
  1. How to choose a book
  2. Relationship books
  3. Rating of the best modern love books

Ranking of the best modern love books in 2022

Ranking of the best modern love books in 2022

Women of all ages and eras love to spend their leisure time reading books about love. It should be noted that many books remain popular for many years and their plot captures and captivates their fans. But before you start reading, you need to know how to choose the right book so that it is interesting and exciting to plunge into what is happening in the plot. We will discuss the selection criteria and the best modern books about love below.

How to choose a book

Reading books is a process that mankind has always been fond of.Thanks to him, a person's horizons expand significantly, he learns a lot of valuable information for himself. In addition, a person simply enjoys the process of reading. If a person does not like to read, then he has not yet come across that book that will completely captivate his attention and take him on an amazing journey through the magical world.

So how do you find that one book that starts your love of reading?

When choosing a book, you should first of all think about what genre you are more interested in. It is from this that you need to build on and look for a book in this direction. It should be noted that in modern literature it is difficult to find one or the other genre separately. Most often it is a kind of mix. In books about love, you can find a little detective, adventure, fantasy.

Finding a Favorite Author

In the distant past, books were written only by people who did it professionally. Unfortunately, in our time, every third person takes up a pen, since this hobby brings considerable income. In addition, they now write:

  • politicians;
  • musicians;
  • athletes;
  • businessmen;
  • multibillionaires.

These people in most cases write in order to make themselves an advertisement or simply to express on paper what they cannot verbally voice. Do not think that their works are completely meaningless and of poor quality. On the contrary, most of them produce really good books. In most cases this is:

  1. A memoir is an autobiography of a man who wants his admirers to know about him.
  2. Useful tips. In these books you can find recipes for cooking, how to remove grease stains, fix a car or earn money.
  3. Fiction, where a flight of fancy is manifested and all this is seasoned with a piece of one's lived life.

Meet by "clothes"

You can't judge a book just by looking at the cover. But on the other hand, the appearance plays a significant role in the presentation of the semantic load. Therefore, most often it is the authors who take a more active part in creating the cover. But when choosing a book, you need to look at the title page, which has a summary of the plot of the book.

The name should also catch a person, interest him in reading the content.

Abstract or forum?

It should be remembered that the annotations belong to people who did not delve into the plot of the book, but simply skimmed through it. Therefore, in this case, you will not wait for an objective statement. Therefore, it is best to use the worldwide Internet and visit the relevant forums where people share their impressions of the literature they have read. Here you can find out all the information you are interested in and get advice on whether or not you should read the book that interests you.

There are similar reviews on sites where you can download the book in electronic form. We recommend that you read them carefully. You can also indirectly get acquainted with the style of the writer by reading just a few paragraphs on any page.

book as a gift

Many people know that a book is the best gift, but how to choose the right one for another person. After all, if you do not like what you bought yourself, then the situation can be corrected. But what about the gift?

In this case, you should follow certain rules:

  1. Buy the book that your friend has long dreamed of;
  2. When choosing a gift, start from the interests of a friend, take into account which author he likes the most.But the main thing is not to present a book that he already has;
  3. Keep in mind the priorities of a friend in choosing a genre;
  4. When choosing a book, you should not take into account your interests and hobbies, that is, do not buy a book that you really want to read yourself;
  5. Be sure to take into account the age of the person to whom the gift is made and its features.

Relationship books

Many fans of more serious literature ask the same question: why read women's love stories. But if you recall some of the heroines of such works, then how they empathized with their life's difficulties, wept over their sorrows, rejoiced at the victories and, most importantly, admired the strength of the spirit. Notable heroines include:

  • Scarlett from Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
  • Maggie, the heroine of Colin McCullough's The Thorn Birds;
  • Jane Eyre, the little governess in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre;
  • Angelica - from the novels of Anne Golon, Serge Golon "Angelica".

