
  1. Features of soldier dry rations
  2. Where can I buy
  3. Rating of popular daily soldier rations
  4. Rating of the best individual soldier dry rations for one meal
Rating of the best soldier rations for 2022

Rating of the best soldier rations for 2022

When conducting military operations or military training, there are no conditions for full-fledged cooking and hot dishes. In such situations, dry rations save the military. Food sets help to restore the spent energy and gain strength in a short time.

But not all products can be stored for a long time with the preservation of taste and useful qualities. Therefore, soldiers' rations must be collected in a certain way. Let's consider what products for the military include and what products have become the most popular among users in 2022.

Features of soldier dry rations

 Initially, an individual food ration (IRP) was created to help soldiers who fought, since they do not have the opportunity to cook food, eat fully and on time. Grocery items were supposed to contain such products that could help restore spent forces and allow the military to continue the fight.

But now the scope of their application has expanded significantly: grocery products are very popular with hunters, tourists, and fishermen.

There is also a daily individual diet (IRP-P), which is used, for example, in exercises, IRP-B - such a kit contains more calories and is more nutritious, as it is used during military operations.

To ensure that the food of the officers was not monotonous and more saturated, 7 different menu options were created. The main difference between them is the type of meat. Options are offered with different preservations of chicken or beef meat, pate. All 7 types of food are equally satisfying and high-calorie.

What types are

According to varieties, they can be divided into three types: diurnal, individual and civil.

Daily rations contain such products that are necessary to restore a person's energy costs per day. The total calorie content of the entire set contributes to the full replenishment of strength. But most military personnel argue that a ration intended for a day is enough for a longer time.

Individual food products are intended for feeding one soldier at a time (breakfast, lunch or dinner). Lunch rations will be richer and more nutritious than other options.

Civil dry rations are purchased by people who often go hiking, hunters, fishermen. That is, they also do not have the opportunity to cook a full meal on time. The civil IRP contains in its composition all the food products necessary for the restoration of strength.

Requirements for constituent products in dry rations

All individual diets differ in products and weight. But there are certain requirements that must be met when collecting a soldier's ration.

To prevent dirt, sunlight and dust from entering food, food packaging must be completely sealed.

The shelf life of all products that make up the army dry ration should be large. Also, their storage conditions should not be too demanding (for example, low or high temperature conditions or humidity, at which it is worth storing food).

The soldier's kit should not contain food that is considered perishable. It should include dairy and sour-milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits, some confectionery.

Preference is given to hypoallergenic and easily digestible products, as they will not cause malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the presence of fatty, spicy or salted foods is not recommended.

An individual diet should have in total such a percentage of energy and nutritional value that a person with an average physique needs.If this indicator is less, then the grocery ration will not be able to fully restore the body's costs.

What is included in the soldier's ration

Canned food is considered the most nutritious and high-calorie ingredients in a daily dry ration. They can be meat, vegetable, with cereals, as well as condensed milk. Preservation does not take place in ordinary cans, the material is a special polymer that is not affected by sunlight, chemical attack, and radiation. The weight of a tin can is less than that of a tin can.

The most popular are canned beef, vegetable stews, legumes or some types of cereals with meat, fish products, and even processed cheese and pate.

Almost all individual diets include wheat bread, some include chocolate pastes. The diet also includes army biscuits (bread), crackers, jam or marmalade, tea, sugar, salt, spices, and sometimes tomato sauce. Food products that are vacuum freeze-dried include cream, coffee, and soups.

In addition to the food ration, army dry rations are mandatory supplied with active additives with vitamins, water and wind resistant matches, disinfection wipes, disposable plastic utensils, water filtration tablets, and a can opener.

To be able to warm up food in the field, army rations include special warming tools. They can be dry fuel, flameless heaters or self-heating packaging. If dry fuel is used, the food will heat up faster than other types, but flameless ones work even with strong wind and high humidity.

Criterias of choice

The food product is selected depending on the taste desires and preferences of the user. You can buy IRP with canned beef, pork, chicken, or choose meatballs. There is a small selection of vegetables. Before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the options provided by the menu and, based on the information received, make a choice.

