
  1. How to choose
  2. Rating of the best varieties of peonies for 2022
  3. Some Tips

Rating of the best varieties of peonies for 2022

Rating of the best varieties of peonies for 2022

Peonies have earned particular popularity among gardeners. Unique flowers are distinguished by a pleasant fragrance, attract with beauty and brightness. They are unpretentious in care, are a perennial plant and do not require re-planting. There are about 34 types of peonies, as well as 5,000 different varieties (you can see pictures of all types on the net).

The name "imperial peonies" comes from China, and in Japan they are a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. Flowers have spread in many states. When choosing a variety you like, you need to pay attention to its origin. Foreign seeds on sale can cause difficulties when planting in Russia. Due to the difference in climatic zones and soil difference. As a result, modern breeders are breeding suitable species that take root perfectly on Russian lands.

How to choose

Many factors influence the quality of the choice:

  1. Modification. There are three varieties: ITO - hybrids, herbaceous and tree-like. The first refers to an artificially derived type, where the other two are combined, but it costs more. The second does not require much effort in cultivation, gives rapid growth, but hilling will be required before the onset of cold weather. The third grows up to 100 years in one place without transplanting, cutting is not necessary, the leaves fall in winter, although growth is too slow during the first five years.
  2. Locality. The length of the expanses of the country, which directly affects the survival rate of the planting variety of peonies, should be taken into account. It is easy to find flowers that are suitable specifically for the Middle Strip, the Moscow Region or Siberia. But many varietal species are endowed with resistance to any environmental conditions and can be planted in different regions.
  3. external qualities. There are no ugly flowers, but each gardener selects them according to personal preferences. Some lean towards bright red buds while others focus on soft pink petals. There are differences in color, bush size and flower head configuration. The planting material packaging will give information regarding description, timing and other relevant requirements.

Specialists selected the most popular and improved varieties of ITO - peonies, tree-like and herbaceous plants.

Compiling the rating of the best varieties, the following properties and characteristics were taken into account:

  • survival and demanding care;
  • external qualities;
  • aroma;
  • period and duration of flowering;
  • landing conditions.

Rating of the best varieties of peonies for 2022

herbaceous varieties

One of the largest groups belonging to the shrub type. It has a huge number of subspecies varieties (4500 pieces). The main difference characterizing herbaceous varieties is considered to be a one-time planting and undemanding cultivation. Once it is lowered into the soil, it will annually delight the owners for a long time, and a transplant is not needed. In addition, the species in question does not need frequent moisture, it is watered rarely, but plentifully.

Luxurious flowering buds have a large diameter and spread a fragrant fragrance. Neat bushes look great separately and in flower beds. Varieties of the best herbaceous peonies are given below, where the characteristics are indicated and photos are attached.

Raspberry Sunday

Raspberry Sunday does not let you pass by, falling in love with you at first sight. The bud is a multifaceted, pinkish color located in the middle, gradually turning into a beige hue, with the addition of yellow at the edges of the pustule. The plant blooms early and continues to smell fragrant up to 14 days. A varietal feature is a fragrant similarity with a rose. The flowers reach 18 cm in size. They will decorate any garden plot with their presence and are quite often used in composite bouquets.

These are neat bushes with large, strong stems and leaves saturated with greenery of an attractive configuration. The barrel part has a meter height. It is unpretentious in care and germinates in an unchangeable place for quite a long time. The seat should be well lit because of the plant's love for the sun.

seeds peony Raspberry Sunday
  • tint color compatibility;
  • attractive appearance;
  • low temperature tolerance;
  • carefree in care;
  • excellent expert reviews.
  • no.

Miss America

An incredible combination of rich yellow stamens and snow-white petals is a characteristic related to the presented inflorescences of the Miss America variety. The presence of a huge bud, reaching a diameter of 25 cm, is noted. A lush bush with massive white flowers and a bright green deciduous part will appeal to every owner of the garden. It will be a great addition to any landscape design. The capriciousness of the variety in planting and care is noted, unlike many other grassy peonies. It should be planted away from dampness, groundwater and buildings.

It retains a presentable appearance for a long time, is grown for cutting and fills the room with a pleasant smell.

The duration of flowering is medium, it begins in early spring and ends in June. Specificity is noted - with the onset of the winter season, shelter will not be required, as it calmly tolerates the cold. It has a developed root system and stable strong stems. Compact in size, fast growing shrubs. Can be found in Transbaikalia, in the Siberian region in natural conditions.

seeds peony Miss America
  • suitable for cutting;
  • large flower diameter;
  • a beautiful view of both the bush itself and the tops;
  • developed root;
  • stems are fragile.
  • not identified.