Most often, women's love stories find their fans among young girls who are just starting to think about relationships and dream of a bright feeling called love. It is at this age that women are emotional and seek adventure. But, unfortunately, most often everyday life does not allow dreams to come true, and only a book can fill the void that has formed as a result of disappointments. After reading the plot, the reader is still under the impression of the events taking place in the novel for a long time and mentally experiences everything again and again, only puts herself in the place of the heroine.

Acquaintance with this genre is best to start with acquaintance with the works of such authors as:

  • Sisters Bronte;
  • Margaret Mitchell;
  • Jane Austen.

It is their novels that can teach to be both brave and cheerful, honest and quite attractive. But most importantly, their books show the limits and boundaries that a woman must adhere to.

Many skeptics may say that a book should simply bring joy to a person, but in no case should it teach him. But it is not so. After all, if you do not receive a lesson from what you read and do not learn it, then literature will be just meaningless paper chatter and nothing more. But if the book is “alive”, and a person empathizes with the characters, receives certain emotions, then naturally he will take everything useful from what he read and will not make such mistakes in life.

Romance novels are written with ease and ease. Moreover, such books tell about the life of an ordinary woman who feels and loves, gets into some kind of trouble, but nevertheless does not lose heart and continues to live and fight for her happiness.

In modern literature, novels for women are beginning to be divided into:

  • love;
  • erotic;
  • detective;
  • psychological.

Erotic or detective books are read only once and are forgotten somewhere on a shelf among books. But those written about love, where there is a spirit of struggle for happiness and love, attract again and again. Books about love are created so that a woman can satisfy her curiosity and "look through the keyhole, spying on someone else's life."

So what are the most popular books about love among the fair sex?

Rating of the best modern love books

Among modern books about love, you can choose the best and most popular among readers. These books have it all:

  • passion;
  • Adventure;
  • struggle;
  • a happy ending.

Nicholas Sparks "The Notebook"

In this book, two young people belong to different social strata. Nevertheless, their fates intertwined, and they fell in love with each other. They first saw each other fifteen years ago, but when they met again, obstacles began to arise in their path, which they successfully overcome. Heroes overcome all obstacles, but at the same time remain honest people. The novel ends with a touching scene in a nursing home, where the hero reads her diary to his beloved and from time to time returns her memory.

The book was subsequently filmed and is a huge success. The cost in the online store is 178 rubles.

Nicholas Sparks "The Notebook"
  • The text is easy to read;
  • Large font;
  • Colorful cover.
  • The text is too dry, not diluted with descriptions of landscapes.

Sophie Kinsella Can you keep a secret?

This love story belongs to the comedy genre, where the heroine is constantly in search of female happiness. During the flight, the heroine was frightened by turbulence and, in a state of passion, began to chat with a neighbor, to whom she laid out her secrets. Later it turned out that her interlocutor was the Biggest Boss of the company in which she works.

The book costs 281 rubles.

Sophie Kinsella Can you keep a secret?
  • The plot is light, read in one breath;
  • There is humor;
  • No erotica;
  • The font is comfortable;
  • The paint does not smudge;
  • The cover is hard.
  • No.

Jojo Moyes "Me Before You"

Sadness and cheerfulness are intertwined in the plot of this novel. The main character works as a nurse for a young man who, by coincidence, must move all his life only with the help of a stroller. The guy is sad, he has depression. Can Lou bring him back to the joy of life?

The book costs 307 rubles.

Jojo Moyes "Me Before You"
  • Exciting plot;
  • There is intrigue;
  • Easy writing style.
  • No.

Karen White "Lullaby of the Stars"

The author in his work writes about a woman who tried to hide from difficulties, but instead, on the contrary, found them. Leaving for a quiet town, she met her "past". Long before the events taking place in the plot, it was in this town that her friend disappeared somewhere. And now, after many years, she meets with the main suspect of these events. The heroine wanted to hide and wait until the problem disappeared by itself. But suddenly her daughter began to talk about an imaginary friend who talks about events from the past.

The cost of the book is 387 rubles.

