • price.
  • not recommended during pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic reactions are possible.
Componentscamphor, menthol, chlorobutanol, eucalyptus oil
Agefrom 5 years
Indicationsrhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis

For adults

Septolete total 0.15mg + 0.5mg 30ml

Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to benzydamine or cetylpyridinium chloride. Method of application: adults and children over 12 years of age irrigate the throat 3-4 times a day. Pharmacological group: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, antiseptic. Cost: 295 rubles.

spray Septolete total 0.15mg + 0.5mg 30ml
  • does not affect the ability to drive vehicles;
  • acts as an antiseptic.
  • not recommended for pregnant women and children under 12;
  • cannot be used with other anesthetics.
Active substanceBenzocaine
Application agefrom 12 years old
Indicationsas part of general therapy for inflammatory diseases of the mouth and nose

Anti-angin 25ml

Apply 1-2 injections 4-6 times a day. May affect the speed of reaction, so it is recommended to apply 30 minutes before driving or other work that requires concentration. Cost: 243 rubles.

anti-angin spray 25ml
  • a wide range of uses;
  • reduces pain;
  • price.
  • do not recommend to use together with other drugs;
  • not during pregnancy and lactation.
Componentstatracaine, chlorhexidine
Agefrom 10 years
Applicationangina, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis

Doctor angina 45ml

Used as part of complex therapy. 1-2 injections 3-4 times a day. It is not recommended to eat and drink liquids earlier than 30 minutes after the procedure. The course of therapy is not more than 5 days. Cost: 133 rubles.

spray Doctor angina 45ml
  • a large spectrum of action;
  • availability.
  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • can not be used during pregnancy and lactation.
active substancechlorhexidine bigluconate
Agefrom 10 years
Applicationdiseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to chlorhexidine (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis)

Strepsils Express 20ml

The drug does not affect the ability to drive a car. The course is no more than 3 days. Do not exceed the dose 8 times a day. Price: 246 rubles.

Spray Strepsils Express 20ml
  • allowed for diabetics (does not contain sucrose);
  • short course.
  • not compatible with all drugs.
Active substanceamylmetacresol, dichlorobenzyl alcohol, lidocaine
Agefrom 12 years old
Purposefor sore throat

Theraflu lar spray 30 ml

It is used for laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and in the initial stages of angina. The course of admission is not more than 5 days. It is not recommended to drink alcohol during the course. Cost: 251 rubles.

Theraflu lar spray 30 ml
  • acts as an anesthetic and antiseptic;
  • allowed for children from 4 years of age.
  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • often causes side effects (carefully read the instructions).
Mode of application3-6 times a day, 3-4 sprays
Agefrom 4 years old
Indicationsfor sore throat

Grammidin with anesthetic

The drug is used no more than 7 days. Inject 4 clicks per bottle 3-4 times a day. You should refrain from eating and drinking for 1 hour after the procedure. Price: 375 rubles.

spray Grammidin with anesthetic
  • has antimicrobial and anesthetic effect;
  • makes swallowing easier.
  • possible adverse reactions;
  • contains an antibiotic.
Compoundgramicidin C, oxybuprocaine, cetylpyridinium chloride
Agefrom 18 years old
Indicationsstomatitis, pharyngitis, gingivitis, periodontitis

Olive Leaf 30 ml

Apply 2-3 sprays 3-4 times a day. Cost: 1484 rubles.

Spray Olive Leaf 30 ml
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • no side effects have been identified.
  • price.
Compoundhomeopathic remedy (wild indigo)
Indicationsfor colds and sore throats

Ingalipt spray 20 ml

Apply 4-5 times a day after 2-3 hours. It is advisable to rinse your mouth with warm water before use. Cost: 71 rubles.

Ingalipt spray 20 ml
  • price;
  • does not affect the use of other drugs.
  • possible side effects;
  • allergic reactions occur.
Compoundpeppermint, sulfanilamide, sulfathiazole, thymol, eucalyptus oil
Indicationsstomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis

Stopangin-Teva spray 0.2%, 30ml

Manufacturer: Teva. This drug has antimicrobial and antifungal activity. Cost: 229 rubles.

Stopangin-Teva spray 0.2%, 30ml
  • effective for fungal diseases;
  • no cases of overdose have been identified.
  • affects driving;
  • price.
Agefrom 8 years old
Indicationsfungal diseases, infectious diseases, injuries of the pharynx and larynx, oral hygiene

Kameton 30g

The drug has a local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. I apply 3-4 times a day. Shelf life 1 year. Does not affect the use of other drugs. Price: 75 rubles.