By appearance, you can choose a daily or individual army ration. If you are planning a short trip, then it is quite possible to get by with a dry ration intended for one meal. For a longer time, it is more advisable to purchase a daily grocery set.

If the main selection criterion is the manufacturer, then you should familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular brands that produce army rations. Of the domestic manufacturers, Army Weekdays, the Russian Army and Spetspit are considered the best. They produce food packages of different sizes and types.

In the case when foreign manufacturers are more interested, then the user is provided with products from MRE (America), Individual Meal Pack and Supper Menu (Canada), Einmannpackung (Germany), Military Ration (South Korea). All of them are completely different in taste characteristics, as each country has its own food preferences.

The cost of grocery items for a hike can vary from 300 to 2000 rubles. It depends on the internal content, single or daily use and brand.

Where can I buy

The military, if necessary (exercises or conduct of hostilities), are provided with dry rations free of charge, at the expense of the state.

But if dry army rations are purchased for personal use, for example, on a hike, fishing or hunting, then you should contact the military department in your city.

In the absence of a store that sells various military goods, you should seek help from an online store. They also provide the opportunity to buy dry rations, offer a wide selection of different composition and pricing policy.

Also on the site you can get acquainted with new arrivals of goods in this category or the most popular models that are purchased most often.

Each product has a detailed description: what is included in the composition, total weight, manufacturer. If there are product reviews, it is strongly recommended to study them in more detail.

After the final choice is made, an online order is placed. The method of payment for the goods can be a transfer to a card or cash on delivery upon receipt and consideration of the product.

Rating of popular daily soldier rations

Army everyday life Scout IRP-RS No. 2

The composition includes one package of pork stew weighing 250 grams, as well as two types of cereals with pork (buckwheat and rice) in the amount of 1 piece, the weight of each sealed package is 250 grams.

In addition, an individual diet is supplemented with chicken pate and minced sausage. Both products have a weight of 100 grams. Processed cheese in a single quantity weighing 80 grams and army biscuits made from wheat flour of the first grade - 4 packs weighing 200 grams.

As for confectionery products, apple jam (45 grams package) and one orange bar weighing 50 grams are offered.

As spices, an army ration contains salt and ground black pepper in one copy weighing 5 and 1 gram, respectively. From drinks - instant tea with sugar (1 bag) and granulated coffee (2 bags). Also, in addition to the food set, there is granulated sugar - two packages weighing 40 grams each.

In order to purify and disinfect water, there are 3 special tablets. The ration is completed with packages of a flameless food heater, disinfectant and paper napkins, as well as plastic spoons. All items in the amount of three pieces.

The total weight of a soldier's ration is 1.7 kg, the total energy value is 4233 kcal, proteins - 104 grams, carbohydrates - 212 grams, fats - 312 grams. Shelf life 22 months, store at a temperature of 0 to 22 degrees.

The cost of a grocery set is about 1000 rubles.

Army everyday life Scout IRP-RS No. 2
  • Delicious ration content;
  • Suitable for a gift.
  • Not detected.

IRP "Reinforced" Army Special Forces, daily allowance 1.7kg"

The products included in the composition are designed for daily intake.

Dry rations for tourists and hunters contain the following meat products: buckwheat porridge with beef stew, barley with beef, stewed potatoes with stewed beef, as well as meat pate and 4 packs of biscuit army bread.

From vegetable snacks IRP is supplemented with canned marrow caviar. For sweets, fruit jam is offered.

As drinks are instant natural coffee (2 grams), two bags of black long leaf tea, tonic concentrate for the drink. Additionally, there are three packages of granulated sugar with a total weight of 45 grams, salt, pepper and dried cream.

To warm up food, the dry ration has a portable heater, water- and wind-resistant matches. For water purification it is completed with a special tool. The composition also includes paper and disinfectant wipes (3 pieces of each type) and plastic spoons - 3 pieces.

The weight of the entire product is 1.7 kg, the shelf life is 730 days, storage conditions are from 0 to 25 degrees Celsius.

The price is also about 1000 rubles.

IRP "Reinforced" Army Special Forces, daily allowance 1.7kg"
  • Beautiful packaging;
  • Convenient to take on a hike;
  • Availability of a portable heater;
  • Delicious products.
  • Little sugar.

