
  1. About delivery
  2. Rating of the best food and goods delivery services in Ufa in 2022

Rating of the best food and goods delivery services in Ufa in 2022

Rating of the best food and goods delivery services in Ufa in 2022

The frantic pace of today's life leaves so little time for family and friends. Fortunately, there are more and more online services that help save time. One of them is grocery delivery. Before you make your first order in an online store, check out the pros and cons of this type of service. And also, where is the best place to order delivery of products and goods in Ufa.

About delivery


Advantages of grocery delivery services:

  1. Saving time. In order to buy groceries, you do not need to pack up and go to the store or bypass supermarkets on your way home from work. To fill the empty shelves of the refrigerator, just go to the page of the online store, make a choice from the proposed range of products and order delivery.
  2. Many online services offer round-the-clock delivery services. This is convenient, because most convenience stores are usually open until 23.00. If for some reason it was not possible to purchase products on time, place an order, and everything you need will be delivered by couriers of the online store. It is especially important to use services of this type after returning from business trips or travel.
  3. Online stores that value their reputation pay great attention to the choice of suppliers and value their customers. Therefore, with a high degree of probability, the delivered products will be of high quality and fresh.
  4. Placing an order online will save you time and effort. No need to go to the supermarket, look for a parking space, examine the contents of the shelves in search of the necessary products. No need to carry heavy bags. The only thing that is required is to sit in your favorite chair, go to the online store, study the names of the goods, put the necessary products in the “basket”, and then calmly do household chores while waiting for the order.
  5. Online shopping can help you save money. Indeed, in this case, the price of products does not include the cost of rent, the salary of the staff of sellers, loaders, cashiers, etc. The number of people working with goods in the delivery service is much smaller, respectively, and the markup on products is also minimal. Remember that this applies only to stores that have a warehouse and constantly replenish the range of goods, and not to services that deliver from supermarkets.
  6. Delivery of ready-made food is a popular service of online stores. The range is usually wide. From simple salads and pizza to hot dishes that are not inferior in taste and presentation to restaurant dishes.This is true when there is not enough time for cooking or in cases where you need to quickly set the table for an unplanned party with friends.
  7. Variety of goods. Often, grocery delivery services offer a range of products, vegetables and fruits that are not inferior in quantity and variety to hypermarkets. And in some cases, only in online stores you can find delicacies that are not available in stores or supermarkets in the city. And since many companies collect the order at several points, then, most likely, the courier will bring exactly what is needed.


Ordering groceries or ready-made meals in online stores has its drawbacks:

  1. Additional expenses. Some online stores include in the price a fee for order collection services (packaging and searching for the necessary products), delivery. And the provision of the service "delivery to the door" is often provided subject to a separate payment.
  2. When ordering products online, the buyer does not have the opportunity to evaluate the goods visually, for color and smell. You have to trust the employee of the company in everything.
  3. There may be errors when collecting an order. Large online stores are usually attentive to this, but no one has canceled the human factor. Therefore, it is possible that the store employee will bring not the products that were originally indicated when placing the order.
  4. It is impossible to accurately determine the delivery time. The courier may not be in time for the appointed time. There can be many reasons (city traffic jams, employee irresponsibility, car breakdown). This option will be a serious drawback in the operation of the service, especially if urgent delivery of products is required.
  5. In case of dishonest order assembly, there is a chance to receive products of poor quality, expired, damaged packaging, etc. Boxes or fruits may be wrinkled during transport. Of course, you can return the damaged goods, but you will have to place an order again, respectively, wait for delivery.
  6. Some stores only deliver on a specific route, which is determined by areas closer to the city center. Placing an order with courier delivery to remote areas will cost an order of magnitude more expensive or even impossible.
  7. Online stores that specialize in home delivery of products, as a rule, operate only in large cities; such services are not available for residents of small towns.
  8. When ordering ready meals, you can not check their quality. After all, it is not known who cooked, from what products, under what conditions, whether sanitary standards were observed during cooking.

