Carrying out work on straightening a car body often comes down to not only basic skills in working with a standard tool. Almost always, you will need to know the design features, the geometry of the body parts, and the observance of banal accuracy plays an important role. Even if you have a very rich experience and knowledge in this matter, you will need to use a special tool, which is a spotter.

Spotter - general information

This word is used all over the world to call all types of resistance welding tools (from the English spot - “point”). In the former post-Soviet space, this is the name for one-sided welding machines used to repair body surfaces of various types of vehicles, and which include a reverse hammer. The main purpose of using a spotter is to eliminate the need to replace a damaged part, instead carrying out its spot repair, which saves on operating costs.

Any professional leveler knows that spot welding is indispensable for complex body geometry. The surface on the machine with the help of this tool is processed in any place, regardless of the inaccessibility. Working with the tool is quite simple and does not require long training - that is why the devices are widely used.

The device, in fact, is universal - it is well suited for straightening body parts, such as: hood, sills, doors, fenders, etc. The main function of the device is to create a straightening force with fixation on the outside of the part.

Principle of operation and device

In a nutshell, with the help of a spotter, a small section of the body element is heated, which must be rid of unforeseen deformation by the design. In this case, the car itself is caused a minimum of damage.

The simplest spotter tool consists of:

  • Corps;
  • Electric cable;
  • Studder nozzles;
  • Ordinary electrode (it can be replaced with a pointed steep).

Any casing that will be safe enough to carry out the work can serve as a hull. The spotter can be made independently, but such a device is unlikely to cope with long-term working conditions - only factory models are adapted to this.

The welding procedure includes the following steps:

  • A fastener is attached (welded) to the damaged area;
  • The reverse hammer of the apparatus clings to the latch;
  • Pulling is done by the muscular strength of a person, but sometimes additional tools are used.

The processing process itself does not require any special effort, and it is quite possible to carry out straightening in a standard garage.

Types of spotters

In total, there are two main types of tools: transformer and inverter. Depending on the method and area of ​​​​use, two more classes are distinguished: for body welding using the contact method and for straightening.

Leveling spotters are small devices designed for small work. They require the obligatory installation of a reverse hammer and additional nozzles for repairs. In addition, the design may include special pliers. However, many of these devices have low power, are prone to rapid overheating, and therefore are not able to provide high-quality welding.

In addition, spot welding equipment can be classified according to the power supply voltage consumed from the mains. Standard tools are rated for 220V, and the most powerful ones for 380V.

Detailed usage

The work on leveling the dent begins with the fact that the electrode is supplied with current from the welding machine. For straightening, a reverse hammer is used, which can be replaced with a pointed stop. Impacts on the deformable surface must be carried out until it is completely leveled. Upon completion of all operations, the processing site must be cleaned, as electrode slags remain on it.

The algorithm for straightening work includes the following steps:

  • Preparation of the treated surface (regardless of the material of the body - aluminum or iron), by removing any coatings from it, be it putty, paint layer, primer;
  • Connecting the "negative" terminal from the device to the body of the vehicle for grounding purposes;
  • Setting fasteners, by welding various fasteners (loops, hooks and hooks) to the place of deformation, by spot welding;
  • Preparation of equipment - the tool base and additional equipment are coupled (at this stage it is convenient to use a puller);
  • Straightening an element, i.e., pulling it out in order to restore its original appearance;
  • Dismantling fasteners - the banal removal of fasteners (usually use a "grinder");
  • The final stage is grinding, during which the surface is cleaned and preparatory work is carried out for subsequent painting.

To perform the above algorithm, the minimum knowledge of working with the welding installation is quite sufficient.If the spotter is equipped with a set of nozzles, this will allow you to work with any elements of fasteners.

Removing small dents

Despite the similarity of the algorithms of work, all works on a small scale have some differences, namely:

  • For pulling, a single fastener is fixed;
  • Cleaning is carried out only at the site of damage, it is better not to touch the area surrounding it;
  • Along the perimeter, the treated area is glued with a special (preferably masking) tape, so as not to destroy the surrounding paint;
  • Straightening is carried out without the use of special efforts, again, in order to avoid damage to the part as a whole.