Duchesse de Nemours

It is considered a classic and is the most common type. A snow-white bud with green tints, gradually changing to a white-pearl range towards the edge. Used for territorial decoration. The smell can be compared to the aroma of lily of the valley. Freshly picked branches stand in water for up to 12 days, and therefore the flower is relevant for cutting.Recognizable by the splendor, spreading and height of the bush, which is one meter.

The time of fragrance and flowering lasts 20 days. The circumference of terry buds reaches 16 cm, and a distinctive feature is resistance to frost and shading. Ideal for the Moscow region, although it is adapted to different climates and frost-resistant. It is worth paying attention to the location of the kidneys - they are flush with the surface. Frequent care of the peony will improve the quality of flowering, give splendor to the bush.

peony seeds Duchesse de Nemours
  • delicate white bud;
  • winter tolerance;
  • voluminous foliage;
  • captivating beauty and scent.
  • not found.

Shirley Temple

The next variety that is in demand and has the most beautiful flowers is Shirley Temple. It got its name thanks to an actress from America, who was born with a small stature, and later the owner of an Oscar. The buds are spherical in shape, pale pinkish in color. The change in color to white occurs smoothly, as it blooms, around the end of the summer season. The bush reaches a maximum height of 90 cm, the diameter of the flower is 20 cm. Its leaves are rich in greenery, the flower itself is easy to maintain.

Gardeners plant a plant from August to October, flowering begins from early May to June and lasts until autumn. A number of observed conditions are important that must be met during planting in the soil: the material sinks close to the surface, and the soil loves fertilizer. On the eve of frost, it is important to shorten the stems, and then wrap the vegetation with peat, compost. It sprouts for a long time in one place and takes root in areas with different weather conditions.

seeds peony Shirley Temple
  • attractiveness;
  • massive buds;
  • flowering time;
  • easy to grow and care for.
  • not found.

Sarah Bernard

Represents the most common legendary decorative culture. Breeders bred this variety two centuries ago. The circumference of the buds (up to 20 cm) has a wide line of tones. The peony has a rich aroma and a luxurious leafy part, the petals are framed by a silvery border with a pinkish-crimson pustule.

Blooms in the second half of June. The thick stem part does not need support due to the heavy flowers. Spring planting is carried out in March. For good growth, a large hole is dug for a branched underground rhizome. The distance of the kidneys from the surface should be from 3 to 5 cm. After flowering, the ovary is cut off and left for the winter. Handles harsh winters well. The life cycle of a plant can last up to 50 years.

seeds peony Sarah Bernhardt
  • unpretentiousness;
  • popularity;
  • frost tolerance;
  • accelerated growth;
  • beautiful buds.
  • not identified.

The best varieties of tree peonies

The main difference between tree peonies and herbaceous counterparts is a height of up to 2 meters. In addition, they themselves shed their foliage, so there is no need to cut them on the eve of winter. There are other distinctive features: the plant has a solid tree-like stem, and the diameter of the flower is about 30 cm.
Often the buds are painted in several tones at once. Bright luxurious inflorescences are a magnificent decoration of a garden plot or vegetable garden. There are about 500 varieties of tree peonies in the world, and the best varieties are included in the rating.

  • solid massive trunk;
  • unpretentiousness of growth.
  • not fast growth.

Green Jade

Peonies of this variety, due to significant differences from most of the flowers of other varieties, are truly unique.The bushes are distinguished by a strong woody stem and large inflorescences of a pale salad color. And inside the bud - the petals, adjacent to each other quite tightly. The foliage is soft, slightly gleaming oval-shaped leaves. Plant height - up to 1.5 m, and they grow quickly.

This variety, although considered rare, is in stable demand, primarily due to the stunningly beautiful flowers that bloom in May or June. Flowering time is about a couple of weeks.

Peonies need protection from the vagaries of nature, such as wind and direct sunlight, and this must be taken into account when choosing a site for growing flowers. Optimal climatic conditions are either frosty winters or hot summers. For example, Moscow region. The first years after planting peonies should be covered for the winter. These bushes are a popular option for landscape design.

peony green jade seeds
  • beautiful flowers;
  • original shade;
  • successful decoration;
  • resistance to adverse conditions.
  • not found.

coral altar

The variety is quite common - after all, the appearance of the flower is in favor with almost every gardener. The coral altar, distinguished by the original shape of the petals and massive stems, grows up to 1.5 m. Peony inflorescences include a whole range of colors - from white to coral. Visually, these are pale pink peonies, the diameter of which is up to 20 cm. They have a crown shape.