Helpful Hints

  1. If there are several online stores in the city, you should give preference to those that have been delivering products for a long time and have managed to gain a good reputation with customers. Study customer reviews on the seller's website and other online resources, ask for recommendations from friends.
  2. Before placing an order, carefully read the information on the site, the terms of sale, the obligations of the buyer and seller, payment methods. What solutions does the store offer in case of disputes, what are the conditions for returning goods. Knowing the information necessary for the consumer, it will be much easier to solve the problem situations that have arisen related to the work of the courier or the service itself.
  3. Do not rush to leave a signature on the form, which automatically gives consent to receive goods in accordance with the quantity and assortment. Recalculate the number of goods brought by the courier, matching the names with those specified in the order form. Check the packaging (it should not be damaged, wrinkled), study the compliance with the expiration dates declared by the manufacturer. If you find a delay, a discrepancy in terms of names and quantity, or a torn box, feel free to refuse to receive the goods.
  4. Pay for the ordered products in cash, after checking and receiving the goods. Paying by card on the site at checkout is, of course, much more convenient. But in cases where a refund is required, you will have to contact the store, and the procedure itself will take some time.

Rating of the best food and goods delivery services in Ufa in 2022

In the modern world, every businessman tries to distinguish himself from his competitors by offering new services for his customers. One of them is home delivery, and this applies not only to trade, but also to various services. Many people call this approach a shop (service) on the couch. Most often, you can meet the delivery of goods or ready-made food, but today the delivery of products has also begun to develop rapidly. In Ufa, for ordering food, you can use both universal and specialized services. If the former are based on the fact that they replace the usual shopping trip, then the latter offer certain groups of products.

"Hyper to the house"

The service has been operating for quite a long time and specializes in the delivery of food from such large hypermarkets as Auchan, Metro, Lenta. You can also order goods from other networks, including local ones.

The delivery service does not charge any commissions, so the cost of the products is equal to the store price tags. The earnings of the service are based only on payment by customers for the delivery of goods. Couriers always bring a check, so prices can always be compared.

The management of the service notes that they choose only fresh food, so you don’t have to worry about delivering late or illiquid goods.

Of course, the service has its drawbacks, and the most important of them is a limited assortment. With a real trip to the store, there are much more goods. If a product is not available, then you need to look for a replacement or cancel the order, which is also not very convenient.

The cost of delivery depends on how far away the customer lives and the number of supermarkets where food needs to be purchased. Approximately it will be 150-500 rubles. However, if the weight of the order exceeds 30 kilograms, then you will need to pay another 150 rubles.

To receive an order on the same day before 16:00, you must leave an application before 11:00. If the order is placed from 11:00 to 16:00, it will be delivered before 23:00.

☎: 8-800-700-63-57

  • the delivery service does not charge any commissions;
  • only fresh food.
  • limited assortment;
  • the impossibility to know in advance the full cost and availability of products at the moment, the availability of goods can be found out only after the order has been processed - the operator calls and reports the total amount.

"Garden of Eden"

The service is associated with an online store that offers fruits, vegetables and spices instead of the usual goods. The list of offered vegetables and fruits is very impressive, in addition, here you can order sweets, tea, mushrooms and dried fruits.

Delivery in Ufa is made in the time interval from 12:00 to 20:00, to areas located within 25 km from the capital - from 10:00 to 22:00. However, if the application is left after 12:00, the products will be delivered only the next day.

Free delivery is made with an order amount of 500 rubles (Zaton direction) and 1000 rubles (other areas of the city). If the order does not meet these conditions, then the cost of delivery will be 200 rubles.

☎: +7 (904) 737-18-76

  • an impressive list of vegetables and fruits offered;
  • convenient delivery time.
  • not seen.


This is a famous chain of cafes and culinary establishments in Bashkiria. Not so long ago, the list of their services was replenished with home delivery of dishes.

You can order here both ready-made pastries and dishes, as well as semi-finished products. Most often, customers leave requests for pizza, sausages, bread and set meals.

For people who are very busy at work, this is an indispensable assistant, because with such a service and assortment, you can completely save yourself from the need to cook.

Delivery is made from 9:00 to 21:00, and it can be absolutely free with a total order amount of more than 1000 rubles. If the client lives in the city center, this amount is halved. Payment is accepted both in cash and by card.

