Tkemali is the most famous type of Georgian plum and the most famous Georgian sauce. Each Georgian family has its own ancient recipes passed down from generation to generation. It is made in various colors and with varying degrees of sharpness. However, in order not to make a mistake when choosing, you need to know the main criteria for choosing this sauce, which one is better to buy for certain dishes. In the article, we will consider recommendations on how to choose the right type of product, which are the best manufacturers on the market, and what mistakes can be made when choosing.
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Georgia is considered the birthplace of this product, it was there that the legendary sauce was first created hundreds of years ago. Classically, it is made from plums of the tkemali (plum) variety, this is a wild-growing variety, not fully ripe, with the addition of ombalo (marsh mint), garlic, various spices and herbs.
Initially, the sauce was created as an addition to the lenten menu. He gave piquancy and sourness to various dishes, including soups.
Georgian families honor the traditions of their ancestors, recipes are passed down from one generation to another. Of course, the taste of a mass-produced product will be different from home-made, but close enough to it in terms of taste characteristics.
It will not be difficult to prepare such a product at home, the process will take about 1.5-2 hours, the main thing is to choose high-quality products and calculate the dosage of seasonings and spices. It is impossible to store homemade blanks without preservation for a long time, but it is ideal for short-term use. The main thing is that you will be sure of the composition and taste of the resulting dish.
The composition of the product is natural, therefore it contains many useful substances and minerals that are found in plums. The high content of high quality pectin ensures the removal of toxins, salts of heavy metals and carcinogens from the body. It normalizes cholesterol levels, blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora and digestion. However, it is contraindicated in persons with gastrointestinal diseases and those who are allergic to the components that make up the product.
Georgians use this product like regular ketchup. It is used for various dishes:
There are 2 main options for preparing tkemali:
The fruits are washed, peeled and boiled until cooked, then rubbed with gauze or a sieve, the skin and bones are removed. Then again bring to a boil and add the necessary spices and spices to taste. The classic composition is as follows: cherry plum, ombalo, garlic, cilantro, suneli hops, black pepper, salt, sugar.
These types are the main ones, more and more new tastes appear in the world, manufacturers are trying to please their consumers and become the best on the market, so be sure to try new items, maybe they will become your favorites.
Tips on what to look for when buying:
The rating includes the best, according to buyers, sauces. The popularity of models on the market, review and consumer reviews were taken as the basis.
Georgian sauce is made from ripe red plums of the “tkemali” type, with the addition of garlic, herbs and spices. Mild, suitable for seafood, meat, fish. The volume of a glass bottle is 300 gr. Shelf life - 60 months. The average price is from 100 rubles.
The product adds sourness and enlivens the taste of any meat, poultry, fish dishes. Packing: plastic bottle. Once opened, store in the refrigerator for up to 30 days. Weight: 240 gr. Producer: FerElGam LLC. Average price: 80 rubles.
The product does not contain preservatives, thickeners, other chemicals, guarantees a rich aroma and a spicy, bright taste. Spicy spicy, suitable for poultry and salad. It will pleasantly surprise even the gourmets of Georgian cuisine. Weight - 300 gr. Price: 100 rubles.
Pasty sauce, contains only natural ingredients. Degree of spiciness: sweet spicy. Quite thick consistency, does not spread. It has a pleasant slightly sour, berry aroma, bright, rich color. Suitable for barbecue, poultry, fish, as well as vegetables. Weight: 310 gr. Price: 169 rubles.
For the manufacture of these products, ripe, selected plums are used, garlic, spices, herbs are added. It makes a moderately spicy sauce. Gives a piquant taste to vegetable dishes, ideal for meat, fish and other dishes. Packing: glass bottle.Cost: 167 rubles.
Moderately spicy sauce, ideal for barbecue, has a thick consistency. Contains no preservatives, served in 305g glass bottles. The manufacturer for many years provides high quality of its products, at low cost. Price: 116 rubles.
Mild, suitable for almost any dish, has a rich multifaceted taste. Volume - 310 gr. The glass container has a wide neck, the product is easy to remove from the bottle. It is made in the Krasnodar Territory, in the region where raw materials grow. This allows the manufacturer to reduce costs without compromising the quality of the finished product. Average price: 169 rubles.
Fruity, sweet and sour taste of the product will impress even the most sophisticated gourmet. This tkemali goes well with any kind of meat, but will not work with fish, seafood, and other protein-containing dishes. Also, this product can be used for various soups, side dishes as a substitute for tomato paste. Average price per package: 1067 rubles.
The product has a natural composition (based on ripe sour plums, garlic and spices), its production in Georgia is strictly controlled by specialist technologists. In terms of density, it resembles sour cream, does not spread, and is suitable for any meat, fish, seafood and light salads dishes. Cost: 116 rubles.
Green (early) sauce, made from still unripe, green plums. In order for the finished product not to sour, a large amount of sugar is added to it. Therefore, dishes with such a sauce will acquire a sweetish taste. Suitable for young potatoes, fish and vegetables. Cost: 217 rubles.
Moderately spicy taste, thick texture, rich spice, allows you to apply this product to meat, fish, seafood, potatoes. The unusual packaging design makes it possible to present this sauce as a gift if you go to barbecue or barbecue with friends. Cost: 375 rubles.
The Georgian manufacturer guarantees the high quality of raw materials. Sold in a glass bottle, ideal for barbecue, barbecue.Product without dyes, fragrances, thickeners, other impurities. It is made from red tkemali (cherry plum) puree. Manufacturer: LLC "EDENA", Terjola, Georgia. Cost: 176 rubles.
Tart sauce, with astringent tones of garlic and various spices. A classic version of Georgian sauce prepared according to proven traditional recipes. It has a liquidish consistency, ideal for fried fatty meats, as well as for lamb. Volume: 350 gr. Cost: 57 rubles.
Produced according to traditional technology, it is universal for any dishes of meat, fish, poultry, vegetable salads. All ingredients grow directly in Georgia. Packed sauce in glass bottles of 0.5 liters. Ingredients: Tkemali berry, ombalo, spices. Cost: 426 rubles.
Green (early) sauce with a volume of 330 gr., It has a rich aroma and unique taste. It is made without preservatives and thickeners, only natural ingredients are used. A well-known brand from Georgia guarantees the high quality of its products. Average cost: 190 rubles.
Designed specifically for meat lovers. Raw materials are collected only from the best productive areas, are carefully selected and the best fruits go into production. Does not contain artificial additives. Country of origin: Georgia, the shelf life of an open product is no more than 1 month in the refrigerator. Cost: 196 rubles.
Classic tkemali from a Ukrainian manufacturer, sold in a glass bottle, shelf life 24 months. It is made from red tkemali puree, frozen by shock freezing, which guarantees the preservation of all the useful properties of the fruit. After opening the package, the jar must be stored in the refrigerator. Producer: LLC "EDENA", Terjola, Georgia. Cost: 176 rubles.
In the article, we examined what types of sauces are, what is their purpose and cost ranges. Popular models on the market are not always right for you, so choose the type of sauce based on your capabilities and preferences.