Karen White "Lullaby of the Stars"
  • Interesting, captivating plot;
  • Interweaving of mysticism, love relationships.
  • Poor translation.

Alice Peterson "All for Love"

January Wild has been haunted by bad luck since a young age. And many would already despair in her place and would consider themselves losers in life. After all, the girl all started with the death of her parents. Because of this, she had to work hard to survive. The heroine did not receive the desired education, she does not have a qualified profession. Soon her boyfriend left her after learning about the pregnancy. A child is born with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. All these problems are nothing compared to the love that grandparents surrounded their granddaughter with. Therefore, she feels happy.

But trouble never ceases to haunt her. Soon there will be changes at work. The boss who treated the girl well leaves his post and retires. In his place comes a new leader, whom everyone considers too strict and ambitious.From the first day, the heroine cannot find a common language with him and she is already going to look for a new job. But one day she saw the boss in a completely different light.

The book costs 344 rubles.

Alice Peterson "All for Love"
  • There is a lot of positive and good in the book;
  • Easy to read;
  • Interesting story.
  • The cover is attached back to front;
  • All text is upside down.

Kevin Alan Milne "Six Stones for Luck"

The hero of the novel decided to do at least one good deed every day. And, in order not to forget about this, he began to carry six pebbles in his pocket. But why this promise was given, Nathan Steen keeps a secret from others. He does not even tell his beloved wife, whom, in addition, everyone trusts. He believes that the reason that prompted such an unusual decision can destroy the relationship once and for all. In the course of the plot, the reader learns what worries the hero - childhood secrets or relationships in adulthood.

The cost of the book is 178 rubles.

Kevin Alan Milne "Six Stones for Luck"
  • The font is large;
  • Good binding;
  • The plot is instructive.
  • No.

Sarah Reiner "Another day, another night"

In the life of every person, sooner or later there comes a difficult period. What happened to the characters in the novel. What should they do in this case? Many close in on themselves and experience depression on their own. But this is not about the characters in the book. If it is impossible to turn to friends, they preferred to visit a psychologist.

Karen has recently become a widow with two children, and she is at a loss, does not know how to raise them further. Abby has problems with her loved one. They are about to divorce, and the woman will be left alone with a disabled child.Michael is on the verge of bankruptcy, because of which he will lose not only his business but also his own home. How can they be? What to do to survive and live your life with dignity?

The doctor gives advice on how to cope with problems, but the situation is corrected by warm relations and understanding. Only they are able to heal the soul of a person without the intervention of doctors.

The book costs 366 rubles.

Sarah Reiner "Another day, another night"
  • The book is easy to read;
  • The plot is realistic;
  • It is felt that the author is familiar with psychotherapy;
  • Colorful cover.
  • No.

Abby Clements Kiss Under the Mistletoe

By changing the place of residence, is it possible to radically change the fate? This is the question the author of Kiss Under the Mistletoe is trying to answer. Two girls, Rachel and Lori, have been friends since they were young, but when they grew up, they broke up. Fate threw Laurie to London, where she is making a successful career, and Rachel settled in Yorkshire. But, unfortunately, both are not happy. Lori left the man who betrayed her, and Rachel is brewing a divorce from her husband.

But one day their life paths intertwined again. And the women decided on adventurous adventures and temporarily changed their places. Will a change of scenery make women happy? Will the problems go away? You can only learn about this by reading the book.

The novel costs 344 rubles.

Abby Clements Kiss Under the Mistletoe
  • Well printed text;
  • Large font;
  • Bright, colorful cover;
  • There are small illustrations located at the end of the chapters;
  • Slow development of the plot;
  • The presence of different recipes at the end of the book.
  • No.

In addition to these books, there are a large number of other love stories that you want to read with pleasure.But only the reader will have to choose, since there are no such people who would like the same books or authors of works. We have provided the most popular novels in this list, but we say that only they are worth reading. Choose based on your preferences and interests. Thus, you can spend your leisure time with benefit and pleasure.

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