☎: 223-00-77

  • excellent assortment;
  • several types of payment.
  • not detected.


This is an online store where you can order your favorite sweets and snacks from the most popular manufacturers. These include Kirieshki, Babkin's seeds, Yashkino and so on.

Most of all, the price tag pleases the client here, because for many products on this site the price is lower than in stores.Add pleasure and free delivery, which is already done when ordering products for only 300 rubles. Also in the online store you can order nuts, tea, flour.

Delivery of products is made on the day of the order from 9:00 to 21:00, and the service works seven days a week, including holidays. You can choose a specific delivery time. Payment is accepted by the courier.
A distinctive feature of the service is the work not only with individuals, but with legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs. Contracts are concluded with them and special offers are offered.

☎: +7 919 610‑96-88;

Address: ave. October, 105

  • the price is lower than in stores;
  • several types of payment;
  • work not only with individuals, but with legal entities.
  • not detected.

102 FISH

The service is specialized, so you can order a narrow range of food here, namely fish and seafood.

The range includes:

  • fresh-frozen, smoked, dried, salted fish;
  • frozen shrimp and squid;
  • semi-finished products;
  • canned food;
  • caviar;
  • liver.

Despite the fact that the assortment is really very wide, there is no fresh (chilled) fish here. The seller notes that all products are frozen only once.

Shipping costs depend on how far the products need to be shipped. For the center it is 200 rubles, for other districts it is 100 rubles more. Orders can be placed any day from 10:00. However, if on weekdays this can be done before 23:00, then on weekends only until 20:00.

☎: +7–987–246–01–01

  • good assortment;
  • order can be placed on any day;
  • work not only with individuals, but with legal entities.
  • not detected.


Yarmarka also has its own website, where you can order almost any products and goods for use. Most often, customers leave requests for the delivery of dairy products, meat, sausages, canned food, fish, pastries, tea, coffee, frozen goods, and more. Here you can order even household chemicals. However, the speed of the service is slow.

Delivery in this online store is made only when ordering products for more than 400 rubles and its cost is only 70 rubles. Products will be delivered to the city center free of charge if the order amount exceeds 1000 rubles. There is no such offer for remote areas.

In order for the products to arrive on the day of the order, you must send the application before 19:00. The online store starts its work at 9:00.

Products will be delivered only to the entrance if the weight of the order exceeds 50 kilograms.

☎: +7 (347) 255-70-03, 255-70-08

st. Stepan Kuvykin, 31
  • food will be delivered to the city center free of charge;
  • order can be placed on any day;
  • work not only with individuals, but with legal entities.
  • Service speed is slow.


The company specializes in urgent courier delivery in the capital of Bashkiria. Services here are provided not only physical. persons, but also legal entities. The company is a partner of many restaurants and online stores.

Also through this service you can send parcels, documents, flowers and even cargo weighing up to one and a half tons. Today, the delivery of products is gaining momentum.

However, the range of services does not end there. The service is ready to cooperate with any organizations. Including organizing the delivery of goods to restaurants, online stores, supermarkets.

The site works around the clock, and is distinguished by its speed.You can leave a request here, spending only a minute of your time. The clients of the service are especially pleased with the absence of unnecessary negotiations and incomprehensible call centers.

When making a delivery, you can choose the desired courier - on foot or by car, which allows you to independently adjust the speed and cost of delivery.

Address: Ufa, st. Kirov house 52


  • quick calculation of the cost of delivery;
  • the courier is appointed within 7 minutes after the application is processed;
  • you can arrange delivery without registration, both freight and courier;
  • the ability to change the delivery route, even if the courier has already left - the data is updated immediately;
  • Payment for delivery is made to any specified address. The service works with bank transfer and QIWI;
  • each address receives an SMS notification about the completion of the order.
  • not detected.

Delivery of goods is carried out in various ways:

  • a car;
  • freight car;
  • walking courier.

Each buyer decides for himself whether to use the grocery delivery service or go to the store. Someone likes to go shopping and feel and choose goods for themselves with their own hands, while someone does not have enough time for this. Delivery services will help save it for customers!

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