You may need to use additional attachments.

Elimination of deep damage

To eliminate such deformations, large-scale actions will be required, the distinctive features of which will be:

  • Welding more clamps in places of more severe damage;
  • The hood is made more slowly - little by little you need to stretch each element “in a circle”. If one section is completely leveled, then when moving to another, the previous result may be destroyed;
  • The reverse hammer is used in large sizes, however, heavy blows should still be avoided due to the risk of damaging the fasteners.

Functional orientation of factory-made spotters

Their useful properties can be called:

  • Perfectly interact in the process of straightening with repair washers;
  • The metal electrode maintains the connection on a permanent basis for the purpose of a subsequent rapid transition to operations;
  • Works great with graphite electrodes;
  • Comfort in use and ease of maintenance;
  • Support switchable operating modes: long-term and short-term.In the first case, a metal electrode is used, or repair washers are generally used. In the second case, a carbon electrode is installed;
  • They have their own cooling system, which will automatically turn off the device when it overheats.

Standard characteristics of serial spotters

These include the following variations:

  • Type of power supply - network for 220 V / 380 V;
  • AC frequency - 50-60 Hz;
  • Maximum power - 10 kW;
  • When welding, the maximum current strength reaches 1300 A;
  • The voltage generated on the secondary winding is 8-9 V;
  • The built-in timer can be set from 0.1 to 1.2 seconds;
  • They have the ability to switch welding modes from spot to constant;
  • The performance of the device depends on the selected program - with accurate, the device operates at maximum power, and with coal welding, the output power is minimal;
  • Through the iron electrode, the breaking force is more than 100kg;
  • When mounting the repair washer, the pulling force is more than 100 kg.

Completeness of spotter equipment

As a rule, devices made in China immediately come with the maximum number of accessories and attachments and are even equipped with a special trolley, so you don’t have to buy anything extra.

At the same time, European models do not often boast a complete hiking kit. However, due to the simplicity of the design of the tool itself, there are no problems in using “non-native” nozzles when working.

Usually, in the design of equipment from Western manufacturers, a copper secondary winding of the transformer is necessarily used, which makes it possible to reduce power consumption at the same current, which significantly reduces the load on the network.

They are also equipped with special smart microprocessors that will exclude possible erroneous metal burning. This function is especially relevant recently, when the global automotive industry began to use metal sheets of very thin thickness (up to 0.6 mm.).

Parameters on which the price of a spotter depends

A huge role in the price of a spotter is played by parameters that indicate the current it consumes, the general qualities of performance and functionality. The higher each of the listed parameters, the higher the price of the device. Thus, before buying, you should decide on the amount of work for which you need equipment. If one-time minor work is expected, then you should not fork out for professional equipment. If, however, it is supposed to provide constant qualified services with the help of this tool (for example, as part of the work of a service station), then it is worth taking care to purchase powerful equipment.

Among the significant price factors, the following trend can be established:

  • Transformer models are cheaper and more reliable, but tools with an inverter type of converter perform well in spot welding;
  • Higher power models are designed for spot welding and are used for stronger parts. Standard power will be quite enough for straightening single elements of the case;
  • Tools with double-sided welding have the highest price, besides, it is carried out by means of special tongs, which are laid out on the reverse side and instantly create a hook.

Rating of the best spotting equipment for 2022

7th place: Pilot MT type MINI

One of the most budgetary, but at the same time, reliable devices on the Russian market.At the end of 2019, it became the most demanded equipment among devices of this type among Russians. Compatible with nozzles from other manufacturers.


Supply voltage, V220
Power consumption, W6
Current frequency, Hz50
Minimum welding current, A200
Maximum welding current, A1500
Maximum thickness of welded parts, mm2
Weight, kg14
Price, rub.14000
Pilot MT type MINI
  • Comes with its own set of nozzles;
  • Works with both its own puller and third-party nozzles;
  • The kit includes repair washers in the amount of 10 pieces.
  • It is forbidden to upset metal with a copper electrode.