Spray Kameton 30g
  • price;
  • does not affect the intake of other drugs.
  • not recommended during pregnancy.
Compoundcamphor, menthol, chlorobutanol, eucalyptus oil
Agefrom 5 years old
Indicationsinflammatory diseases of the ENT organs

For pregnant

Spray balm "Eucalyptus" 50 ml

The peculiarity of this drug is that it is safe to use for the whole family. Contains only natural ingredients. Cost: 200 rubles.

Spray balm "Eucalyptus" 50 ml
  • not addictive;
  • has a local anesthetic effect;
  • approved for use from any age.


Don't box me in.

  • price.
Active substanceAquabiolis
Indicationsinflammatory, infectious, fungal diseases of the pharynx, larynx and mouth

Spray balm Lekkos "Faucidol"

The drug relieves pain in respiratory diseases, prevents the development of complications. Contains only natural ingredients. Use 1-2 sprays 3-4 times a day. Course duration: 7-10 days. Cost: 210 rubles.

spray Spray balm Lekkos "Faucidol"
  • natural ingredients;
  • allowed from 5 years old.
  • allergic reactions to the composition are possible.
Compoundsage leaves, eucalyptus, mint, plantain, wormwood, propolis, chamomile, calendula, essential oils
Agefrom 5 years old
Indicationsinfectious and inflammatory processes in the pharynx, larynx, mouth, prevention of SARS and influenza

Throat balm-spray "Chamomile and sage" based on Saki mud 50ml

The drug is produced according to the original technology from the mud of Lake Saki. Cost: 180 rubles.

Throat balm-spray "Chamomile and sage" based on Saki mud 50ml
  • not addictive;
  • allowed to use for any age;
  • is not addictive.
  • difficult to buy at retail outlets;
  • allergic reactions to components are possible.
Compoundwater, aquabiopolis (extract from the mud of Lake Saki), chamomile, sage, vitamin B6
Indicationsdiseases of the throat, pharynx and mouth.

Vialine chlorhexidine 45ml

The drug has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, has a high antibacterial activity. Cost: 82 rubles.

spray Vialine chlorhexidine 45ml
  • not addictive;
  • no age restrictions on admission;
  • price.
  • not compatible with all drugs.
Active substancechlorhexidine bigluconate
Agesince birth
Indicationsoral diseases

Chlorophyllipt-Vialin 45 ml

It is used as an irrigation of the oral cavity 2-3 times a day, after which it is necessary to refrain from eating and drinking for 30 minutes. To achieve a greater effect, it is advisable not to swallow saliva after irrigating the oral cavity for 30 seconds. Cost: 233 rubles.

spray Chlorophyllipt-Vialin 45 ml
  • natural ingredients;
  • greater efficiency.
  • works only as part of complex therapy;
  • price.
Compoundeucalyptus, nettle, St. John's wort, wormwood, dubrovnik
Indicationsas part of complex therapy for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat and mouth

Panavir Inlight oral spray 40 ml

Used for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, as well as in complex therapy for diseases of the nasopharynx. Cost: 318 rubles.

Panavir Inlight oral spray 40 ml
  • does not cause side effects;
  • natural ingredients;
  • permitted during pregnancy.
  • not recommended for children under 12;
  • do not use as the main drug, only in complex therapy.
Active substancepotato shoot extract
Allowed agefrom 12 years old
Indicationsfrom throat diseases caused by infections, bacteria, fungi

Selection criteria (main errors in selection)

It is important to consult with a specialist before buying any product. Drug safety is very important to health.

  1. By price. For many, the criterion of low price is the main one. But it is worth remembering that not always budgetary (inexpensive) funds will be able to cope with the disease and may not help with a sore throat.
  2. Model popularity. You need to choose the right medicine for you, not always advertised remedies can cure a specific disease. The most popular drugs are not always the best ones.
  3. Where could I buy. You can buy in a regular pharmacy or order online in an online store. The main thing is to check the integrity of the package before buying, and in the online store, check the photo and description of the drug.
  4. Manufacturer. It is difficult to say which company is better to buy; when buying, you need to check the quality certificate of the drug. If it is available, then you can safely take the drug of any company.

The article analyzed the functionality of sprays, how much this or that model costs, what types there are, and gave advice on how to choose the right one.

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