"Alarming", SpecialPit, Russia

This type is smaller and lighter in comparison with similar daily sets of an individual diet. Suitable for both military and general users.

The composition includes canned meat (beef) with a volume of 250 grams and meat and vegetable (2 types of cereals with beef) 500 grams, as well as liver pate (packing 100 gr.) And biscuits. From dessert - fruit jam, the weight of this food product is 90 grams.

An individual diet is supplemented with black long leaf tea in the amount of three bags and sugar. Also included are 6 waterproof and windproof matches and a portable food warmer in the field.

The energy value of the entire dry ration is 2531 kcal, 154 gr. fat, 83 gr. proteins m 207 gr. carbohydrates. The weight of the set is 1.25 kg, the shelf life is 2 months. The price is just over 1000 rubles.

"Alarming", SpecialPit, Russia
  • Small size.
  • Relatively high cost.

Rating of the best individual soldier dry rations for one meal

Spetspit Intermediate 700 g

Designed for a one-time meal in the field. A great option for hunters, fishermen or tourists.

A dry army ration includes canned meat and vegetable content weighing 250 grams, processed cheese 80 grams (sterilized), spices in the form of salt and black pepper (20 and 5 grams respectively), a 20-gram package of sugar. It also contains wheat biscuits - 50 grams and jam from apples weighing 45 grams.

To satisfy thirst, the diet is completed with a tonic drink and a package of black tea (long leaf). Paper, disinfectant wipes and a plastic spoon, 1 each.

The total energy value is 1329 kcal, of which 76 gr. fat, 33 gr. proteins and 131 gr. carbohydrates.

Shelf life - 22 months, its volume - 700 grams. The cost of the diet is within 700 rubles.

Spetspit Intermediate 700 g
  • Long shelf life;
  • Compact;
  • Delicious contents of the set.
  • Not detected.

Army everyday life of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Federal Penitentiary Service for 1 meal OPRP

The products that make up this dry army ration completely satisfy hunger in conditions where it is impossible to prepare a full meal.

The set includes buckwheat porridge with beef (canned 250 gr.), 1 bag of black tea, 20 grams of granulated sugar and 2 packs of wheat flour biscuits.

In addition, the dry ration contains a set of plastic utensils: a plate, a spoon and a glass. The weight of the entire composition is 400 grams. Shelf life is 2 years thanks to sealed packaging.

The energy value of the entire IRP is 957 kcal, which includes 104 gr. carbohydrates, 49 gr. fat and 23 gr. proteins.

The price of the IRP is from 319 rubles.

Army everyday life of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Federal Penitentiary Service for 1 meal OPRP
  • Long shelf life;
  • Convenient packaging.
  • Not detected.

Army weekdays Lunch number 2 for 1 meal OPRP

Such a grocery set will completely replace a complex lunch. The main food in it is: chicken soup with a volume of 300 grams, pilaf with chicken and vegetables (250 grams) and a pack of squash caviar weighing 100 grams, two packs of biscuits. All products are provided in one copy.

Dessert is 45 grams of apple jam. Also includes black tea, sugar, salt and black pepper. The power is heated by a portable heater with an ignition composition and a grater plate.

To clean and disinfect the water in the kit there is a special tablet. IRP provides for the presence of a disinfectant, a paper napkin and a plastic spoon.

The energy value of the product is 2100 kcal, proteins are 45 g, fats are 92 g and carbohydrates are 195 g. IRP weight - 1 kg, shelf life is 2 years.

In addition to dry rations, intended as an alternative to lunch, the manufacturer also produces similar sets that will serve as breakfast and dinner.

You can buy dry army rations to replace lunch in the field for about 500 rubles.

Army weekdays Lunch number 2 for 1 meal OPRP
  • Long shelf life;
  • Balanced composition.
  • Not detected.

The presented individual diets, which can be used by both a civilian and a military man, have become the most popular in 2022. Their advantages are that they will save any user from hunger under circumstances that do not allow you to cook food yourself. Moreover, hermetic packaging does not allow products to become contaminated and deteriorate.

Initially, dry rations were more scarce in terms of quantity of products and taste.But this industry is developing, and with each new development of dry rations it gets better.

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