6th place: Elitech ATS 5

Highly specialized machine for car body repair. It is supposed to be used only in conjunction with a more powerful model, since its main function is to weld studs for subsequent straightening of parts using a reverse hammer.


Maximum current, A15
Power, W3500
frequency Hz50
Diameter of welded studs, mm2020-03-02 00:00:00
Weight, kg4
Price, rub.8000
Elitech PBX 5
  • Compactness;
  • Democratic price;
  • Low power consumption.
  • Narrow functionality (the impossibility of welding even thin sheets of metal together).

5th place: Fubag TS 3800

The tool is designed to remove dents from vehicle bodies. Gained well-deserved popularity due to a convenient pistol, the presence of a microprocessor discharge, a simple control panel.


Maximum welding current, A3800
frequency Hz50
Net weight, kg23
power, kWt7.4
Product height, mm235
Voltage, V220
Product width, mm360
Mains fuse, A16
Product length, mm225
Price, rub24600
Fubag TS 3800
  • 7 programmable modes for 11 power options;
  • Overheating indicator;
  • Light weight.
  • Relatively short cable - only 4 meters.

4th place: Atis S52L

This multifunctional spotter is designed to perform complex work on straightening body surfaces. Equipped with overheating microprocessor and automatic input of welding mode. The main operating cycle of the device is designed for 10 minutes of operation at rated load with the exception of overheating.


Maximum current, A5200
Power, W20000
Thickness of sheets to be welded, mm2
Operating time adjustmentmachine
Voltage, V220-380
Weight, kg78
Price, rub30000
Atis S52L
  • Increased compression force (180 kg);
  • Automatic cooling mode;
  • Availability of a convenient trolley for movement.
  • Increased power consumption.

3rd place: Redhotdot Hammer T-26

Professional grade tool for patching steel car panels. Allows you to make the smallest repairs that do not require disassembly of the machine. It has a comfortable pistol grip that runs on automatic charge and an intuitive control panel.


Maximum current, A3800
Power, W5200
Weld adjustmentMachine
frequency Hz50
Voltage, V220-230
Additionallyportable type
Weight, kg24
Price, rub43000
Redhotdot Hammer T-26
  • Simplified SINERGIC type customization system;
  • Connecting an additional tool using a euro connector;
  • Relatively light weight.
  • Doesn't work well with third-party nozzles.

2nd place: Wiederkraft WDK-6000

An excellent tool for professional work in a car service. Completely copes with performance of one-sided spot welding. It has increased power, the case is made in a dust and moisture protection version.


Maximum current, A4400
Power, W11000
frequency Hz50-60
Weight, kg67
Additionallymanual adjustment of the welding time possible
Price, rub46000
Wiederkraft WDK-6000
  • A professional device that does not impose special requirements on the knowledge of the operator;
  • Provided with a convenient trolley for movement;
  • Intuitive setting.
  • Extremely poor set.

1st place: Telwin Digital Car Spotter 5500

This professional device was specially developed for use in the field of auto repair. Focused on welding thin-walled metal (welding two sheets 1.5 mm thick is not a problem). It is intended for correction of deformed surfaces and welding of washers, screws and nails.


Weight, kg 30
Voltage, V 380
Overall dimensions, mm 390x260x225
power, kWt 11
Welding current max, A 3000
Power at 50% load, kW 3.0
Thickness of welded materials (each) max, mm 1.5+1.5
Price, rub.73000
Telwin Digital Car Spotter 550
  • Supplied complete with nozzles designed specifically for body repair (Studder);
  • Easy to set up;
  • It has high power and performance.
  • High price even for a professional tool.

Instead of an epilogue

In straightening work today it is simply impossible to do without spotters, because they significantly reduce the labor intensity of the process and improve the quality of work.You can buy them in any specialized store or order them on a trustworthy online trading platform (substantial money savings are possible). The market for spotters and accessories for them is quite large, so choosing a model is not difficult. However, not all devices are sophisticated technical goods, so simpler models will have a minimum warranty period.

A properly selected model, combined with a well-set scale of work, will allow you to get the best result.

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