During the flowering period, the peony exudes a magnificent, somewhat sweet aroma and delights the eye with beautiful flowers. There is no need to shelter him for the winter.

Peonies of this variety have good immunity to diseases and parasites and are not particularly demanding in terms of soil.Although, on fertile soil, this variety grows better. Regular exposure to the rays of the sun promises a real Garden of Eden, full of lush inflorescences. Summer residents, and landscape designers, fell in love with this variety, and they actively use it for planting - both single and in combination with other plants. Peonies of this variety are widely distributed in China.

peony seeds Coral Altar
  • disease resistance;
  • nice coral shade;
  • attractive shape;
  • popularity;
  • positive reviews.
  • not found.

Qiao sisters

The main feature of this stunning variety is a two-color bud. Half of it is creamy white, the other half is purple with a hint of red. The diameter of the flower is 16 cm, and the height of the bush is 1.3 m. Gardeners like to plant this variety inside a flower ensemble or as an independent bush. In their reviews, they noted good resistance to ailments.

Peonies of this variety bloom in June, and grow on different soils (both in the Moscow region and in harsh Siberia), but the ideal conditions for them are alkaline soil and plenty of sun. Such unpretentiousness and good adaptation to various climatic conditions captivates.
The Kiao sisters are the beauty and pride of the garden plot!

seeds peony Sisters Qiao
  • beauty and unusual appearance;
  • easy care;
  • resistance to frost and disease;
  • lots of good reviews.
  • not found.

Varieties of ITO peonies

A significant part of gardeners prefer ITO hybrids obtained through selection. This is the "golden mean" between tree-like and grassy peonies, and they took the best from each species.

On the eve of wintering, their ground part dies off, and as the heat sets in, it grows back. Height - about 1 m. The buds of hybrids are quite large.

Hybrids do not require any special care or close attention, and at the same time they will decorate any garden. Below are images of the most beautiful ITO peonies and descriptions for them.


These lush yellow flowers, with a bud diameter of 25 cm, have won more than one competition, and the demand for them is high. The edges of the bright yellow flowers are creamy. And together with juicy green foliage, they form an exquisite combination.

Some flowers have bright red strokes, which make them look even more spectacular. But the main difference between Bartzella and any other variety is an interesting aroma, in which notes of citrus are guessed.

Flowering begins at the end of June and lasts for a month. They are often cut off, and bouquets from them are much more expensive than compositions from classic varieties. The maximum height of the bush is 1 m. They do not need shelter, and they will endure the harsh winter near Moscow or Siberia without any problems.

Bartzella peony seeds
  • long flowering;
  • aroma;
  • brightness;
  • frost resistance;
  • large buds.
  • not found.

Pastel Splendor

The height of this neat bush with beautiful flowers of pale pink, cream or white is no more than 70 cm. The combination of delicate flowers and emerald green foliage attracts attention. And the core of sunny yellow color gives the flowers originality. One bush is able to form and, most importantly, hold 70 buds with a diameter of 17 cm. This variety will decorate the garden, and will organically fit into a gift bouquet composition.

Peonies bloom in May-July - this is a real celebration of the soul: a delicate and light aroma hovers around the garden. And the sun and timely watering guarantee rapid growth.

seeds peony Pastel Splendor
  • many buds on the stem;
  • strong stem;
  • growth;
  • compactness.
  • high cost.

Some Tips

Often, peonies become an alternative to roses, due to the fact that flower growers are rarely ready to take on the extra chores.

The first stage is the selection of varieties, after which they begin to search for a reliable supplier.

Second - When making a purchase in a chain store, you can purchase a re-sort. So, you should not rush to plant new flowers in the usual place.

Advice from practitioners: plant new items in a small school and wait for the first flowering, and only then choose a place for them.

The third stage is the determination of the landing date. Ordering planting material online with postal delivery is a risk of getting it in the spring. Planting in the spring will, at best, delay flowering, and at worst, kill the flowers. In the Middle lane, planting peonies is preferable in August or September, which is not always possible.

When buying peonies in the spring, you should plant them in open ground as soon as possible. Moreover, it is recommended to prepare a landing site in the fall.

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